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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:It doesn't matter how it is labeled in your book, what matters is how it's interpreted in-engine.

    Yes, that is correct, of course. I get it: Forging Steel was part of a concluded episode, that's why it was replayable from the start, while the Braham vision is only part of a chapter and therefore won't be replayable until one has played through the entire episode. I'm still curious to see whether it will be included into the Scrying Pool menu as a Vision of the Past.

    No that's not why it was replayable at all. It literally used Strike mission mechanism for instancing. The same reason why DRMs are replayable without finishing the story episode, despite being very wonky story instances.And when the story episode conclude replaying that instance will require episode restart, like LS2/LS3/LS4 instances did.

    If it was meant to be replayable by the scrying pool, it would already have been replayable. (Also notice that to enter brahams instance you don;t interact with the pool, you run up to tha floating star marking instance entry)

    Strike missions when introduced didn't even have that fancy "Asura portal strike mission menu"

    I know. Still, Forging Steel was not included in there (but should have been - running all the way to the Scrying Pool to activate it doesn't make much sense; they could add it to the portal in addition to the pool).

    It makes the sense in a way that strike missions available through asura portal, are strike missions that were supposed to happen "storywise" in paralel to the events of icebrood saga, while forging steel is "past" event, so it goes to the same portal as all the other "past" events (LW1 instances that were made replayable in the scrying pool)One could imagine that they wanted to have more "in the past" strikes when making that decision.

    Bonus points:Shiverpeak Pass is also required for the story, [...]

    I only recall the mission
    as part of the story. Ergo, not the same mission.

    And in case you didn't notice, The whole point of strike mission was to replay that last instance of the story in simplified manner separatelly (you are only missing lighting up campfires anyway). But to be fair later strike missions went even further from that concept.

  2. @"Teratus.2859" said:From what we've seen of Jormag free will to some extent has always been part of it's corruption, Jormag manipulates people onto it's side rather than forcefully corrupts them like Kralkatorrik and Zhaitan did.

    In personal story if you join the priory, your first endeavour will be about the sword made of jormags blood, that was said to be crafted by stone summit dwarves, that upon wounding of someone turns that someone into icebrood - regardless of wether the victim is willing or not. In same storyline a bunch of sons of svanir get's turned into icebrood this way, while actively trying to avoid that fate, and calling their leader - mad.

    On a side note, creation of frost legion also involved usage of jormag's blood but I suppose most of those were somewhat willing.

    As for example of draconic corruption victims mantaining their personality - in personal story again, humans this time, we encounter ex-seraph that got corrupted by zhaitan by the proxy of orrian artifact. Said ex-seraph since corruption has shown up acts on it's own agency by trying to find the way to reverse the effect, and zhaitans undead follow him. And on a side note he also while pursuing the goal of getting himself cleansed of corruption got misled by third party to the deal. So we have precedence for let's say "partial" corruption, dating all the way back to the beggining chapters of original personal story.

    just a couple of notes to fuel the discussion :P

  3. @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Bad players are bad players, when cannon hits the wall it give big white numbers, when they hit the boss or portal or anything else there are no numbers. That should be red flag that they do not do any damage.

    Except it still shows big white numbers (and somethimes even with the red "crit" thing under the number), but only does so if you actually score a hit on the boss edit: anything that is possible to damage actually.

    (PS. turning on ground target snap to currently targetted enemy and mouse clicking the boss to have it targetted makes it easilly spammable with landing on boss every time, for at least as long as the rest of the team doesn't lure the boss to far away)

  4. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Also, Forging Steel is a Strike Mission.

    Technically it isn't, as it can't be selected via the Asura portal's Strike Mission menu. You have to run to the Scrying Pool in order to activate it. And since it is mandatory for the story, it counts as a story mission in my book.

    P.S. Yes, I am aware that the weekly Strikes reward chest has it added to its cycle. ;)

    It doesn't matter how it is labeled in your book, what matters is how it's interpreted in-engine.Strike missions when introduced didn't even have that fancy "Asura portal strike mission menu", and you had to go to them through their maps for first couple episodes.

    By engine Forging Steel is a strike mission. It is in strike weeklies, it awards prophet shards, and all the strike mission goodies.

    Bonus points:Shiverpeak Pass is also required for the story, and it's quite literally first strike mission we have got. The whole premise when they were introduced was "story instance that is repeatable outside of the story boss encounter to bridge the gap between non-raid content and raid content"

    Braham's story is good old vanilla story instance.

  5. @"Raknar.4735" said:Except the simulation of the balance made it look like Tyria implodes. That's pretty much world ending for everything. This isn't about if mortals can continue to survive. It never has been.


    I would like to remind everyone that the input of this simulation was quite literally: what happens if we use omadd's device to force Primordus and Jormag "together" on the level of eternal alchemy (The All?) so their energies just cancel each other out.

