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Everything posted by HeliosMagi.9867

  1. Staff 3 should provide its boons and heals regardless of whether an enemy or ally is targetted. If you really want an ally target skill on Warrior Staff, the 4 skill would make way more sense. Staff 4 enemy target would pull enemies and CC just like it does currently, its ally target effect could pull downed allies toward you. That would make way more sense.
  2. I would actually really like legendary infusions as long as they combined the functionality of Stat, Agony, and WvW infusions.
  3. Heightened Focus changed to Shared Focus, with a completely new effect: Shared Focus: gain Adrenaline when granting boons to allies. Burst skills extend the duration of boons on allies. Adrenaline gained: 5 Boon Extension: 2s Decapitate Boon Extension: 1/2s Allied Targets: 5 Radius: 600 Cooldown: 1/4s This would fix Support Warrior's problems with Adrenaline generation while also giving us a little more breathing room with boon uptime, particularly with Vigor and Protection, allowing us to delay swapping to WH if need for the former and letting us save Staff 3 for the big Heal/Aegis for the latter. It's also in flavor with the rest of Discipline, which is a bonus. Support Bladesworn Buffs River's Flow: now also improves outgoing healing. Lush Forest: In addition to its current effect, the first round of each Ammo skill also grants Swiftness and Vigor to allies. Cooldown reduced to 1/4s. Daring Dragon: Effect reverted to its previous version; Immortal Dragon: Reworked. Dragon Slash does less damage per charge but charges twice as fast. Grant Alacrity and Regeneration to allies when using Dragon Slash. Dragon Slash heals allies based on number of charges consumed. All of the proposed changed could be summed up as being filling in the holes caused by Bladesworn not having Weapon Swap or regular Burst Skills. The Lush Forest change fixes not being able to use Warhorn, and Immortal Dragon is a substitute for Staff F1.
  4. I would like if Staff 4 in addition to its current effects could pull downed allies to you. One of the few ways allied targeting would actually make sense.
  5. Please either let us join any Strike from any portal, or even better add a universal Strike portal to the Aerodrome in Lion's Arch.
  6. Staff 5 is Power Thief's only really good option for 5-target damage, but the high Initiative holds it back from being really viable. By default you only have enough Initiative to use it twice, and the two main ways to fix it are sub optimal for most Power Builds (Trickery isn't used by Power builds, and Maleficent Seven has the issues of Staff's stealth attack being really weak and Staff not having a built-in way to access Stealth.) My suggested fix is to make Vault refund a portion of the Initiative spent when striking a certain amount of foes at the same time, similar to how Unload refunds Initiative if all shots hit. "When hitting 3 or more targets, gain 3 Initiative" for example would make Vault a powerful option when there are many targets to cleave without overshadowing the rest of Staff's weapon skills.
  7. GW2 Hook is an addon based on Rehsade that allows you to disable bloom and fog while keeping the rest of the ingame postprocessing. This appeals to me because while I like how vivid the colors are when postprocessing is on, I hate how the fog and bloom blurs everything. This addon has to hook itself into the game similar to ArcDPS in order to work, so before I use it I want confirmation that installing this won't result in any consequences for my account, as I don't think prettier graphics are worth risking a potential ban.
  8. 100% Resistance uptime. Although that's purely through Banner of Tactics and not anything to do with Staff. Really nice on the few fights where it really matters though.
  9. Certainly a diamond in the rough. It has some rough edges that need smoothing out, but I can seem myself regularly playing Heal Warrior with it once it's refined a bit more. At the bare minimum, it needs these changes: 1. A source of Adrenaline generation. Staff is really starved for Adrenaline on Berserker because there are no support-focus Adrenaline generated traits. The best way I found to make it work in the beta is to run Burst Mastery + Signet of Rage, which isn't ideal because you give up access to a 5-man Rez from Battle Standard. IMO a good place to add it would be to make Berserker's Eternal Champion trait grant adrenaline when granting boons to others in PvE in addition to its current effects. 2. The ally-targeting stuff on Staff 3 needs to go. It should outputs its boons and healing to allies regardless of what I have targeted. I would take this a step further and move the Protection from Staff 3 onto 2, so that we can save 3 for on-demand healing and aegis instead of spamming it off-cooldown for protection. And of course, changing the base animation from Rush to Phantom Onslaught would also be a good idea. In addition, I would also like to the base Vigor on Warhorn 5 extended by 2-5 seconds, since even with Alacrity and 100% Boon duration you never build up more than a small buffer, and it's very easy to drop Vigor uptime in the heat of combat. Similarly I'd like sources of group Swiftness and Vigor added to Bladesworn, as since it can't weapon swap it has no access to Swift and Vigor at all.
