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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. On 7/9/2021 at 10:08 PM, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    Guardian is the most performant class in the game in almost all modes and has been since launch overall.


    You weren't playing guardian around launch period now did you? Because the only place before HoT where guardian could be considered "top performant" was stability and might in WvW. It is only with release of Dragonhunter elite spec where people on broader scale started appreciating guardians in their parties.

    • Like 5
  2. 4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    WELL that's why we can't have nice stuff, this community is so satisfied with buggy implementations of features.


    I love it how you just jumped from "bare minimum" to "buggy" there. We are yet to see about the bugs, when, you know, actual patch drops.


    4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    But hey it's me crying u can continue buy gems than. 


    would love to to be honest, unfortunatelly my current irl situation does not afford me that privilege at this moment 😕


    4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:


    If u think legendary armory has nada to do with the Equipment template than ya LOL 


    Legendary armory is about integrating legendaries into systems introduced with equipment templates. Not about every single OTHER potential feature that could be integrated with those systems.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

    Everyone now posting about their excitement for the Legendary Armory has about 1 legendary trinket and that's it... But suddenly the hardcore elite players resurfaced to generate hype for something only they can fully utilize. And people are falling for it.


    This is like middle-class Republicans supporting the rich, because they think it's also in their own interests, and that they too can one day become rich.


    Why should we be excited for something only a small percentage of the population can take advantage of?




    I was looking forward to this feature. For the moment being I only own single legendary shield (feel free to guess which one).


    And here is a thing for ye. One may not own alot of legendaries, one may own only a very weird choice of legendaries of very limited use. And one can still look forward to the feature that makes actually getting more legendaries actually goal worthy pursuing.


    Your equivalence here is false, because obtaining legendary gear in the game is not even in the same league of a challenge as improving your wealth class in any big degree.


    Now excuse me while I go back to work to preparations for getting back into that whole raiding so I can bet myself nice and cosy two sets of legendary armor that I will then spend weeks fashioning on all 6 of my characters 😉




    28 minutes ago, Mil.3562 said:

    The forum has been asking for many other more practical and useful stuff and has been totally ignored for years. For example, swimsuits and dyable undies...

    and how exactly are swimsuits and dyable undies either "practical" or "usefull"?

    I am not sure did I fail to see the sarcasm in that post?

  4. 35 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    Why pleased with minimum effort ?

    To be fair considering what I expected them to actually do, they did went an extra mile with what is already announced, which is quite above "minimum effort"


    Sure I agree that aurora/vision/coalescence need the toggle switch themselves, but everything else on your list sounds to me like "memememe AN didn't implement my ideas, literaly unplayable"



    35 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    there will be hidden cost

    yes, cost of actually crafting legendaries to put into that system. Brief reminder that gems to gold conversion exists 😉

    • Like 9
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    • Confused 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

    You seem to only want to make this into a singular thing which isn't. Not a one person thing.


    Actually reading through this forum it does seem like you vs all the rest of the forums, which does strike me as definitelly "a one person thing"


    Just my 2c


    Oh and btw I like boreal sets (all three of them) and Stormcaller/Charged Stormcaller sets. the only one of recent weapon sets I didn't get into would be volcanic stormcaller, but that's because the smoke FX obscured all of the weapon, which kinda ruins the point for me, personally - I would not mind if someone else liked it tho.

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  6. 1 hour ago, TheRealGorthaur.1796 said:

    The sword has by far the most number of attacks in its auto-attack line making it the least desirable weapon to actually activate virtue 1 with.


    Well the same line provides perk that resets the cooldown of F1 on kill meaning that in optimal case you are not loosing all that much.


    Also right hand strenght also provides the buff to all one handed weapons (not only to sword) which includes scepter, and in case of firebrands - axe.


    And in case you were rolling this as a firebrand you can flat out ignore the issue of passive going on cooldown thanks to that grandmaster trait that allows you to keep passives up when virtues are on cd. 

  7. @medivh.4725 said:Dragon Fall map is so quiet so dead. Could Anet plan more events in there? I can't seem to get what I need out of that map. It feels like a bottle neck. A quick fix is to come in with more ways to get those currencies I descripted. Dragon Fall is nice map, but too bad only 1 meta.

    You mean dragon FALL, or Dragon STAND there?

    Because Dragon FALL atm is far from dead as it is no1 gold farm at the moment of writing this post.

    Dragon STAND on another hand is a map with very long meta, on which I didn't set foot in ages so can't say wether or not it's dead or not....

  8. @"mindcircus.1506" said:They already do this, giving away the "Ascended Aurene" T-shirt outfit via their own or partner streams.Is your face currently being slapped?

