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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 14 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

    Most of the new hacks and other BS flying around the internet use exploits that simply are not present in the XP64 OS anyway.  Nobody is looking for me.

    Tell that to British Health services...... (ya know the ones that some time ago did suffer huge losses due to getting their entire system infected by ransomware that would fail to work against anything windows7 or newer)


    14 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

    It's my personal machine, and I use it as I please. 

    but you said you only play the game on "work computer"? Are you self employed or sth? cause I don't exactly see how those two statements can get along together without contradicting otherwise.


    14 hours ago, Spook.5847 said:

    But, there's an entire community of folks who still write programs, etc for XP

    There is also entire community of folks believing earth is flat, it doesn't justify trying to cling on insecure antics.


    12 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    And yet you're still here -almost as if you'll buy EoD anyways, but just feel the need to spam messages like this to feel edgy.  🤔 


    The irony of this one is funny 😉

  2. 1 hour ago, Spook.5847 said:

    But yes, I am sure you will be pleased to know I wont bother to play after they stop supporting my XP64 client at the end of August.  Since I play mainly on my work computer, it simply isnt worth it to me to deal with Win7's terrible interface, file search system, etc, just to keep drudging along here


    Wait what? what serious company is still using WinXP on their hardware? (Mac support ended earlier, and it's all apple's fault for that one). Haven't your employer heard of the drama 2 years ago when british health services and Rolay Navy suffered huge losses from ANCIENT ransomware that exploited ancient and well known by now vulnerability? Using WinXP at this point is actively inviting trouble.


    1 hour ago, Spook.5847 said:

    (and only a fool would run Win10 on any machine connected to the internet). 


    Only a fool would run system that had no security patches in nearly a decade, on any machine connected to the internet.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    If Livia can, so can the Hero of Ascalon!

    if Magi Malaquire can live for a thousand years, why not the Hero of Nightfall?


    Livia had Scepter of Orr to make it happen, didn't hear the story of that "Magi Malaquire" 😉


    I am not going to mind someone's head cannon for doing that just asking how they are trying to justify it... probably mostly to see if they even bothered to think about that ^-^'

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


    To be fair after doing it once the legendary pve armor, I kinda assumed they would release more armors in the future that animated in combat all through black lion chests ofcourse to get people to spend.


    Im shocked it never happened all that work to release 3 armor sets and then welp lets never do that again. 


    Well basically the thing here is that AN have spent alot of effort on that first set, and then community reaction was....unfavourable (pretty much everyone that cared to voice opinion was complaining about how "kitten" that "legendar armor" was) to the point where AN decided "never again". Source: they said so on one of AMA's don't remember which precise one. Took alot of community effort for them to even make wvw/pvp legendary armors and even then they made it retain the skin of the precursor piece (so basically cut down 99% of work out of it)

    • Thanks 1
  5. As far as mentioned addons go I don't think that they will ever get official support.


    I could see somewhen down the line AN making a dedicated infrastructure to support people creating addons to the game with limited functionality to what AN would seem ok (like for texture swappers, or UI customisations), but that would be it, and big if on wether or not they will actually do it at any point.

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  6. if that achievement was giving waterbreather instead of amulet it would fail to generate incentive for anyone to actually care to make one imo. There is basically no high end underwater content to justify need for one in the first place.


    Transcendence should have been a ring imo. The only reason it is amulet is that when transcendence and conflux were made, there already was a ring (coalescence) so for full set of trinkets they were missing a ring and an amulet. So AN didn't want to double on ring slots, and wanted to slap out last trinket type asap. So I would not use "invalidates transcendence" as an argument here.

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  7. On 8/8/2021 at 5:49 AM, Konjo.4981 said:

    A lot of players (including me) use the same character name they used in the original Guild Wars. So they are still (role)playing the same person/character.


    I am not curious how did you justify human living for over 250 years in your rp....


    While my GW2 guardian has same name as my gw1 warrior I had him to be descendant (not same person 😉 ) and I even wanted to mark that by expanding the name to show his heritage, but all of alterations I could invent were too long for character limit....


    The only one I pretend is same person, is rev, but that is basically because revenant lore + my headcannon on what happened to my pvp-only rit in between the game just screamed to do it.... Aaaand rev is still pretty much pvp only character xD


    That sside I would love Weh No Su to still be a thing (maybe even required story step during eod?) in gw2 cantha.

