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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. 45 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

    Am not sure why long discussions. Interact with light, choose easy, hard, normal modes. For easy mode just boss have shorter life pool, and shard rewards are lesser. Say 1/3? Then of course reduced mechanics about 1/3 of hard. This not rocket science. Just implement it already. Causals also want a feel on raids, and some will scale to fight normal/hard modes. 

    Sure so long as no LI are rewarded along with no achievement/collection progression in the easy mode. 

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  2. For skyscale you need the entire 4th season unlocked. 

    Augury Rock isn’t complicated. You show up when it starts and do the escort to gain access. You can then get the part of the collection you need there. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

    I suppose you could read it that way.  I will attempt to clarify.  Even though numbers wise most other MMO's have more problems than GW2,  A wide range of problems.  However GW2 problems maybe less but are a lot more prominent and destructive to game play or the enjoyment of the game.  Not only that but the problems are mainly home made hard decisions.  Haha! Were I expect most of the problems with other MMO's was the lack of hard decisions.

    The problems with other MMO's are weak and basically just create a slightly more boring experience than they should.

    Do you get where I'm going? 



    Thank you for adding clarification to your post.

    I personally disagree that there’s anything that can be done to GW2 to have it overtake WoW, FF14, or ESO. That ship sailed with the decisions they made prior to the game launching and the choices they continued to make after. 

  4. The OP is confusing sandbox with open world. While all sandboxes are part of the open world concept, not all open worlds are sandboxes. Similar to the fingers and thumbs saying. 

    I don’t believe a sandbox would really work for an MMO and it appears the majority of studios agree as they don’t do it. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

    I've said it a million times, GW2 is so close to being unbeatable. To hold the MMO crown.  There just a few things holding it back, and they are few compared to problems with other MMO's.  If A-Net only had the manpower, cash and will to bring the game out into the light and stop ignoring the bloody obvious.


    Look at the mounts in GW2.  I mean look at them.  They are kitten 100% perfect.  The guys that designed those mounts should be running the show.

    Well considering that the other MMOs are performing significantly better despite having more problems according to your post….

  6. 6 hours ago, Yggranya.5201 said:

    I'll just chime in to explain the obvious then: the difference is that someone using a portal to teleport people to the end of a JP are doing it on purpose for the benefit of others (unless they are the greedy few demanding handouts) while leechers are doing it solely for their own benefit riding on the shoulders of other players. How could you NOT see the obvious difference.

    You’re comparing apples to oranges in a sense as you’re flipping the sides of the parties in the two situations.  You should be comparing those skipping the JP to those leeching an event. 

    By your own post, those who do not do pre-events are leechers as well as they’re relying on others to do them in order to get their reward from the meta. All those who do not participate in the pre-events for metas such as Shadow Behemoth, Maw, Fire Ele, Modniir, and so on are just as guilty. Perhaps efforts be directed to those players as well rather than just those at the Dragonstorm meta?


    If we’re going take effort one takes into consideration, perhaps efforts should be directed at condemning those who just do auto attacks during metas and/or provide very little DPS forcing others having to work harder/longer to make up for it?

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Its because it let him consume all 51 stacks of Zhaitaffy at once even though  there appears to be a limit. It would be like Mawdry II eating 50 stacks of Bloodstone dust but only giving 5 gifts.

    Oh. I must have missed the part of it consuming all stacks at once. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Styopa.2538 said:

    Ah ok....so to you "immoral" has to go over a certain bar of importance / meaning?

    So stealing a single piece of gum from a candy store...not immoral then?  It's inconsequential.  They're absolutely not even going notice, much less suffer financially for it.

    So ...is that a fundamentally immoral act?

    Please don’t use hyperbole. 

    There’s an obvious difference between stealing something and putting in the minimum effort in a video game.

  9. How often have they ever done last minute changes to something off the feedback from previews?  

    My gut reaction for most preview requests is that they are borne more out of impatience than wanting to make actual changes. Anet has very little history of making adjustments prior to releasing something with practically all instances I can think of being in regards to balance updates. It’s much more unlikely for them to change some feature of the legendary armory prior to its release. 


