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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 6 hours ago, Chaotic.9760 said:


    Sorry, I thought I explained my point of view clearly. I've never played an MMO outside of GW2 so I'm personally not going by anything other than what ANET has given me over the years. I guess they've kind of set up an internal expectation on what the expansions should have vs what the living world seasons have. Going by the Guild Wars 2 Wiki itself this is what I'm seeing for each expansion:


    Heart of Thorns:

    - Obligatory story/lore/new maps

    - Obligatory PvP/WvW updates and additions

    - New Fractals

    - New legendary equipment

    - Nine elite specializations

    - The mastery system

    - Gliding

    - New profession: Revenant

    - Guild Halls

    - Raids


    Path of Fire:

    - Obligatory story/lore/new maps

    - Obligatory PvP/WvW updates and additions

    - New Fractals

    - New legendary equipment

    - Nine elite specializations

    - New Raids

    - New Guild Hall

    - Mounts

    - Strike missions

    End of Dragons:

    - Obligatory story/lore/new maps

    - New legendary equipment

    - Nine elite specializations

    - New Guild Hall

    - New strike missions

    - New mounts

    - Skiffs

    - Fishing


    Bold items are new features unique to the respective expansion. Everything else is new content for a previously released feature. Looking at just the bold items, to me, it seems as though EoD is a bit lackluster. We've gotten new mounts in the living world seasons so if skiffs (arguably a mount) and siege turtles are the tent pole features of the next big expansion, then yes, I'm left a bit disappointed and wondering what the hook is supposed to be. Things like new maps/story and elite specializations have become the base line expectation of expansions, but they shouldn't hold the entire product up.

    Except Strike Missions were introduced with IBS, not PoF. Ya know a living world update full season later.

    Moreso EoD does not bring just "new mounts" but expands greatly on what mounts can do - PoF mounts are pretty much only mobility tools, and EoD mounts expands that system into additional functions, like actual combat mount (siege turtle).

    Bonus points, since you already assigned Strikes - LWS addition - as expansion feature: EoD is going to revamp rewards structure for strike missions, and does it from the get go, so I would say that EoD has a greater hold to claim for strikes to be it's thing than PoF (when PoF launched nobody was thinking of strike missions, again it was IBS idea for "expac worthy content within LWS updates")

    • Like 1
  2. I would like to point out that we cannot feasibly expect them to provide new gamechanging mechanisms (likes of mastery system and mounts) at every single expansion they do - there has to be a point where they will need to stop doing these, even if only because there is only so many of such things you can squish ontop of each other.


    That being said I would myself that the "big" thing of EoD are multi-player/functional mounts. Just as pof expanded on mastery system with using it to bring mounts, it seems fitting that EoD would expand that to give us mounts that cover different roles than "first gen" of mounts - which includes: 1. ability to carry multiple players (both siege turtle and skiff does that) and provide non-movement function - siege turtle being the first combat mount (second player controls artillery on it's back) and skiff being the "fishing mount" tho exact ramification of it seems not yet clear (we got confirmed that you can fish out of one, and play musical instruments, while on one and AN mentioned "anchoring" in preview stream, but after that recent trailer I am unsure if that will work in a way I thought it would from first peek)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    It was pretty obvious she was going to get resurrected

    But when I made a thread complaining about how cheap the killing off of her was in LWS4E5, and how it creates unwinnable situation where it's either she resurrects or we are going to get huge deus ex machina in season finale, half of the forums rushed to AN's defence and how "mature" it is to have us fail, and for important characters to die xD

    That arc they tried to pull off there could have worked, but not in span of 3 episodes, and would need a couple of major fixes on the part of needless escalation of urgency.