    And myself I am still not sure why literally everyone jumped the train of "this means we can't kill more EDs" (I suppose taimi said so, and commander followed?)

  6. @ShroomOneUp.6913 said:break bar damage is calculated differently then actual dmg. if something has a huge break bar damage it just a very high cc thing a majig. there are even traits that increase break bar damage without increasing actual damage. i guess the cannons are just using a 1200 untis launch CC

    Yes, I am aware that it is calculated differently, thank you for concern ;)I was merely naming breakbar damage as additional feature of having a cannon on the boss.

  7. I am for sure seeing chunky numbers of 5k+ on normal cannon hits and 7k+ after breakbar was broken. Can't say how it transaltes to % of boss hp as I never had all of the team keep using cannons, it's usually they forget they exist until ice wall is up.

    Oh and cannon hit on it's own takes nearly a half of boss breakbar on direct hit as well, but you are only likely to land one of those with the time breakbar is up.

    That being said the boss is very far away from those cannons, so could it be that if all team jump camps the cannons, the boss is in "disaggroed" state with that OP "out of combat" regen on? nvm I've just re-read the OP and you do in fact say you were on the boss, so it had to count as aggroed....

    (in my experience it is beneficial to have one player permanently manning the cannon because that player can break the ice wall faster then it takes the ones on boss to get to mount up and get to the ship....)

    PS. that team of yours could also just as well be failing to land any shots with ground targetting of the cannons.....

  8. @Danikat.8537 said:For example someone might well want: 1 lounge pass, 3 living world portal tomes, 1 home portal stone, 1 teleport to friend, 1 world boss portal and1 HoT meta portal.

    I keep forgetting that world boss and HoT meta portals are separate items xD also on a note of home portal stone, Eye of the North asura gate allows to link to home instance, which is nice and replaces the need for that one (at least for me)

    Personally I use lily of elon invitation + living world tomes.

    @Quench.7091 said:They're cash shop items! People don't want to buy more than one if they take up too much space. It's in the direct interest for ArenaNet to sell these lounges to us. That's the reason why I believe they should try to make something within the UI for teleportation items.

    I can't argue with that one tho :)

  9. @Swamurabi.7890 said:I remember that poll, where in the middle of voting someone from Anet had a post saying that if the DBL was voted down then ANet would probably NOT do another map. Nice way to influence an election.

    didn't heard of that one, but if it's true then fair point I guess.

    @Swamurabi.7890 said:Of course all the optimistic WvW players thought that ANet would work on a fourth map if they voted yes. We're still waiting on that. Just like we're still waiting on the fix for "Night Capping", Alliances, Map bugs, bots, Skill balance.......................

    Night capping sort of ceased to be an issue since the whole skirmish thing on scoring. It used to be an issue because just after blobs left for sleep on reset night, the server with nightly coverage could take everything, upgrade it and amass so much points overnight that even if you managed to flip all those T3s the gap was to high and was only opening with each night, Which discouraged people from even trying to contest it. Now no matter what kind of PPT shenanigans you pull over night the impact of it over whole match is not bigger than that of a prime time, which was the whole point. Skill balance, is ongoing thing, it's not something you just get done, and they do tweaks over time (maybe not as frequently as some would have like), unsure about the bots thing as I didn't see any player I would be sure was botting, but hey I am just one player on one server so it ain't any hard data to come off, and I suppose you have a point about those map bugs. As for the fourth map I believe why they naver made it, is the same case as with legendary armor sets. They've put in work, Forumites have set everything aflame, they've spent alot of time to get it to the point where most of them stop whining about it all the time, and at this point would YOU want to make effort and design next one? Just to be probably flamed in same way?

    @Swamurabi.7890 said:DBL is a failure because WvW was meant from its inception as a place where LARGE numbers of players could compete. When the map doesn't entice large numbers of players to compete it should either be fixed or replaced, but that would require someone at Anet to actually do something major for WvW, which hasn't happened for YEARS.

    I am unsure what do you mean about Desert Borderlands not "enticing" "large numbers of players to compete".Everytime I am there there are about as many players competing there as on any other map. Just because it's not a tiny simple box for blobs to smash repeatedly on, does not mean people are not competing there. And so far the only hard data in this thread I see being shown, is just kills/deaths which obviously will be smaller on a map that isn't small box for blobs to smash in like the rest of the maps you are comparing to. Dunno, maybe it's NA/weird tiers thing, or just you guys not really visiting the place and just looking at K/D numbers thinking they are meaningfull activity meter.

    As for major things happening. I guess we didn't get anything big for the last couple years, because every single time we were getting "something big" all the forums/reddits etc. were up in arms raging how dare AN touchie muh WvW in one way or another, so they obviously wouldn't spend too much manpower on that part of the playerbase, and those two devs, that would be working are working at the huge thing that takes years when it's two people working on it.

