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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Mounts are standard in almost every MMO I've played and they were introduced as a feature.  The point is it IS a feature. An expansion doesn't have to be groundbreaking or earthshaking to be something this game is missing that a lot of people want and quite a few have asked for.

    But the point you seem to be making is that fishing isn't making me excited about the expansion because it's not exciting. Any other MMO company would have held over the three big news items for the expansion.  DX 11 update, bigger than fishing. WvW alliances bigger than fishing. Legendary armory, arguably bigger than fishing but we're getting them all in the months leading up to the expansion. that's my point.

    I didn't do a WoW rant. In fact I mentioned four different games, so maybe you're just so sensitive about that subject you're only seeing what you want to see. Let's simplify the conversation.


    1. The expansion isn't worth it because fishing is pretty much a nothing feature and it's sold as a nothing feature.

    2. Response: Sure but the game has no sub, the expansion is cheap and three big features are being added pre expansion that would have likely padded the expansion to at least acceptable levels. Anet chose not to do this.  This is a selling point. The game isn't expansion centric.


    That's the whole conversation. 

    Lol, I was just pointing out fishing is niche. I haven't been offended by anything even remotely, but it seems like you might have more "passion" for this subject than I originally thought. You seem aggressive. The point I was making was this expansion feature isn't great for a huge portion of the community. I've also said I'm happy for those people, and I've never said I wasn't excited for EoD. I am done responding to you, though, since its apparent you're looking to argue.

    • Like 5
  2. 3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    To be fair, you're paying $30 for an expansion which is exactly two months of WoW or final fantasy or two "optional" months of SWTOR and ESO.  The big features with the exception of housing are done. You can't put mounts into the game again. HoT was supposed to be the expansion that laid out the major structure features of the game going forward, so it added a lot. PoF added mounts, and bounties, but little else.

    Before we even get the expansion we're getting a DX 11 update,  a WvW alliance update in beta and we've already gotten a legendary armory all considered major features. Truth, Anet could have waited and put those in the expansion just to show you that you've got your money's worth but this hasn't been an expansion centric game since launch. Fractals weren't added during an expansion. Strike missions weren't added during an expansion. The wardrobe wasn't added during an expansion.  Our major features have often come between expansions.


    If WoW doesn't come out with something new for two months, you're still paying $30 for this. Anet is asking you to pay $30 a couple of years after the last expansion came out for new zones, new stories and new elite specs. By themselves, those things have to be worth $30.  The only major feature we don't have now is housing, and for all we know they're saving that for the next expansion.

    Tell me the truth, if Anet advertised the expansion this way  


    Big features:

    DX 11 Update

    Legendary Armory

    Alliances in WvW



    New Zones

    New Stories

    New elite specs...


    Would you still have a problem?



    I'm not quite sure where the WoW rant came in, or what it has to do with what I said? I was just pointing out that the feature is a niche in every MMO it's ever existed in, and it doesn't seem like something that couldn't have been added at any time. No need to make it an expansion feature. It's not innovative or anything. Seems like something some people will like, because I always see a few people fishing in games, but it's not going to bring in waves of people, and it's not even going to interest most of the current playerbase, I would bet. 

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  3. On 9/11/2021 at 3:01 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

    I always love when people throw around the term actual content. Whether you like specific content or not, it's actual content. Collections are content for some people. World bosses are content for some people. Raids are content for some people. PvP is content for some people.

    I can pretty much  guarantee more people will fish than will PvP.  For them, that will be real content. PvP is not content to people who don't ever go into PvP, and there are plenty of them.


    Games have to have things for different groups of people. Fishing is for some of them. If it's not for you, I'm sure there will be bosses, meta events, and even new strike missions coming out with EoD.  


    You're not going to like everything introduced in an MMO.

    To be fair, there is a higher likelihood of people doing combat/exploration in an RPG over something like fishing. I'm not saying it's not actual content, or shouldn't be in the game, but it seems like something so niche doesn't really deserve half of the expansion features so far. We know of fishing, the skiff (something for fishing), new elites, and a turtle of death. I'm happy for those that wanted fishing, but this really seems like something they should just add this tuesday, and have something interesting in its place as an expansion feature. 

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  4. Condi rev/renegade, with runes of tormenting is pretty much unkillable in PvE. I like guardian, but they have a naturally low health pool, and lots of defense in the active category, meaning you need to pay attention more. If you aren't actively blocking, you're actively ignoring the parts of your class designed to keep you alive. Rev's defenses are stacked differently, since there isn't a lot of blocking involved. 


    Guardian is really fun if you like being more hands on with survival in combat. I love DH (but haven't played FB in a really long time). The theme of LB/GS in heavy armor is very cool to me. It was my first character, and I now have 3 (for RP reasons, lol).


