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Everything posted by Mystflower.7319

  1. I received the notice that I had to move otherwise I'd be kicked after sitting for ten minutes, in the beach lounge chair while chatting with a friend, within Divinity's Reach. It kinda surprised me because in the past I could sit and chat for way longer without moving. I'm not bothered by it but I do think the timer within cities could be a bit longer, but idk if that is possible.
  2. They were planning it as a post launch thing but in the live stream about Homesteads they announced that it was a feature they didn't want to leave out at launch so it's coming when JW launches and will be available once you unlock the mastery for it.
  3. Like they did for example with the coffee that gave the sip coffee emote... I was excited to get it until I found out that shipping cost + additional taxes would triple the price. Making it not worth it. It would be nice if Gw2 could make these special 'deals' with a company in NA and/but also with one in EU. EU 99% of the time misses out on these special things. But to go back to the original post.. I've noticed it as well, maybe it's a new sales strategy... #Soon? (jk)
  4. My advice: Create a personal guild and use the daily message as a reminder of things you don't want to forget.
  5. Not sure if this can be the case... but I personally noticed that they were harder to kill when a group of people farmed them just before the blitz started. The people who were farming them then left to fight other bosses but maybe them being there just before the blitz could have caused the area to be scaled up in difficulty? I could be wrong of course, it's just a thought I had.
  6. I like the idea of variable weather... Or perhaps different seasons each with their own weather type? It would be winter 100% of the time at my homestead in that case.🥶😁
  7. You shared your opinion, people in return gave you friendly advice on how the game could be easier for you if you're willing to try things out and learn new ways of playing the game... All these advices you've thrown into the depths of the Unending Ocean. You claim people have insulted you while all they wanted to do is help you out... You could have stopped commenting on people if you didn't like their replies, because your initial post said it all right? It would still be readable for the dev team, which in your case is what matters? But by continuing to respond to people's advice in a negative / stubborn way you've turned this thread, that could have been very helpful, into a troll post. I can't take this serious. Sorry. I hope for you the devs will give you some feedback on this but I doubt they will. I wish you all the best.
  8. I'm surprised this thread is still going honestly...... The game isn't too hard when you accept that some things take longer and that dying is a part of it, that's where you learn (or not if you're the type who doesn't want to learn from their mistakes.) LSW1 isn't that hard, back in the day when it was released it was designed mostly as group content, every two/three weeks something new was released, open world and instanced. I remember dying a lot during the story instances because, yes, the bar is raised higher compared to the personal story as a lot of people back then (10/11 years ago) wanted more difficult content then dungeons and fractals could give them. So the struggles you're facing most of us casual veterans have faced them as well. See it as a learning curve to become better at the game as you progress through the story. Because with each LS, each expansion, the bar is raised a little bit higher. And again, accept the advice the well meaning community has been trying to give you. Make sure you use a build and gear that will help you, make sure you're playing on an 'easier to play' class, because there is a big difference in how hard the content is on different classes. Some classes are friendlier than others when it comes to mostly using your mouse to select your skills. My advice is to check that out, see if it can help you.
  9. I'm wondering about something, I could have missed it.. The doorways; Do they disappear from the world map upon entering your homestead? Or will it stay behind for a couple of minutes more? Secondly, will the UI settings have an option to 'hide all doors of other players'? If not, I do think that would be a good QoL thing for the nearby future, if possible...
  10. If I can make one suggestion: Try Guild Wars 1, because what you're asking for sounds a lot like what Guild Wars 1 could offer you (except for romancing a character.) I'm not sure if you ever played it but in Guild Wars 1 you can select your own npc's to follow you (the amount of NPCs depends on your level and the area you're heading into.) You even unlock heroes as you level up, which you can use instead of the NPCs. The game is a little bit outdated, but lore wise its still amazing and best of all, it's easy to do solo. The only thing that I personally miss in GW1 is jumping. Other than that, GW2 is an MMOrpg, which means you have no other choice than to do some content with others. I can understand that some story chapters are for some more difficult than they are for others. I myself play this game like a chicken without a head, most of the time not even knowing what I'm doing. For some reason I keep clicking on the 6 to 0 skills with my mouse even though I also gave them an easier keybind. And sometimes I die a lot, sometimes less. But the suggestions others have made do help a lot, make sure you use the right build, the right gear and stats, or at least, try to figure out what works best for you. (which is what I personally (read stubbornly) do.) Another positive thing about GW2 is the community, there is always someone willing to help. I know this is something you rather not do but, it does make the 'job' easier sometimes. Also, I would suggest to get used to it because as the story progresses, you'll find that GW2 moved to more content that has to be done with others to progress the story. This includes meta events in world maps. edit: I forgot to mention, I currently started playing on a second account, doing all content once again. Yes if you don't have the newest elite skills there can be a bit of a struggle. But I've noticed when I tried to do it on a different class, it was easier. Have you tried different classes for the things you're struggling with?
  11. The expansion, just like SotO, will be cut into 4 'chapters', meaning not everything of the new features will be released at the launch of Janthir Wilds, some things will be released later and I think that's the case for the new PvP mode as well. (I could be wrong.) So that might explain why they haven't shared anything about it yet, they're saving it for later. For now I think the hype is focused on Homesteads and the Spear and the first area we'll be getting.
