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Everything posted by Mystflower.7319

  1. According to Wiki: It Grants a very low chance to get extra resources from any gathering node in Janthir: 1–2 Honey Flower or 1–2 Lowland Pine Logs in Lowland Shore 1–2 Charged Titan Ore or 1–2 Rotted Titan Amber in Janthir Syntri
  2. I personally think that the homestead has this many issues because they've tried this new thing, combining crafting with the mastery system and made the mistake to time gate the homestead mastery. I think a lot of problems could have been avoided if they'd allowed us to fully unlock the mastery, making all recipes and whatever else is still hidden/locked available except for the festival recipes. If we'd been able to fully unlock it then I bet fixing bugs would have been easier for them too, because I guess they now have to work with and around those restrictions as well? Idk. Of course this doesn't apply to all bugs, the misaligned wintersday tree being an example. xD
  3. They have disabled this for the time being, as far as I know. Previously it used mats but didn't create anything, I personally think it was supposed to become available once we've got all the mastery tiers unlocked, including the ones that aren't available for us yet.
  4. This is a ten+ year old issue for as far as I know. The guild decoration has always been like this as well. I guess they called it the lit wagon because of the lamps that are attached to it. But I agree with you, it would be nice if the lights shone a bit brighter.
  5. Adding information: The first story update will arrive in November. It will also bring the new raid wing and convergence. A useful tip: The wizard vault counts off the days till the next update as it gets renewed at the same time.
  6. It could be that it's currently not showing because of the mastery tier level it uses to craft. It wouldn't surprise me if it uses a tier we aren't able to unlock yet and that it initially only showed previously due to the mastery bug. I'll add it (and others) to the list later today when I finally have a chance to update it again 😁
  7. Many have noticed this problem. The solution one person found was to wait a couple of seconds between collecting from the next box.
  8. You can find the the charr npc that lets you join the Dragonstorm in the Eye of the North. The public version is on a timer so it might be a good thing to check the wiki website mentioned previously by others to see when it's open.
  9. Are you trying to craft on the character with who you've unlocked the homestead or with one of your alts?
  10. I've made a long list of bugs noticed by players, the gathering nodes are on it as well. It seems to be random which node is being skipped. Some people noticed that if they gather the three boxes too quickly after one another, with the mining one being the last one, it skips the nodes. Someone tried it out and discovered that if you wait several seconds before collecting the next box that it doesn't skip things.
  11. As mentioned in the bug list I posted on page one, it's disabled due to an issue and the dev's are working on a solution (they working on it since launch 🤔)
  12. True but there will be new content added to the two new maps we currently got.......
  13. I try to keep my original post (on the first page) as updated as IRL lets me. Most bugs mentioned are on the 'list', and the list is long. I wanted to add to that English isn't my native language (sadly) so I apologize if there are things on the list that aren't very clear when it comes to the description of the bug.
  14. In two Months it will be November and that will bring the first annual update to the story, to the two maps and it will bring the new raid.
  15. I doubt they had any proper beta testing considering the many bugs that have popped up. (sorry Anet if you have!) But I do agree with you, I think a lot of issues that are showing up now could have been caught before release if they'd done a beta test for all active players. Just like they did before releasing HoT back in the day. --- I personally haven't reached the max decoration limit yet but I do already agree with the fact that the limit should be raised. Certainly when the walls and race track items as shown in pcgamer's preview are being (finally) added to the decoration list. But who knows, the max limit might be raised when we level the masteries further?
  16. I doubt that this is a bug. It functions in a same way as scribing does in guild halls, where the decorations are attached to the represented Guild Hall. Everything made in a homestead that isn't your own is for the homestead owner as the homestead is attached to their account and so are any decorations made in their handiworker bench as well. But I do agree that an one time notification each time you start crafting in someone else their homestead could be in place, if possible. Something along the lines of "By using this Handiworker Bench your materials will be used in crafting Decorations for <insert player name>'s homestead."
  17. This item is still not available to craft due to an issue. The Dev team is working on a fix.
  18. I believe this is intended yes. It's so you can help your friend craft things when they don't have the mats for it themselves.
  19. The door sadly isn't a bug, but I agree, it's not a very pretty door.
  20. I have a couple of items going lost as well. 1. The Kodan Woven Divider; you get it for free when you unlock the homestead but if you remove it / place it in a different spot, it's gone and nowhere to be found. 2. I crafted a lattice (without the plants); one moment it was still there in my decoration list, next I knew it said I didn't have one after placing and removing it a couple of times. 3. The same thing happened with the pan/kettle with soup (forgot how its called). I crafted both items again and so far they've not gone missing again, fingers crossed it stays that way. But yeah, there is a bug somewhere in this.
  21. From what I remember from the Homestead review by pcgamer we'll have about 800 decorations next year when the expansion is a year old. Though that said, I'm afraid we'll mostly see already existing decorations that are already available in the guild halls. (Like most of the decorations we got now are as well). The guild halls have currently 738 different kind of decorations according to the Wiki... So add to that amount the new Kodan items and a couple of future gemstore items and you'll have the 800.. I hope I'm wrong but.. doesn't look like it with what we've been given as recipes so far.
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