    1 hour ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    (2) resolving that with "actually keep doing the exact same thing, our pet dragon just deletes all those consequences"

    I was replaying PoF recently to catch up my main on all the story content in paralel with reruns (was doing story on different characters since pof landed) and I couldn't help but notice, that the cutscene for "The Legacy" was heavy on symbolism of 6 - when they removed two orbs from the all, everything starts collapsing, and whole symbolical end of the world started stabilizing and reverting only after they recreated whole "figures" with 6 nodes. Which should imply that aurene should not be able to just wave away consequences, and we still need to replicate the ecosystem function of at least some more of EDs at this point. And I am quite convinced at this point, that we will be dealing with that hanging thread in EoD.

    This is exactly what I don't like within IBS writing drizzlewood forward - we just jumped into fighting back both jormag and primordus, and not only up from the beginning of champions we talk about making them kill each other, at no point all the way till the end, we do not stop to ask a question what about impact on the All? The topic was dropped in LWS4, and is only picked up gain in LWS rerun dialogues, after IBS. And I think we needed that dialogue to happen within IBS.


    And because I cannot stress it out enough - going on from pof story, aurene was meant to only be first, of new generation of benevolent magical balansers (in-game called ED, but "Elder Dragon" does not seem to fit very well to a dragon whose age is still a single digit......), not the one to balance it all on her own. And IBS ignores the topic all together without even giving clear indication if that is still a thing or not.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    After Drizzlewood however.... well let us know your thoughts - good or bad

    to be fair myself I felt sort of disjointed at drizzlewood already - map is nice and fun, but


    Ever since prologue we are all about stopping charr civil war from erupting, all the way up to the end of shadow in the ice. There we get wounded, supposedely gets carried to aurenes new lair in eotn for recovery and once we get back into the fray....

    We get greeted with rytlock's going "this civil war is taking too long", apparently during our recovery not only civil war has erupted, but also managed to get from fair successes of united legion, through collapse of united legions frontline in drizzlewood, with perspecitve of united legions actually loosing it. It kind of felt to me like there was supposed to be something in between that was skipped for some reason. (And I don't mean Echoes of the Past, since that interlude does not seem anyhow aknowledged within rest of story, I suppose it could count if we got some dialogue going like "ok so that civil war started, but you are still in need of alot of recovery so let's rest of dragons watch handle it for now, while you study the scryin pool, m'kay?", but unfortunatelly we didn't)

    But I am blaming Covid for that 🙂

    About champions I think it's... meh. Ain't imo as tragic imo as some people proclaim, but it ain't even remotely close to the levels we had in LWS4.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, PeachyPleasure.8049 said:

    This is clearly nothing more than letting us know that this feature will be present and that's all. 

    To me that video sounds like it was not even crafted for "us" but for anyone out there that missed first peek stream and didn't somehow get the memo just yet.....


    tho I find it baffling how so many people just decided to jump the train and probleim that somehow this means that fishing will be "press F for salmon".

  6. 2 hours ago, Kraggy.4169 said:

    GW1 DID have quests they were just not called thar!

    I am quite sure GW1 called it's quests "quests" and I have big journal menu to manage those quests in there. 😉

    They even had a split between main quests, and side quests, and you had to return those quests for rewards at an NPC - not always the same one that gave them tho.

    It is GW2 that tried to be "different than your other MMO" and removed "quests as we know it" from the design board.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

    You don’t need WIlderness knowledge for survival skill condi cleanse if you are running bear stance and have sigil of cleansing on both weapon sets.

    yeah, but Gote (I think, keep confusing who said what ^-^') argued that LR is better stunbreak because "it cleanses 2 condis and provides fury" and the removal of 2 condis and fury is WS GM trait, so him later on going on with how he doesn't even run WS, seems self-undermining to me as well.

  8. 1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

    What is it? Better support or not?

    I may be wrong in this of course, but the "just make it better power and support" bit may have been attempt at mockery of your suggestions, not his idea on what should be done.

    Can't be sure.