    I am not aware of this one, do you maybe have any link that would point me in direction of how it works? (and/or how the T-shirt outfit looks like)

  9. @Cynz.9437 said:Did you even read what you quote or just spam question marks? Yes, the game is pay to win. Without espec you are going to lose most of your matches in pvp and encounters in wvw vs players with espec. This is fact. You can't get expansion thus especs with in game currency so you have to spend real money on it.

    Trying to claim that expansions have any say in p2w discussion is simply silly.

    Next thing you are going to say that original Guild Wars was p2w because you needed all 3 campaigns+expac to have access to all the good skills? (or specific campaigns to have access to some of professions while at it)

    I stand by my first notion in this thread, that all.... 17 at the point of writing of this post have never played actuall P2W game. Including Yourself.

  10. @mercury ranique.2170 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:So if you'd prefer to stick to what P2W "actually" means ( "Anything you can buy from the game's cash shop that gives you an advantage over a player that doesn't buy it."), why did you answer "No"? I've listed some things that do give advantages in my previous post, so going by your definition, GW2 would be P2W.

    You're not adhering to your own definition. Instead you're using a warped personal one.

    I dunno if that was what was stated, (missed the original statement you were refering to there) but from what I recall on "original" definition of p2w, the quote you are providing is omitting one crucial detail.

    "Anything you can buy from the game cash shop
    with real life money
    that gives you advantage over a player that doesn't spend
    real life money
    on it"

    That's more like definition I've used to know for past 15 years ;)

    And by this clarification there, You may notice we've removed whole gemstore out of equasion - because everything in the gemstore can be acquired with in-game gold. So no matter what was there, as long as we have currency exchange, player is not forced to spend any more irl money than buying the game, to obtain it.

    I agree for 99% with you.The 1% is that the transfer rate gold/gems is rather steep. This means that availability also is an issue. If there would be a statbooster that gives 1 hour of an advtange that is very significant and it requires 5 hours to farm the gold to get the gems to buy it, the P2W definition could be in view. Fortunally, this is not the case in GW2 and it does not fit the filosophy of Arenanet to introduce such a thing. The stuff that does not give a lasting advantage is limited and the advantage is very small (e.g. revive orbs are not giving a lasting advantage and they are not freely available, but the benefit is so minor that it still does not count as P2W)

    Well the gold/gems convertion rate is determined, by AN's "supply and demand" algorithm, dating all the way back to GW1's material traders. Side effect of that is that there is way more poeple that wants gems for gold, than people buying gems to turn them into gold, which drives the algorithm crazy ;)

    But fair point on boosters, I kind of forgot those are a thing in games xD

  11. @"Raknar.4735" said:So if you'd prefer to stick to what P2W "actually" means ( "Anything you can buy from the game's cash shop that gives you an advantage over a player that doesn't buy it."), why did you answer "No"? I've listed some things that do give advantages in my previous post, so going by your definition, GW2 would be P2W.

    You're not adhering to your own definition. Instead you're using a warped personal one.

    I dunno if that was what was stated, (missed the original statement you were refering to there) but from what I recall on "original" definition of p2w, the quote you are providing is omitting one crucial detail.

    "Anything you can buy from the game cash shop with real life money that gives you advantage over a player that doesn't spend real life money on it"

    That's more like definition I've used to know for past 15 years ;)

    And by this clarification there, You may notice we've removed whole gemstore out of equasion - because everything in the gemstore can be acquired with in-game gold. So no matter what was there, as long as we have currency exchange, player is not forced to spend any more irl money than buying the game, to obtain it.

  12. @"Cristalyan.5728" said:Are you sure? I invite you to craft a legendary from scratch. You will need fractals - that means you have 37 Fractals Legendary weapons. You will need WvW - that means you already have 37 WvW Legendary weapons. Why do you need a Legendary weapan for PvP - there you use a predefined set of weapons" You cannot use your own. The Legendary armor for PvP was to close the mouth of the players complaining about .... the monstrous grind for skirmish tickets for WvW - "you have PvP if you don't like WvW".

    To be fair I don't recall much of fractal involvement in my Flameseeker Prophecies craft I did recently... there were like 3 or 4 of them needed but only because I decided to craft the precursor instead of flat out buying one. Is that some gen2 thing? ;)

  13. @ugrakarma.9416 said:

    @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:I can go in public que in full chill weird character build, and do the 10 minutes of DRM with no issue, while to get into 10 minutes fractal, I would need to spend up to hours trying to actually assemble the team for it, depending on which fractal I'd be trying to clear there. But I suppose that's not what You wanted to hear.

    Fractals are not a copy paste of each to start, or even, not a rushed copy of parts of open world map.

