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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. @"Za Shaloc.3908" said:Guardian: I would like to see a total rework to Firebrand tomes so there isn't such a huge skill bloat offered for just one elite spec

    I loved old guardian elites - Tome of Justice and Tome of Courage, and was bummered up when they got removed.And I really like the mechanic returned to guards in form of Firebrand Tomes.

    Therefore I dislike the notion of "total rework" aimed at removing muh tomes from the game again. (Unless You can do the "total rework so there isn't such a huge skill bloat", without removing the mechanic they use righ now - as in replacing weaponbar with spells from a book, if that was possible then whatever :P)

  2. @"KelyNeli.4516" said:Im sitting here waiting for ascended ARMOR AND WEAPONS to be obtainable WITHOUT this stuuuupid and overwhelming crafting system or the stupidly long pvp grind. Can we have it the different way pls.

    We already have tho, multiples.Raids give gaeting crystals which are currency to buy armor/weapon chests at aerodrome,Strikes give prophet crystal shards are currency to buy simialr armor/weapon chests at Eye of the North,You can also buy stat selectable ascended items for fractal relics at the fractal main hub, and ascended weapon/armor boxes can drop from multiple of sources including but not limited to pretty much all World Bosses.

    And all of that skipping crafting system completely.

    P.S. I disagree with claim that the crafting system is "stuuuuuupid and overwhelming", it's quite simple one, and considering crafting systems I have encountered in couple other games I had played in my life, it's a very solid one.

  3. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @kharmin.7683 said:Wasn't it said somewhere when the griffon was released that the devs intention was to not allow for full flight as they thought that players would simply skip past content in maps? That having to land, at some point, was the original idea? If so, I cannot see them changing their philosophy now.

    They sort of already parted with that idea when they released the Skyscale though.While not giving as much freedom as flying in WoW or FF14, it comes quite close (in my opinion).I don't think Arenanet should go any further in that direction though.

    I'd rather have them give us decent amounts of waypoints again, instead of these pitiful amounts we got since PoF.

    Skyscale whole design upfront was to trying to fit different flavour of flying (hover) into that idea tho.

    Unless you are content with just hovering in single spot, you have to land once in a while even with a skyscale.

  4. @SinisterSlay.6973 said:Springer has a lower top height than the skyscale and was invalidated.

    Springer still reaches that height much faster than the skyscale, so it still has use cases - not invalidated

    @SinisterSlay.6973 said:Raptor was invalidated by Beatle for speed, and Griffon, and skyscale for jumping distance.

    Roller Beetle barely turns, when at speed and requires flat areas or descending slopes. Raptor's primary intended case is type of terrain where roller beetle wouldn;t do in the first place (jumping over canyons) Griffon doesn't enter the contest in here at all because without being able to get high before trying to make a jump (jumping off the cliffs is already not a raptor thing) may be able to get further than raptor, but it will do at much smaller speed - try to run amnoon race in a griffon and you will see my point, you can also try to do it in a roller beetle for additional points, Skyscale - again is not quite as fast neither over canyons nor on the land.

    @SinisterSlay.6973 said:The Wolf thing that I'm having trouble remembering the name of is pointless as it's slow, it's teleport offers nothing skyscale and Griffon don't already provide, and is only useful for a few choice portals in pof and forgotten shortly afterwards.

    There are multiple shortcuts through whole pof content that are accessible only on jackal (sand portals), and a number of areas that are available exclusively on jackal. For example when you are doing champion train after dragonfall meta, if you don't use the sand portal to get to he one of bosses, it will be long dead before you get there on skyscale.

    just my 2c

    EDIT: sorry I didn't notice the timestamp, what's up with all the necroing this week xD

  5. Taimi's situation regarded using Omadd's device to link primordus to jormag on the level of eternal alchemy to have their magics negate each other, and both die. Simulation visual shows a system where EDs were represented by orbiting orbs with blue (ice) and red (fire) on oposing ends, being forced together, with electric-style static between then, and when they got smooshed one into another they generated blast that blew up whole system.

    I am still baffled how all NPCs, and hugelot of players still are so convinced that it must mean that reducing number of EDs is what will blow up tyria, and not notice that method of killing elder dragons may have anything to do with simulation result.

    So while there were furhter notions of magical ecosystem going out of whack with less elder dragons anyway, I would still say, that the issue at hand is trying to use primordus and Jormag against each other. And that is sort of reinforced by one o Jormag dialogues in the champions: Jormag states, that they and Primordus are oposing sides of the same coin, and thus cannot exactly look at each other. Which was response to question asking why jormag needs asuran research if they know primordus so well.