  10. Gonna echo everyone else sentiment about Staff 3 ally targeting, it should output its boons and healing regardless of whether an enemy or ally is targeted. To take it a step further, I would also like to see the Protection moved off of Staff 3 and onto Staff 2, so that we can save Staff 3 for on-demand Aegis and Healing instead of having to spam it off-cooldown to maintain Protection.
  11. I otherwise really like how post processing makes the game look, everything is just so much brighter and vibrant, but the bloom ruins it for me, it just adds unnecessary blur and can even make certain mechanics harder to see. I'd love to be able to play with the vividness of post-processing without the blur of bloom.
  12. On Wing 7's final boss the Pylon Kiters need to be able to grab the orbs without being outside the range of their Pylon long enough for it to tether to the boss, and shadowstep effects are the only thing fast enough to consistently do that.
  13. On Wing 7's final boss the Pylon Kiters need to be able to grab the orbs without being outside the range of their Pylon long enough for it to tether to the boss, and shadowstep effects are the only thing fast enough to consistently do that.
  14. Something else to bring up, through this isn't about Staff but rather Support Warrior as a whole, on Heal Berserker the base Vigor duration on Warhorn's Call of Valor should either be extended by 2-5 seconds, or a source of Vigor added to Staff. As it is now timing is tight enough where even with 100% Boon Duration and Alacrity you don't get much of a buffer and it's easy to drop it in the heat of combat. On that same note Bladesworn should also get a source of Swiftness and Vigor, since it can't weapon swap to Warhorn for those. Maybe make Lush Forest or Daring Dragon make Gunsaber skills grant those boons in addition to their current effects?
  15. Then you have the different problems of the adrenaline trait occupying the same column as another trait that support warrior REALLY wants. Replace Leg Specialist with it, then you can't run Soldier's Comfort, replace Warrior's Cunning and then you can't run Shrug It Off or Empower Allies. The problem to solve with a support adrenaline trait is it needs to be put somewhere where it won't interfere with other support traits, but at the same time won't enable degenerate interactions for other builds. I suggested Eternal Champion because it's a 'safe' place to put it.
  16. Counterpoint, putting a 'healing/boons generate adrenaline' trait into Tactics or Discipline could result in Power Quick Berserker abusing it to be able to output way too much DPS, even more so than what they're doing now. Putting in Eternal Champion would be an effective way to balance it, since that way it couldn't be used alongside Bloody Roar or King of Fires. The other viable support e-spec, Bladesworn, already has a healing-to-flow trait in the form of River's Flow, so I do see why Berserker can't have something similar.
  17. Just got back from testing out Quick Heal Berserker in some Strikes, and for someone that doesn't normally play support, I found it very fun and I didn't have much trouble keeping my group alive. My main issues with it were needing to Ally Target to maintain Protection, and inability to generate sufficient adrenaline without making substantial sacrifices to my utility. My suggestions are the same as everyone above me, make Staff 3 provide Protection regardless of who you target, and give Support Berserker some way to generate adrenaline without needing to resort utilities or Rage signet.
  18. Or into one of Berserker's grandmaster traits, since right now none of them are relevant to support build. Like Eternal Champion, make it grant Adrenaline when granting boons to allies in PvE, since that trait is otherwise useless in PvE.
  19. I think an even better solution would be a trait that grants adrenaline upon granting a boon to an ally. That way it would also help with adrenaline generation on X/Warhorn in addition to staff. Fun fact, the 3rd hit of the Dagger auto-chain applies area might. And it should be said, such an effect should either be added to a trait we're already using, or on something that already doesn't have anything support-relevant in its column. DO NOT make it compete with essential traits like Soldier's Comfort or Vigorous Shouts.
