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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. You should try out the action cam. Clicking is a very subpar way of playing. It's really easy to get used to. I set my keys up as so:

    1-LMB, 2-Q, 3-E, 4-R, 5-F, heal-T, utility are 1 through 3, elite-4, F1-Z, F2-X, F3-C, F4-B (I don't play a class that needs more F keys than that), rolls is set to MB4 and weapon swap on MB5 (if you have the buttons).

    It may be strange to get used to at first, but it didn't take me long. You will see how much better you are using the action cam.

    • Like 1
  2. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @Ayakaru.6583 said:We all bent over to pick up the gold, don’t be lazy now.Yes its expensive, but all the same the value when you finally finish crafting it. It’l feel like a jewel in your hands.Hard work makes roots taste sweet

    I don't care about the cost ...But this "Hard work makes roots taste sweet".Isn't always true. Hardwork is very bitter if you don't get what you feel it's worth out of it.

    So.. you don’t want the winters presence? Then there’s no issue, no?

    I think the work involved is fine for the WP. Other people don't. They still want it, they just may not agree it's worth the work involved.

    Wanting something and wanting to grind for it, are two very different wants.

    Then it would seem you don't want it enough. It is personal choice to work for something or not. You don't get to choose the path, only if you want to take it.

  3. @Conncept.7638 said:

    @Klowdy.3126 said:

    @Conncept.7638 said:I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.
    • Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.
    • As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.
    • There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.
    • And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.

    Tomes are now abilities, used by two classes. They aren't going to turn them into something that is bought/dropped after implementing them as spells, especially since one is an elite spec.

    "I'm using a tome in order to use my tomes more effectively...in my tome build...with tomes"


    Well then the OP is moot, if we're going to accept nonsensical weapons then there isn't any point in exploring new weapon types.

    Or... and here me out here, you could stop making vain attempts to shut down peoples suggestions in ways completely illogical to a suggestion thread to make yourself feel important and empowered.

    We're already suggesting major changes to the game here, as that was the purpose of the thread. And you're making assumptions about those suggestions says nothing about the suggestions themselves, but about you and your conduct. What I was suggesting was that "tomes" not be the firebrand class mechanic in favor of it being added as a real weapon, as anyone could have figured out upon reading my suggestion. But you didn't want to come to that conclusion, it didn't give you the opportunity to put yourself up by shutting others down.

    And that change would more easily be made than adding any weapon to the game, because, as the entire guardian forum has pointed out for two months on end, tomes are tomes practically in name only these days, they are included in a brief casting animation and then never seen, you would literally have to change a single animation and sub out a single word in the FBs skillset. Oh how terrible, we changed a word, the firebrand is ruined.

    I apologize, when I wrote that this morning, I was mistaking tomes and mantras. I'm against changing something that would affect more than one class, and change something that has been in game since the start. What you suggest in the end is a decent idea, and it would be changing something that has been around for only a few months.

  4. @Conncept.7638 said:I cannot believe you don't have tomes on the first priority list.

    • Like the underwater weapons, they are, or were, already in game.
    • As a magic weapon, it would be more particle effect driven, requiring way less animation work than any martial weapon.
    • There are no caster weapons left. The game only launched with three, already available to every caster profession. There is so much design space left for more traditional spellcasting, but no magic weapons to place traditional spellcasting skills on.
    • And finally, we already have a profession that should have had it, the axe makes absolutely no sense for the firebrand and was clearly a tacked on compromise on the firebrands aesthetic and theme. We have a sophisticated mystical librarian and lorekeeper, wielding the most primitive, brutish, barbaric weapon in the game.

    Tomes are now abilities, used by two classes. They aren't going to turn them into something that is bought/dropped after implementing them as spells, especially since one is an elite spec.

    "I'm using a tome in order to use my tomes more effectively...in my tome build...with tomes"


  5. That was my opinion, unchanged. Asura are the smartest race in the game, and engineering is the only class that would involve genius levels to work properly. You can have stupid people (not players, talking about classes as their own entity) doing all other jobs if they are trained well. Engineer seems like the "smart class". I'm not talking about more, or previous discussions, I'm talking about what makes sense to me.

  6. @Torolan.5816 said:

    @Klowdy.3126 said:

    @Salonikios.3154 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Salonikios.3154 said:If you buy outright the mats from the TP and u dont craft the daily cooldowns it will sum up to 1000g, u just posted the daily crafting version. Do u believe an experience is good when all u do for a year is craft daily cooldown items? In my eyes its not fun.

    It's simply trading time for golds and viceversa.

    There's no point in the discussion itself, cause crafting a legendary ( and a precursor, through the achievement epic run ) is meant to be something that somebody would achieve over the weeks/months, and not instantly.