  8. the issue I find with this idea of OP is that as far as my experience goes, "community" of this game has that very interesting split that there is alot of folks that are super nice in game and on certain discord servers, but when you try to peek at official forums, or reddit and suddeny here are all those toxic people I never meet in-game 😉


    So in short - online presence of this game's community is bad, and trying to extend it to further platforms may backfire in a form of making people believe whole community is like that.

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  9. On 8/6/2021 at 11:15 PM, Imba.9451 said:

    True, but literally every action movies does this. Hero kisses girl right before doing kitten stuff.

    Not saying your complaint isn't absolutely legit, but it's also nothing out of the norm. And thats coming from someone who is really against virtue signaling.

    I guess I simply have seen worse.


    Except pretty much everytime they do it with side characters (Kas and Marjory are essentially support characters for the story) every self-respecting critic poitns out virtue signaling.


    Also small disclaimer - I am not making a complaint now about that time they went out of their way to show everyone "we have lesbian couple, we nice!" I was just saying that I take Jormag being refered by "they" as exact same virtue signaling move. I have made my peace with AN doing those awkward virtue signals once in a while 😉

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  10. 3 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

    Why? I really do not see any problem here. Two lovers kissing isn't really a big deal to me.


    On it's own it isn't. But it sort of becomes one, when you get whole cutscene that serves only a purpose of doing a big zooooooooooom on that kiss of two NPCs making sure nobody is able to miss the fact that "oh gosh two girls kissed, we so progressive, look!"


    Bonus points for that cutscene happening right in the middle of assailing the big drill that is drilling into the middle of LA for nobody knows why. So most likely emotion you are going to get from anyone paying attention to the story should be "ain't nobody got time for this"

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    "I feel stolen from because base game went free" is somehow relevant to "people leaving because not nuff content in hot"? 🤔

    Pretty sure it's not. And by "pretty sure" I mean it definitely isn't.

    ok so let me spell it out to you in simple words just to be sure you understand this time around:

    1. claim was: "people left around HoT because not enought content"

    2. Counter claim is: top 2 reasons for major upset: difficulty and base game going free

    3. Neither of the top 2 are "not enough content"

    4. ergo: lack of content was not THE reason people were leaving.


    if you fail to grasp it this time around then I dunno what to tell you.

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  12. 35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Hence why I wrote: "Yeah, those complainers sure knew what they were talking about". So... thanks for agreeing that some random complaints from people with lack of understanding and knowledge about new content doesn't mean a lot?


    I didn't agree that it did mena much I have said that there may be some merit about someone someone using legth and fail rates as argument for complaint as early days were a mess.



    35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    You're free to have that opinion, I disagree. It was fun after the snoozfest most of the core content offered.


    I didn't say I found it difficult I said that one of the most common complaints I have seen posted on forums reddits and in-game chats, was difficulty spike.


    35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Ok, but pretty sure this is irrelevant to this thread or this comment chain (which is about the content of expansions and the fact that some people apparently don't understand what "expansion" and "patch" is), right?

    this is relevant to claim that "most of people left game because not nuff content in hot".

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  13. Generally, exotics are relatively cheap to craft (most of them at least), and a number of stats can be found very cheap on tp. If you struggle for cash, then aside from world bosses, dungeons are not so bad, and provide currency for which you can buy some of the stats combinations as well. Good luck 🙂

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    And yet its mentioned in Bound by Blood that parents frequently check in on their children in the Farhar because, you know, the idea that Charr are  emotionless, war machine, clones, who don't care about their children is nonsense when compared to... like any other species that exists. Bangar is just a narcissistic sociopath trying to make Rytlock feel bad for having the feeling most Charr do, but are pressured by society to try to ignore.


    Its almost like Norn could be the same thing also.


    It is almost like society had expectations of one should behave, who would have guessed. As much as Bangar is punchable psycho, he serves the point in that story to point out that rytlock was crossing social standards at that point. And prior to that even Crecia was making remark that he is freaking over Ryland following bangar too much. And here is the big difference between handling of Rytlock crossing the set societal boundaries and Braham doing the same by the way. When Rytlocks freaks out over family, and there is other charr present, at least one othr charr will make a remark about rytlock behaviour being unusual. And considering that rytlock has his out-of-societal-norms-outrage much later in the story than Braham, and considering that Braham acting un-Nornly has been a big complaint since LWS3, would seem to imply writers at AN has learned their lesson with Braham, and did not make same mistakes with Rytlock. Or just care about keeping charr society integral within lore more than they cared for norns, hard to say at this point 🤔 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Pretty sure there is no skill requiring you to hold down the button. All skills are either a key click, or placing AoE and left click once. If you keep holding you'd interrupt it by starting to autoattack?


