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  1. Took them almost three months to get me my gems. That part wasnt communicated at all.
  2. I finally decided to go for the Skyscale a few months ago and it took like a week and a half playing 1-2 hours a night. The time gates were by far the biggest hindrance in the process but besides that it was honestly pretty easy. The Return achievements/rewards really cut out a lot of grinding. Thing I've noticed though is that I dont even think the Skyscale is all that great. Dragonfall meta is really the only place I use it much.
  3. For me it was the games launch no doubt. The entire player base starting out fresh together was an absolute blast. No guides, no builds, just trial and error. The first time we ran intel the Fire Elemental was an absolute slaughter. Crazy considering the thing dies in like 5 seconds now.
  4. Theres a problem with youre 95% number considering 12% of the player base is (Soon to be was) Warriors. Care to show the proof supporting your numbers?
  5. At this point Im pretty sure Shiyo doesnt even play the game. Just spends time watching YouTube videos so he can come here and post about it all day long. Any time he's be asked to provide his gameplay proof of how easy a build is he refuses to do it. That says a lot. And if he does play at least he said he's quitting, hopefully done posting as well.
  6. Power Reaper here also and still enjoying it (PvE player only). To me its the closest I can get to what I really want to play which is Dervish.
  7. The best part about this expansion is the fact that they were willing to refund my purchase. Thank god.
  8. I really hate when people say "Necro/Guardian is seriously OP and needs a nerf" like its just that simple. The real issue is there are to many under powered/worthless specs that they refuse to fix and instead they keep slowing destroying the few that actually work and call it "Balancing".
  9. The mount is cool and IMO worth the time but be warned Lws4 is some of the worst MMO content in existence. Its hours of "Oh this door is locked, have to take the long way around" and "heres another 50 phase boss that nobody asked for that you can waste an hour on". If you're not interested in that spend a weekend getting the Griffon and forget about the skyscale.
  10. To me its the constant nerfs. Sure some are needed but for the most part I dont think its any secret that most nerfs in this game are done solely to silence the complainers that spend more time in the forums than they do in game. PvE does not need to be perfectly balanced so stop trying (and failing miserably)! PvP I understand but for gods sake leave PvE builds alone for a while. It'd be different if the changes they make made sense but at this point Im convinced the people making the changes have never touched the game in their life.
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