    You want to skip and get your item without waiting?You can, but you probably will pay a higher price.

    So basically this sounds to me that if i want something faster,and i dont wish to spend an eternity grinding i will be effectively punished with a greater cost of the precursor i want to craft?This sounds really familiar to me, almost like some new mounts that got released quite recently, isnt that what they responded to their official answer? A goal to work towards?. Guess anet never changes...

    Or almost like real life. If you wanna make a car, it will take you time, but cost less. If you want the car today, you will pay more. That goes for just about everything. I'm not sure why you think instant gratification is supposed to be cheap, because that's not the way life has ever worked.


    When you buy a car and pay cash, it´s all yours after the money goes over the table. You get both a discount for paying cash and you don´t have to pay interest.
    When you order a wedding dress(the classic example, I know) and you receive it after your wedding day, you not only can ask for a refund but also for compensation.

    The only scenario I can think of from the top of my head where your idea is fitting is with items that sell because they are handmade and exclusive, like Ferrari who fashion series of cars in very, very limited numbers for selected customers. You order it today, you get it in 2020 or so. But even in this scenario, Ferrari does not ask you to dig for carbon, titan or fibre but only allows you to dig once a day.^^

    And no, a legendary weapon is not such an exclusive content. It would be one when you had to make lots of quests to get it, but the potential methods to achieve such a weapon also has a viable method of instantly buying it.

    And if you made all of those things yourself, it would be cheaper, and take longer. My point still stands, there is always a way for you to make or have something made, and buying premade items. There are handmade for cheaper and more time, and instant pay for more.

    The point your are making about buying a car for full price with cash over the regular monthly payments makes no sense. There is no payment plan in this game. There was also no mention of a deadline, so the dress arguement makes no sense either.

    The point I was making to the comment I quoted was fast = more money, self made = slower and cheaper.

  7. @Salonikios.3154 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Salonikios.3154 said:If you buy outright the mats from the TP and u dont craft the daily cooldowns it will sum up to 1000g, u just posted the daily crafting version. Do u believe an experience is good when all u do for a year is craft daily cooldown items? In my eyes its not fun.

    It's simply trading time for golds and viceversa.

    There's no point in the discussion itself, cause crafting a legendary ( and a precursor, through the achievement epic run ) is meant to be something that somebody would achieve over the weeks/months, and not instantly.

    You want to skip and get your item without waiting?You can, but you probably will pay a higher price.

    So basically this sounds to me that if i want something faster,and i dont wish to spend an eternity grinding i will be effectively punished with a greater cost of the precursor i want to craft?This sounds really familiar to me, almost like some new mounts that got released quite recently, isnt that what they responded to their official answer? A goal to work towards?. Guess anet never changes...

    Or almost like real life. If you wanna make a car, it will take you time, but cost less. If you want the car today, you will pay more. That goes for just about everything. I'm not sure why you think instant gratification is supposed to be cheap, because that's not the way life has ever worked.

  8. @jheryn.8390 said:

    @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:Ok, I'm impressed! And this is after maxing out one char?

    I'm not to max yet,

    It's not that hard to max if you really want to. Even easier now with the recent QoL changes. Given how often I saw your main account in the Labyrinth this year, it might be worth it for you to take a little time.

    Of course, there are advantages to letting it grow organically. I admit to be a little sad when I hit 285%, because then it stopped being fun to gain another 1%. (Instead, it turned into an ongoing angst of "what am I going to do with all that luck now", which brings us full circle to the original post.)

    OMG, THIS!!! I'm at 295 right now after this years lab and I am keep thinking the same thing. Do I sell all my greens and blues now? Do I just salvage some of them for mats? Ugh.

    Salvage for mats. Keep them if you need them, or sell them if you don't, but mats are generally worth more than the gear itself. That is unless you use a copper fed salvage machine, or a basic salvage kit.

    It would be nice to see a vendor to trade them in for some new skins, or even buy things like the repair kits and portable banker and trader.

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:I feel so insignificant with my paltry 137% :(

    Lol, I'm at 113% or something like that. Long breaks don't help, but I've been playing more recently.

    I had an account after the first few months, but never really got into it. Once I finally started liking the core game, HoT was introduced, I I was not a fan of the map setup. I'm loving the unique way they did mounts, and the map setup without all the level jumping.

  10. I like the idea of making them instance based, like you track something to a cave, or something along those lines, and have 0-5 groups of mobs to burn through before you get to the bounty, then just kill as is now (with more improvements in the future hopefully). That would limit the amount of zerg in this already teaming fest, and add a bit to the "dungeon" aspect many of us miss.

    Just a thought, but it sounds like more fun than the current implementation to me.

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