    Technically speaking action camera puts LMB into additional bind for AA and if you press and hold it it will keep rotating AA.


    But as OP describes, using any ability, breaks the AA chaining requiring one to release LMB and then press it down to continue AAing.


    @OP unfortunatelly the only way to get around this is releasing left mouse button when or after using other skills, or trusting autocast feature to actually keep spamming that AA for you.


    3 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    For me right click is target select

    right click selects a target, but left click execute AA, and holding down allows to keep AAing with less clicks 🙂 (as long as you don't cast anything in between xD)

  16. 9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    "-World Meta events take HUGE amounts of time (2 hr+ each meta), fail regularly"


    Yeah, those complainers sure knew what they were talking about 🙃 

    It's funny because when you read through that thread, OP's complaints boiled down to not enough instant gratification.


    in all fairness lauch hot did have very long meta, and since people had no clue how they worked, they did end up failing often.

    since then AN has "nerfed" HoT metas by decoupling alot of pre's (daytime in VB, pylons in AB, dunno about TD, DS got away with it's full length) and people have learned how they work, both of which made those metas shorter, and succeed at higher rates.


    But then I agree that biggest two complaints I rememeber from HoT days is "too difficult" and "I feel stolen from because base game went free"

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  17. 10 hours ago, kaleyl.7890 said:

    I didn't play GW1, I don't know how that system worked there.


    Take out leveling of secondary classes away and from what I understood of your suggestion you would have basicaly 1 to 1 translation of the system onto GW2 classes.


    And AN have proven incapable of keeping any semblance of balance with that.

  18. 12 hours ago, Kanok.3027 said:

    Same goes for Rytlock and Crecia. Their dynamic with Ryland, their son, and how they each are handling the grief of him turning, and ultimately, having to put him down? Yeah, that's very harsh, but they don't whine about it to anyone within earshot or start pissing off others that are trying to help them get through to him, or stop him, because of it.


    And even then Bangar flat out mocked rytlock for him caring about ryland at all claiming he "forgot how to be a charr".


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    What you describe here is highly racist stereotyping, and would be the definition of bad writing. Its asking for the complete elimination of any sort of nuance in races, and asking for every member of every race to behave exactly the same... instead of the far more realistic wide range of personalities and opinions one would actually see in any realistic situation.


    Ok, so I take it from here that only good writing to you is if no separate cultures even exist and everything is one big mumbo0jumbo of multi-culti mix of everything? Because that's what you sound like. Different cultures view some things differently, and that is a fact taken straight out of real life, and you may try to paint it "highly racist" but it is undeniable fact that societies in Asia are much more focused on geting high grades in school than western societies. And that was just easiest example from top of my head that I know for sure to be accurate. Give it a little digging and it would still find way more things like that.


    I am not saying that every norn should be head smash warrior, I am saying that actions braham takes, and how long he takes them does not fit cultural norms established beforehand.


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    He really only wined about it in LWS3. Which is one season. He was upset at the Commander in LWS4, but thats something else entirely.


    and this is why in LWS4 Episode 4, we needed Eir to come from the mists, basically just to tell Braham to finally get over her?


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    He never pretended to be a member of her group,

    Excuse me? he literally called his guild exact.same.name. as his mother's group.


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    he carried the name onto his group as a way to keep the thing going.

    creating false sense of association


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Which is a fairly common thing people do in real life for similar reasons.

    Yes totally, every time a big company CEO dies, and company disbands it is normal form some forgotten son of that CEO to just create new company that shares no employees even, call it exact same name "in honor of the previous CEO", All while not even following basic principles that made original company even good. Happens every day.


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    That you consider it stealing is... baffling to say the least.


    Well in terms of legal terms in modern days it would be pretty much textbook case of attempted identity theft on corporate scale, and I find the fact that you fail to see it... baffling to say the least.