    DRM are budget content, artifically made longer by same annoying mechanics.

    So with DRM's, we have 10 instances(or more?) of same annoying stuff, with cheap mechanics to appear a bit "longer".

    A "pre-meta", and a meta that start with a scort, a them some boss with "mechanics" when he loss 25% HP(others 40%) and become invicible for sometime.

    They can at least cut that mechanics, because is pointless, we already understand the message: theyre on budget.

    Even the lore are cheaper: during scort events will have dialogue about "us and them", "hey whos are your allies?",

    Nice of you to decide to completely not even try to address the point I made there mate :)

    Now for nitpicking of your points:Metrica Province - there is no invulnerability phase, boss just moves to the next spot and needs to be followed, Lake Doric - there is no invulnerability phases on boss, just a breakbar to break (during that period boss takes regular damage), and there is no "escort" event before boss, just defence of two spots on the map. Technically speaking Gendarran fields also is not invulnerability phase but boss moving to a different spot with interluding adds to make it slightly less boring to move from place A to place B. I do not recall any invul phases on the icy colossus under the tengu gate (forgot the map name, sorry) Boss is dpsable from start to finish, mechanic there just adds bonus to that. There is also no invulnerability phase on Thunderhead keep boss, and it's "escort" is basically kill all the mobs in the area. Caledon Forrest is again boss disengaging, altho in this case it re-emerges in basically same spot, so you could try to argue it's invul phase with extra steps. One other arguable case would be Fields of Ruin, I'm not sure if boss is invulnerable when charging super attack, it's just that you don't want to be anywhere nearby when the strike hits....

    Meanwhile bosses with actuall invul mechanic: Bloodtide coast, snowden drifts, fireheart rise.

    And sorry you can't say that boss having "something happens at X hp" mechanic is "cheap mechanics to appear a bit longer" that's not how game design works.

    Also if I had to choose between those "cheap mechanics" as seen in DRMs and "elaborate and interesting" mechanics as seen in some of fractals (for example jade tentacle monster that you don't even fight, because "mechanics") I'd pick DRMs, on most occasions. Most because sometime I am in that weird mood when I enjoy doing puzzles instead of fighting.

    As for lore remark... You gave me very nice chuckle in there, implying average fractal has any lore at all. There are only handfull that does have ANY lore not to mean any meaningfull lore.

  14. @ugrakarma.9416 said:

    The Gendaran field DRM tage AGES, 10 min

    if 10 minutes is ages, I am slightly worried how long do you perceive... virtually any other instanced content in gw2 (spoiler alert, with some notable exeptions, like CoF P2, they tend to be much longer than 10 minutes)

    Compare 10 minutes in fractal with 10 minutes in DRM.

    I can go in public que in full chill weird character build, and do the 10 minutes of DRM with no issue, while to get into 10 minutes fractal, I would need to spend up to hours trying to actually assemble the team for it, depending on which fractal I'd be trying to clear there. But I suppose that's not what You wanted to hear.

  15. That 8 people that at the time of writing this post, have voted for "yes" must have never seen a truelly p2w title, in their life.....

    To provide some examples:Already mentioned in this thread: Black Desert Online, quick summary for those who don;t want to click YT links:

    1. non-consensual open-world PvP exists,
    2. PvP is determined first and foremost by gear and level in there. If you have properly enchanted BiS gear, you can do all kinds of blunders against oponent who isn't quite there yet, and they will still be unable to do anything against you, similary if you happen to have 4 or 5 levels of advantage as well.
    3. Gear enhancing is costly process with alot of rng involved, so to stay competitive you need to be able to outgrind everyone else, which means you need good farming spot, and need to be able to kill anyone that comes to that spot with intent of fighting over it,
    4. Pearl store items contain real bonuses that will be borderline impossible to obtain for non-paying user, and the only way to do so, gives more emporement to the one spending rl cash, doe to ability to stay ahead of silver farming curve by getting additional silver through buying and reselling pearl-store items, or just buying and melting them outfits (literaly): bonuses include but are not limited to: loot autopickup, automatic detection of potentially hostile players, automatic use of potions, character stats improvements, access to bank/marketplace without having to talk to an NPC (first and last one super important for farming efficiency)
    5. Bonus points, BDO does not have the nice feature of gw2, where loot is determined solely on per player basis - which means that in terms of farming if you don't have sufficient amount of pets to pickup loot for you, people will steal your loot

    So in short, you have a game where to stay competitive, you need to outgrind your opponents, where premium shop is exclusive source of multiple bonuses to that aspect.

