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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 7 hours ago, offence.4726 said:

    I didn't even know the silver bracket still existed tbh , not trying to bring you down or anything. Fact of the matter is , it was a gruesome grind against all odds and the higher league you play in the harder and the more toxic the games go.


    Silver league is where those people that get 5 wins 5 looses on the placement matches land 😉


    But then I suppose it's just the thing with people up there in plat being much more competitive in mindset and bringing out all the bad stuff out of people (and I suppose with how it works if bot spams sufficient amount of matches, it could mantain it's rank over there, especially considering quality of lower league players ^-^').

  2. 3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Are you serious? Staff auto was regarded as  trash that did no damage in either instanced pve or wvw. It was only abused as a loot stick (and empower)for tagging in either game mode, and that wasn't exactly healthy either. No weapon should just function as a loot stick. Nobody was dying from being hit beyond a gate with staff autos.


    Not sure about through gates part but I had quite a number of kills on pre-rework staff, in bigger fights. Tho to be fair that was more due to nobody expecting this much of aoe burns (permeating wrath +staff AA, meant AoE burn with every AA cast in big fights), than staff being particular strong......


    But yeah I think the main argument provided with the rework patch notes was that they don't like idea of a weapon mostly used for tagging, with only niche utility of might stacks and swiftness....


    In overall case of WvW-related balance changes, I think the pattern was that the biggest amount of those happened closest to the original launch and the further it went the lesser amount of those. in last years most of what I recall was usually strictly pvp reasons, (nerfs of decap builds for example) or reasons that were mix of both pvp modes (spvp and wvw)

  3. 2 hours ago, offence.4726 said:

    Now onto the PVP armor ? Basically you have to endure atleast 3 5v5 seasons filled with BOTS , AFKERS , dcers and toxic people that play against you every game in order to get those ascended shards and league tickets , you need the stomach of a WOLF to endure that much pain and especially nowdays with the PVP scene being this dead.


    I dunno about wolf's stomachs, but I would say that with me just doing dailies in rankeds, I am making relatively faster progress towards legendary armor in scale of time than I did when throwing similar amounts of time at wvw.


    As for those bots afkers dcers and toxic people - at which leagues are you usually playing?

    because with my perfectly average silver, I am failing to see afkers, get only handfull of "toxic" people a season, and like one ragequiter a season on average. Can't say about bots per se, because overally I am unable to tell apart bots from really bad players. And then there are players so bad that bot would be of more contribution xD.


    Not sure what you mean with that pvp scene being "this dead".

  4. 12 hours ago, The Fear.3865 said:

    Unpopular opinion : hero in gw2 makes no sense.


    That opinion is not at all unpopular.

    At least it does not seem within scope of this forums.


    And as much as I liked heroes in gw1, and would love to be able to tackle some customisable NPCs into certain bits of content, I simply cannot see implementation of heroes in GW2 where it would make any gameplay sense.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    And yes there were very niche speedclear groups that did have an idea; I didn't know you were referring to them kicking guardians from parties.


    Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeechnically speaking they weren't kicking guardians from the parties, it was more like, the math people that were responsible for theorycrafting the composition for the next run were not picking guardians to the runs at all. those were highly organized groups after all.


    13 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    And in any case, I just don't think it's anything compared to today when anyone can access snowcrows or dt benchmarks.


    Well I would say it was the core of people that ultimately grew and made those benchmark sites, and things like snowcrows happen later on. Snowcrows after all as a website, is run by a guild that specializes in.... raid speed runs 🙂 Just as raid speedrunners are dictating raid meta nowadays, dungeon speedrunners dictated dungeon meta in vanilla days.


    And again I only brought up pre-hot days because of that other person claiming guardian being top performant in all game modes, since game launch in 2012. It's all fair to complain about guardian being top performant in to many fields now, but I don't exactly like when past is being misrepresented for the sake of discussion on current state of things.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


    And from what you write, then it's not the raids fault


    Well they are long instances that take alot of time to assemble team for and clear.....


    But aside from that yeah, more of a me issue than raids issue 😉


    3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    but simply that you're one of those "I have a life and a family" players where I feel like your words say that raiders can't have that (while we're at it, putting words in each other's mouths :3).


    Employed people with family tends to have much less free time, than the ones whom either are still at schooling/uni period, or are singles 😉 And most of raiders I know tends to be mix of both. Yeah yeah small and biased sample size 😛


    3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    I know some raiders who have family, job and whatnot it takes to be considered an adult and still raid successfully.