    As for the suggestions on design - can't really say, didn't play soulbeast even remotely enough to comment on anything mentioned within wall of opening post.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, phandaria.4891 said:

    CA might stacking feels the most fun way to play druid. Still irks me how glyphs, which are the spec utilities, don't add anything to the gameplay Their usage are too niche.

    when you trait for them, they allow for some might generation from grace of the land outside of CA form 🙂

    Used to be raid meta to do so at some point btw.


    But outside of that I agree I have some trouble squishing any glyph into my general pve druid build as well. (partially because I prefer natural stride over verdant etching.... ^-^' )

  10. 28 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    Since we can't see what the new maps look like, it's all speculation, but I firmly believe they would still reflect an enormously weak state.

    I disagree in here - it could be a case if Kryta was still only relying on footsoldiers alone to do the job when it comes to defending their territory, but it is no longer a case since LWS: Watchknights, (first featured in LWS1, and the featured again in LWS3, and lastly in IBS) has shown themselves to be combatant on par with jade constructs, and it would be only logical that Kryta would build more of these over time. Also "enormously weak state" does not sent contingents to support other governments in their civil wars, as Kryta did in IBS, and we see Kryta able to liberatelly deploy their watchknights all over the place with IBS seraph support. Again, not a sign of "an enormously weak state".


    I agree that at this point in time Kryta may be the safest place in tyria - humans are the only race in the game that has managed to completely deal with their internal antagonists within the story.

    Meanwhile: Inquest is still mentioned to be going considerably well, even with the heavy losses they sustained during LWS4, Ghosts of Ascalon - still a threat - we didn't hear much of the nightmare court since hot to be fair - but that storyline was not officially concluded, so they are not out of the picture just yet, You could argue that sons of svanir should fall apart over time since Jormag's death, but untill they are addressed as fully gone they are still there.

  11. 6 hours ago, misterman.1530 said:

    As well, even though the Tier 3 reward is the backpack and the achievement says I've completed Tier 3/4 (but only 10/16 objectives - jesus this is confusing) - I didn't get the backpack. I would think the tier is a bug and I should have Tier 2/4 not 3/4.

    ah wait I missed that one - no that's not how it works - "Tier 3/4 objectives 10/16" means you are currently working ON tier 3 (have tier 2 completed) and that Tier 3 requires 16 objectives to be completed, out of which you have 10 done. Also when you hover over that 10/16 it will show you full description of which tier requiress how many to complete.

    • Like 1
  12. I mean I may be working atm at somewhat similar build on theme side (tho mine uses sword/wh instead of axe/axe) and it seems to be doing fine, but I am a firm believer that when themecrafting builds, experimentation and iteration is 90% of the fun 🙂 (yes I know I am repeating myself here, just cannot stress this one hard enough)


    If I may slip in another bit of advice - when themecrafting - don't compare to the soulbeast or any other class/espec, that kills alot of fun.


    For example for my recent themecrafted firebrand, one of the first comment I've heard on it was "it looks like weaker condibrand" and I didn't let it ruin the fun.


    I am also not letting the fact that this firebrand pumps out casually burning ticks on same damage per tick as whole condi "burst" of my current themecrafted druid stack of bleeds, ruin the fun with the druid either.


    3 minutes ago, Rukasu.3097 said:

    Druid's staff is probably the worst weapon in the game. 


    Guardian/Warrior hammer would like to have a word with you. (and a couple other weapons that are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Druid's staff).

  13. 10 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

    Can you imagine someone whose first language is not ambiguous English?


    I can, of course I know such person, it's me! 😉


    And I had no issue with correctly interpreting neither issue of the achievement nor description of fragment of prismatic light.


    Here is a thing, whole problem fades away when you apply a little bit of logic to it - for example in case of fragment of prismatic light - if it was needed to be present in inventory to obtain precursor, it would be used as a token for thing....

    And if it was a token for precursor straight out, why go over so many words, when they could just say "exchange this item for gen3 legendary precursor in EoD"? So the mere fact they went for so many words in that description implies on it's own that "this item" does not refer to precursor.