  20. Why is everyone ignoring how good the AoE is? Axe 2 and 3 can hit up to 15 targets, that's amazing! One of Thief's biggest weaknesses in PvE was a lack of cleave for add phases or swarms of trash mobs, and Axe fills that niche quite nicely.
  21. The cleave on Axe 2 and 3 is incredible, exactly what Thieves needed for open world and add phases. Please DO NOT nerf the amount of targets this can tag. I would suggest swapping the duel wield attacks, making Dagger the power offhand and Pistol condi, since Power builds in general care more about stealth attacks to dump Malice and need Dagger 5 to do that consistently. On a related note, Orchestrated Assault does not generate any Malice, this is likely a bug. The Malicious Stealth attack should also be re-tooled to be power-based instead of condi, since Deadeye is predominantly a Power spec.
  22. I've been brainstorming ideas for what I'd like to see if Warrior ever got access to MH Pistol to compliment his offhand one, and flavor-wise I drew inspiration from hand cannons, grenade launchers, and sawn-off shotguns. I recommend imagining these with one of the bigger pistol skins such as The Keenest Cut. 1: Shrapnel Round Fire a shot that does damage on impact and explodes into shrapnel, dealing additional damage to enemies in a small radius around the target. Also applies Bleeding if the Crack Shot trait is taken. Combo Finisher: Projectile (20%) 2: Napalm Round Fire an explosive shot that deals explosive damage to and covers the target and enemies in a small radius around it in Napalm. Unique Status: Napalm. Rapidly gain stacks of Burning over time. Effect spread to others close by. Enter water or dodge roll twice to remove this. Combo Field: Fire Explosion 3: AP Round Fire an armor-piercing shot that does high strike damage and applies Vulnerability. Effect halved for enemies struck beyond the first. Ammo: 2 Pierces Combo Finisher: Projectile Burst: Scattershot Fire a shotgun blast that inflicts damage and bleeds. Deal double damage and bleed and inflict knock-back on foes close to you. Ammo: 2 Combo Finisher: Blast Primal Burst: Dragon's Breath Fire a blast of flame and force that damages and inflicts burning. Deal double damage and burning and knock back foes that are close to you. Ammo: 2 Combo Finisher: Blast. My intent was to make a weapon that as many Warrior builds could utilize as possible. It's designed to deal roughly equal amount of Strike and Condi damage, so both Power and Condi builds can get good use out of it. Having a knockback effect on the burst not only fits with the shotgun aspect, it also allows it to synergize with Spellbreaker. Making it an Ammo skill adds some uniqueness to it, being able to do 2 bursts back-to-back, evoking the image of a double-barreled shotgun. It also allows support Berserker to hold a burst in reserve while still providing Quickness, so it can use it on demand to provide a burst of healing with Karakosa Relic. Napalm Round was born out of me really wanting access to a Fire Field on it but not wanting to just copy Longbow 3. So I though instead of just lighting an area on fire, you just light the target on fire but they spread it to their allies? It also counts as an explosive for Bladesworn synergy. AP Round is mostly just there because power builds don't have much access to vulnerability in the open world. What do you guys think?
  23. Ranged DPS being able to stand just a little further back would go a long way towards making mechanics easier to see. If with Ally Visual Effects turned off it can still be a challenge to see the Agony mechanic on Cairn for example because you got 10 players worth of vfx layered on top of each other. In FFXIV mechanics are for the most part way more visible than in GW2, and it's not just because in FFXIV you can turn other player's VFX off, it's because the range of healing and raid-wide buffs is generous enough where players can have a decent amount of distance between each other. Unless a mechanic specifically requires players to stack, everyone can have their own personal bubble.
  24. Yes, please make 600 radius the standard for boon sharing in PvE so fights don't have to be designed around the entire group being stacked on top of each other.
  25. With 100% Boon Duration and Alacrity after the next patch which reduces Berserk's base cooldown, the stability would have the same duration as Berserk's cooldown. Eternal Champion also make Berserk apply its effects when it ends, and allows you to end it manually. So if you need group stab and you're in Berserk, you can hit the exit Berserk button. If berserk ends just before you'd need it, you already have stability in time for whatever you needed it for. If you take the Savage Instinct trait it acts as a stun break, so if you're a little late to push the button you can still break the party out of the CC.
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