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Trying to assemble an army to take on Jormag is continuing the mission Eir fought for, the death of the Elder Dragons. And his plan was the same plan Asgeir himself used to fight Jormag... and Asgeir almost won. He just let Jormag get to him and thus wussied out in the end.


    "Assemble army and use magical bow to kill and ED" is no plan. Casually forgetting that much greater armies has been assembled against elder dragons, and failed (pact assault on mordremoth), and Casually forgetting that Norns has been feeding to Jormag trying to just kill it's champion in search of glory for years before one Eir Stegalkin finally came up with somethin resembling a plan to take it down. Plan Braham didn't make.


    Chopping off dragon's tooth and having to run with it is not "almost winning", and that is all that braham could have known about asgeir's endeavour at that point.


    Oh and bonus points "I am so upset about loosing my mother that I am going to lead more people to needlessly die because I can't wait couple days for taimi to develop way that will not endanger people!"


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Braham had every historical basis to assume he could have won,

    Except he didn't, as big chunk of Asgeirs "legend" is not that he "almost won" but that of "he failed, but lived to tell the tale"


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    and IBS just further reinforces the idea that he could have won. Just like Asgier could have won.

    IBS reinforces only idea that having fancy artifact means nothing.


    Back to Brahams plan:

    1. "Norn army" is interesting notion considering that for centuries norns could have set out a handfull norns and call that "equivalent of an army"....

    2. In "Crack in the Ice" Commander confronts Braham about his "plan" (of just grabbing people and charging at jormag), and his response to "this is not a plan but just putting more people at risk" he refutes "oh because all of your plans went so well?" (straight out denying the need for a better plan, because one of commander's plans happened to have side effects, and completely ignoring that at least it got the job done)


    11 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Its exactly because he didn't know her that he was that upset.

    and again, he was not "just" upset. He went from a Norn into full on single dimentional "must kill ah dragens cuz my momma died" for whole season, and "I am bad cuz I abandonned muh pack because dragen killed muh momma" for next one. Bonus points for "must get muh momma bow I enchanted with scroll back" and "I am dealing with consequences of my actions and not taking it well" but in all fairness it makes more sense at that point.


    And again, Braham arc makes "logical sense" but only when we forget Norns have their own culture, and assume they are just big human. Heck I was defending braham's arc for whole of LWS3 and 4. All up untill I have started digging deeper into norn lore and realized that Braham does not really fit there.

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  19. 45 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    I love how utterly one dimensional people want to boil down the races to be, the epitome of bad writing, while complaining about supposedly bad writing in the process.


    It isn't "boiling down the race to be one dimensional" tho. Different species have different societies and societal rules is quite normal. Different cultures tends to approach certain issues differently. Before LWS3 Norns are presented to be highly individualistic with pressing societal requirement on ones legend building. Would you expect Japanese to be happy with barely passing grade? Alot of Europeans would be happy with barely passing. Our culture does not care that much. Is saying that Japanee team being happy to barely pass trying to make their whole culture one-dimensional? hell no, it is just that in this particular case it is not behaviour fitting the outstanding norms.


    51 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Cherishing her legend doesn't mean not being upset that she is dead,


    being upset for her dying sooner than she could does not equate whining about it for two seasons of LWS straight.


    52 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    or that the Commander is suddenly making a new guild to fight dragons


    Actually, trying to pretend to be a member of her group and expecting others to follow the suit, is quite oposite of cherishing her legend. borderline impersonating even. At no point Barahm was accepted as a member of Destinys edge that Eir formed, and all of the members that were asked about opinion agreed that at this point the guild is as good as disbanded. Untill suddenly we have self-proclaimed leader of disbanded guild claiming to be continuing the legacy. Tho I can agree in here that trying to steal from other legends, while overally being frowned upon, is something a young norn with lack of self-confidence could attempt to do.


    Also note that Commander was never part of Destiny's Edge either. We helped to mend the guild after certain kralkatorrik happened to them, but at no point we actually join that guild.


    57 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    or wanting to get revenge for her death.

    Revenge which he got during HoT story - twice even - by firstly assiting to kill beast that killed her, and secondly by assisting the master of that creature - Mordremoth. Trying to just assemble random army to go on Jormag is not avenging eir in any degree. And doing so with no plan whatsoever is definitelly not honoring her legacy - since Eir's role in her guild was first and foremostly - tactician, the one with the plan. Braham never has a plan, and he outright refuse to try to sit and formulate one in LWS3.

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