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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 37 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

    Again I do not understand the idea of wanting to be the uber of gw2 or wanting to give up your agency and ride the uber.

    Group mounts are not for me, and if they do not have engaging meta events like HoT maps, the maps will die like the PoF maps, and you will be hauling no one around.


    Well in particular as far as we got info it would seem that skiff is specifically meant for fishing things, which means that it's not being "just" "uber of gw2" but one player hauling other players to that nice fishing spots, then parking the boat so all can fish together there.


    Another feature that skimmer can already do 😉


    now sure, that alone may not seem all that much fascinating, and myself I would prefer them to actually do more interesting things with boats since they are already adding them, but there is one thing I heavilly dislike people doing and it's criticizing things for wrong reasons. Especially when "wrong reasons" include woefull misrepresentation of what the thing being criticized actually is.


    Skimmer is a water/underwater mount.

    Skiff is a tool that so far seems to be aimed at making fishing a group adventure, that persists as collidable object when "anchored".


    Trying to claim skiff is already obsoleted by skimmers is dishonest at the very best.

  2. 2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    You where talking about the "name" and how it "makes sense". If it was in GW1, it literally dont in relation to WvW.

    SIEGE turtle. where else you can actually "siege" things? theme: a giant turtle with huge guns on it's back, mobile artillery bits.

    even if you ignore where it was used before, those seems fitting to wvw setting.


    As for where it was actually used, well they were mainly seen in two places: canthan story (pve) and canthan PvP modes. One of which is precedessor to current conquest mode, and other is precedessor to, lo and behold, WvW. Not to mention same expansion giving alliance battles, which again was conceptually pretty darn close to what wvw ended to be.


    That being said I dunno if they would actually do it, as there are some... technicalities, that would need to be worked around to even think of making it work.


    So I think I will await for more info before I get hyped....


    No downed state events gather 3x more ppl than during normal week


    I would like some source quotation for that, because everytime that event comes, all I can hear from people I have contact with in actuall wvw, they all hate it.


    I don't recall PvP no downstate event ever happening 🤔


    As for downstate in sPvP - as far as my personal experience it hardly matters. Fights where downstate turned to matter are that matches that would have had same result even without downstate, because downstate was brought to matter by sheer difference between skill level between teams i.e. one team was heavilly coordinated, and the other one lacked ability to actually do anything about it - it could have turned one or two fights around, but overal match would play out roughtly same.

    • Confused 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    It is a channeled narrow telegraphed skill....on a 75 second cooldown can you explain to me what part of that sounds good for an elite skill?  I rather have rapid fire at that point.


    Except they said it's fire and forget ability on the stream. and if you pay attention to animation, after initial cast, the character moved to default idle with weapons drawn. This does not happen with channeled skills. Which would lead me to believe that you can drop it, and keep moving while the beam is doing it's thing.


    Only issue I have with it is that I don't see much of potential for someone actually staying in the arc of beam for that long.

    • Like 2
  5. question to local mesmer experts, from someone who didn't do mesmer since LWS1:

    it was my understanding that clones was a big survivability tool for mesmers (akin to thief's stealth), while it hardly matters for pve, it tends to get important for sPvP and wvw (notably roaming part of wvw).


    So the thing that get's me confused about this new espec, can it be workable for sPvP/WvW roaming? is what they shown sufficient to provide proper sustain, or will it need some more sustain-y traits to be workable within those areas?

    • Like 2
  6. 12 hours ago, Thundabolt.8541 said:

    There's no need to make them pact commander. They could have their own personal story that takes place in Cantha, and when you complete that story, you get to travel to Tyria.


    oh so like let's make it into GW2 campaign 2.....

    You must have missed the memo on why they stopped doing gw1 campaigns and created gw2 in the first place.

    • Like 1
  7. Nothing is impossible, some things are just prohibitively expensive.


    As for the reveal itself, I had quite a chuckle at some points and the cynic voice in my head, kept pointing out how they keep saying that something is so interesting, amazing and beautifull with no details on what it would make it so, but overal perception for me was good. so far it sounds like solid expansion.


    Which considering other expansions I have seen recently is definitelly superior to promising game changing changes and then delivering nothing of it.

  8. 9 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:


    I love how you inserted "Top" in the first place.


    Except, your original post to which I answered said that "guardian was overal top performant from the beginning of the game".

