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Everything posted by StraightPath.3972

  1. GW2 has a very strong foundation it it's systems. Every new weapon isn't one option more, but several more because of possible mix and matching with older weapons and new builds that may result from that. And once it becomes "old one" it enlarges that pool of combination for the next new thing, so yeah - that's why they can get away with it. Also do I detect engi/ele player here? A lot of SotO new weapons are far from useless. At least two thirds of classes are eating good with their new weapons. I can understand above two and revs feeling sour, but that's not "most".
  2. On that sir, we'll stand on opposite sides of the fence. I got this javelin fantasy going, and i very much want to see my warrior hurl that spear at his enemies for some major pain. Also bear trap on a rope.. ekhum.. I mean spear on a rope for a pull would be very nice. If drunken downstate engies can do it, why can't we?
  3. @Cronospere.8143 @xXxOrcaxXx.9328 I don't expect an instant switch, but a faster one to be sure. Also imagine having banker in there as well. You could transfer stuff from character to character far easier, because no map loading every time you switch char.
  4. A fine idea. Now let's crank it up to a great one: If you log out of a character in your homestead then it stays as an NPC. And here comes the big part: If you go to your homestead and talk to your characters there you can switch characters on the fly. I don't exactly know arena's tech but: No need to load new map - both old and new character are in the same one No need to load character model and textures - it's already loaded as an NPC So that's a ton of data that would already be there, allowing for a smoother transition process from one character to another.
  5. Now don't ask me how warrior has access to most weapon yet still has more holes in their roles than many other professions.. But given these holes and what spear is, I'd say we got a fair shot at one of two things: 1. Melee condi 2h weapon. 2. Ranged power weapon, cause we currently have only 1/2 of that in form of rifle.
  6. Now during the trailer we can see white haired tanned Norn(?) character wielding a spear. The wolf leap animation makes it pretty clear she's a ranger. So.. notice how several seconds of the rather short trailer are given to her switching her grip on the spear? If you take a closer look it seems like she's starting from a grip suited for throwing, only to change it to one that's meant for melee combat. So gratz again rangers - after hammer and maces seems you'll be eating good again..
  7. Yes, the Martial Cadence will definitely make SB a happy camper but be forewarned - your build has no defense and you want to run heretic amulet which has no bonus vitality. Not even Defiant Stance. This setup will bring an ugly death once enemies realize you're actually quite squishy.
  8. Meanwhile while we're here debating Martial Cadence, Invigorating Shouts also got nice buff. Namely new "Shrug it Off!" that will be triggered by using a healing skill. That is a huge ninja buff. With warrior healing skills in pvp having 20cd at best, I suspect there will be no icd on this trait. This means that depending on the healing skill used you'll have nearly 2~3 times more passive shout procs than before. Additionally these will be controlled casts. Right now a stray necro mark can trigger the passive cast before I even get near the fight, wasting the stunbreak, heal and cleanse if it was something trivial like two bleed stacks. After the patch (with vigorous shout traited) I'll be able to get another healing shout in, along with a small cleanse. Big question is if the new version of "Shrug it Off!" will keep the aoe stunbreak. If it does - big. If not - kinda iffy, because without vigorous shouts all the passive proc offers is a lame single condi cleanse in aoe.. far worse than Martial Cadence.
  9. Honestly it's the banner cast and after cast reduction that gets my blood pumping - currently Banner of Tactics is often a dicey cast, prone to interruptions. And Heightened Focus upgrade right after that, since I'm an avid user of that trait. As for Martial Cadence - that remains to be seen, but it's Zerkers and Spellbreaker who'll want to dip into that one the most. Both have weak healing on their bursts, but can burst often. So having extra heal source strapped to it is perfect for them. Also both have better stab access and tools to ensure their bursts land. I prefer having more healing power to power my big heals, and extra heal source from shouts rather than bursts. Shouts are instant casts and cannot be denied in any way. Bursts can and I'm not sure if a staff burst that heals allies, but fails to hit an enemy will trigger Soldier's Focus or not at all.. But it does look pretty overloaded to be fair - I'll see what rolls out once the patch is here. ICD + condi cleanse prioritizing damaging condies will the the deciding factors for me.
  10. About time I say. We're already had fish getting outta water and into the land - just check out I'll tempered Barracudas in Crucible of Eternity, or Sand Sharks in desert areas.. About time spears followed their natural prey..
  11. I would first leave the pvp lobby. That place is crawling with psychopaths who want to kill me! After that I would chat up Evon Gnashblade for some business opportunities, cause believe it or not, after slaying 5 elder dragons, saving Tyria countless times and even beating back the void and demon invasion, I still can't afford a decent house and live in my mom's basement 😞 (yes I'm a Sylvari). Meanwhile some Harry Potter wannabees get to squat at a comfy flying tower with a pool no less! After all that I'm gonna grab myself a nice musical instrument and just chill under the palms. Next time the world needs saving I'm gonna hire some interns to do it and ask a handsome ransome for "my" services!