    Good for them 🙂


    3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    If you have a solid group(which of course also means that people do not play any thrown together builds. That's what I told my people from the beginning when they wanted to participate in our training raids.), raids also do not take several hours, even if you have no pro-group. 

    Last time I kept track on local raiding groups it was still 2+hours, for weekly sitting, with variable amount of encounters actually cleared. Local guild static was recently celebrating being able to finally fit wing 4 after weeks of training  together. And also note to bear in mind is that when you want to be member of a static group, you need to make commitment that you will be able to be there every week. My current time schedule is in such constant flux, that I cannot even promise friends that I will be available at set hour tomorrow, not to mention on every x day of the week for following months to come.


    3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    But if you'r group needs more time, you could also ask if you could split it.
    If your guild gives something about their members, they will not say anything against it.


    That is a bit unfair to alot of guilds - I know at least one where they do care about members, but there is virtually not enough commanders to actually lead everything on everyday, and they have schedule of running raids, strikes, wvw raids, and more.


    3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    But as you say pvp or wvw amor is perfect for you then. You can do that when you want and as long as you want. Wvw is even more flexible than PVP where you have to wait for groups. So hf~ 🙂


    Well wvw comes at a disadvantage that it's tied directly to time spent in the mode, a good match often has a chance to get more progression towards pvp one, than equivalent time (waiting for MM + match itself) in wvw 🙂 

    • Confused 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


    But for waht exactly do you need a Legy armor if you can't even spare a few hours in the evening on 1 or 2 days the week?

    Do you think a legy armor for PVE will be less time consuming and without content you don't like.


    Ok, let me elaborate on this one - at the moment being specifics of my irl situation leads to the fact that I can't spend "few hurs" in single continuous sitting within any single day of the week. I still play relatively lot, but it goes in short bursts of 30m-1h at a time.


    And I would very appreciate legendary armor, because it would cut down on the biggest issue I ever had in GW2 so far - gearing and adapting on stats on all of my characters.


    That being said I am not saying I want non-raid pve armor set, I am perfectly ok with slowly chipping at pvp set as I am already doing spvp for daily completionist (they are most time efficient on that). I just decided to chime in on the argument of people asking for ez mode raids, and provide additional insight that challenge is not the only factor for people to not run raids.


    48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    Because, lets one time be real. For Anet at least Fractals are pve and i bet for a "pve" amor you need at least to do fractals ... in a group ... and when you need to pug, then good luck.


    I love your wording in here: "lets one time be real" - casually implying that for the most of the time we are not xD

    But yes I think it would be fair assumption that non-raid pve legendary armor would be rather fractal armor, and not OW armor, had AN ever decided to actually develop one. And I would not mind tbh - fractals are much shorter than raids, so when I finally dig myself out of all the OW/LWS list of mid-long term to-do-lists.


    48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


    I think, most have the time and commitment but are simply afraid. Either they have had negative experiences, like some say here, and project that onto everyone, others read all these negative experiences and then its happening because they search for exact this people, or they don't even start because they think they can't do it.

    The problem is probably that not everyone has someone to take them by the hand, as I am doing with my best friend. She has mega fear of failure and that they flamed and without me she would have raids, or even t4 fractals never considered.

    Because in general the same people write in these threads. Most PVE'ler will not care about that completely. Friendsy for example did not even know that a legy for pvp/wvw armor exists although she's (strangely enough) strouls very often alone in wvw.


    I cannot speak for most, but all in all, if we ignore raids and arguably wvw for a moment GW2 is structured to be very asual friendly, and the bulk of modern casual players are working people with families, and therefore limited time to commit for gaming.


    48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    That's the problem with gw2 for me personally. The content is not hard. But the learning curves in terms of mechanics and lightning storm bosses are enormous for many.

    Most of the groups I raided with rarely lacked DMG. But the simplest mechanics because many were overwhelmed and then panicked. Or one thing failed and then the whole run suddenly went badly for the person because of panick . No idea whether this is a gw2 mentality.
    In my WOW times I have rarely experienced that people panicked and wanted to quitten if something has not worked as it should be. Quite the opposite.


