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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @DeadlySynz.3471 said:Ironically most fights are created in and around attacking and defending objectives. Most (if not all), these fight guilds, will not, and never have fought open field, they ran to structures and waited until they had at least 1.5 to 2x as many numbers. Reason being, they simply were never good enough. Over the years I ran with many of these guilds, and it wasn't about fights, it was about farming pugs (which they never really could do).

    I don't think instituting GvG maps is going to make a difference anymore. As Blocki said, the amount of people that would actually be interested in it now would be extremely low. I do agree, if all these guilds still did exist, institute the GvG maps, let the groups who don't know how to fight, fight each other.

    This makes no sense at all. Alone the point on how a guild waits infront of a structure until they have more ppl. How would that happen? Do ppl join that guild while they stand infront of that structure? No usually the defenders become more and more until they can overwhelm that guild.

    And ive seen many guilds fight against other guilds or alot bigger public zergs in open field.

  2. Did anybody reach 10k without eotm?I dont think prestige ranks at 10k resets would be beneficial for anyone, most ppl that have 10k wont be getting 20k (in sum) for a second prestige rank

    Edit: it would make more sense to be able to prestige up every time you skilled up every wvw mastery to max.And let ppl buy the sublime armor at prestige 2 or something.

  3. @zallesz.1650 said:You really should change the post title. I also thought this was a major spoiler and was immediately let down. After seeing that it is not the case, I feel like the title is very misleading and borderline trolling.

    What is the problem, sure ppl might think they have gotten spoilered, but they didnt.

    Also why would you go into the lore forum before you played the story? That just begs for spoilers and i wont care one single bit who comes here before playing the story.

    On topic: i kinda like rytlock, even tho he betrayed the warrior masterclass and went hocuspocus revenant. Hes still one of the more loyal members of our guild (oh and kitten logan, he can die for all i care, jennah wasnt worth it to sacrife one, or at that point even all of his guildmates might have died just to save her sorry kitten)

  4. @Lily.1935 said:Mesmer. But necromancer is enticing. I'm a spectacle kind of girl and illusions are great for that.

    Undead minions running rampage are more of a spectacle imo.

    Btw can we apply skills with weapons and defensive capabilities to our rl versions?Id take warrior, its not too over the top, but has inhuman strength, and would be proficient with all kinds of weapons and wouldnt suffer from any injuries or probably most deseases

    Warriors can also boost moral and intimidate foes so he doesnt even has to fight.

  5. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @Opal.9324 said:Seems like these days the only opinions that matter in WvW are the opinions of PvE players, and the opinions of those who only wish to fight when they outnumber their opponents.

    I disagree. if that was the case there would be more side objectives on the maps besides Zerging.

    No, more sideobjects would mean that they would have to split up to hold them.

    Splitting up would mean to have to actually use your brain. Most pve players dont like to use their brain and just mindlessly follow a tag to rake in the rewards.Good examples are the karmatrains that happened in eotm, back in the day when it was populated, because it still had rewards. Another example was (is? I think nowadays exist better ways to make money) the champ train in frostgorge sound i think it was called.

    Splitting up would also increase the chance to be outnumbered, which opal said they didnt want to

    not sure if you are being sarcastic and in agreement with what I said,orbeing contradicting to your own statement here.

    Opal said, that the pve player only want to zerg and that ppl only want to fight when they have the numbers advantage.

    You said, that you dont agree, and, if what opal said was the case, there would be more side objectives.

    I dont agree with you, because more side objectives would cause less zerging (if you want to win and hold more of those objectives at the same time) and more risk to run into a bigger group than your own, because if you run around with 2-3 ppl its more likely to run into a bigger group of like 5-10 ppl than running around with your full server blob.

    Im not sure whats contradicting to my own point there.

    Pve players what to mindlessly karmatrain (which works better with big objectives with big loots, eg. Keeps and sm)

    Alot of small Objectives would take longer to flip with each giving alot less rewards. Also, many small objectives could be more efficiently Flipped by small roaming groups (who require to think of their own and often run into bigger groups)

    The bigger your own group, the less likely it is to run into a bigger group of enemies.

