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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. @"mercury ranique.2170" said:I think you are misguided about EoD consisting of extended water content. There is nothing indicating this.

    OP said "can also be extended water content", not "will be extended water content" ;)

    That being said myself I don't have any hopes or predictions - what will be there, will be there, we shall see when we will start getting more info.

  2. @mercury ranique.2170 said:A Norn does not believe in both the spirits of the wild and the 6 human gods. If he would, he would most likely be seen as wierd and outcasted.

    There is a line between believing something exists, and worshipping an entity as a deity.

    Norn can totally believe in both spirits of the wilds, and human gods (and some of norns would actually be silly not to), but one trying to worship both at once would be looked weirdly at.

    As for Dragonic worship within norn specifically, let us not forget that were already norns - since vanilla - worshipping ED, and believing it's completely in line with all the spirits of the wild worship - to be precise - sons of svanir. Norn members of Crystal Bloom could easilly use same logic to worship Aurene, although I don't think She would like being worshipped this way.

  3. @"Nazarick.9653" said:Will-o-the-Wisp would like a word, particularly when you're rushing to the 8th boss in the train and 1-shots your mount while climbing the volatile magic pillars. (that's another key lost)

    I would fight army of will-o-wisps over any "adult" chak. At least when solo.

    As for the case of following meta train - I have never had will-o-wisp "one-shot" any of my mounts when traveling with these, and even from people I did see dismounting (forcibly or not) they were more than capable of either quickly dispatching it, and remounting, or disengaging and remounting, without loosing on a boss kill.

  4. @"Kodama.6453" said:To this day, I still think that tomes should have been a grandmaster trait choice for firebrands.There are 3 tomes, so they could have done the same like for daredevil, which are chosing their dodge mechanic with grandmaster traits.

    Would still give you your tomes, just not all 3 at the same time. Instead you would chose if you want the justice, courage or resolve tome.

    Well the thing with daredevils is that everyone have that one universal dodge mechanic that is being altered.Which is not the case with Guardian Virtues since there are three of them. And if you want to make it druid style (add another button for tome) then we are dealing all the way back with the "but muh tradeoffs" that caused AN to nerf pets for druids. What would you nerf for a tradeoff there?

    Unless of course you mean like "GM trait one converts virtue of justice into tome, trait two converts virtue of resolve into a tome". But the issue I see with this one is that pretty much every elite specialization in the game right now, alters game-specific mechanic upfront with first hero points you spend into it, and that concept would make firebrand not touch it all the way until grandmaster traits, which would be weird, and imo unfair. Even aforementioned daredevil get's third dodge straight out of the bat (and since they added the steal changing into "swipe" this happens also right at the beginning of training into elite specs).

    Don't take me wrong I am not saying it is flat out bad idea, I'm just pointing out that while it's easy to say "just have only one tome at the time and control which one with use of grandmaster traits, there is quite a broader issue lying underneath actual attempt at implementation of such idea.

  5. I have no idea what OP is describing out there. The only case where you would be forcefully teleported during whole meta event is end of the event, where you would need to be at very specific area and participate in event to be teleported, and map reset which is quite consistent with most map-wide metas that deals with map status reset ever since silverwastes.

    In terms of complexity, map does not even starts comparing to tangled depths, because Dragonfall is smaller, MUCH flatter and fairly simplistic in it's design.Also mobs are far from "beefed up OP mobs" they are all pretty much easy mode compared to ANY HoT Map.

  6. The action camera isn;t perfect because we have untargetable skills that are casted in direction related fo character facing, and action camera disregards camera facing (so if you happened to take a step backwards with action camera on, suddenly your "in front of you" effect is casted backwards - holdign down right mouse button doesn't have that problem, because any movement with it forces character facing to be aligned with camera direction.

    so II'd say OP's suggestiong could quite nicely fill the niche there (alternatively changing interaction between action camera and those skills so character turns where you are aiming it to cast those, depends which would be easier to implement....)

  7. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Lord Trejgon.2809 said:OP didn't notice yet that the same ranger can throw
    as far and with as much strength as firing arrow from the other kind of the bow?Bows? The axe is throw about as fast as a bullet from pistols/rifles.

    A fair, point, I forgot guns were a thing there, since ranger didn't have one, and I was mor refering to how they nerfed shortbow some time ago (it used to have 1200 range in the past)

  8. Does the bleed on swapping to this weapon of the geomancy sigil even trigger if the torch is there on both weapon sets?

    it does, which is why some builds have main hand on ona swap, off hand on the other and therefore have two identical swaps, where swapping only serve purspose of triggering "on swap" effects.

    not sure about the price things tho.