    One thing I will day is guardian always seems to find it's way into the meta.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, trouble.3562 said:

    What will you stop doing to fish?





    If it is a highly time consuming feature, will you do it if it is not $$ rewarding?

    I was just wondering! 


    I might make the effort to get in on any money making to be had, but usually there are just so many more people, with way more time than I have, and I end up ignoring it outside of what I want. If the mechanics of the whole thing are interesting, like the way they did the mount system, then I might spend more time on it. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 22 hours ago, Razvan.1236 said:

    Has there ever been a discussion about seasons in the community or among the devs?

    By "seasons" I mean seasonal (every 3/4 months) full resets:

    • delete all characters
    • reset the whole economy
    • And maybe even add a hardcore mode.

    The whole system could even be locked behind some isolated "seasonal servers" and a pay wall.

    I understand that GW2 is focused on horizontal endgame progression rather than vertical progression, but seasons don't seem to go against that philosophy.

    As a player, would u like these type of seasons in GW2?

    They actually give rewards for not deleting your characters. I don't see this as ever getting any resources diverted from anything the game needs to continue.

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  7. On 9/7/2021 at 1:11 PM, Avipt.9632 said:

    So i wanted to try Firebrand but i have no money really and cant get full viper or sinister, wich stats should i go for if i mostly to Open World PvE what would suit Firebrand well?

    Im trying to find answers but couldt really find anything definate, notthing that suited my question atleast 🙂

    There is some stat selectable exotic gear in the middle of the intro zone for HoT. Gotta do some metas for the currency, but much better than buying from the TP.

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/3/2021 at 9:41 AM, SatchKotzen.7354 said:

    Hi guys,

    I have one theory for the new legendary hero regarding the new revenant new specialisation.

    At first when looking at this image, I was thinking about the color of the character : blue and red.



    It reminded me about the duality and the color of the Luxon and the Kurzik.

    I was looking for a character from the Luxon or Kurzik clan who could be represented by this image.

    I kept searching in my head and tried to remind me of the different characters. When I suddenly reminded myself about their elite dungeons : Kanaxai and Urgoz.

    And wait… Kanaxai ??

    Here is a picture of Kanaxai !





    Kanaxai Edge : https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/1/1c/Kanaxai's_Edge.jpg

    Isn’t it obvious now when looking at both pictures ?

    What do you guys think about that ?

    Would it be possible ?

    Though I hope that's the revenant with a GS, it could also be a new thief, or even elementalist picture, and the blindfold is actually just an expansion-themed headband. Probably unlikely, but they do seem to want to create a lot of suspense, and questions around the new specs, more so that usual. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 9/5/2021 at 8:53 AM, EpicName.4523 said:

    All of my characters have a theme, a color scheme of a sort based on the color of their abilities. 


    For example, mesmer will be purple and gold, ranger will be green and brown, guardian blue and white, necro green and black and etc.


    So I made a Charr revenant, because I wanted the character to be somewhat lore-friendly (Rytlock). With revenant the ability colors seems to be black, red and maybe white? 

    Problem is, that when you mix these colors you just get a poor man's Rytlock...


    How do you make a Charr that screams revenant when you see it at a glance, without making a copy of an already existing hero? Any suggestions? Any pics to show a revenant that actually looks like one? ( I see too many characters around which kinda do not fit the archetype they are supposed to portray based on the cosmetics - snow white thiefs, red guardians and etc.)

    Go for the build you're playing (at the time), and base your colors around your main weapon/legend. I, personally, just stick with the dark look with red accents, but I've got a blue/spirit look for PvPing as power SB. Dunno why, I just like it, lol.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Brunnsteinangel.2568 said:

    It is not about "similarity" or things, but something much more basic:

    1. already have a minion class/playstyle => necro

    2. minnions are either OP or useless => depending on balance the legend becomes useless

    3. rev lifes by "switching builds" in form of switching legends => only "half a minnion build"


    Tldr: Play necro, rev doesn't work as minnion master.

    Well see this I can understand. This isn't what has been said to me when I brought it up. I do understand we have a minion class. I was just suggesting using those assets on a different class. 


    What I though was make the F skills the minions, and just base your other legend based on what you want to do. I proposed the minions be defensive in nature, doing less damage than necro, but there for support. Reusing the F skills would sacrifice the minions for boons/conditions/condi cleanse (some leaving an area on the ground, and others just hitting an area, or even becoming stationary and inactive for a moment to pulse). The other skills could be a mix of attacks from 1 or all of the minions, and support/defense. All this coupled with a defensive GS (not exactly what I want from rev GS, but was just posting all of this originally with the idea of using things differently).

