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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 34 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    Dont worry harbinger will be OP too. Up to 37k hp, healing 1000+ hp per second from infinite shroud with big ccs and mobility. Def needs a nerf


    I am unsure if you are serious here or not but in case you were serious in here, I would like to point out that my first post in this thread stated that on paper at first glance all three looks broken and that they will be getting nerfed a number of times each 😉 


    That being said while to formulate any solid opinion on either of them, I am going to need to see how they interact with their core classes, and give it more thought, in case of willbender after giving it deepd though and rethinking it I think that it may not be as bad as they made it look, with main nerfs being needed on cooldowns on utilis (like that 15s cd stunbreak)

  2. 54 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    Bleed on crit is just sharper image from dueling trait line, so if you are doing condi, for some reason you will be needing 100% crit chance, which is almost impossible for mesmer unless you sacrifice majority of you damage to get more precision even with the new trait. 


    Don't quite need 100% crit chance for this to be strong - especially since there are traits within virtuoso itself that helps with it.

    Ranger and necromancer do not get all that much more precision anywhere and somehow thye can only get 33% chance, instead of guaranteed (and sigils that have guaranteed procs on crit have hefty icd).


    Good point with tho with mesmer already having exact same trait in other line, so now they can do it twice.


    56 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    Punished multiple ways, you mean that magnificent 400 damage? Or do you mean quickness and fury that is easily applied by self just by using core trait line? Because only hitting .036 percent of a guardian health and nothing else is so going to make this spec dominate.


    1. get hit back (we are yet to see scaling on that),

    2. quickness and fury - just because "it is easilly applied by self just bu using core trait line" does not nullify that point.

    3. give that mesmer freebie blade charge so it can throw another aegis up for freebies.


    59 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    Dealing tons of damage, surly you are not getting that impression from the first livestream elite show case? Because if so then I have good news, the damage is already nerfed by 40%


    No, that was impression just from this new stream where it was shown to be able to one-shot harbinger amount of hp before blight comes into play even.

  3. 5 hours ago, Amanda Whitemoon.6173 said:

    my main character is not from Tyria, she just helps out , after gw1 she returned to her homeworld, now for tyria 250 years have passed, not for her, and she returns after a request for help.


    So basically Narnia, but in Tyria? 🤔 interesting approach.

  4. 13 hours ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    ah yes, virtuoso and its overlapping and useless trait line is definitely broken.

    "useless trait line" that includes, 100% to inflict bleeding on critical hit (for reference, necros and ranger equivalent of this trait is 33% chance to proc same amount of bleed on criticals), aegis on every shatt... bladesong, and a trait that punishes people in multiple ways for trying to hit virtuoso when it has that aegis up (and not only aegis, as evades count)


    All of that coupled with an espec that already deals a truck worth of damage just from skills alone.


    I am standing by my stance that on paper all three of them are subject to heavy nerfing as soon as expac drops (some maybe even before that)

    • Confused 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    Id rather use meditations than physicals personally


    well have you seen cooldowns on physicals?


    but yeah as it is, I don't know which one of those three is more broken - willbender for sure did 180 degrees turn in mobility, turning from least mobile class in the game, to class with the most mobile espec - and big chunk of it does not require target to do their thing, meaning that disengage ability has skyrocketed, from 0 to very strong. I will need to spend more time with that traitline to make any judgement on that one, but so far it indeed does not seem to synergize with anything outside espec at first glance. I like the tradeoffs everywhere (no virtue passives, and alot of trates being tradeoffs as well, I didn't caught if those virtue stance-but-not-stance is something that sticks untill swapped to other one, or if it's timed, or a bit of both)


    15s stunbreak is probably first one to get nerfed btw.

  6. to be fair as far as I was able to follow all three of those especs are broken, and I expect them to not only get nerfed prior to release but I expect a number of nerfs incoming after release.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

    I personally think they look awesome. Can't wait to try them out in the beta event (though I'm already leaning towards switching my Firebrand to a Willbender based on the trailer alone...it's that cool).


    yeah going of the trailer alone I am hoping to switch my general build from firebrand to willbender, and I am very likely to try to make wvw roaming build for it as well. And that should be taken as testament to AN marketing in here beceuse before the tease I was not interested in "whatever they will make for guard because it obviously will never be as cool on thematic level as muh firebrand".


    I suppose within next hour or so I will either be reinforced in that or rethink my stance on the subject xD

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Harak.8397 said:

    I mean, you could have simply wrote: "I misread, sorry." 😉

    Tha would "only" cut out one paragraph and a verse from the wall of text 😉


    1 hour ago, Harak.8397 said:

    Here's your Human link to Holosmith. CAREFULLY READ the dialogue

    ...and for scourge


    Weaver is a little more twisted but still there


    We've already established Spellbreaker and Firebrand as human centric. That leaves Renegade, Deadeye, Soulbeast and Mirage.  I have to admit I wasn't exactly right either. Here's hoping at least half the EoD E-specs are also free of racial ties.


    Fair points I was unaware of those lore bits for those three.


    1 hour ago, Harak.8397 said:

    Tell you what, let's wait until all the EoD specs are announced, then we can count how many, from HoT to EoD, are directly related to humans and discuss if it's a fair ratio in a game with 5 playable races.

    Until, then have fun in game!


    Have fun too 🙂

  9. I don't like the specific idea of OP - the arbitrary decision on how long character can keep their name is not a good one imo.


    The idea just after it, should be doable I think - we already have unique account name, so characters could use that in addition to their name as UID I think (or even better, use acc name and character slot number as UID), and this would open all the names for new characters.