    And also note to bear in mind, the notion that primordus is Jormags weakness and vice versa came from Taimi as well. That could be misinterpretation of data as well. Let's say that Elder Dragon of Ice is vulnerable to sufficiently strong fire magic, and Elder Dragon if fire is vulnerable to sufficiently strong ice magic, then of course they would be vulnerable to each other. But we have examples of magic that was able to affect Jormag, that either was unrelated to primordus, or the sourse is unknown. Eternal Flame is one of those examples, and the other are Jotun Enchantments from scrolls. Fang of Jormag was removed with weapon enchanted with "Jotun Magic", and subsequently shattered with bow enchanted with similar "jotun magic". And we know nothing on the source of "Jotun Magic" used to create these.

    That being said I'd like to raise another thought. Considering how so far Primordus and Jormag are presented as complete oposites, and Jormag is all into being smart, classy and persuasive to everyone. What if Primordus mental capabilities are also complete oposition to Jormag? What if Primordus is, let's say "primordial" Elder Dragon? Maybe it is just processing magic, and does not have the mental capability to even realize that it is damaging anything. Jormag calling him "that monster" would certainly fit that one.And what if, due to not having basically any mental capabilities, primordus was open to a good old mind control or something alike. Now the last phrase given to us by owl spirit is vague enought to be able to fit into basically anything, but maybe Spirits of the wild may be able to, actually direct the actions of primordus when they are together? (That would enable us to get rid of jormag, make sure that ice magic stays away from primordus, and then have primordus do his magic processing without ruining the world above)

  6. Personally as a very casual player who only ever did pof once, (and on a spellbreaker while at it) I do not aggree with OP assesment that design of soul eater fight was all that bad. He only had one trick up his sleeve, trick was telegraphed, can be countered in multiple ways (CC breakbar, move outside of it's range, it's quite short, and is blockable). Claiming that this sort of mechanics belong to the fractals is misplaced, this is no where near the level of fractals. Level 1 fractal have way more mechanics already.

    Balthazar fight preceeding it, well I'd presume that if you died to early, aurene wouldn't get time to try to save your butt and get captured right?

    The only forced fail that I had issues with so far (but bear in mind I didn't do the latest half of icebrood saga just yet, didn't really have time to sit to it) was All for Nothing boss fight. Very nice believable boss fight which you technically win, only to get a cutscene that doesn't really fit all that much of fight continuity that tells you that no, actually, you lost. Just after blowing up stackes and urgency right through the roof while making the fight completely fail to address them, for the sake of 5 minute fake feel of the loss because "we can't just succeed every time". But at this point it's just season 4 bad writing issue, not necesarily fight design on it's own (altho mismatch between fight design and the story around it was a big deal there).

    Well one hope I have in that regard is that AN have learned it's lessons and won't repeat same mistakes with rest of icebrood saga/EoD


    Because when the boss attacks me i must wait three to six seconds after pressing the dodge or CC button while the network crosses the pacific ocean twice before my character moves or attacks..

    to be fair in here, if you really had persistent lag delay this long on normal gameplay (3-6s) (which I kind of doubt is a case) I salute you for persistence of playing virtually unplayable. 3-6 seconds is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge lag.

    also for the note of player skills or lack of thereoff. I mean if one can't execute a strategy involving auto-attacking and moving away as soon as breakbar shows up, then I have no idea how such person managed to execute much more complex strategy of "autoattack and dodge red circles" required to even get to that fight in the first place.

  7. I am getting the weird vibes off this thread that some players just wants to be able to bomb zergs without that zerg having ability to fight back.

    In most cases brought up in here even if the retal didn't get you - the zerg would, you were outnumbered and outpositioned. It's just that you killed yourself before zerg could.

    And there there is that guy with dragonhunter that believes that dropping a trap and then waypointing and having that trap damage enemy zerg while he was back on spawn is ok, but retal hitting him back across this distance is not. And to his case I offer simple solution - all traps despawn when the one who placed them move to far away from them. Here, no more retal ticks across the map.

  8. @"Stephen.6312" said:Perhaps this is why Joko knows that he's entitled to the Primeval throne?

    I would rather lean into that being his propaganda to "validate" his rule over Elona.The spirits of of Last Primeval kings (and queens) have explicitelly claimed that Joko does not have any legitimate claims.

