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Everything posted by Mystflower.7319

  1. To those who wonder where you can buy it, talk to the npc that also allows you to set the time to day or night.
  2. In quote to myself, I've looked up the recipes that need the honey flowers and the logs (combined with other mats): Honey flowers: Journeyman decorations: Kodan Hammock - 12 honey flowers Floral Canthan Rug - 10 honey flowers Apprentice Decorations: Tranquil Birdbath - 6 honey flowers Planter Box - 15 honey flowers Kodan Painting - 5 honey flowers Kodan Ivory Couch - 20 honey flowers Initiate Decorations: Kodan Timber Stool - 5 honey flowers Kodan Swirl Rug - 8 honey flowers Kodan Woodsy Armchair - 15 honey flowers Novice decorations: Kodan Decorative Torch - 6 honey flowers Kodan Fancy Bed - 15 honey flowers Traditional Kodan Bed - 10 honey flowers. Lowland Pine Logs: Journeyman decorations: Large Elonian Planter - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Woodsy Cabinet (high) - 9 lowland pine logs Kodan Bone Bookshelf - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Refined End Table - 8 lowland pine logs Apprentice Decorations: Red Bowl of Food - 5 lowland pine logs Kodan Writing Desk - 12 lowland pine logs Kodan Woodsy Cabinet (tall) - 16 lowland pine logs Kodan Table Setting - 5 lowland pine logs Red bowl - 5 lowland pine logs Kodan Cottage Wall (small) 6 lowland pine logs Kodan Cottage Wall - 5 lowland pine logs Kodan Cottage Wall (Pillar) - 4 lowland pine logs Small Elonian Planter - 5 lowland pine logs Initiate decorations: Kodan Joined Wooden Divider - 12 lowland pine logs Kodan Decorative Wardrobe - 10 lowland Pine logs Kodan Soup Kettle - 6 lowland pine logs Kodan Vanity - 8 lowland pine logs Novice decorations: Kodan Dining Chair - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Woodsy Dining Table - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Woodsy Trunk - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Woodsy Cabinet - 10 lowland pine logs Kodan Crystal Candle - 8 lowland pine logs.
  3. While I get some of the rants.. I don't know why people are being so negative about it all while the timegated materials were discussed in the devs their livestream about the Homesteads. I personally think it isn't the timegate that is the biggest problem but more so the amount of homestead recourses you need in a single recipe. For most you need 20+ recourses which makes the timegated limit be reached quickly. If the recipes used only 1 to 3 homestead recourses we'd be able to craft a lot more. With the bigger decorations needing more and smaller ones less.
  4. Honey flowers are also used in some of the decoration recipes. I'm not online right now so I can't say which. The same goes for the logs. I'll edit this message once I'm back home from work. The sense of accomplishment would come from having to work for things. In the days that you have to wait you can farm more mats for the items you wish to craft next. Like for example, if you want to craft the basic tree (the green one with the pot) you'll have (if you don't have many of them yet) farm geodes in the dry top because you'll need those to buy the brick of clay which you need in the tree recipe. And I think this is what Anet meant when they spoke about wanting us to go out into the world and do things. Plus just keep in mind, things will only be timegated at the start. Once you have all the decorations you want, you won't even notice the time gate anymore. But then again, like I said in my other post, I'm not a fan of it either but sorta can understand why Anet did it. So far my homestead is slowly starting to look nice, the only thing that I wonder about is how to unlock the racing track recipes so I can use them as walls. It would have been nice to have a little bit more guidance on how to unlock more recipes besides the heart npcs and combining homestead mats to get a mystery recipe unlocked.
  5. I think skins are a totally different thing then map content though.. but I'm not a developer so I could totally be wrong xD
  6. The game is almost 12 years old.. Maybe the devs are limited in what they can built into the old code? At least there is still some variety in the things we can do even though some are recycled.
  7. I do remember from playing ESO that you need a fair amount of coins though to buy things from the trading guilds? With FF14 you have to risk of loosing it all if you don't pay your sub? I'd prefer keeping my things forever even though crafting being time gated over that xD Plus things will only be time gated for now.. in a couple of months when everyone has been able to craft everything they desired it will no longer be an issue.
  8. While I get the disappointment for some, isn't this the case for most housing systems in other games as well? You need materials and currency to be able to buy/craft things? Yes, because it's new you don't have many of the materials yet. It's only logical. Though I do agree that most of the recipes could be a bit adjusted when it comes to how much of the new materials they need.
  9. I love it. The maps feel alive, just like the base game maps used to feel like. I love it that you can just wander around without constantly being hit by mobs, yet if you want there are so many events (certainly on the second map) that you can join in on. I like it that there are only a few that need a party to complete it. There is so much to do that it sometimes feels a bit overwhelming (not in a bad way). The views are magnificent no matter in what direction you look, the music fitting. The new homestead and it surroundings is gorgeous as well. Good job Anet!
