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Everything posted by Kyon.4810

  1. Upcoming balalalalance patch so cringe imho. Nothing balanced to wvw mode. Nothing balanced to pvp mode. For some reason mostly PVE mode got modified and makes no sense because you could play really anything in PVE (even absolutely without any equipement) and still run open world PVE events or whatever does PVE players runs, why does it takes so much attention from balance group? Maybe this game needs to be renamed to "NPC-Wars"? Or "Mob-Wars"? Or "Pixel-Wars"?
  2. The best realisation of stealth I have seen was in Lineage II, it has long duration (about 1-2 min or so) but once you got revealed or entered combat - you cannot use stealth for about 30 min of cd and this is makes sense - if you want to fight - get your fight and do not hide. Millions of blinks also makes no sense, imho, most of classes have 1 blink with 900-1200 range and 30s cd, but thieves have like 6 blinks with 0 cd and range of 1200-1500. Obviously thief is best ganker for wvw, which cannot die even under heavy focus of zerg. But thieves are useless in big fights. So it is really depends on your playstyle if you want to fight vs unkillable gankers or want to fight in big groups and have chance.
  3. Because there weren`t counter builds to kill dodge mirage (even just started noobs with rare equip were unkillable for 99% of players), also you could run group of these mirages and pwn x5 times more groups. If you try to run with 5 wilbenders vs 25 players (even totally braindead bots) - you will be farmed, because of low sustain/low damage/low profit to group. Engi grenades were nerfed because of large dps vs groups, you could solo pew pew from wall and kill 10-15 players without any chance to get killed. The most important question is when anet would like to nerf core burn guardians in wvw, because it could wipe 25 noobs solo with just 1 skill and it is really stupid balance. And yes, no one will do the balance for roamers and roaming builds because it makes no sense in coop mmorpg game - you play together or you play pvE where is no problems with gankers or fights with human players.
  4. If only target painters were locking down thieves movement abilities and pull them close to you like in range of 130 + uncleansable immobilize to target. Because revealed thief with IQ>0 just uses 2 jumps of 1200 range and waiting for cd and just kill you after that with 2 shoots.
  5. And most useless (after soulbeasts ofcourse) in party fights, because of lowest dps, lowest sustain, lowest profit for group. Idk what are you complaining about, but wilbenders are decent only for ganking which is about 0.0000001% content of wvw in gw2 if you are not totallly braindead bot.
  6. Just woundering how ppl talks about dps in pve content like it does matter rofl. Just run anything you want, you could even roleplay as beggar without equip in pve and still able to play pve content, because gw2 is to much casual. Never understood ppl who blaming meta builds - it is so stupid, because meta builds were provided by good players to make gameplay easier, also meta builds were approved by even more good players who actually plays the game. If u dont like meta builds - it is really fine, just play whatever you want but do not complain when you being kicked or die in game, it is actually only your choice how to roleplay in mmorpg and if you want to spent 5-6h for high end content instead of 10-15 mins no one would even try to blame you - just do not join parties/squads which wants to finish content fast and have fun.
  7. Looking for EU guild, WvW oriented with prime time from 15:00 to 20:00 CET. No casuals, no snowflakes, no brainless bots, no boring roamers/gankers-wankers. What I am looking for: toxic elitists guild oriented for fights, capturing objects with fights, battle-hardened fighters with at least "UD" and "god of wvw" titles. What can I offer to your guild: Organized raids leading [Ru/Eng language], participation in fights.
  8. I bet its not about wvw rank at all. Just some ppl plays core free version of game testing classes and gameplay. Btw core guardian provides best damage in wvw mode currently but no one fixing it and also not many ppl plays it. Besides that how else you suppouse to sell expansion packs? With pve content only (who really cares of pve content? pve is so boring as for me)? I am not sure that you will purchase expansion packs with weak or useless professions (the only valuable thing in expansion packs).
  9. Obviously now wvw requires active defense rather than passive 5-6 defenders pew pewing with siege. As for me now wvw looks better, because organized groups able to take objectives with weak defense. All the whinners are just ppl which plays solo with arrow carts or longbow rangers or trebuchet, and they should be reduced from cooperative mode, thats why arena net makes wvw really great now with all these updates. Ofcourse u still able to protect objectives if build sieges properly and before the moment when enemy already at the gate (or gate already at 5%) and use it wisely. At this moment most of cases when I see defences - ppl are building normal siege and catas (which does 0 damage and doesnt knockback) opposite the gates instead of superior sieges and trebuchetes (heavy damage to siege + cows draining supplies + knockback) opposite gates, also there is millions of examples of bad gameplay from whinners. If u want play with saving objectives probably u need to play with ppl in squad or at least with party instead of whinning in map/team chat about enemy. If you don`t want play with your team - ofcourse no one will help you defend objectives.
  10. Why ppl cry about boon strips? It was too much and now it looks better, since players who want to play together now can win from players who doesn`t want to play together. It is cooperative mode, and players which runs together and supports each other should have more benefits than selfish pugs randomly casting from around. There is only 1 thing that arena net should do with boons - applied boons from ally in group shouldn`t be removable at all and shouldn`t be corruptable so group have more benefits. Maybe some traits at 10k rank for boon duration and ability to save boons forever if random pugs without squad trying to remove it from you. Also there is should be traits/perks in wvw which allows you take about 90% less damage from players (without squad) with lower rank than you, and provide more damage to players (without squad) with lover rank than you (+200% for example) - this could fix a lot of problems with wvw.