    Another Example: Air Rivals (went kinda bankrupt and re-released under old title of Ace Online, earlier releases under names of Ace Online, Space Cowboys Online)similar deal, Open world non-consensual PvP (whole game is basically built around conflict between two factions) and gear+levels comes above anything else in terms of who wins engagement. So not only they sold actuall gear (that was arguably best best gear to start upgrading from for couple vehicles/classes) in the premium shop, they also sold premium accounts that meant you would get experience faster (remember level difference matters there), but also gear enhancing process included static attribute enhancement (for example weapon refire upgrade would reduce delay between firing weapons by same 0.1s each) and a soft cap of 5-6 upgrades - above that any upgrade attempt had a risk of destroying item completely irreversably. And of course premium shop had item to prevent that from happening. Turned out interestingly, when all the guides online said that getting +9 guns is probably limit of what's sane to do, and then couple rich kids decided to swipe credit card and got themselves +11, and started obliterating whole squadrons of "mere mortals" with +9s, solo.

    As for that guy who claimed that elite specs being sold with expansions, in all fairness and with all due respect, that claim is laughtable.

    • Thanks 1
  16. @"EdwinLi.1284" said:The Commander and the Adventurer

    The Commander is our character in Main Story events but the Adventurer is the character we play as who explore the world and goes through the Meta version of events for the Storyline such as while the Commander is fighting Kralkatorrik inside his body to destroy the heart, the Adventurer is going through the Meta event of the story acting as the distraction and weakening Kralkatorrik from the outside with other Adventurers and Alliance members.

    Actually it's The Commander and A Commander. There are Multiple Pact Commanders, and in the case of assault on Mordremoth I recall it being clearly stated that "other commanders" are leading the assault on the head "up above".

    Similar situation with Drizzlewood Coast, as the Commander is moving through the West entrance in the Main Story side of the events, the Adventurer is assaulting the Frost Citadel with Efram, Ember, and Kasmeer. The ending of the Meta, after the Claw of Jormag's defeat, is when Efram gets the call to randevu with the Commander in the Story side of the events.

    I am not quite sure on the timing of that one, the assault on the main gate takes a fair bit more time, especially with claw fight involved, than entirety of the story instance combined, and both are supposed to start at the roughtly same time, (we give signal to start the assault as we enter the doors). And after destroying conversion chamber, the frost citadel is supposed to crumble, all together, while apparently the side we are at doesn't? Not to mention that in case of frozen doors, in the instance efram, needs to be instructed how to deal with them but in the meta his like "step aside I've got it". Don't get me wrong, I don't deny they are supposed to somehow happen in the paralel, it's just that the way both were written, and supposed to intertwine, it's kind of messy how exactly they intertwine in there.

  17. @"Bast.7253" said:Could the blue "orb" in Fort Trinity potentially be an unhatched egg of the DSD?

    An interesting theory, but problem I have there is that Orb function is extremely specific, and I'd even dare to say that it's too specific to be likely to be natural byproduct of magical entity.

    @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:The thing about telling lies is that there's this problem of perpective. You'd be correct if it was "Jormag is never wrong", but "Jormag never lies" means that they can say something incorrect but believe it to be true so from their point of view, it is truth and not a lie.

    From Jormag's point of view, corrupting and freezing the world is helping the mortals. So the statement is "technically false, but perceptively true".

    Well, kind of, but Jormag of everyone involved should have known - regardless of perspective, that Jhavi is not exaclty "lying" about drakkar either. Even if we use perspective twist, the only thing Jormag could have sincerily have issue with in what Jhavi says would be "yeah but why it's a bad thing again? it's all trying to help lulz".

    But no. Jhavi speaking of what Drakkar has already unquestionably done is supposed to be all lie by the statement of Jormag. Which Jormag should have known not to be. Difference should be interpretation of wether or not those actions were good, not that they did or didn't happen.

    Unless AN want to make Jormag Dragon of Persuation into PTSD'd icy cub, that does not even aknowledge it's own actions that happened more than a year before, but I am unsure which variant is worse out there. Anyway, the whole statement about Jormag never lying and always being sincere on twitter should never happen.

  18. @"Psientist.6437" said:We often complain about the lack of communication from the writing team but the studio's comment is a perfect example of why writers should usually keep quiet, at least until the text is complete. Imo, they should have known better. Jormag is the Elder Dragon of Manipulation.

    I'd like to toss onto that stack with a mention that before the statement was made Jormag did lie on screen.

    During Drakkar meta in Bjora Marches, Jorgams state, that Jhavi is Lying and Drakkar is trying to help Kodan and Norn. Unless Your definition of "helping" is killing every single one of them, yeah sure dude it wants to "help" ;)

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