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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. I am hoping that since this was not mentioned in the patch notes that it was not intentional stealth nerf but a bug/accidental slip of a change.


    But I can toss onto the pile of confirming that it is indeed a case now - I've got burning ticks on druid after getting ashes from someone - on druid build that features no burning, so it had to be ashes proc.

    • Confused 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Canonically, there WERE a few years. Nightfall was 1075, Beyond ended in 1079 IIRC.


    I suspect that if it ever gets acknowledged, ArenaNet will say that a new Spearmarshal was appointed after the Slayer of Abaddon disappeared in the caves beneath Istan in 1078.


    was slayer of abaddon ever canonically aknowledged as spearmarshal following kormir? as far as I could keep track there is a hole in canon on whom was the spearmarshal between kormir nad tahlkora (tahlkora was last spearmarshal of original sunspears order)

  3. 32 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Koss grossly overestimated his chance


    if there is one thing Koss was consistent at in GW:N it was Koss overestimating his abilities xD


    34 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    We're dealing with the realm of might-have-beens here, but the Sunspears probably got a big influx of recruits post-Nightfall after liberating Kourna and Vabbi.


    Possibly, but between getting influx of recruits and training them into valuable army there are some years in between all while still having to clean up rest of the mess Varehs has left in her wake.


    35 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I get the impression, though, that the Spearmarshal at the time didn't believe Joko was a threat.


    I would say Joko at this point was easy to forget about - I mean some lich beyond desolation in his bone palace, all while you have a number of problems in you own backyard to clean up. Also I would imagine alot of people would be not much keen on sunspears initiating another war just after that siege of gandara that has resulted with alot of demonic stuff being unleashed upon people.


    That being said if the same dude that took over spearmarshaling when kormir got onto the trip with zaishen got into lead position after her ascension to godhood for any time I could imagine that guy completely writing off joko's threat as "some lunacy and fantasies of a warmongering idiot, and no threat at all" xD


    So big question in here is who was the spearmarshal during Koss's expedtion - was it already Tahlkora, or was there someone in between?

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    It's implied that they possibly did - in Koss's time, Koss wanted to take Joko out, but the leadership at the time decided not to. It's unclear who made that call. Koss and his followers wasn't able to take Joko out themselves, but it's possible that with the knowledge of the Junundu, a credible assault could have been made.


    Koss believed that it could be done, and against spearmarshal took people to try and failed.

    Here is a thing, junundu or not, Joko at this point has his undead armies back and is fortified inside his bone palace - it would take alot of manpower to try to break it, and remember that each soldier fallen, means potential of another soldier to enemy army (not to mention Joko's ability to re-awaken his awakened), so we are looking here at long bloody campaign with alot of care put to make sure that dead stays dead. Sunspears pre-gandara maybe could have been able to put up such campaign, but after nightfall the order is in shambles, and they have nowhere near enought manpower to think of taking any serious actions. Which would be why Spearmarshal (probably Tahlkora at that point) decided to refuse Koss's request.

  5. The way I remember it we are told to go there and investigate, kormir get's sucked up into realm of torment while we are still en route and when we get there joko pops up from the ground and starts running.


    So as alot of people in here said - we didn't release him, our "wrongdoing" was assisting him to reclaim rule over his domains for knowledge how to traverse desolation - but hey alternative was a merger between real of torment and all of tyria so it's not like there was a "good decision" to be made there. (And after abaddon is dealt with it is not like sunspears have any means to do anithing about joko in his bone palace, up until he redirects the river at which point it is tad to late to do anything)

  6. ok so as promised I did a second round of testing in roaming, and I must say that lack of bazilion of people around has exposed issues that failed to meet the eye first time around.


    So first and foremost, despite building for survivability and condi cleanse (and heals) willbender fails to sustain against the class that on paper should have not been a contest in 1v1 - firebrand (firebrand shines in groups, but is not all that good for roaming, and here we go roamer firebrand wins a duel against roaming willbender, twice).


    And mobility wilbender promises, is well, an illusion. I was unable to break off the combat from the LEAST mobile of guardian classes in game (was a bit of lenghty chase, and while firebrand was unable to keep hitting me due to some distance I have managed to put, we were still within combat range (any ranged equivalent would be able to finish me off during that chase, as it was shown when harbinger came about, noticed whole scene out of benny hill, decided to pop in, toss couple condis and that has put a stop to whole thing, in about 10 seconds.


    And on bonus points: during whole testing session I have had virtues interrupted and put on full cooldown 3 times, within a scope of two fights.


    So despite original good impression,  testing in more "realistic" environment have shown to yield similar results to what other posters above have spoken about above - the espec does not deliver on any promise it makes. It's mobility it's fancy ilussion of nice animations, it is no assasin, and definitelly not a brawler.

    • Like 4
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  7. 17 minutes ago, Ezrael.6859 said:

    Permeating Wrath - Does nothing now? Or AoE burns from Virtue procs? It's awful compared to Core / DH / FB


    works exactly same except only within 6-8 seconds depending on choice of traits after clicking f1 - assuming you don't click f2 nor f3 during that time.

  8. 5 hours ago, Ezrael.6859 said:

    Permeating Wrath - The increased proc frequency for Justice passive is wasted.