  11. Gw3 will be faster, because of new game engine, new technologies (AI help), and many other reasons (money for example). Gw2 alliances - who really need it? 10% of gw2 players (wvw population is not that big as you think)? There is no any reason to develop game mode for 10% of gw2 players which does not provide enough money for developing. Just a business - nothing personal.
  12. This is so fun to see when someone whinning about rangers - the class which was developed for starter pve only. About 50% of all gw2 players plays with rangers as I can notice, and most of them just bad. Thats why no wounder anet gives a chance to rest of players with different classes and specs to have fun. When you talk about world vs world - all the classes except rangers have something to sharing with group (boons, heals, revives) or dealing heavy damage in melee (because it is stupid to make overdamage in range - it will kill rest 50% of players with different classes rather than ranger), BUT all those rangers just keep playing with their longbow without damage or any help to others, thats why no one has an iota of pity towards rangers (they are to much selfish). The only solve of problem is reducing longbow damage in about 5 times in world vs world and pvp only but also giving some boon sharing to rangers (core, untameds, soulbeasts) - that will make it playable for group. Btw healer druid is good for world vs world, but you know what? Less than 5% of rangeres plays with healer druid, because they to much selfish and dont care of team mode. So yea, there is no place in team mode of game (world vs world) for selfish players (soulbeats, untamed and so on), and if it will be changed - you will be the 1st one who will delete this game because of cry: "other rangers stronger than me and no one plays melee so I can`t kill them".
  13. Scourge atm totally unplayable at wvw, because it does only half job or even less which does Scrapper (scrappers gives way more barrier, way more cleanses, way more boons, even superspeed for group, and also scrappers able to heal which scourges can not). Thx anet for killing unique spec for wvw. It was not strong with alacrity and barrier - it was decent. Scourges were strong when there was trait Feed From Corruptions when scourges could get corrupted or removed boons from enemies, but atm as scourge your shades are useless, your barrier is weak and low, your courruptions still ok, but no one need it (because boon application is about 20 boons/sec, and corruptions only about 2 boons/sec). Thats why you don`t need to play scourge anymore - it is totally destroyed by anet, and better to play overperformed classes and specs like Firebrand/Vindicators/Berserkers/Scrappers and Holos. And if you don`t like to play with group you have to play overpowered deadeye with 150% invis uptime with 12-16k damage per shoot, or even broken condi thief with axe (full invis and milliards of condi). Just play with overpowered specs and maybe someday it will be changed (but not soon).
  14. Necro signets uses was good few years ago (about 8 years ago), when signets were corrupting boons (3 boons from each signet) and there wasn't so many ways to clean conditions (you could cleanse maybe 2-3 condi per 60 sec). Nowadays signets for necromancer - just garbage used only for bots. Obviously no one cares about useless skills and traits. Reworked plague signet could be useful with Dark Defiance trait so you have good condi damage reduction, will see.
  15. What a strange topic lol! Sounds like: make condition less damage BUT then also remove all party cleansers and reduce cleansing effects to 1 contition per cleanse to equal fights so condi builds get access to blob and zerg fights. As for me - let it be, because condi damage and debuffs sucks in zergs and blob fights so cleansings should be reworked or removed from game at all so condi builds could also have fun in WvW, with reduced damage even (but uncleansible).
  16. First of all you need back competition system in COMPETITIVE MODE. Winner server gets all, other gets nothing or gets debuffs for PVE. For example, winner server gets x100 loot droprate, x100 gold from monsters, +500% Magic Find, and losers get x0.01 drop rate, x0.01 gold rate, x0 Magic find in PVE ONLY including raids and fractals. (wvw mode and spvp mode doesnt get affected from it), so players who wants some profit from PVE have to play wvw to make their PVE a bit better. Thats only 1st step of making competitive mode playable. Right now wvw mode managed is just for bots farming legendary sets/gift of battle, that makes wvw mode even more boring than intended by arena net.
  17. Such strange bololololance patch. So 100% invis uptime for deadeyes + 6 jumps (about 9k range in total) with 12k unblockable (because u cant see it from invisibility) shoots is ok by anet mention 🤣 ok, lets keep trolling ppl then. It is just step backward with this patch as long as I can see. Nothing nerfed from what should be nerfed long time ago (wilbenders, deadeyes, celestial stats), but nerfed some stuff which doesnt matter at all (Transfusion: This trait now increases the cooldown of Garish Pillar to 60 seconds in WvW only. - It could be 300 sec cooldown, anyway ppl uses it 1 or 2 times maximum in LONG fights and its minor changes to gameplay).
  18. I agree with topic starter - this wvw restructuring beta is just awfull. Worst thing anet could make - this is beta test that we have atm imho. 0 players online, 0 guilds and squads, only newbie-roamers everywhere and its really boring. Anet must make refactor of wvw, for example solo players should not have any wxp/pips/track progress, and only with 50 ppl in squad players start having 100% of this things, when 10 ppl in squad = 20% , and so on, at least anet should try to do something with wvw because at current state - it is mostly afk roamers (99% in current restructuring) farming pips/track - and its boring gameplay, thats why no one interested to play wvw.
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