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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 8 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

    Somehow the lore attached to the theme sounds kinda lazy or less appealing. Imagine dipping all different 16 weapons on aurene magic and u get the same lore . Same lore for 16 weapons.


    Personally I would not jump to conclusion that every weapon will have same lore. For all we know, each weapon could have a separate piece - even if all aurene related - of lore attached to it.

    • Like 2
  2. dragonhunter has this trait "soaring devastation":



    Aside from making Wings of Resolve hit upon landing, it provides passive +25% movement speed when they are off cd.


    As far as core/FB goes, mantaining swiftness it only way to try to keep up in fracs. Strikes rarely has need to move all that much, and the ones where movement is really needed you can use mounts anyway 🙂


    ("Retreat!" is the main source of mantaining swift, SY! and staff may not suffice, but "Retreat!" should do cover it perfectly)

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

    I wouldnt be surprised if we get 4winds 3/8 and it stays for 21 day

    More likely would be 10/8. 3/8 is release date for last featured episode of LWS3, and they don't seem to like to double those up with festivals (case in point - dragonbash released 1 week after last of LWS2).


    So 3/8 -> 9/8 featured week for one path ends, 10/8 -> ? festival of four winds?

  4. 3 hours ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

    Don't agree.  One example to help you understand my argument.  Go to SW and take part in preventing the occupation of any fort.  Stick with it until the game triggers it's cheat event.  What happens is the game will spawn a kitten load of those leggy things right at your location.  They will knock you down and keep you there until dead, not to mention they virtually one shot.  The same amount of leggy things running around normally I can dispatch quite easily.   Are you getting the picture?


    That whole post sounds like gross lack of knowledge about mechanics what is going on. There is no "cheat event" when defending forts in SW, the game just tossed harder and harder assaults the higher tier the fort has. And you are not supposed to be able to hold fort solo. (Tho with all the powercreep it should have been much easier now than it was originally)


    There is no "leggy things" that "knock you down and keep you there until dead", there are alot of enemy types that has access to long knockdowns, so if you don't have stability/stunbreaks, of course they can and will CC lock you.


    That whole "on your exact position" and "teleport to you to finish you off" sounds like straight out fantasy trying to justify lack of knowledge on how those events actually work.


    And I am saying all those things from position of person whom have oversaw upgrade of singular fort from beginning to the end, numerous times for each fort out in SW. So Yes, I was satying at same fort from the very capture by the pact, all the way to the "breach" stage of the meta. At every single fort, multiple times each (hunting for legendary champions for achies just in case you wondered why)

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Easy esque fix. Make the game do a check. If you have Vision equipped you cant have Vision(slumbering) equipped. Same with Aurora/ the other items that dont have a toggle. That way you arent getting two for one. You are getting a choice between the effects or no.


    and to that allow me to respond with a quote of another poster before:


    20 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

    The game does not have a system that allows one object to block the usage of an object with a different item blueprint in another open slot.


    and no, the "add new item to be awarded from same crafting recipe" does not count. it would be separate item with separate attribute separate ID, even if it's single same recipe that spurted out both.

    (the example of infused vs no infused trinkets - they are separate items with separate item ID with different amount of infusion slots, regardless of "crafting recipe" used in producing them)

  6. 5 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    1.) Code a new legendary trinket for both vision and aurora(and whatever else has orbs that cant be turned off.)

    2.) Code it so that when Vision or Aurora are crafted it also unlocks the above item.


    and then you get into issue that crafting either gives you two legendary accessories for the price of one, people complaining that they have farmed all the resources they wouldn't if they knew they could get both slots occupied with just one, and ontop of that this would prevent real fix from ever arriving, because at the point AN would try to take away the "quickfix" effectless trinkets, there would be uproar of people who got used to having two triknets while they only every crafted one.

  7. 5 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    It's been a while since I did that instance but doesn't the hounds get back up if you take too long with the orbs?


    yes but it takes it so long that when I did it on guardian I had time to fail that minigame twice before it got up, and even then it was just the matter of bringing it down again.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Guardians would get access to Shortbow.


    I don't find that idea all that much appealing tbh, because samorais did not use "short" bows, like pretty much at all.