    So what you seem to be doing is changing your stance, an pretending you didn't even made original disputed claim that was proven wrong just to avoid admitting to making a wrongfull claim.


    9 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    This whole tirade of yours has been a non-argument.  I'm not arguing about the guard being the best at everything individually, but at everything holistically, over the span of the game's existence.  Which I said, as well, quite early on.  Which I said, as well, I was not referencing any specific data point.


    No you just said that it was overal top performant in whole games history, and tried rebute first counterargument with "look up what overal means"


    9 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    Because really, Guard has always sat at the upper end of the charts when played well, even from launch, and can be desired in pretty much any scenario.


    And again, no, guard has climbed to those top charts only after expacs started dropping. Before that there were ALOT of situations where it was not deemed desirable to bring guards.


    9 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    Honestly I'm beginning to reconsider my thoughts on the post content of this subsection if this is how most of the discussions normally go with people falsely quoting and whatnot.


    "falsely quoting" good one xD The only touch I did to the quotes of yours is to chop it in blocks for easier addressing.


    And on that note I think I will end my contribution to this thread, because since past has been sorted out (although due to your shift in stance over admitting to make wrong statements), and as draxynnic already said present is where we should be looking at in the first place, there is no comment I could make on the present state of the guardian, that would not have been already made by someone else. I agree with very elaborate post of draxynnic just above mine on pve and wvw aspects, in sPvP I can't really judge since I don't play guard in sPvP, and overal I play little of sPvP, probably to little to have any reasonable sample size to judge popularity. in my limited sample size of daily rankeds I meet guardians about as commonly as any other class that is not a necromancer. And then they do happen they are dragonhunters 99% of the time.

    • Like 1
  9. "more organized play" =/= "full premade team".


    Rankeds even with fully randomly assembled team tends to be more organized than non-ranked battles, just due to the fact that people engaged in the queue, have more requirements to even start playing the mode, and there is more competitive mindset due to whole ranking thing. Not to mention MM matching players of similar "skill" (rating), while unranked is just random.


    I still don't see that one being in need of immediate fix (other than removing or rephrasing ongoing matches, and the wvw tournaments)

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. On 7/26/2021 at 3:44 PM, Blocki.4931 said:

    Yes, all CMs are soloable. Make good use of your faction help, they're very strong. The most difficult one is Snowden Drifts, that one I've found extremely tough as a solo. The others had a lot of time to spare!


    tbh I only had issue so far with the tengu one (forgot the name of the map ^-^') with stronger boss mote. I suppose I would have easier time on a class with good long-range dps option, but without ability to engage in any meaningfull dps from long range, I have found experience..... long and tiring.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

    "competitive players" can not play in teams of five anymore "in an attempt to climb through the ranks and enter the prestigious legendary division", so they are clearly talking about ranked arenas, not unranked and not ATs.


    The main seasons of ranked are still 5v5 conquest, they just happen to be intervowen with mini-seasons in different format. No need to update that one, as it is a relatively small detail, inclusion of which would take alot of text.....


    7 minutes ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

    But parts of it are extremely misleading and if new players start the game in the hopes of playing ranked PvP with a couple friends together


    oh I see, you've misread the statement, and thought it was about queueing into MM with a premade full party of 5?, not that's not what sentence says, it says 




     PvP Leagues, which use matchmaking to pit teams of five players


    so basically "we have matchmaking system that creates matches of 5v5" not "you can make full premade party and out mm will pit you against another fully premade party of 5"


    Fair note with WvW tournaments, they got discontinued indeed.

    But as far as leveling in wvw goes - you gain experience from doing things in wvw, and each level up you get a book that grants you pve lvl up. So I would say the description is close enough.


    And as far as skills specs and gear goes - it was always the case. Green arrow enemies were easy kills for players that had any clue what they are doing since the day first level 80 entered wvw.

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    • Sad 1
  12. I love how quickly DeceiverX dropped "top" from "top performant".


    Yeah, sure vanilla guard could "perform" in all game modes, but your original claim wat that it was overal TOP performant. And no, adequate performance is not same as being "overal" best. Had guardian been top performant in vanilla days in pve, then top end of pve spectrum back then, would use it. They didn't. Had vanilla guardian been top performant in spvp, you would see it all over the place during that time, and again, even then they were not used all that often.


    The only place you could try to defend "top performance" of vanilla guardian is again WvW, and again, guardian in wvw during vanilla days was only so prevalent, because he was best source of group stability. In all other fields guardian would get outperformed by quite a number of classes.