  11. On 8/28/2021 at 7:50 PM, Kalythsu.8350 said:

    summoner rev! with perma ghost pet! ❤️

    Careful, I've been told I'm wrong for wanting that, because a passive, permanent army of pets (or in this case just one) is way too similar to a temporary, stationary, ground target ability. Apparently a well-like set of abilities is the same as minions following you around, and (hopefully) only be summoned once. 

    • Confused 4
  12. On 8/27/2021 at 6:49 PM, Jumpel.3972 said:

    I wondering  which e-spec icon correspond to this.

    They change the position of the harbinger icon to fit the reveal order. So the next one to be reveal look like to be the flame icon but it doesn't really fit to Rev.

    Then the last picture show a blue flame 🤔

    Maybe that blue flame means guardian will finally get a burn spec.

  13. On 8/29/2021 at 3:28 PM, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    The only source is first hand from streamers. As far as I know the only one with multiple proper written up guides is vallun.


    obviously it’s impossible to get everything and I even disagree with a few things on his guides, but they obviously contain thought on most of everything in pvp

    Cello has some good tips videos for all around improvement, and he is a really good PvPer. Most of his PvP vids are just him fighting, with some music playing. It's been nice seeing his interactions with both sides, though. Helps to watch someone play really well, to see what you should be doing.

  14. If I might ask, without derailing the thread too much, how does reaper do in low end ranked? I'd like to play around a bit, but I wasn't sure if they were just useless to the team. Reaper is kinda the only spec I enjoy, so I was hoping to be somewhat competitive. Sorry for the off topic question. I just didn't think it needed a whole thread when this was pretty close.

  15. 13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Playing devil's advocate, I could see a way that MM Rev could work:


    The trick would be that it wouldn't need to have minion skills at all. Instead, it could automatically summon the minion squad when you swap into the legend, and the utilities could be based around controlling the minions (like that PoF story instance) or something else more engaging than simply summoning a minion and maybe triggering a minion skill every so often.


    Because revenant legend skills are a package, the minion summon could be 'baked in' without taking any actual slots at all, unlike other professions that have to dedicate slots to any summons they might have. Could even make it so that switching to the legend is the primary means of replenishing the minions, so it still encourages legend swapping.


    I don't think that right after Kalla is the best time for such a concept, though.

    I was thinking something that could possibly have one of the minions (something more involved with the mist?) "melt" down, and create an area of protection (or something useful. Still stuck in the GS bunker/tank mode atm). That on top of the auto-summon would be cool. I really like that idea. Putting the minions on CD until the legend is refreshed is pretty neat, too.


    You could also attach the minion abilities to the F skills, forego the new legend (not a popular idea), or just disconnect the minions from the legend's direct use, and have different minion uses based on the active legend.


    This is all just theorycrafting for my own personal benefit (for now, lol). Its nice to see at least 1 person can see the fun with a spec like this, and is willing to waste time expanding on it.

  16. On 8/22/2021 at 6:34 AM, Parthenos Polias.5683 said:

    Excuse me sir, but if you've actually read my post, how many skills from the skill bar summon spirit ?
    Answer is : Zero, none of them.

    Actually, only F2 ; F3 and F4 summon spirits. And that's far better than the Renegade, cause you can use every legend you want, you still get access to spirits.

    Moreover, the concept is based on the kind of ritualist Togo was.
    And we know what kind he was, cause we could play Togo in GW1.

    So guest what ? Togo skill bar only used two skills that summon spirit, only two.

    That's why we may stop calling Renegade a ritualist spe, just because it does summoning.
    Ranger does summoning, we do not call that being a ritualist.
    Engineer does summoning (turrets), we do not call that being a ritualist.

    Ritualist is a caster profession. Explain me how Renegade is a caster ? Using a bow and having no spell.
    Ritualists channel energy to enhance themself or strike enemy. How many energy spell Renegade has ? None.

    Another point,  Ritualists' spirits have long range, Renegade spirits use a 360 radius, almost like a dagger Ele, same radius as some ward. Basically they are destructible aoe with a max 10 s duration and funny animation.
    How can you compare Renegade's spirits and Ritualists' one ?

    Some people just can't see how things would be different, because they can only see what's the same. We had LB rangers dropping traps, then we got DH, which plays quite a bit differently. If we stopped putting in elite specs because they were similar to other specs, we would just stop getting new specs. Obviously things are going to seem similar when we're using the same schools (i.e. traps, mantras, physical, etc).


    I keep hearing rev doesn't need minions because of the Kala. Just because the well looks like a ghost doesn't make less of a well, but worse. Disagree with minions all you want, but don't point at stationary, temporary summons, and say that's a minion/pet. 

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  17. On 8/22/2021 at 6:34 AM, Parthenos Polias.5683 said:

    Excuse me sir, but if you've actually read my post, how many skills from the skill bar summon spirit ?
    Answer is : Zero, none of them.