    What I find more interesting notion of implications of "what it takes to become a lich" is that out of 3 "great" liches I recall in GW2 lore while all 3 of them required gimmick to kill, one was created by dragon, and others required manipulation with soul/magic to undo.

    We defeated Vizier Khilbron by binding his soul into the soul batteries powering the barrier on the door of khomalie (I hope I didn't misspell the name xD) Joko was defeated by unbinding his magic from him by a magic eater entity. Which is kind of similar "scope" I would say. Or at least close enough.

    Now we know how khilbron became lich - he used a magical scroll, which has also sunk Orr. Now question arises - do creation of this "class" of lich require such scale of destruction as side effect? If yes - what was the destruction that he has caused? I used to have theory on it, but the joko arc of LS4 seems to be contradicting that theory.Theory was slightly based on mention of last queens of primeval dynasty about some of their court members betraying them essentially. The idea was that Joko could have been one of those courtiers that did so, as scarab plague was his "side effect" of becoming a lich - this would also justify how queens are so damn sure that he has no legitimacy in his claim to their throne. But if that was the case Joko would have no need to seek the plague from the inquest. Unless the side effect was not linked at all to the source of it and Joko despite beign source had no influence on it and he lost track of the bugs when moving out to the desert. But I do not know how would this line up with his diary from halloween.

  9. Just to toss my few cents in here:I tried to get into raiding once, I've dedicated considerable amount of effort to get minimal required gear - as per raiding community advises at the time - trinkets and weapons ascended, armor exotic. Wasn't ever a persistent farmer myself hence even that was big effort for me.

    and just after I have got that assembled and started running some runs with friends from a guild to introduce me into mechanics balance pass came that heavilly shifted he meta - and now all my gear I have worked for so long was "wrong". Since friends encouraged that it can still work just won't be optimally strong I have hanged around for one more week.

    Why only one more week?Because then we started trying fruther bosses than just vale guardian, and we were failing dps checks on sabetha, and dpsers were complaining about insufficient might generation. Considering I was a druid which now had a role for might generation and I had clerics instead of harriers, I had added the dots, come to conclusion that it's my gear defficiencies that are hamperign the squad and decided to get back to the topic once I will get the "proper" gear.

    Which I didn't, like ever.

    Now I will admit that I don't know how the balancing of raids changed over the years since that but I am still convinced on not going back without full ascended set. I was pretty "meh" about strike missions as they have released - only bothered really with shiverpeaks pass because I really wanted ebon vanguard shoulderpiece skin for my thief. But with newest updates to it I have found the crystals to be finally a method of gearing up accessible enough for me to be able to meet the gear goal in comfortable timespan. In that regard strike missions for now appears "good" for closing the gap - I can get geared up while I get comfortable with 10-man mechanics and compositions and how weird boss mechanics affects the scope. So that's a win for me ;)

  10. This whole talk reminded me of a situation I had in early days of spellbreaker (before the nerfs and stuff).I was enjoying toying with my spellbreaker for zerging with my guild, Ihad at that pointthe traits that 1. deal damage packet to enemy when removing boon 2. removing boon removes additional boon from people around that target (sounded like very nice synergy out there).

    so situation was that we were being pushed through a chokepoint and commander sounded retreat to fight them in better spot and not feed bodies to their bomb.since they were going through the chokepoint I have set up winds of disenchantment on their way.

    man the amount of retal packets I have received after they ran into it and before retal got purged off was hilarious. Had to use the heal and still nearly died.

    The difference in there between me and most posters in this thread is that I laughted off the occurence and have fond memory of "that time I nearly killed myself"on a side note I have ever seen such situation happening exactly once, and while myself I run mostly as a support character (firebrand), I have never heard any of guild mates complaining about retal damage - and they are the kind of folks that complain about virtually everything untill commander tells then to shut up ;)

    Thanks guys tho for the enjoyment value of reading thru this thread tho :)

  11. unless we're for some reason chasing Bangar, Jormag, or Primordus to Cantha.

    ironically enough one of my first thoughts when I have started reading this thread today was bangar's quote "charr empire will span from shiverpeaks to cantha" xD

  12. @CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:

    @CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:They messed up NA relinks last year, so it's understandable, but I know many people are getting bored with T1 EU and how stacked Blacktide is compared to other links even though it's classified as Medium, so another month is bleh.

    excuse me I have been out of the loop for a while......