    And here is a fun thing, I had participate in a raid exactly twice, and in both runs mechanics were not an issue, first one was just vale guardian so it overall went smoothly, it's just that core of the squad had to go after it, but second one went all the way up w1 to sabetha where we failed up until disband of the squad. Reason of failure? squad failed to meet dps check of the boss, hitting enrage timer repeatedly.


    48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    I would really like to see once that the people who write here that they do not want to raid because the community is kitten or that they think they don't have the skillset for this content, 


    Can't speak for the rest of forum users in this thread but in my case, again it is a case of I don't have time to raid. If not for time restrictions I would totally give it a try just for the armor if nothing else


    48 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    But of course you have to take a step and look for groups or join training runs and either have my luck and be approached by experienced players who ask if you will join them, or approach others.


    And as a matter of fact myself I did found a nice guild that does raiding all the time, it's just they always have a raid running when I am 100% sure I don't have a timewindow for such commitment xD

    • Confused 2
  8. 27 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    Well the book says that the faithful will someday see it, not that anyone has yet. Suggesting no one has been taken to this new world yet.


    Well to be fair I am not saying this was correct interpretation, but more of a feel I have got from that thing. If I were to go arguing to defend that I could try to engage in mental gymnastics to try to say that those two bits are not mutually exclusive, but tbh I don't think I have time or energy to actually defend that probably wrong interpretation of mine 🙂

  9. Sajuuk I may be wrong in here but I think that what Konig meant with that Kormir journal is to show that just saying "oh this book is contradicted by dialogue so let's just ignore it", by supplanting other book within same instance even that gets "contradicted" by the same dialogue. Which isn't moving the goalpost, but rather extrapolate from your argument and try to show that it cannot lead to anything coherent. Forgot the fancy name of that move tho.


    If I misunderstood the intention, feel free Konig to correct me up there 😉


    That being said my understanding of the Garden of the gods, was that gods have already picked up select colonisers and went to move on to a different world. Basically a deal of "there is no way we are going to move all of yall buggers, so we will pick up our favourites and try to build new civilisation from that".

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    Also I enjoyed Strikes, I didn't enjoy raids, so maybe easier ones would be more enjoyable and there'd be more involvement, justifying more dev time, just like I don't know, WoW raids? But no, the GW2 raiding community just couldn't handle that. because the real reason they raid is so they can feel more special than everyone else.


    Frankly to expand on this point, the only reason I don't raid is time constraint - even if we disregard gear, learning encounters etc, assembling a raid squad, and actually getting those wings cleared is multi-hour venture, and I don't play GW2 because I have time for multi-hour ventures on single sitting, I play GW2 because I don't and in most of it, GW2 is very friendly towards people on time constraints like me.


    And strikes are actually good middleground for that - on paper at least - raid level encounter, but can be run with public MM, and well it's only a single encounter, so it is much shorter than a wing clear.

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    • Confused 2
  11. 14 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    I'm gonna ask something of you all, and I ask that you answer this truthfully.


    How many Emblems of the Avengers and Conquerers do you have sitting on your account?


    I have two emblems of the Avenger, not sure if they are still obtainable, and I am very curious if it is just going to be useless memorablia item or if they are going to bring any value to it 🙂

  12. 16 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Nor does anecdotes of people being kicked either, but here we are.


    I wasn't arguing that guardian was a top class, either so not sure what those quotes are for.


    You qouted my response to DeceiverX, and attempted to provide counterarguments to my arguments against DeceiverX's claim that guardian "Was overal top performant since beginning of the game". Hence (maybe unintentionally) you implied support to their claim.


    Also I was not providing "anecdotes of people being kicked" I have actively refered to dungeon speedclearing comps, as during vanilla days that was the highest end of pve content - and every record break attempt run was recorded on YT and you can see which classes were used there. And those comps were usually made by people whom did heavy maths on stats, traits, and skills.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:


    That's always been the case. 


    For years I told people how bad the rewards in wvw are and every single time I got told how stupid i am. 


    Because we have "shiny skins" pveler can't get.  Or some other stupid reason. 




    The ones I have seen were more like "noooooo don't gib wvw rewards, it will bring pve'rs here and they will ruin everything" 😉

  14. On 7/17/2021 at 9:23 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    But back then, people had no idea what dps was either and without arcdps or proper benchmarks resorted to a lot of hearsay. That resulted in people thinking that hundred blades was the best thing ever because big numbers. The opinions of pugs and especially who they kicked is worth almost nothing now, much less back then.