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  10. 35 minutes ago, Seb De Tyra.3421 said:

    I really don't get what people see in FFXIV or ESO? ESO feels like it completely ripped off GW2 if anything ( wvw, similar node PvP, map design, dodge roll, public events, map completion. I could go on)  but has barely any classes and the combat feels clunky and weird. 


    FFXIV, I got stuck for things to do after playing for 6 months and making 5 of that game's version legendaries. The way it takes skills away from you when you're doing old content as if you were that level was just unbearable. 


    GW2 was not the first game to have those concepts so you cannot simply claimed that they took them from it.  Not everyone wants to play what feels like an MMO on training wheels (imo). 

  11. Looks like players are having issues getting credit for the Research in Rata Novus mission that I mentioned could potentially have issues several weeks ago. 

    I wonder if players will have the same issue next week or will these instances be tested first prior to going live. 

    EDIT: Probably not this week as it’s the first instance and is pretty much immediately accessible upon starting the episode. 

  12. 24 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Ah yea, because Ayrilana was talking about "health benefits" as a catch-all term.  Specifically look for eyestrain influenced by large differences in screen and ambient lighting.

    I’ll try to be less ambiguous in the future when I try to use catch all phrases as well as make sure make sure my stance is also mentioned if there’s a possibility that  my post could be interpreted to one side or another which I did not intend. 

    • Haha 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Yes, you responded to my post with something that had nothing to do with my post, like talking past someone.  Common courtesy when quoting someone is to acknowledge what they actually wrote, not talk about something other people wrote.


    Edit: (Also I can't find exactly in the earlier discussion where anyone said dark mode offers health benefits over light mode.  There's only the OP who said the light mode is triggering their migraines and is unpleasant to look at especially at night time.)

    “Health benefits” was my catch all for things like less eye strain and such.  

    I’m not sure why I have to do a run through of the discussion when it’s clear as day when simply going back to the previous page but here goes…


    I responded to Witch of Doom’s post which was in response to my actual first post where I commented about the screen would be very bright in a dimly lit room. You then responded to my post about web design and such. So technically YOU diverted the conversation away by talking about something unrelated. 


  14. 2 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    I don't need to read even past the first paragraph of your first linked article to tell how you just posted something that goes against your earlier claim that dark mode is just an aesthetic preference.  LOL.  How clever of you to delete your earlier post!


    "whereas some people with cataract and related disorders may perform better with dark mode. On the flip side, long-term reading in light mode may be associated with myopia."

    We don’t have the ability to delete our own posts. Simply try to delete your own to confirm that. 

    Have you read the rest of my posts where I specifically stated a few exceptions?

    • Confused 1
  15. Just to reiterate, I was never against dark mode as I’m generally not against options that can be toggled. Perhaps I should have led with that in my initial post (which I’ll edit to include although it’s probably too late). What I was against were some of the reasons being used that have no proven backing (yet). All of the research that I have read has been inconclusive. .  

    • Confused 1
  16. 59 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Regarding eye adaptation, don't you understand why the airline industry and the military have experimented with orange and red colors and background lighting for instruments and monitors during nighttime conditions?  There is no "adapt better to black text on white background too."  Light adaptation is the adjustment eyes make to provide vision during bright light conditions like daytime while dark adaptation is the adjustment they make to low light conditions like night time.  It can take up to half an hour for the human eye to adjust.  When the range in luminosity between ambient light and a screen is great, it can cause eye strain as the eyes struggle to adapt.  Dark text on light background tends to be better for bright ambient light conditions while light text on dark background does so for low light conditions.









  17. 2 hours ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

    You've been rallying against almost every option for 5+ years using false dichotomies and false dilemmas.......lol. your posting history contradicts the above statement.


    Nope on both accounts.  Please keep the discussion to the subject and not make it personal like in the previous thread.

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