    BLACKTIDE?! STACKED?! when did this happen xD

    Well, when we were linked with Blacktide at the start it was dead, but since then more and more players transferred there, as Deso has still got a decently organized WvW Community compared to alot of servers, with a decent amount of Open tag commanders who use voice comms.

    At first the influx of players and Guilds wasn't too bad until now. Obviously with us winning T1 every week by alot of points, quite a few pugs also transfer in for the 'glory' and reward', as it's only 500 gems to Blacktide.

    Oh I see.....

    Altho I find it kind of saddening that being linked to a "proper" server got blacktide more wvw players than months if not years of effort of most of blacktide active wvw guilds at the time.... :/

  13. @FOX.3582 said:

    @"Liston.9708" said:Let me complete them solo as well....

    yeah, at this moment only soloable guild mission to date is WvW Challenge....

    and waiting for this one to pop this week can get tiresome :/

    Lol what?! I solo a bounty, a trek and some rushes every week (well, to be completely fair, I leech the rushes from other guilds who are doing a rush, but I think it still counts as solo). It’s time that people become a bit more resourceful in this game. Ya’ll want everything by pressing 111111 while jumping back and forth a bit.
    1. I was speaking of WvW missions, thought it was obvious by context, but apparently was wrong, my bad, will try to be clearer in the future,

    2. Personally I'd not count leeching other guild runs as "soloing" the mission.

    As for bounties I can't really tell, since from the last time I actually tried a bounty, the simplest one was able to wipe a full party at exotic/ascended gear. I'll admitt tho that whole concept of guild missions was new back then, alot of powercreep happened as well, and the first iteration of bounties was way more difficult than it is now, afer two if memory serves revamps for it.

    1. Your assumption that I want everything "by pressing 111111 while jumping back and forth a bit" is wrong. I just dislike when mission is designed as perfectly soloable, and then receives arbitrary restriction that screams "lazy way to force it to not be soloable" ;)
  14. @"UNOwen.7132" said:The only ones I can think of that dont use alternative resources at all are ESO and BDO.

    actually BDO does use alternative resources - Mana, Stamina and Willpower if memory serves. Every class there has only one of these and have different ways to manage that resource.

    EDIT: and even if one tried to pull it under "but it's same mechanic just with different colour", One - the methods of managing said resources can vary to the point where it isn't really, Two - it still doesn't make BDO any more balanced than GW2 is - I'd even argue it's balancing is a much worse clusterduck.

  15. @Tukaram.8256 said:Along those same lines... Why are mastery points displayed? Are we supposed to care how many points anyone else has? I don't really care how many I have.

    Also to add to Danikat's response: it's not mastery points on display but mastery levels. For example I have way more mastery points than I have mastery levels ;)

    The difference is that Mastery Levels are granted for actually spending those mastery points on masteries, and them being displayed has same point as displaying character level - it gives a quick glimpse into progression of certain character.

  16. @shadowpass.4236 said:Heya, I was asked by one of you guys if I'd ever thought about Guardian, it's place in the meta, and the strengths and weaknesses of it's various elites. I've already sent this list to a few Guardian mains, including a good friend of mine, Mrauls. With their approval, these are some buff suggestions to Core Guardian I came up with a few months back. Feel free to share your thoughts. :)


    • Symbol of Blades and Judge's Intervention no longer require targets. You can now teleport to a target location or to an enemy if you have them selected.

    Yes Please Very Much.

    • Inner Fire: This skill has been renamed to Melee Training/Justice is Swift. It now grants 25% increased movement speed while wielding melee weapons. Movement skills on your melee weapons have 100 longer range.

    personally I like the inner fire the way it is right now - altho I am mostly running builds focused around burning....

  17. ok, so firstly: premise of the thread is kind of void - if only thing to play for are those mounts then you are in tough luck because there is ALOT of stuff to be done to get them. Also I'd disagree with your sentiment on traversal in this game.

    But You do You I guess so let's get into it:

    @MisterMagician.8614 said:About me:Looking to temporarily get back in the game just to get the two flying mounts, and I need a character/elite spec to help achieve that easily. Will be using my 80 boost on this character.

    just be prepared that this "temporarily" will take a while....

    What I feel about the classes:I would ideally like my character to be able to move fast, solo everything (even the elite mobs that appear on the map as good luck finding anyone in the wild on my server), and is not a drag to play.

    as far as open world and story content (stuff in between You and Your goal) goes outside of meta event grinding (for mastery exp if nothing else) You can pretty much solo anything with anything. so speed is only a case. also as far as PvE is concerned there is no "Your server" anymore.

