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Everything posted by Markri.9475

  1. Im curious how the trait works with flipover dualwields. will both parts of Flanking Strike procc it? will p/d repeater add it, thats potential one poison stack (and a bleed) for 2 ini if you stow during the channel rinse and repeat?
  2. initiative makes thief good at bursting by having the option to spend its resource. Its terrible in the sustainfight, which is why thiefs leave/resets fights to regain initiative.As for the damage, take S/D: the third hit of the autoattack has the same power damage as the LarcenousStrike (sword#3 flipover). Now from what Ive understood, thiefs wpnskills do less damage because they are repeatable, which is why most damage comes from AA chain.As for the "in a row" mechanics; sword#2 and #3 are both flipover skills. so you'd add +1 to each activation?"spamming" usually comes from an ability in itself being so good that nothing else matters. condi drd sword#2 spam is an example. S/P #3 is also an example.I don't like the idea of forcing the player to use a suboptimal ability, just to not get punished.
  3. If ranked queue had same pips, or no clear reward for playing it, then I'm sure that alot less would be playing ranked if they cant get into top 250 anyways. And I dont think we want even less people playing ranked.
  4. just vault -> steal to chunk people for 50% hpThat was adressed in a patch, on Vault;December 11, 2018 The damage of this attack will no longer occur if the thief shadowsteps after the skill has begun.
  5. resetting "only on cd" utility would be broken; deadeye mark into Mercy, into deadeyemark into Mercy ... with stealthtraits : permastealth and initiativegain.
  6. If a power ranger shoots a condi opponent that is reflecting, does the reflect use the condi opponents powerstat?
  7. Somebody (probably Praqtos) posted a thread about it and that thread got removed for advertising an exploit, so power stab was an exploit after all. You can do the same thing with every single auto attack in the game including the reflect on thief staff auto.Awhile back when I first heard of ranger gs aa3 stow, I thought of staff aa reflect. Staff aa 3 is a Channeled cast, stowing it just wastes it and flips back to aa1. Also, you mentioned low range on ranger GS aa and Maul:according to wiki; ranger aa range is 130/130/130.warrior aa is 130/130/130reaper aa is 130/130/130guardian aa is 130/130/130.Maul range is 220100blades is 130Arcing slice is 150.gravedigger is 180deathspiral is 240EDIT: wiki on rangerGS AA says 150, but ingame its 130 on all the rangerGS AAs.
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