  10. @Threather.9354 said:Whole guilds that like only the 1 map out of 4 that 90% of WvW wouldn't touch with a long stick?

    I, also can pull out numbers out of my.... place where the back looses it's noble name :)

    And I also possess the ability to shift the goalpost to my liking.

    But I rather try to avoid those activities, they tend to ruin any semblance of trying to have a logical discussion. Not that this thread had many of those anyway.

    So in the name of not pulling random numbers out of thin air I will point you out to the links already posted in this thread showing results on the global poll made by AN on wether or not to remove desert borderland. Majority have spoken to keep the map. That's facts and hard data.

    @Threather.9354 said:Yes desert map has easy fights against PvE players and is basically EotM lite

    Actually for the guild I play wvw with, Deserts Borderland is a fun map not because of "easy fights against PvE players", enemies we run into there are very serious WvW guild blobs, and fights are anything but not easy. What makes the map fun is that it actually encourages knowledge of the terrain, and not only tactical use of that terrain, but also strategical moves, exploiting different traversing methods. It ain't simplistic tiny map where you can without any issue mantain the map just by the merit of having full map's worth in single blob that runs around and is able to get from any point on the map to any point of the map fast enough to protect anything that matters.

    Some people just like to outmaneuver enemies instead of everything boiling down to who's main blob is better. And desert map provides best opportunity for such gameplay for the moment being.

  11. There is no point in getting all of the items from that list - Living World portal scrolls can all be put within their respective books which is 3 slots, spearmarshal's plea ceases to be usefull very fast, and you don't need all of the lounges at once. The city portal scrolls are also somewhat obsolete since getting any lounge (or just proper upgrades to EotN) allows you same feature with just one additional step. for festival teleports once you get them all you get universal festival teleportation gizmo as well.

  12. @"Haseno.6417" said:You don't take away peoples weapons in the real world to prevent harm by bad people. You don't take away peoples counter to zergs in MMORPG's due to the risk of zergs using the same weapons.

    Your argument translated is "we can't allow such abilities in the game because the zergs might use it against others. Even though allowing it in the game would give people greater success in countering zergs."

    Ok so here is a newsflash for you. Your "solution" to countering zergs by giving us mass CC, will not work, because zergs will use those exact mass CC against those smaller groups, rendering them again unable to do anything.

    My argument isn't that we can't allow such abilities because the zergs would use it against each other, my argument is your solution will not work because zergs will be using those against smaller groups. You want to give small groups the tool to deal with zergs, while at the same time giving those zergs even stronger tool to obliterate those smaller groups.

    As it was already mentioned in the thread, the only way to force the stack-on-the-tag to spread would be uncapping targets on skills, but as it was pre-established the servers are unable to take it. Not sure if it would be possible to optimize/dumb down core fight mechanics to allow capless abilities without killing servers, but definitelly if it was possible, the cost of such changes (even just in dev-time) would be too high for AN to go for it.

    So you can do what everyone else in WvW is doing - accept the fact that major part of the WvW battlegrounds is presence of blob, adapt to it, or keep dying.

  13. My question to OP is:And what do you think would stop big blobs from using that strong and potent CC against smaller groups?

    As for the target cap: there wasn't one during launch days. And they were introduced for one single reason: servers were unable to keep up with amount of interactions that happened. There were huge skilllags in pretty much every major engagement. Reducing amount of interactions by introducing target caps for skills was the solution to that problem.

  14. @Tyson.5160 said:Yeah Phlunt has a little bit of dialogue in the EOTN.

    “These destroyers seem to be free of Zhaitan's or Mordremoth's magic.An astute observation. Primordus' slumber may have allowed it time to process the foreign magic—or alter itself to accommodate it. We don't really know at this point.”

    oh, I completely didn't notice Phlunt out of everyone being in there. Thanks for info tho :)

    @draxynnic.3719 said:We're getting an indication, though, that the magic from the jotun scroll might have been taken from Primordus to use against Jormag, just like we used Kralkatorrik's blood against the Branded and, ultimately, Kralkatorrik himself. Braham is showing signs of having developed some sort of connection to Primordus, whether he wants it or not, and at the moment the magic of the scroll is basically our best guess as to how that might have happened.

    well Jotun magic having originated from zhaitan is one theory for sure, but I am unsure if there is enough in the game to call it sure. As for throwing blame on brahams sensing destroyers onto the scroll and the bow - he only started showing these abilities quite decently long after he was separated from that bow. So if scroll was the cause then my first question is why would it show so late. He got the bow enchanted during LS3, carried it throughout whole PoF and LS4, lost it at the beginning of IBS, and only started showing new abilities during champions DRMs. And since he lost the bow, he was interacting with fallen spirits of the wild, has nearly fallen himself to jormag, and interacted with even more fallen spirits of the wild. Oh and a whole charr civil war happened in between, with quite a chunk of a time jump between bjora marches arch and drizzlewood coast. And link to destroyers is not the only ability he has developped, he has also shown interesting levels of connection to spirits of the wild. So myself I would be leaning more towards this being some spirits of the wild background shenanigans.