  9. @Justine.6351 said:I presume double lb quick draw?

    if I recall correctly, yeah that was the core of the build, he had some more stuff in there, but overally it was all around glass cannony maximisation of barrage spamability (and staying out of troublesome places)

    Compared to real arrow carts you hit less targets potentially, but harder, and you can be mobile outside of the casts

  10. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    @"Randin.5701" said:Living World is the elements of the main story that are added as part of the regular patches, rather than being part of the launch game or expansion stories. If you log into the game whenever a given episode of the Living World is most recent, you get access to it for free; if you don't log in in that time, then you need to buy the episode in the cash shop if you want to play it. In-game, if you press H and go to the story journal, it'll show you the order things are to be done, but to give it to you here:

    Personal Story (the story the game launched with, which ends with killing Zhaitan)Living World Season 1 (which due to the way it was structured, isn't actually playable now; you instead get directed to an NPC in Lion's Arch that gives you a summary cutscene)LW Season 2Heart of Thorns expansionLW Season 3Path of Fire expansionLW Season 4Icebrood Saga (which, in spite of having a proper name, is actually LW Season 5)

    Technically speaking "Living World" was a concept of having story that alters game map in bi-weekly releases. Because ya know "world of tyria lives", after the first "season" ended (with the Battle of the breachmaker) the "Living World" releases have ended as AN decided that after all it was not a good format.

    Then they rebranded it as Living Story, and this is what we are getting in seasons atm, and what You described.

    There is no LW Season 2, it's LS(S)2 (Living Story Season 2) similary for LS3 and LS4.

    Icebrood Saga is called this way because AN hoped they can merge expansion stuff with living story delivery, and to underline that difference they called it a saga, buuut it turns out it didn't quite work out :)

    Actually, the official term is Living World, rather than Living Story. Players named it 'Living Story' rather than ArenaNet.

    I remember the blog post going on how this "living story" is supposed to be different than "living world" but I have rechecked in-game and indeed in-game they are listed as "living world" seasons so I stand corrected :)

  11. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:last time I checked arrowcarts did not require line of sight, and they could totally be fired at people behind the walls with the feature called "snap AoE indicator to current target". no hacks, no exploits, no cheats, just knowledge of game mechanics...

    Rangers can do the same thing as well, and honestly, people who know how to do this have DPS builds slotted and in most cases ranger LB #5 hurts more than an actual AC.

    Ah yes, Mukluk's infamous arrowcart ranger build :P (Tho probably he wasn't the first one who got or implemented the idea, just probably first of the big GW2 YT'ers who actually made a video on it.....)

  12. @"Teratus.2859" said:

    Yeah that's why I said it was more like a stain than partial corruption.. kinda like an infection, not corrupted/sick but doomed to be once it finally spreads.Also kinda like how a Warewolf curse is showcased in most media if you think about it.. if the change was permanent rather than only on a full moon thing.

    Well this could fit if we wee talking about uncurable viral infection of sorts, like yeah you aren't technically speaking dead yet, but there is nothing you can do to prevent that virus from killing you off.

    Yeah pretty much what I was thinking, though a virus tends to be transmissible which is why I thought stain would be a better word or curse..Not sure if Kellah corrupted others.. can't remember, but he did murder people.

    There were undead following everywhere he went :P

    That being said tho I think Kellah's condition could be explained by the fact that Zhaitan minions were, well, undead. And Kellah got corrupted alive, instead of usuall for zhaitan "risen have killed him, and he got risen".....

    Anyway it's still precedence xD

  13. last time I checked arrowcarts did not require line of sight, and they could totally be fired at people behind the walls with the feature called "snap AoE indicator to current target". no hacks, no exploits, no cheats, just knowledge of game mechanics...

  14. @"Randin.5701" said:Living World is the elements of the main story that are added as part of the regular patches, rather than being part of the launch game or expansion stories. If you log into the game whenever a given episode of the Living World is most recent, you get access to it for free; if you don't log in in that time, then you need to buy the episode in the cash shop if you want to play it. In-game, if you press H and go to the story journal, it'll show you the order things are to be done, but to give it to you here:

    Personal Story (the story the game launched with, which ends with killing Zhaitan)Living World Season 1 (which due to the way it was structured, isn't actually playable now; you instead get directed to an NPC in Lion's Arch that gives you a summary cutscene)LW Season 2Heart of Thorns expansionLW Season 3Path of Fire expansionLW Season 4Icebrood Saga (which, in spite of having a proper name, is actually LW Season 5)

    Technically speaking "Living World" was a concept of having story that alters game map in bi-weekly releases. Because ya know "world of tyria lives", after the first "season" ended (with the Battle of the breachmaker) the "Living World" releases have ended as AN decided that after all it was not a good format.

    Then they rebranded it as Living Story, and this is what we are getting in seasons atm, and what You described.

    There is no LW Season 2, it's LS(S)2 (Living Story Season 2) similary for LS3 and LS4.

    Icebrood Saga is called this way because AN hoped they can merge expansion stuff with living story delivery, and to underline that difference they called it a saga, buuut it turns out it didn't quite work out :)

  15. @"Bast.7253" said:It always feels like there's been a potential opportunity to expand more on the Artesian Waters in Arah. Something beyond Zhaitan resting beneath the city.

    The only link between zhaitan and Artesian waters was that by corrupting artesian Waters, Zhaitan corrupted entire Orr

    I'm definitely not a lore expert but didn't the waters exist before the gods arrived? Isn't that what drew the Gods to Tyria from the Mists anyway? Is the assumption that it was really Zhaitan's magic that did that? Because it feels like it's left pretty open.