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  10. 51 minutes ago, Andovar Edoras.2143 said:

    So is it Dps then or? How will it fare against DH and FB, both which have very strong roles in the "meta".


    it would seem like dps-y one from the trailer, but to be sure we will need to wait till today's stream

  11. 21 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    That's not the only issue, it doesn't take long to outsustain a guardian and all top roaming specs are heavy on sustain to fight and run away and..ofc survive a 1vs2 so...Willbender got so much to cover that I doubt it will


    to be fair I don't neet it to contest for a "top" roaming spec, just "good" will do it for me 😉 So ability to put a serious fight in 1v1, solo cap the camps, and be able to disengage when getting +1'ed. That's all I am asking for.

    • Like 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, Exile.8160 said:

    Oh well since we were talking about DH I figure it was the f2 but yeah even with gs3 in the mix it doesnt make guard a roamer lol


    Well at least a good one, as so far there are, "viable" roamer guardian builds, mostly using dragonhunter, but all of them I have seen struggle from same issue - once you are in fight you either win or die, and no in between. While most of the "good" roamer builds have tools to escape from the fights that took bad turn (thiefs being in particular strong in that department, but they are not the only ones with effective tools to disengage, they ust happen to have most tools to do so).


    What I would hope for Willbender is to give us some proper good roaming builds that doesn't have to commit 100% into every fight, and have tools to disengage and retreat, when necesary.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Harak.8397 said:

    Herald is a HoT Elite Spec, thank you for proving my point


    proving what point again?


    ok after re-reading whole thing couple more times again to be sure I did notice that I went with assumption that you mean every espec of revenant except renegade. I see now you have most likely meant especs for all the classes not just rev here.


    So as far as the especs already in-game goes it's still "all of them except half, and that one" but it's thanks to "since pof" not "except renegade" as I previously presumed.


    Now here is a thing with lore ties, - with all the "elonian people learned to do X and Y" there is obviously to be some tie to human lore, just on the sake of elonians being mostly humans, but once we look past that part I don't really get striked but much of "human-centric" backgrounds for most of them? spellbreakers being the biggest offenders there, being basically descendants of sunspears,  followed by firebrands, since tome skills outright refer stories of elona domains, but others tends to not be so direct. Only link for them being "X class in the dessert has learnt to do this desserty thing" Mirage is about illusions that happens at dessert as far as popular knowledge goes, scourges are sand necromancers, deadeyes could fit hot just as good as they fit pof, holosmith also seems not really bound to any human lore, can't speak much on ele pof spec.


    and as far as they went with announcing eod especs the trend keeps continue - the only big link to "human lore" I can see in virtuoso, harbinger, is that they happen to be "fitting to cantha" which is an independent human empire, you could make argument for "blight" refering to canthan story, but "blight" in factions was caused by rogue envoy, so I am not exactly sure how explainable it would be for the same blight to be something alchemists could synthetise in potions 250 years after said envoy got removed. Guardians here, being lore linked to canthan throne seems to be strong lore link that I can agree, but it would still be far from "everything except renegade"

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

    Kormir herself was pretty angry when the commander asked the God to intervene in the war against Balthazar and the Elder Dragons.


    That would most likely be due to her having quite fond memory of what happens when gods fight. Not because of her being angry at a concept of balthazar getting slain. Especially since she herself points out that the "solution is within your reach" hinting at the sword we then use to defeat balthazar.

  15. 13 hours ago, Harak.8397 said:

    I know this. My issue with it is that every Elite spec since PoF save for Renegade has been connected with human Lore.


    "Every elite spec except half of them so far". Also Herald is connected to Glint, which being crystal dragon known for being a prophet with a whole DWARVEN brotherhood at her side is hardly "human lore" beyond being "gw1 lore".

    • Thanks 1
  16. 11 hours ago, Exile.8160 said:

    Teleports on guard alone arent the best for roaming either since you will always need an enemy target to even activate the skill.


    teeeeeeeeeeeechnically speaking all of them can be activated without valid target. it's just the skip the teleport part if you do so. Which is arguably worse, as you can easilly waste them as they are now.


    as for the 15s cd leap I think they were refering to Leap of Faith (GS leap), not Wings of Resolve which in fact has 15s cd in pvp/wvw. But to that I would rais argument that compared to other melee GS gap closers leap of faith is very short in distance covered.

    • Confused 1
  17. 13 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

    So why don't they update it then? It looks, to me, the same visually as it did when GW2 launched. Back then it was very impressive looking, now it looks dated. If they haven't updated it at this point, why would we think it is possible they will in the future?


    In case you missed the news that I was refeering to in my post - they are in the process of doing so - first step - porting the engine from DX9 to DX11 - and they said themselves that this first step will allow them for further work in terms of both optimization and graphic fidelity.

    • Like 1
  18. 14 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

    I mean, at some point they can't do GW2 anymore, right? End of Dragons sounds a lot like the last expansion, personally. Not only does it have the word "End" in it, but it is ending the cycle that the entire second game is based upon. It would be weird to start a new narrative direction with a new enemy (not Elder Dragons) and not start also with a brand new game. Path of Fire, while focused on Balth, was about his goal of dealing with the dragons.


    Aside from narrative reasons, financially it would make them more stable over the next decade to have a brand new game they can update than one 9+ years older. Many of the millions of GW2 players will be attracted to GW3, whereas GW2 has lust its luster to a lot of people despite new content because of how aged it looks and feels at this point.


    And at every single step AN takes all the unnecessary steps to go out of their way just to "clarify" EoD is not the end of GW2. Not to mention the work on porting the engine to DX11 - it is not kind of the work they would do if they were planning on the next game anywhere soon.


    As for technical things you mention - it is perfectly possible to update the existing engine to the modern standards without having to develop new game for it.


    Also, I highly doubt that NCSoft at this point would greenlight GW3....

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