    The "classical" samurai used Longbows.


    But late samurai also used flintlocks, so we could be getting rifles.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

    You forgot Lazarus.


    I dunno what to expect tbh. I find it neccessary to kill off Aurene, because with her Around, there is no real tension in the story. She is just too pwerful, and unless you include tons of magic-/technobabble, there is nothing that can actually contest her anymore.

    But I am sceptical if Anet has the guts to kill her off.


    There is a very easy way aroudn that that does not involve killing aurene off - how about making conflicts that do not concern an elder dragon?


    There is alot of material for conflict that does not impact the balance and therefore would be "no concern for the prism".


    Here is a thing, with how aurene acted even within IBS, the story post EoD does not even need anything to be able to contest with her. Sotry does not even need anything trying to enter a contest against aurene. As long as it is not ED scale of danger to the whole world, Aurene is more than content to leave it to mortals to deal with whatever problem they have, while she contemplates... stuff I guess at the scrying pool.


    As for having guts to actually go ahead and kill her off - is it even possible to kill her off without heavy retcons? I mean she still has Joko's power of being virtually unkillable.

  10. To be fair I am unsure which part of this instance is supposed to "get timing any better", especially with hounds.


    You just kill one of them, scan the omadds machine, this throws you and two balls into air, grab those two balls, toss it from glider at the hound you killed, and repeat the process, each hound takes two throws to kill.


    Which part are you having problem with? killing the hound? dropping the orb? Figuring the sequence?


    EDIT: Small correction to Ashantara's post, no need to jump up, special action key on omadds machine launches you upwards on it's own, just need to deploy glider.


    EDIT2: also it is important to use that skill 1 while still gliding, touching platform removes it, requiring you to scan the machine and collect orbs again

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

    - Source for strikes just being story bosses instead of separate missions?


    Strikes were originally intended as story related boss encounters that could later be repeated on "harder variant" in 10 people squads. Shiverpeak pass was pretty much dead-on implementation of that concept, barring the difficulty part.


    On Reveal stream they explicitelly stated that those new strikes will be that, but with also special challenge mode for each one. They also said that this is why they won't give us details on those strikes, because that would be spoilers for main story.

    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Every time someone asks for housing, there's a bunch of people in the thread asking why, so yeah, you're probably right. And I have seen more of a few threads requesting fishing. I don't personally get it myself, but given a choice, I'll probably do more fishing than I would use housing. 


    Well to be fair I will need to see how that fishing works before I judge how much I am likely to end up participating in that particular activity, as far as housing goes, as long as it would be basically scaled down guild hall, I would totally use it alot - case in point: the only reason why I didn't go haywire on guild hall decorations yet, is that the prices of guild hall stuff are not exactly tuned to single player doing it all....

  13. 6 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    I don't know what else they could do besides housing that would be a major feature that wouldn't kitten some people off. And we know next to nothing about fishing. I suspect there'll be some surprises in that.  After all a whole mastery line is attached to it.


    And I am quite sure if housing was also announced there would be people complaining that "it ain't expansion worthy system"

    • Like 2
  14. On 7/31/2021 at 9:26 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Why anyone would want to remove gliding I have no idea--what does it even do other than straight up QoL improvement? 😄


    Well I can sort of get some people wanting to remove gliding - soon after it was introduced I was unfortunate participant of unfortunate zerg that tried to reset nothern towers on alpine BL that was owned by the "owners" of the BL. Alot of tires, and alot of good plays, trying to lure enemy zerg away by threatening their keeps etc. and all of that effort, only for them to just tp to their spawn, and glide from there to the tower. In one attempt we even got as far as to the lord room, when we finally were able to block them from gliding to the tower, by bombing the landing spot, but then they just glided to other place, regrouped there and it was again one of zergs from the map vs "main map blob", and you can imagine hot that ended....


    Don't get me wrong I had blast of a fun during that evening, but I can understand people being irritated with sheer mobility that gliding has enabled.

  15. 3 hours ago, EyzKold.8247 said:

    Anet...please consider changing the skills bound to 1,2, and 3 so that they are flexible. I really need them assigned to 2,3,and 4. 


