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Everything posted by Zunki.3916

  1. Not my vid, but some might be interested: I knew it's gonna be good but didn't expect it to be that good :o
  2. Before this tool ppl wanted everyone being full zerker and when something went wrong you had to ping gear and if you weren't full zerker you were blamed and so on. Since the introduction of this tool no one ever asked about my gear ever again. I can play whatever build I like, as long as I make sure I contribute. I sometimes use hybrid healing/dps builds in fractal pugs while delivering okay dps and so on. No one cares, you can do whatever you want, as long as you do your job it's fine. This is great and I love it. Even in raids I usually play some very offmeta stuff and ppl don't care and let me do my custom stuff as long as I contribute. The problem starts when ppl do builds that do not comply with the minimum req of the encounter itself (the enrage timer) and/or work only in a specific setup, that would work when planned correctly, but not in a random pug environment.This won't happen if you do your studies and learn and test your custom builds on the golem. I never reached 30kdps on any golem try, but have my leg armor and ring with pugging, so I guess it's mostly fine...
  3. It actually is :) Now every element has a built in cdr and has options that also work outside on said element, but often with reduces effect. That makes it much more appealing. It feels so much better having a global bonus to some stuff and double it while on a specific element instead having nothing outside of the element. They should all rephrase to the global/double bonus standard instead of the one thing still being "half of it is outside the element".
  4. Yes. 150 power while above 10 stacks of might, 300 while in fire attunement. So it will be the option for power dps eles, while burning rage is the best for condi/hybrid eles (or eles that solo and dont get 10 might often).Meanwhile blinding ashes is still useless. Hahaha yeah. Blinding ashed cd should at least be on a per enemy basis instead of global. Also it should give another effect on top of that.Also, the 8s cd makes no sense in pve, maybe split balance it? I know it's never a good pve option but might help some newcomers for some dmg mitigation
  5. They made a mistake on the patchnotes. Power overwhelming will be a power trait.
  6. Power Overwhelming: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 150 bonus power while the elementalist has at least 10 stacks of might. This power bonus is doubled while attuned to fire. Oh boy that changes quite a lot.
  7. Also, maybe use flame legion runes now, as the improvment on burn dmg is huge and scholar is imho shit if you aren't on farm or are pugging. And on farm nothing really matters anyways.
  8. I am at 300 Li, 95% gained offmeta while pugging. Noone cares for your spec as long as you deliver (depending on the encounter thats 10k-20k, really nothing insane - Every weapon combination paired with the right attributes can do this).If you don't they might ask you about the spec, and that's actually implying it's the spec fault and not the players skill, which might be even a nice move if you ask me. Before ArcDps and raids everyone was wanting me to link zerker gear or I got kicked, THAT SUCKED
  9. As long as there is absolutely no need to attend raids to reach your strength maximum, nor it being the absolut best way to farm curreny, raids can coexist with everything. I never PvP but I'm fine with games having a PvP mode, I also don't really do WvW but I like GW2 having this as it can perfectly coexist. I never think I am really forced into any gamemode beside maybe that WvW legendary material needed for the weapons, but I mostly do them through daylies so I don't care much... Even if you think that ressources are wasted in one of the parts you don't play yourself I wouldn't be so sure about that. Some people come for the raids but give it up but stick to other things, some play only 10% of their time raiding but would completely go if they would not exist, and and and.More than 12%/22k of the 188k HoT-Accounts registered on gw2efficiency.com have fully completed wing 1-3. I know this represents not everyone, but it gives at least a number that 22k players cleared w1-3.Also, already 12.7k of those players defeated the first boss on the newest wing. And then there is more, the "Raiding Party" of Teapot actually does quite good on twitch, compared to other gw2 stuff, so you could argue that this brings peaople in the game and spreads the word that gw2 is still fully functional and alive. Anet has a reason why they implemented raids, I don't think they do it for nothing.