    Love the idea of guardians, never played one past level 4.

    Depending on personal tastes - I'd say guardians are pretty fun to play, but forget about "speed" without mount.With Firebrand spec you can easilly achieve build that will make meta event grinding as braindead (a.k.a. easy) as it gets.

    Love warrior, which was my "main" before the launch fire nation arrived; thematically dull.

    for each his own I guess ;)

    thief is fun but made of tissue paper as core, and I regret using one of my 60 boosts on a 7 year old char (like the birthday chests, I hate char).

    Thief is the most mobile of the classes you list, but also takes most effort to complete story content solo, because it requires alot of positioning awareness.

    first character was an elementalist. no clue what they are like as I don't even remember. I really need that fast, quick solo/farm potential though.

    Not sure who told you that ele is go to for "fast quick solo/farm potential" but it does sounds kind of outdated information....

    Tried my old core ranger with a 60 boost, and even in level appropriate gear they are made of paper and only have maybe 2-3 viable attacks in all situations. even with the much vaunted bear pet they were only slightly more tanky, but that required using a bow and hoping the pet ai would hold together long enough to not lose aggro.

    Then you played Your ranger extremely wrong. Properly built ranger can easilly hold it's own against everything you will encounter in singleminded journey for the griffon/skyscale. More mobile than Guardian, easier to get better killing speed - especially with soulbeast spec, the only downside for your purpose I can honestly list is it's inferior capability of tagging targets for exp/loot in meta events....

    No relevant experience with engineer, but I am interested in holoknight (just holoknight).

    it's holosmith.and I am not sure how it fares in OW PvE/story

    Never tried mesmer, but I am interested.

    tied in mobility with thief, only considered tankier because of clones you can jizz out imo.

    no clue what revenant is like, even thematically, outside "dollar store illidan stormrage."

    I have no idea what "Illidan Stormrage" You are refering to, but rev is quite decent character, it's theme would be "gw1 ritualist meets gw2", You are channeling legends from the mists to do different stuff. Can't really compare it's efficiency for your purpose against others tho because I haven't done any PvE in mine....

    I like dots and pets, one of my favorite gameplay styles, but necro theme and aesthetics (especially those ghastly, greusome pets) give me nausea.

    minions. ranger has pets. but considering clones and amount of condi output this alone would suggest You going for mesmer - condi build to be exact - alot of dots and you spam dem clones (about as much of a "pet" as necromancer minions tbh) like no tomorrow. Is also quite mobile.

    Yeah sounds like Mesmer would be a pick for You, should tick most if not all of boxes.

    @MisterMagician.8614 said:

    @Taygus.4571 said:Just ...play ...them.If the mounts are so, so hard to get, why would I waste even a second of my time getting a class I may hate to 80, or (worse) boosting one I would hate?

    thats why you play them first and see if you like how they play...you have weeks, at least, of playing to get tbose mounts...do you want to use a class you hate, to do so?Well it seems the only part of griffin that takes weeks is gold, which I could also just buy. no idea if I will even try the skyscale.

    Getting adequate gear for PoF content, getting through the story that includes a number of masteries trained to progress forward, obtaining hero points needed for elite spec had You chosen to use one, getting mastery point and exp for griffon mastery - yeah I can see it taking weeks even if you just buy the gold. question is - why buy the gold if you have no intention of playing the game from the get go?

    How can I try these specs without farming levels and hero points? If I was just going to do that, why go to the forum to have people try to convince me to quit like you? Oy vey, how is "lol quit now or figure it out yourself" players helping players?

    the "quit now" seems to be coming from You. Problem in here is that you came to the forum claimed game sucks and you don't want to play. but want to "just" want to hop in and get two of the most difficult to obtain mounts. And expect people to tell you what class you will be enjoying because everyone can read your mind right?

    I would prefer you gave detailed explanations of what classes are like in certain content (especially in regards to movement, dailies, open world, farming, ANYTHING that would help my goal). you seem to be totally unwilling to do that, why post then?

    And why would anyone give You detailed essays on classes when Your own starting premise is "I don't want to do anything but get those 2 prestige items over there"?

    Not to mention that such class breakdowns are already out there if You have bothered to google it?

    Seriously with that attitude, obtaining Your goal will be a very tough ride. That being said good luck.

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