    Ironically, the presence of DPS meters probably helped build diversity, contrary to popular opinion.


    lack of dps meters, and overal potential misguideness of big chunk of the community does not make an argument to call what was back then a niche class, into a "top performant". Also just because there is no arcdps to parse dps as it happens in applied scenario, does not prevent buildcrafters from running numbers and concluding which combination of classes, stats and skills will result in shortest kill-count - heck that's what people did in preparation for those speed-clear record runs that were so popular back then.


    And even in those speed-clear record runs in cof, guardian was not even prominent character. the only dungeon where guardians were prominent was arah, because well timed and placed wall of reflection was capable of oneshotting the most annoying boss of all paths. Which is still hardly "top performant".


    It was introduction of dragonhunter espec that moved guardian into spotlight that it "enjoys" to this day. And it was achieved by adding in the one thing core guardian was missing through whole vanilla days - dps to rival the other "dps" classes.

    • Like 1
  15. On 7/17/2021 at 12:46 AM, starlinvf.1358 said:

    If CA worked like more like Death Shroud, but CE and the skills worked like Rev energy cost, than that would go a long way to fixing the clunky nature of CA.   The next issue that would need addressing are the cast times of the skills. 


    I could get behind this angle of trying to fix it 🙂

  16. On 7/15/2021 at 12:22 AM, Shiyo.3578 said:

    Remove celestial avatar and give f1-f5 the scourge treatment.


    Celestial avatar is why druid sucks to play outside of raids.


    I disagree with removal of celestial avatar, it is virtually only thing that sets gw2 druids apart from overdone dnd copy-paste druid/shamans.


    I could agree with overhauling CA avatar mechanics, as they are a little bit wonky as it is right now, but keep it in

  17. 5 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

    But they might have cause to return if they ever find out we killed one of them. Even they just stripped Balth of his power, they didn't kill him and Lyssa allegedly helped him to a degree (or had sympathy).


    Well they kind of encouraged humans to go on and kill the previous rebel god, so I am unsure if the second one would be all that different....

  18. Just now, Axl.8924 said:


    I mean i have no idea how it was played 6 years ago, but it seems pretty ok and simple to play and fun.


    so why quoting me when I spoke about situation over 6 years ago in the first place?

    • Like 2
  19. 1 minute ago, Axl.8924 said:

    Its relevant in that performance wise seems pretty ez to pick up and perform well on in a fractal from what i felt from playing it.

    Sure you could argue that its not the same as performing well in raids, but i had less trouble staying on my feet in fractals than i do with chronomacner.


    Again you seem to be missing a tiny bit of a detail, that I was at no point talking about CURRENT situation but contesting a claim that guardian was top performant in all game modes overall SINCE GAME LAUNCH which was back in 2012. And I was specifically talking about period between launch of the game in 2012, and October 2015.


    Which was 6 years ago. So again how is your modern, post-PoF experience relevant to how class played over 6 years ago?

    • Like 2
  20. 5 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:


    Il tell you about strong or not ez to play or not:

    Day before yesterday when i was playing guardian for fun i was able to do more easily with zeal virtues and DH than mes and stay alive.


    I had less trouble since i also had a shout that not only gave me resolution but also my team members, plus double heal from virtues and the actual button. Just seems simple and ez to play.


    and this is relevant to guardian being or not being top performant in pre-hot days.... how? Last time I checked HoT has released tad futher back than yesterday.

    • Like 1
  21. 3 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:


    "and has been since launch overall"

    Think you missed that detail.


    taken as a whole; in all.


    Taken as a whole pre-hot guardian was niche class, not top performant.


    3 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:


    It also had a ton of strong builds and purposes surrounding launch such as medi crit, and in PvE literally nobody cared about dungeon comps prior to raids so long as you build zerk gear and we're actively trying to set a speed record.


    "strong builds" which were still nowhere close to a number of other classes. Yes I have seen guardians kicked from dungeon runs just because "guerdians bed, cannot deepz" (typing intentional to underline my opinion on people that did this).


    And no, awfull lot of people DID care about party composition in dungeons, because better dps, meant faster clear, higher chances of clear in most cases, and higher clear times meant more clears within same time which meant much more money out of it. You think why people camped cof p2 so hard?

    • Like 1
  22. 2 hours ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

    what if the Goddess of Truth has deceived us as well? What if the Gods are still walking among us?


    what if goddess of truth got deceived by goddes of beauty and illusions? 😉

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