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Everything posted by Celldrax.2849

  1. I guess it's the same with other MMO's, but it's always been on of my biggest struggles trying to find that perfect keybind setup for ease of play. What I've come up with so far:Movement and camera controlled with WASD and right mouse button.Skills 1 - 5 grouped on 5 closest side buttons on my mouseAbilities 1 - 5 now occupy numbers 1 - 5 on the keyboardMiddle mouse button for dodge (annoying to share it with the zoom function, but nothing I can do there)Q for special action and E for autoloot on the run.Profession skill mapped to V (for easy legend change on my Rev). I'll change some of these around depending on the class I'm using.Mount mappings are the same, though I mapped Raptor through to Griffon on numbers 6 - 0. Allows for easier switching while still controlling my character. The goal was to do as much combat-oriented actions as possible while moving my hands as little as possible. Haven't played around much with the other "non-essential" keybinds, but then I gotta figure out how to implement those as well.
  2. Welcome to Australia speed :P Changing your DNS does nothing to alleviate the issues raised by the OP. It's a complete fallacy.Of course does nothing for ping, but I find I have much more reliable load times when using
  3. As a still somewhat new player, only just recently maxed out DD. And I'm having so much fun with this, bounding all over the place and twirling through enemies. So I have a sort of Journey to the West jumping monkey-style thing going on, lol.
  4. The Shadow Abyss dye is available as part of the Jubilant Dye pack you get for your character's fourth birthday, so you may want to hold off on picking it up if you have any characters approaching that age.I've only been playing for a bit over 8 months. So yeah, I'd be waiting a while :P Anyway got a couple more pics. I put my wings and blindfold back on and decided to actually start giving dual swords a go (before the patch).And here she is in the monk outfit when going full ventari healer. One of the few outfits that actually look good on charr and doesn't drastically alter their physique.
  5. Here's a shot with a spoopy mount. Really want the shadow abyss dye though so it has that proper phantom look to it. Just need to build my gold back up again after the griffon (and I stop spending it)...
  6. This is happening to me all the fucking time now. Only use to see this rarely with the skimmer. Now it occurs quite often with every mount. Was amusing at first, but it's growing old.
  7. Well here's my rev going condi style with the standard demonic theme :P
  8. Oh nice, somewhere to share my landscape shots :P And a couple of slightly different ones. Good to see I'm not the only one to get some shots from outside the citadel.
  9. Curious cat sees we can finally post images.
  10. There's tonnes of easy MP's if you put in the time for them. I've only gone up to the 3rd unlock for my first 4 mounts though (working on griffin), which I honestly think is the sensible thing to do in the long run. I'll max out the griffin first (which I already have more than enough points for), then slowly work my way through those 4th unlocks.
  11. Shatterer and Claw of Jormag minis. Especially the Shatterer. if I saw that on the gemstore (or even if just made available as drops like Tequatl), that would be an instant buy from me. As for returning items, I've been sweating on that copper and silver fed bundle. Really been regretting skipping that over the last couple of times... Have also been hoping on the Glint's Gaze skin (what with all the Aurene stuff and going to the Crystal Desert).
  12. All I know is I hate the tedium of map exploration and unlocking waypoints with new characters (and will of course be of benefit to my main). Looking forward to seeing that clever girl again.
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