    Actually, only F2 ; F3 and F4 summon spirits. And that's far better than the Renegade, cause you can use every legend you want, you still get access to spirits.

    Moreover, the concept is based on the kind of ritualist Togo was.
    And we know what kind he was, cause we could play Togo in GW1.

    So guest what ? Togo skill bar only used two skills that summon spirit, only two.

    That's why we may stop calling Renegade a ritualist spe, just because it does summoning.
    Ranger does summoning, we do not call that being a ritualist.
    Engineer does summoning (turrets), we do not call that being a ritualist.

    Ritualist is a caster profession. Explain me how Renegade is a caster ? Using a bow and having no spell.
    Ritualists channel energy to enhance themself or strike enemy. How many energy spell Renegade has ? None.

    Another point,  Ritualists' spirits have long range, Renegade spirits use a 360 radius, almost like a dagger Ele, same radius as some ward. Basically they are destructible aoe with a max 10 s duration and funny animation.
    How can you compare Renegade's spirits and Ritualists' one ?

    Some people just can't see how things would be different, because they can only see what's the same. We had LB rangers dropping traps, then we got DH, which plays quite a bit differently. If we stopped putting in elite specs because they were similar to other specs, we would just stop getting new specs. Obviously things are going to seem similar when we're using the same schools (i.e. traps, mantras, physical, etc).


    I keep hearing rev doesn't need minions because of the Kala. Just because the well looks like a ghost doesn't make less of a well, but worse. Disagree with minions all you want, but don't point at stationary, temporary summons, and say that's a minion/pet. 

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  18. 28 minutes ago, Chaos.7614 said:

    If it's an opinion, you can't be proven wrong... My opinion is that your opinion brings little value to the class, and I'll give you two reasons why.

    1. We already have Kalla. The only difference is that her summons are stationary and you want mobile minions. Setting down a summon that doesn't follow you is just plain boring. At least with necro minions they're mobile and have secondary effects, but since we have a summon-based legend already there's no point in restricting rev to more boring AI utility skills. Just because you want to turn off your brain doesn't mean the rest of us do; you can easily do that with ren in open world.

    2. Revs are limited in utilities based on the legends we pick. If we could change skills freely and have multiple utility types like other classes, I could simply ignore skills that come with an elite spec and just use the elite weapon/traits along with core legend utilities for my specific build. Instead with rev, if our next legend doesn't have engaging skills then we're going to just pick it for damage numbers and use the same core legends we've had for years. In PvE, neither of the rev specs are particularly engaging on their own skills since herald is a boonbot and ren is summon and forget / alacbot.


    Rev has it's issues but the EoD spec can remedy that somewhat if it brings something new to the class. Herald was all about buffing allies; Renegade was about area control and condi damage; this spec needs power area damage and self buffs for damage. Utilities that promote that like an upkeep that improves power DPS, wells that deal continuous damage in an area, moderate mobility skills with damage, etc would all be much better than 5 more minion skills. It's the perfect pair to shiro who focuses on isolated single target damage.

    Ok, again, just something I like. I'll stop replying to this thread, so you can stop telling me my opinion is wrong. You said it yourself that kalla's wells are boring. I was just giving my 2 cents on the GS rev, but since yours is the only correct opinion, you win. I thought I would find someone that liked the idea, and got their own from reading that, and we people could improve the idea. No need to discuss this further with me, I see where the conversation is headed.

    • Confused 1
  19. On 8/23/2021 at 8:28 AM, guan.1829 said:

    I prefer greatsword .

    G Melee attack. Need strong support. [Skills and Change Specialization]

    Rifle is also very likely to appear.
    Currently Rev only has Hammer Range: 1200

    I don't know why, but I keep feeling like its gonna be dagger, or scepter, because I'm not a fan of either. I could accept dagger, because you can get eliminate the rogue look enough, but a scepter doesn't sound fun to me. I could also me MH axe being a thing, for some power dps builds.

  20. 11 minutes ago, SidewayS.3789 said:

    No thank you ! You have Renegade if you want a spirit/summon. Now we need an offensive spec, and GS fits quite good there.

    Those function like wells. They don't really work the way I'm imagining. All good though, you just like the idea. I still do. It's all opinion on subjective matters, so no one is wrong.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 7 minutes ago, Chaos.7614 said:

    That sounds extremely boring and nothing that current necro couldn't provide for you... Revenant needs a high-impact power damage spec with the gs and minions aren't the way to go with that.

    That is your opinion. I was looking for some conversation to possibly flesh out ideas, but you just seem to want to prove me wrong. Guardian got LB and traps, and that turned out great. The same thing can function differently for different classes. 

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