  12. Ok, as a part of my "Reduce spellbreakers in spvp" initiative I give you an alternative way to play your warrior: Core warrior support! http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEYiNssBGG7jdxIxTaSddC-DaJ8QyUIUtKIgJgvOMAAA Thanks to someone *cough* Lan *cough* i learned about relic of warrior + Fast Hands tech, so here I'll remind you of another tech not everyone knows about: Currently you can use SotO weapons in spvp even without the actual xpac! So as a core player you are fully equipped to use this build! What are we cooking here? A roaming support core warrior. Not only does this build excel at healing and buffing allies, but is also excellent at getting around the map fast to support a sidenode or take one yourself if no one is there. Pros: - very high healing output (often beating meta supports) - very high mobility with tools to deny enemies stopping you (cleanses, stab, resistance, superspeed). - very impactful support skills - warrior support has quality vs other's quantity. - very durable - played right you're a bunker. - 2.5s weapon swap cd for maximum value from both your weapon sets. Cons: - low damage output - can be popped if cc focused and bursted (especially if enemy has unblockables) - other supports offer more in terms of cleansing conditions from allies Usage instructions: This is a bigger section so incentivize me to write it - let's see some love under this post and I'll write down a guide on how to use this build proper.
  13. My wish is simple, not too complicated - don't force me into interdimensional travel just to get a matching set of trinkets! Seriously, why is getting weapons and armor pretty streamlined, but when it comes to trinkets they're all over the place?
  14. As a recent SotO xpac user I'm so happy we got new sets of weapons ... unlocked. I would be happier though if that was accompanied by receiving the actual weapons like in previous xpacs. HoT: You just unlocked the Greatsword on Reaper? Here's your exotic GS to get you started and a collection to earn your Ascended version. SotO: You unlocked swords on your necro? Here's your cricket sounds!
  15. Well please do try, I'm quite curious of results. On my part i would say that condi reaper route offers better dps than power variant if you go DM. Also going condi takes full advantage of things like CPC or Blood is Power which are small but nice bits of necro utility for others.
  16. Necro Harb is already too survivable for what it's supposed to be, especially in competitive. Warrior Rework Relic of Lyhr activation condition. If I'm gonna use it I don't want staff autos proccing it randomly.
  17. I don't see where your version and mine conflict here. Yes the way it goes is as you described, hence the estimation of the whole cycle being around 12s for two casts. Here's how i think the cycle will look: 0s -> SF is up, burst to proc it 0.75s -> burst connected, SF cd starts. 10.75s - SF is back up again, burst again 11.5s - burst lands, along with the proc. 12s - weapon swapped, back to square one (0 seconds).
  18. Yes, thanks to certain someone *cough, cough* I am well aware of this issue. But I don't think a-net will just let that trait run wild without any kind of icd on it. Then again i'm not assuming it would be as brutal as 9s, like on untamed's support trait...
  19. Well I'll be very happy to elaborate - right here and now. Let's do this with a simple example. Two warriors using Martial Cadence - One with Discipline, one without. Discipline Warrior: In terms of using Soldier's Focus the plan is simple: Swap weapons off cooldown (5s), giving it a reset, burst to proc it. So on average two procs withing a 10s time frame. Non Discipline Warrior: 10 seconds is both the natural cooldown for Soldier's Focus and the Weapon Swap. So assuming we burst a.s.a.p. after a weapon swap, if the swap is back, Soldier's Focus is back up in less than a second. So you just give it that extra half a second (or near that) and burst the moment it pops back up. Only after that you swap weapons, resetting SF cooldown and going for a burst on new weapon for two back to back procs. Let's say this is roughly 2 casts per 12 seconds. Discipline Warrior does indeed edge out a win here, but it's not a crushing victory as you can see. Ofc this is just theory without very critical info, such as if there will be icd on the trait and how big.
  20. Can we change the trigger condition from "hitting an enemy" to "hitting a target"? This is so that staff warrior can still proc it if he hits his allies for a heal, even without an enemy in range.
  21. While i love the traitline and Death's Carapace concept, the traits for stacking it are horridly unbalanced. Adept tier traits range from barely usable to completely useless, while a single grandmaster one (Corrupter's Fervor) offers the only choice that matters, completely uncontested by other two in terms of stacking mechanics. What a mess. First off I suggest that the ways for stacking carapace be put in one tier of traits only. And not a lowly adept one with it's meager power budget. Secondly, if possible it would be neat for each grandmaster to include a reward for high enough stacks, just as Corrupter Fervor does with it's protection.
  22. Edited the top post to be more.. terse, along with clear instruction for the build.
  23. This is a dps healer build that discards boonshare for dps, hence "dps healer" role. The build is made with assumption boonshare is already performed by another, such as diviner herald or scrapper.
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