  15. @"Tyson.5160" said:I was thinking the destroyers becoming rabid and unruly as Taimi and Marjory pointed out, could be the Fury aspect flaring up.

    Yeah I understand where you are coming from in here, I was just saying that before we made that observation, destroyers were comparatively rare sight compared to other dragon minions, and the "instruments" taimi used to figure the feedback loop out are recent development. So technically they could have had that ability before with us never noticing. But it could be that you are right and it's primordus adapting some bits of Kralk's spectrum.

    That being said....

    Anyone knows what happened to vine-touched destroyers? ;)

  16. @Tyson.5160 said:I does make sense if Primordus gained some of Kralkatorrik’s Fury aspect while Jormag gained some Crystal aspect. I find it very strange that we have these two new abilities from the dragons, such as the “feedback loop” and Jormag’s Frozen.

    Well to be fair the feedback loop does not need to be exactly new one, it could just be the case of surface dwellers unable to measure it before.

    What’s more convincing is these dragons are not young they been around for countless millennia. Is anyone else buying that throughout all the ages that these dragons have been alive, that Jormag hasn’t figured out that Primordus can’t burn Jormag’s Frozen. It even stated that Primordus has lashed out at Jormag before. I would suspect that minions of the dragons battle each other in the distant past, Jormag didn’t figured out that strategy then?

    Maybe the reason that Jormag is experimenting is because the Frozen is a new ability, possibly combined with the crystal aspect.

    The whole line that Primordus can't melt Jormag's ice didn't make much sense to me when I played through that DRM first time around, these two are literaly their respective weaknesses. But indeed what you are suggesting here would make sense. If that is a new form of ice, that Jormag has got access to by chugging a bit of Kralk's Crystaline magic, then it could plug in the weakness hole, maybe by replacing Jormag's Ice innate weakness with kralk's. So what we would get there would be basically brand that can thaw over time.

    Now the only issue I have here is that it starts sounding like all those lore theories I both heard, and created in the past, that were fitting perfectly but it turned out that factional story later on was much more simplistic and boring.....

  17. @PseudoNewb.5468 said:Maybe Jormag is the analytical and mindful dragon, while Primordus is emotional and instinctual.

    When Kralk burst, even though Aurene absorbed him, it seems that some aspects of Kralk got loose and absorbed by other dragons. Primordus seems to have synergized part of Kralkkatorrics rage, and Jormag, well where did Jormag get the idea to preserve this world in ice, which is very similar to how Kralk wanted to encase the world in brand. The current state of Jormag and Primodus, would be because Jormag absorbed Kralks thoughts, and Primordus absorbed Kralks emotions.

    Going into deeper speculation, I don't really get why Aurene wasn't able to fully constrain Kralks magics when he died. Do you think, Aurene overwhelmed with Ascention let Kralk's rage slip and feed Primordus, and Let some of Kralk's thoughts slip and feed Jormag? Maybe she already visited them and accidentally traded magic with them, and that is why she is so reticent to directly confront them again.

    I think we have sort of pre-established precedence that when elder dragon dies, it's impossible to contain it's magic fully - when Mordremoth died, even jormag that was pretty much on the other end of continent, was able to get some of the jungle aspect magic (even if it only ever spawned single vine-touched icebrood). And that's with whole city of tarir built to channel that energy into aurene hatching.

    So yeah I think your theory could make sense in here with jormag and primordus getting different aspects of kralk for themselves. As for Aurene being reluctant to confront other elder dragons - I think we need here to remember that whole upraisal of aurene involves elder dragons being a threat to her, and also the last time she directly confronted one whole experience was not exactly pleasant. and who knows if she can still pull a joko if she lost again.

  18. @woops.1268 said:

    • If one side spawn camps (50 vs 5) for 3 hours+ on a 24/7 match that resets once per week, then what happens? Go to PvP as well? (spawn area does not allow siege prints at the moment)

    • 50 vs 5 at 1 corner of spawn on EBG, no siege allowed at spawn, how do you win? Please elaborate..

    Just making sure - you do realize that even on EBG every spawn has 3 exits? Because apparently this is not a common knowledge somehow.

    (and I have hard time believing a single 50 man group would last trying to plug in all holes of the spawn for this long - if there was any formidable force to be safely farmed maaaaaybe, but usually if map is fully claimed by one side, they blob moves to other maps, and if it is not, then instead of wasting time on some stranglers blob goes to claim what's left to claim, and ontop of that they would get bored really fast)

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