    You can already change the binds on any skill, for example I have 1 under e, then 2,3,4,5 under 1,2,3,4, heal under q, utilities under r t f, elite under g, it may not be optimal layout but works for me.

    • Like 2
  16. 20 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:


    It's been talked about for a while, since at least season 4. If this were an Asian MMO, Aurene would definitely be getting a humanoid form after attaining too much power, and that would probably lead to the creation of a new race.


    but wouldn't ED's have humanoid form from the get go then too? 🤔

  17. 7 minutes ago, Jong.5937 said:

    I still feel there are too many steps in the “Icebrood” phase of the meta achievement (8) for “LS5” alone. 7 could be Icebrood Saga  with one at the end involving some kind of treasure hunt/collection that might need map currency. I’m hanging on to two stacks of everything for now, anyway, just to be sure!!

    The last patch, let us say "leaked" last achievement for "seasons of dragons" as "talk to gorrik and taimi after finishing Return to Dragonstorm". There are also visible achievements to talk with them after Return to Sirens Landing, and Return to Dragonfall.


    Prior to that dominant theory was of champions being split into two meta achies, just as it was smeared over 4 updates.


    I would agree with people saying that those currencies are to help people with aurora/vision while working on the Prismatic Champion's Regalia

    • Like 1
  18. 7 hours ago, wondercube.1680 said:

    I hope she doesn’t die. Thunderhead keep was already gut wrenching enough. 😩

    I mean, did you really believe they are going to let kralkatorrik just devour the very fabric of the whole universe in-game?


    22 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    That's the point of Aurene.

    Since she can channel all that magic, which she wasn't able to do in Season 3, Tyria's magic stabilized.


    Or maybe Taimi was just wrong and we should have let Balthazar do his thing in Season 3.


    Well the cinematic on glints legacy back in kesho during pof main story seems to be very specific with visuals on the number of entities doing the balancing being 6. So we are either still on the road to magical fallout, just bit slower if we allowed balthazar do his thing, or forgotten would have to be very wrong about their basises.

  19. Things I have learned from OP today:


    All the enemy players I meet in wvw, are in fact environment, not players!


    In all seriousness, ignoring OP seeming inability to spell "competitive", OP shows no point in trying to take them seriously by the second post within this thread.


    When you come off from the stance of "everyone who disagrees with my kitten ideas, is dishonest exploiter" no contructive discussion can be held.


    Does WvW needs improvement? I definitelly would not suffer from them. Are OP suggestions improvements? Does not sound so. Am I exploitative piece of a cat child, that wants to keep exploiting OP gear with op structure buffs and stacking of the server? That's a good joke, I don't even have full ascended, and the only times I see a stacked server is on rare ocasion my server get's linked to one of such. And even then most of my activities recently in wvw does not even revolve about objectives that can give any sensible stat improvement in the first place.

  20. 6 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

    Thanks for answering.

    Well, I do not understand this, because recently the legendary armory has come out that allows you to exchange legendary items with all the characters on your account ... this would solve this problem, right? and in case it was "a problem" an update is made, a small change that I do not think is excessively complicated if the purpose is good.


    No, it would only mean you would be able to use those 4 weapons across all characters. buy you still would only be able to craft 4, because there would be no way to obtain more of gift of exploration/equivalents.

    • Like 4
  21. the issue with the first idea (shared map completion) is that legendary weapons all take a "thing" related t completing map that is tracked on per character basis. Gen1 uses gift of exploration that is awared for 100% core tyria completion (2 per each character), and gen 2 iirc is split between usage of gift of maguuma (which takes 4 items awarded for each hot map completion), and gift of desert, which is similar deal except for pof. If you just make map completion account bound, each player that did not do 100% on all maps numerous time will be unable to craft more than 4 legendaries due to this.

    • Like 9
  22. gen2 legendary precurors are account bound from the get go and not obtainable through other means than crafting.

    gen1 precursors can be traded and their main source from the beginning of the game was random drops, mystic forge, and trading post.


    due to this I doubt that they are going to lift the limitation in any workable way for gen1 precursor crafting. So trading post I suppose it is for you.


    Good luck on your journey tho 🙂

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