  10. If you want the shiny raid skin, then you have to put in the effort to raid. If you just want non ugly legendary armor, you can craft wvw or pvp then reskin it with your favorite pve cosmetics. Raid bosses have an enrage timer, meaning they will wipe your group if you dont kill them in time. If you dont deal enough damage, you wont kill them in time. You need to find a build that deals enough damage to beat the timer. Your build right now isnt working for that. Groups have a right to replace you if your personal performance is bad enough to cause failure. Just an FYI, but PvP is releasing a new shiny skin on November 13, that can be converted into a Legendary status item.But we also know, that the actual legendary unique skins for wvw and spvp aren't going to happen, and that the legendary armor for both of those modes was allowed only under this (no unique skin) requirement. And only because they neither count for already existing legendary armor achievement, nor have they their own achieves.At this point it is the other way round: WvW and PvP get their legendary skin without the need to upgrade it to actual legendary status for some currency.It's just like if the PvE leg armor precursor would be the same skin as the actual leg armor, you have your skins, with pretty neat effects. It's just not legendary stat swap to begin with, but can be upgraded.What's better is for you to decide, I think it's fair that you can show your dedication to the gamemmode with the skin without being forced to also have the currency to upgrade it, but it also makes it "easier" to get, but the complaining about the lack of PvP/WvW leg armors is getting old....
  11. I only play ele, but in all variations. Cdps, dps and support. I primarily pug raid. I experiment a lot with different builds for different bosses, use ranged and melee variants and even hybrid stuff for open world or to healdps carry some fractal situations.
  12. Just to add some information: I never ever used a meta build appearing on SCs site. I almost always take a dps role, but also often heal as a tempest.I'm over 250LI and have done halv the CMs and all normal modes. I got kicked from groups for low dps maybe once or twice over the last year and that was really to not doing my stuff right, really messing up my play.In the beginning my dps really wasn't that good but now I almost always turn out on the top 3 spots, but it hasn't always been like this. If benchmark dps on a boss is 20k and you reach 10k you usually won't be kicked, as the bosses have easy enrage timers. But if you really underperform to a 5k level this makes encounters impossible to beat and therefore it's useless to even have you in the team, as having you makes the encounter impossible, and you can't ask for that. Try the dps golems with agreed buffs. If you reach around 20k you are fine for everything beside some CMs/specific encounters. If you reach 25k you can often top the lists. >30k is not needed and not asked for at all in pugs.
  13. Yeah thought about healing rain also, and I thing it would be great there too, but soothing mist is more important to me as it may affect all weapons and not only staff.The good thing is, these traits are in no meta setup, so raising it to 10 would most likely not break anything. Worst that could happen is making them more viable, but most likely not op, especially not when done in PvE only. Even though it would maybe even more welcomed in WvW... :)It would help to get rid of those 5/4/1 group setups, and I think that would streamline the experience without taking away anything cool really.
  14. Adjust soothing mist to 10 players instead of just 5 (at least in PvE/traited) Rethink the descision that many traits don't get you benefits on dual attuning: Dual attuning is already not that useful (beside one trait) and a quite fiddly mechanic. Would it really be op to change these traits to also work on dual attuning? It would open up a descision: Do I wan't to dual attune into a suboptimal dualattunment but get another much needed buff or do I attune into another element and get a different buff? rethink the duration of some auras: would it be op to increase their duration? It would make the new aura detonation more usable. Maybe increase the duration on the ele through a trait
  15. Make them "adventures", make one adventure for each mechanic you want to teach.Make them repeatable, and make tiers with bronze to gold like on the normal adventures. A breakbar adventure, one with dodging, one with simple solo-bosses, one with healing maybe, one with tanking or whatever. Give exp-scrolls as a reward maybe.Give adventure specific weapons maybe, with the skills needed. Make an achievement where you use you own skills instead of the encounter skills, to teach people how to select skills according to an encounter. And yeah, you could actually just introduce a "new player chapter" into the journal, where you let people find these adventures.
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