    Not sure about the part of artesian Waters "being the thing that drew the Gods to Tyria", but I do not recall any mention that Zhaiontan's magic was anyhow responsible for creation of it. He just exploited it to his advantage. (As for link between Artesian Waters and human gods, it is the place where the gods have first set foot on tyria)

    It's a shame that in all of this Saga dealing with the Northern Shiverpeaks and the Eye of the North we still haven't gotten anymore lore on the Scrying pool or the original creators. I suppose there's still time but the story feels pretty focused on Primordus and Jormag right now.

    It feels like basically same deal as in Eye of the North expansion - we don't know a thing on how or why, but it's a decent place for a base of operations.

  16. @"Teratus.2859" said:Yeah I didn't put too much stock into Jormag not being able to forcefully corrupt, it is an Elder Dragon as I said :)

    Though that was still an odd circumstance, are there any differences between those specific icebrood and the ones Jormag corrupts with consent?We don't know for sure, probably never will.

    Well hard to speak about "willingly converted" icebrood. Closest I am aware off would be Frost Legion, and the main difference between them and regular icebrood is that they still retain some sort of military-esque discipline, as opposed to regular icebrood that just berserkers onto anything that ain't sided with jormag.

    Yeah that's why I said it was more like a stain than partial corruption.. kinda like an infection, not corrupted/sick but doomed to be once it finally spreads.Also kinda like how a Warewolf curse is showcased in most media if you think about it.. if the change was permanent rather than only on a full moon thing.

    Well this could fit if we wee talking about uncurable viral infection of sorts, like yeah you aren't technically speaking dead yet, but there is nothing you can do to prevent that virus from killing you off.

  17. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:as for outside of rev occurences I can add another one:Guardian's sword of justice snaps correctly, the hammer of wisdom tho, does not.

    Hammer of Wisdom also seems to require "valid path" to target and animation is hammer flying out from behind guardian into targeted area, so that would support the thesis that ground targeted abilities that require valid path to target fails to snap (regardless of wether valid path exists or not)

    Just tested this on thief shortbow. 2 snaps. 4 snaps. 5 does not snap.For utilties Shadow Refuge snaps(not that you would want to ...) while Shadowstep does not.

    For chrono utilties, everything except Blink.

    that would support that theory even more, since all the stuff you listed as snapping will never throw "no valid path to target" and the ones that don't can throw that error.

  18. as for outside of rev occurences I can add another one:Guardian's sword of justice snaps correctly, the hammer of wisdom tho, does not.

    Hammer of Wisdom also seems to require "valid path" to target and animation is hammer flying out from behind guardian into targeted area, so that would support the thesis that ground targeted abilities that require valid path to target fails to snap (regardless of wether valid path exists or not)

  19. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:From what we've seen of Jormag free will to some extent has always been part of it's corruption, Jormag manipulates people onto it's side rather than forcefully corrupts them like Kralkatorrik and Zhaitan did.

    In personal story if you join the priory, your first endeavour will be about the sword made of jormags blood, that was said to be crafted by stone summit dwarves, that upon wounding of someone turns that someone into icebrood - regardless of wether the victim is willing or not. In same storyline a bunch of sons of svanir get's turned into icebrood this way, while actively trying to avoid that fate, and calling their leader - mad.

    True, although Jormag itself doesn't appear to be directly involved in those events.Svanir do retain their free will despite loyalty to Jormag so it's very likely that that storyline was based around a rogue Svanir rather than something Jormag actively decreed.

    If the stone summit made the sword then Jormag has little to do with it outside of it being made from it's own blood, Jormag may not even know of it's existence although I doubt that it could not know of something like this.. if anything Jormag did know and just allowed it to be used by whomever got their hands on it.I'd actually be curious to hear what Jormag has to say about that sword, but I doubt we'll ever get to have that conversation.

    Well the point was that this event reinforces the idea that forcefull corruption is in ED's blood (pun partially intended), as in Jormag is fully capable to force corrupt living being had they wanted.

    As for example of draconic corruption victims mantaining their personality - in personal story again, humans this time, we encounter ex-seraph that got corrupted by zhaitan by the proxy of orrian artifact. Said ex-seraph since corruption has shown up acts on it's own agency by trying to find the way to reverse the effect, and zhaitans undead follow him. And on a side note he also while pursuing the goal of getting himself cleansed of corruption got misled by third party to the deal. So we have precedence for let's say "partial" corruption, dating all the way back to the beggining chapters of original personal story.

    Partial corruption or maybe more accurately to say a stain of corruption which lead to insanity and eventually full corruption.I don't think Zhaitan had any control over Kellach during the process where he was going insane and the corruption was taking hold, his actions appear to be entirely his own until he finally snapped upon the realization he was doomed and the corruption fully consumed him.

    Well the only thing "insane" there was in Kellah action tho was that he actually believed that Queens blood had potency to cure draconic corruption, imo. Outside of that all what Kellah said and done seemed quite logical. And yes it didn;t seem like Zhaitan has any hold over him during that period of time. While dialogue hints that in due time he would fall under dragons control, there was a period of time, when Kellah was fully himself - and yet somewhat corrupted beyond redemption.

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