    And then there is also that bit of common sense that 90% of the time when item description containts "this item" it means this item and not any other item named within that description.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, misterman.1530 said:

    This is unclear. There are two objects referenced in that paragraph. The Fragment and whatever precursor weapon you choose. So, when it says "Once this item has been acquired..." what is "this" referring to - the Fragment or the precursor? I would assume the precursor. There are people for whom this will be confusing. That last line should have read "Once the precursor has been acquired...".


    A guild mate asked raised support ticket for clarification of that description, and the answer was that it is safe to sell Fragment of Prismatic Light itself  as soon as you obtain it - the mere fact of obtaining the item, raises a flag on your account that makes you eligible for single pruchase from an NPC that will come with EoD.


    So the last line should NOT have read "Once the precursor...." as it would go agains intended meaning. Hence "once this item".


    As for the rest of the premise - if you have followed any news related to the LWS rerun, you would have known that LWS4 is set to start rerunning tomorrow, and that so far each meta-achievement follows the "return to (map name)", hence it should not be a huge leap of logic to figure out that "Return to Dragonfall" is meta achi corresponding with LWS4E6, and therefore not released yet.


    That being said, I believe that both that, and following achievement showing up in achievement tab was a slip, and we were not supposed to see them just yet.

  15. The only advice I can give is to read up on what each trait does, and experiment with them.


    Like the whole fun of making a thematic build is experimenting with trait choices, skills etc. yourself.



    dmg of druis is crap with the pet dmg reduce by 15%


    so firstly, it's pet stats reduction by 20%

    secondly, that loss on pet dps hardly matters in "general PvE" and for WvW it's utility over dps when it comes to pet choices most of the time anyway. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I'm sure they were great for end-content, but I never really did much of that.


    That's what I was talking about - there never were "great" for end-game content - it is relatively recent development in terms of hero build and AI research that made them even "viable" for end-game content (i.e. Domain of Anguish).


    They may have at best hampered people willingness to group for easy quests, (tho I remember searching help of other players at one point during my first playthrough of nightfall campaign in a handfull of points, even with heroes)but it took years for them to even enter debate on the stuff considered actually worthy grinding. And even then it is much easier to just group up with full adequate sized team of players than trying to get through with heroes.


    And here is the twist - even after all of that I still think that heroes concept do NOT belong in GW2. Even when I disagree with that particular argument agaionst them 😉

    • Like 1
  17. 11 hours ago, Hypnowulf.7403 said:

    I have no doubt in my mind that End of Dragons is one, last push for profit before GW2 is placed into maintenance mode.


    and this is exactly why now they invest alot of resources in engine and infrastructure to futureproof their game... oh wait.


    Just in case you didn't get this one: updating game engine from DX9 to DX11 is that kind of investment that is not worth doing "just for marketing gig before going into maintenance mode". It is kind of work you do when you want to prepare your product for futher updates and development, for years to come.


    PS. weren't you a guy that kept projecting yourself onto jormag, and then got mildly upset when both forum and later reddit told you that you are in fact self-projecting, and what you preceive as happening is not what story tells?

    • Thanks 3
  18. On 8/21/2021 at 8:36 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    It was a sad day when Heroes were added to Guild Wars.

    Just killed any kind of parties forming.

    I'd hate to see the same thing happen here, just for the sake of old dungeons.

    (By the way, the Devs consider Fractals to be dungeons.)


    While I am not in favour of the OP idea, this statement is incorrect - it took years of stagnation, and research of heroes to come up with a compsition that can hope to approach end-game content in GW1 and even then that composition requires player to know those maps very well and micromanage the living hell out of them if he wants to replicate what a human-based comp would do without issue.


    And for YEARS after introduction of heroes people were still forming parties for that content while flat out considering heroes as not even viable option.


    And gw1 had henchies from the get go, so it's not like there was no npc teammates at all.


    But NPC teammates (even customisable ones) made perfect sense in GW1. Not so much in GW2, so I guess we can agree at this 🙂

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