    As for soloing dungeons, I would like to point out that besides arah which was indeed cheesable with wall of reflection, for every other dungeon the first solo runs recorded were NOT done in guardians. I don't think I recall any guardian solo run of AC, that would predate firebrand release, just to name one example.


    Trying to claim guardian to be top performant since the very launch of the base game, means either not having any knowledge of what was the game landscape during that period, or is flat out dishonest projection of modern situation on the past. The latter one seems to be awkwardly popular trend in public discusion in the last couple years.....

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Naxos.2503 said:

    Isn't Season of Dragons proven to be retroactively taking into account the past Bonus events anyway ? I did an episode 1 week late, and it still counted. If so, that'd mean everyone is free to do those achievements whenever they feel like, which I think was the point of those releases


    Either you mean something else, or that's not what retroactively means.


    You are free to continue earning achievements from each section after it's week passes, but if you , let's say killed immelhoof before return to lake doric popped up, you would need to kill him again for completion.


    Btw after featured episode weeks ends those achievements are moved from bonus events into side stories.

  14. On 7/22/2021 at 1:28 AM, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    Did they previous chapters give you more than a stack? If this is the first 500 it might just have been an oversight or Jade is just that easy to farm.


    LWS3 gives so far 5 of "boxes" of relevant episode currency at one of tiers for "return to" achievements. For Bloodstone fen this translated into 250 blood rubies, for ember bay it was 250 of petrified stumps, bitterfrost frontier gave 500 winterberries, and apparently lake doric also gave 500 of jade shards.

  15. ok so where to begin....


    You list is nowhere close to approximate amount of weapons one could think of as separate distinct weapon types that the game does not implement by name.


    Half of your "weapon" list is not even a weapon per say.


    And that is without going into things like, 2h axes being so indistinct that you could implement 2h axe looking skins for hammer or GS and it would be just about as good as an actuall 2h axe, and the fact that "magic books or orbs" seems oddly fitting with foci weapon cathegory. (where for example binding of ipos legendary focus is literally magic book).



    New playable races - as you should know from reading any of bazilion of threads on the aspect, are extremely cost prohibitive endeavour and therefore extremely unlikely for AN to ever implement such at this point.


    Fourthly(is that how you spell it? 🤔)

    Quaggan and frog people are two distinct different minor species


    And in the fifth place (Fivethly? 🤔)

    Flat no to any statistic bonuses per race - AN have made sure that there is no gameplay reason to have a "meta" race, and it should stay this way. (this is why racial skills are so bad)

    • Like 4
  16. 4 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Well there is a reason despite playing since beta im only rank ~330 and dont even have the ascended armor unlocked. Wvw as a whole is..not for me, same with pvp.


    Well I like WvW, but I like PvE stuff more, and I don't have enought time in live for both at the same time which lands me in roughtly same cart as you 🙂

    (roughtly because I didn't have PC for beta, and when I got PC for launch I still needed couple months to get money to buy the game itself xD, but I have similar rank, and got unlocked like one of the "easy" ascended bits)

  17. 7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


    I dunno. I've played wvw for 8 years and didn't even know ruins increased participation.


    But it only gives 2 minutes. That's not even much to afk with. That seems like even more effort than playing normally.


    Yeah I am unsure how it looks like rn, but back in the days when I was doing active wvw farms, the most common way to "afk" pip farm would be cap flipping. Basically the cap between the spawns on borderlands would always get flipped on cd, regardless of side, so idea would be flipping it (gives 10min timer) come back to wp, wait for it to get flipped, wait for the cd, flip it again, rinse and repeat.


    13 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    You can however rotate between two camps and their sentries with ease!

    You don't even need to rotate between two camps for the most of it, and camp flip gives 10 minutes bump to activity timer. Tho I doubt anyone has patience to do that for most of the week, for alot of weeks in a row.....




    15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Besides, you'd get killed with high frequency, and you'd lose participation while having to run back to the ruins from spawn point. And you'd have to constantly run from one ruin to another - because, once capped, the point stops giving you participation. you'd have to let it decay first.


    Basically, capping ruins is not something you can do while afk as some people claimed. Only someone that never actually tried that could claim so.



    It was my understanding, that ruin capping used to be cheese way to afk/bot pips farm, but AN fixed this very quickly, and it is no longer valid way to do it.

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