    Just bumping in here to say this if one of first things I have tested and it is not wasted - it adjuste the proc rate of justice "stance" you get after executing F1 (meaning that you will proc the stance every 3 hits instead of 5)

  9. 17 minutes ago, Math.5123 said:

    4: The Adept tier of the WB traitline is honestly so unbelievably terrible I honestly don't even spec into it. No trait gives any value what so ever. 

    personally I went with the heal tradeoff, because as a willbender I ain't gonna "heal" anyone much anyway, I guess the power/toughness tradeoff could work but is simply not my cup of tea, and well can't really speak on the boon tradeoff, as I decided it is better if I can still provide those, so I guess it could need a touch/rework?


    1. I agree on aftercasts,

    2. not exactly willbender issue per say, but tbh at modern scape of the game I agree it should not root

    3. physical skills not only missing trait to improve them, but so far after some limited testing I am hard pressed to find much of them that I would actually want to use tbh.


    5. well they said on the stream that willbender flames are there mostly to proc hits for the virtues, but yeah, very nice animation, arguable benefits

    6. heal skill used as usable on paper when it seemed to be fire and forget effect, with it actually being 1s channel I don't see it ever taken over shelter (pvp modes) and litany of wrath (pve)


    I would not exactly say that it has no redeeming factors, but it is indeed hampered by it's issues that's for sure.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

    I should clarify for some of the responses here: I don't doubt that people will be using sword offhand to try it, but I mean to ask whether anyone expects to use it seriously beyond the initial test drive of the elite spec.


    Well after my testing so far I still intend on using it 🙂

  11. After a bit of toying around it today here is my first thoughts in the spec:

    The whirly kick locks the control to move toward the target or "forward" when casted without it. personally I'd prefer it to not lock out the movement from me.


    sword 4 is tad to long, even if I land first hit, nobody stays there to receive the second.

    sword 5 seems fine so far


    Overally I like the build I've got rolling so far for roaming, but I find it... awkward that it uses none of utilities provided by espec.

    I am also not exactly using anything from those virtue stances, they could just as well not exist and I would probably not notice, and grandmaster traits seems to lack in good choices for that playstyle - so far I was running the justice alteration one, but again with virtues procs not exactly mattering, big chunk of this trait seems doing nothing most of the time. On same basis I guess trading heal for alac won't have much of impact, I will try tomorrow the deathless courage, but I kind of doubt it being of much use - probably just a tool to get 4sec of not dying in hope for cooldowns to come down.


    I think that what I would consider doing to those passive triggers is to (greatly) reduce amount of hits needed to trigger passive, but introduce icd how often they can proc? (fe once per second?)


    I will post more once I get to try to roam a bit during period where there is a slightly bit less of a players running around in small groups toying with new especs or dueling all over the place.

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  12. 5 hours ago, Exile.8160 said:

    True and I agree. Tho I dont think it would be that gamebreaking since renegade already has an aoe alacrity.


    It is not "broken" that I was concerned about, but giving fuel to all the guardian haters that are already going mad over the fact it dares to even have self-alac xD


    but I checked in the beta, and there is updated description for willbenders - battle presence makes the virtue heal allies at interval, permeating wrath affects the "stance" proc, and that f2 equivalent works in full akin to permeating wrath (clears condi on activation and heal from 5 strikes proc gets doubled) so here is that.

    • Like 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Exile.8160 said:

    I dont think anet will leave several trait to be literally useless without tell ppl meaning that newer player you pick the trait thinking it does something.


    Oh don't get me wrong, I am very sure they will adapt Battle presence to do "something" within new system. What I am hoping for tho is that this adaptation won't make the alacrity shared to teammates.

    • Like 1
  14. 39 minutes ago, Heinel.6548 said:

    Fine. I'll delete that phrase. It's not a relevant point. 6 seconds on 20 seconds is 30% reduction. That's not "not noticeable." And where did they say the reduction is capped at 6?


    When they explicitelly said that it refunds "unused" part of "stance" duration, and the base duration of these is 6s there is no way to have more than that of "unused" stance duration. On example they provided, he popped f1, then instantly f2 and cd on f1 dropped by 6s (because he used nothing off f1 duration, had he waited couple secs refund value would be lessened by how long he waited)


    And yes as far as my personal experience go, when I go from 20s till next use to 14s till next use I don't exactly notice the difference. In both cases I need to stay alive for nearly forever before next use soooo 😉

    • Confused 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Heinel.6548 said:

    Use F1 to recharge F2. The only benefit you gain from flowing resolve is negligible healing unless you are cleaving many targets. In most cases, you just want the initial evade and cleanse.


    That still makes no sense in context of the sentence I quoted where you tried to argue that "you don't need the burning on those (power) builds anyway" (paraphrasing here), and even if you drop f1 just after f2 you are only getting at best timing 6s off the cd shaved, which for f2/f3 is no longer that noticeable imo. I would still not pick this over the resistance trait (I suppose some changes are coming to the resistance trait, it is a bit overloaded compared to the other two)

  16. 17 minutes ago, Heinel.6548 said:

    I'd look at this the other way around. Justice is the one you burn to recharge the other two, especially if in a power build that isn't gonna need the burning.


    You seem to have misconception on how this trait works - "using justice to recharge other two" means you just sacrificed the "stance" of other two, to override it with justice "stance" meaning you are now in the stance that gives the burning "you didn't even need".

  17. 2 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Heres hoping this is the case. They could do it in two cities at the same time though. If kaineng even becomes an instanced city, i doubt that, Amnoon wasnt afterall.


    Well original Kaineng City consisted of multiple maps, "city" and "outposts" so it is quote possible that there could be one huge map called "kaineng city" but I would not expect it to follow "city" rules.

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