  12. I have a couple of questions when it comes to our alts. 1. If I select an alt to follow my character to a different area and tell them to stay put in that area, will they stay there? Or will they move back to the place they spawned? 2. In case they stay in the place where I told them to stay put, will they continue to stay there as well when I select another alt to follow me? 3. In case all of them stay in the place where I told them to stay put, will they continue to stay there when I log out / dc? Or will I have to do the whole following / stay put thing once again when I log back in? (using the same character) 4. Can we give them emote orders? Like having them sit / dance, or any of the other emotes that we have unlocked on our account? 5. Can we let them sit on mounts (as shown in the video)? 6. Can we let them fish? Like someone else mentioned earlier, I'd love it if I could place them around a campfire, where they for example sit / dance / sleep. Or having them stand near the water and fish.
  13. I had hoped to be able to place my unlocked gathering nodes where I wanted but according to the buffed interview they'll have assigned places. In that case I hope there will be an option that lets you decide if you want the things you have unlocked in your home instance to show up in your homestead as well.
  14. Easiest way I find is: 1. Look above the door at the other end of the room to see which of the symbols is active. Wait for the diamond symbol to become active (it becomes active as soon as the square symbol starts to blink). 2. Jump on the three diamond tiles that lead to the column base at the right wall. 3. Jump on the platform of column base. 4. Look once again at the symbols above the door and wait for the circle to be active and then jump to the circle tile between the end of the puzzle and the platform you were standing on. 5. While standing on the circle tile wait for it to blink (above the door on the wall) and as soon as it does jump to the square tile close to the end of the puzzle. From the square tile you then instantly jump onto the floor at the end of the puzzle. I hope my explanation makes sense.. And I hope it will help you!
  15. I quote from the buffed website where the original English interview is listed at the bottom of the page (after all the the German text at https://www.buffed.de/Guild-Wars-2-Spiel-17072/Specials/Housing-Interview-Arenanet-1451545/) buffed: Friends will be able to decorate our homesteads, that's absolutely awesome. Regarding that: Will people be able to visit our homestead without us? And can we limit the groups that can visit our homestead, a bit like the Siege turtle with its public and only party member access? Andrew Gray, Janthir Wilds Lead: It is not currently possible to visit others' Homesteads when they are not present as the system uses the standard party instance join functionality. This means the owner of the homestead has complete control over who is allowed to join. buffed: Will the homestead only be available by physically entering it, like classic home instances? Or will you introduce a fast travel option, like for guild halls? Andrew Gray, Janthir Wilds Lead: Homesteads will have a fast travel option called the "Conjured Doorway" which will allow you to place a physical door in the world to both travel to your homestead and invite others to join you. ---- Since they're speaking about the standard party instance join functionality I think we'll be able to invite a max. of four other players. Though that said, I don't know if raids use the same 'standard party instance join functionality' , if so, then maybe the max. could be 10 (9 + yourself) ? So my advice is, keep your expectations low on max. 5 people and maybe / hopefully they will surprise us with a higher number.
  16. The jade bot workbench will most likely be a functional decoration like the one we currently have for the guild halls. So it will most likely only be available for those who own EoD. That's my guess at least.
  17. Why does it have to be lore friendly? I think personally the creative minds behind this feature thought of the bee because, 1. It's cute, 2. Bees are workers, they build hives, your homestead is a kinda your hive, certainly when you can place up to 30 of your alts there. You simply turn into a bee to make decorating (hopefully) easier, which has nothing to do with the lore. A bee however makes more sense in a natural habitat where jade technology isn't known. And if you really struggle with the lore friendliness of it all, decorate your homestead with a Soulbeast (ranger), and pretend that the bee is the pet you become one with. I totally understand that you love your jadebot and that you'd like to see it being used more, but like others have said, it's a feature from another expansion, that mostly only makes sense lore wise in Cantha as you (officially) need jade batteries to charge it, which I haven't seen elsewhere in the world either. So even though jade bots are awesome, they kinda aren't as lore friendly outside of Cantha either.
  18. I'm really looking forward to be able to step inside my own homestead, so far from what I've seen I'm impressed and it looks totally awesome. Way better than I had expected. I'm happy to hear that the new decoration tools will also be applied to Guild Halls, that will be a game changer as well for those who love to decorate their guild halls and to make even better jumping / racing puzzles. (Hopefully the maximum of items in on location limit will be (e)raised?) I do wonder about a couple of things, which in time will be answered I bet, but.. my wonders are: Chairs: Will there be more sitting options? Will we be able to scale up or down their size to make them match our character's size? Total of visitors: How many of our friends would be able to visit our homestead at once? 5, like the usual instances, 10, like raid squads? or will it be a surprise number? I at least hope it will be more than 1. Nodes & Cats: Will we be able to decide where we want to place the gathering nodes and the locations for our cats? Mounts: Will we be able to select which mounts we want in our stables? Like for example, if someone only wanted to show off their raptor and not any of the other mounts, will this be possible? I'm looking forward to learn more about the homestead system but mostly, I'm looking forward to have my characters move in.
  19. If you still have a free spot for a Dutch person, who lives in Germany but who plays the game mostly at NA hours, then I'd love an invite. ( My account is on Tarnished Coast, NA)
  20. Did you try the repair client option as well? If not, perhaps it could be helpful if it ever happens again in the future, you can find more about it here: Repairing the game client
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