  10. I think personally that they've added the time gate so that the prices on the trading post don't explode and probably also made it this way so that it feels more like an accomplishment once you have enough recourses to decorate your hall fully. I'm not a fan of it either but it does encourage me to head back into the world to farm honey flowers and Janthir logs (or how they're called, I forgot.) etc. Edit: I do think however that the recipes for crafting could maybe a be a bit adjusted so that less of the materials are needed?
  11. Open up your friends list, click on the party finder tab on the left, then select janthir wilds, and next lowland shore and look for a group that's doing rifts (if there is any). Join the group and once you're in the group, right click on one of the names of the other players in it and select 'join in lowland shore'. I hope this will help you.
  12. Managed to get it done by joining a map that was doing t3.
  13. At this moment: 4hour 48minutes 20 seconds
  14. Yeah, it was available but I'm not going to pay 50 to 63 euro in total for some coffee and an emote. That is my choice, I'm very aware of that, I think it would just be nice if GW2 made deals with brands on both continents, maybe including Australia as well, as they seem to miss out on things too. Either way, I'm happy that I'll now be able to get the emote from a twitch drop, so I'm no longer complaining about it XD
  15. With the 'four' chapters I meant launch + 3 major releases. In their announcement post of Janthir Wilds they wrote that the first major release will be in November, bringing more story content +raids. You can read all of that here: Announcement Janthir Wilds I can understand that you weren't happy with their approach on SotO, many weren't. Anet wrote a blog post about looking back on SotO and what they learned from it. Not sure if you read this yet but if not it might answer some of your questions/doubts as well. You can read that here: SotO looking back & forward All of that said, there is nothing wrong with waiting for reviews first. I wasn't a big fan of SotO, I just hope that Janthir Wilds will be better. I like the Homestead feature, so that is already a plus for me. From what content creators showed in their reviews, of the things arenanet allowed them to try, it looked promising.
  16. As an EU citizen I'm very pleased they decided to make it available for everyone now. So thanks Anet! As for those who bought the coffee and who are unhappy now.. Your frustration most likely feels the same as the frustration some people felt for not being able to get it.. But remember, you didn't buy it for the emote, you bought it for the coffee... (Right?) So compared to everyone who's now going to watch twitch for 8 hours to get it, you at least got to enjoy the coffee (if you found it enjoyable) and if you bought the more expansive version you also should still have your 'Limited Edition Guild Wars 2 Shaker Cup'. So all in all, you still had an exclusive, limited experience. The Coffee. And maybe even the Shaker Cup.
  17. Not sure if this is the right place for this.. And I'm certain it has been mentioned before.. But I think it would be appreciated by many new players if the legendary bosses in the Silverwastes appear more frequently during the defend phase, since they're defeated so easily & fast these days. (if they show up at all) It makes it hard for new players to unlock the mastery points that you get from defeating them.
  18. In fairness, I do think you should ask the question again after Janthir Wilds has been released / launched. Because for now, the homesteads are part of the Janthir Wilds story and seemingly lore. (Just like the guild halls were themed after the Expansions they came with. + the lore on those areas) The only way I can imagine them adding more choices would be through either another expansion or maybe in the Southsun Cove area, since Logan has mentioned that he was going to his Southsun House for a vacation at the end of a certain story mission... Though I doubt they'll add other options in the Gemstore. But I guess this is just another case of "Wait and see what happens." for now.
  19. Not sure if anyone else noticed this but on the Janthir Wilds release page there is an image of Isgarren floating in the center of the Guild's HQ in Lion's Arch at the spot where normally the NPC stands where you can buy / select the guild hall you wish to claim.. Is this a hint that we might be getting a new Kodan themed guild hall as well? Or is this just a random backdrop they used to portrait Isgarran? I personally would love it if we get a guild hall in this theme as well, certainly if it's the area that was used in the 'There is something leaving the water' teaser video for spears. One can only hope of course, then again if we don't get one that's totally fine for me as well because I'm already excited for the Homesteads. I just wanted to share my findings here and see if anyone else noticed it as well. I know Anet used to give us little hints in the past on things so it just made me wonder if this could be a hint as well. (I know the description of the screenshot says it's made for the Wizard's Vault but then again, why use the Guild HQ as a backdrop instead of the Wizard's Tower?) Also my apologies if someone else already mentioned this before. Edit: Looking more closely at the image I now also noticed Queen Jennah and others being there so I might be totally wrong of why he's there.. xD I need new glasses but still I stand behind my idea that it would be lovely if we get a guild hall themed after it as well.
  20. I just wanted to say, I love the Beach House Spiral Stairs and the Elonian Bazaar Shade decorations for the guild halls. I was wondering though, will we be able to craft these items in our homesteads as well when Janthir Wilds launches? Or will we have to wait for that till next year's festival of the four winds before those decorations become available in the homesteads?
  21. I think we can only use them to glide because they secretly clipped the wings 🐦
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