  6. @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target, you will also get more buffs and healing which will help keep you alive and do more damage.

    Being in the squad doesn't increase loot at all. There is no party/squad kill sharing. You would get the same amount of loot as if you were not in squad with the same people around attacking the same things.

    It does increase loot, group kill participation was added quite some time ago. You have to reach a certain dmg threshhold to get the loots, healing ppl who deal dmg and then just slightly hitting the enemy will give you kill participation when your healed groupmembers are killing the enemy.

    Being in a squad doesn't affect how much damage or healing you have done though.

    But do you get the benefit of those that you healed and dealt dmg when you are not in a group/squad?

  7. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @Opal.9324 said:Seems like these days the only opinions that matter in WvW are the opinions of PvE players, and the opinions of those who only wish to fight when they outnumber their opponents.

    I disagree. if that was the case there would be more side objectives on the maps besides Zerging.

    No, more sideobjects would mean that they would have to split up to hold them.

    Splitting up would mean to have to actually use your brain. Most pve players dont like to use their brain and just mindlessly follow a tag to rake in the rewards.Good examples are the karmatrains that happened in eotm, back in the day when it was populated, because it still had rewards. Another example was (is? I think nowadays exist better ways to make money) the champ train in frostgorge sound i think it was called.

    Splitting up would also increase the chance to be outnumbered, which opal said they didnt want to

  8. Im pretty sure ive read it somewhere before, that jormag just offers strength to those who seek it, to lure them in and enslave them. Its the way that dragon corrupts. Just like every other had their own method.I just forgot where i read/seen it, but i think it was said by someone official.

    Its not something you should take literally, jormag just wants to corrupt and create a "strong" world, with everyone being a slave, but thinking they are followong out of free will.

  9. @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    @Vavume.8065 said:Being in a squad is better for gaining loot, as other members of your party contribute to your damage on a target, you will also get more buffs and healing which will help keep you alive and do more damage.

    Being in the squad doesn't increase loot at all. There is no party/squad kill sharing. You would get the same amount of loot as if you were not in squad with the same people around attacking the same things.

    It does increase loot, group kill participation was added quite some time ago. You have to reach a certain dmg threshhold to get the loots, healing ppl who deal dmg and then just slightly hitting the enemy will give you kill participation when your healed groupmembers are killing the enemy.

  10. @Sobx.1758 said:Meh... the claim about magebane carrying the whole class is straight up false.

    @Lighter.5631 said:yes kill magebane please, it's op and single handily carry the entire classand makes berserker pointless

    also remove might give healing power please, i even take magebane in my theory craft support build just because it gives most might so more healing power

    When one trait is carrying a whole class, then something is wrong already, nerfing said trait without compensating for it makes the class become useless.

    Yea, of course there's something wrong, but if you don't remove the single trait that carry an entire class, you won't expose the trashy parts.There is no real depth to it, so anet can only play with dmg numbers rly to tweak it.

    I mean... I'm not sure what else you'd expect from a warrior class, which is a pretty well known 'simple yet efficient' brute force archetype since.... like... always. And I'm not only talking about the GW2 here.I'll ask this question yet again: if you expect something else from the class you want to play then why pick warrior and then complain that it plays like warrior? Seriously, I don't understand that fixation of turning warrior into another class. If you want to play another class, pick another class.

    Did i ever say i wanted it to change to a very complex class? No.I like its simplicity.I just stated the fact, that its simplicity makes it hard to balance.

    The most complex i would like to see would be to be able to use 2 different burst skills, like mainhand and offhand burst (gives another option, but doesnt rly impact the simplicity much)

  11. @Arzurag.7506 said:

    @Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

    Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

    Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

    I think this is the more pressing issue, its way too hard to stop ppl on mounts, you cant even dismount someone in a smallscale setting, just awkwardly running next to him on your own mount.

    Which profession can't take down warclaw?

    Which one can? Ranger and maybe full dmg hammer rev.

    When the player on the warclaw just runs past you and uses his 3! Dodges right its almost impossible for most classes.

  12. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Yea cuz warrior dosnt have 2 gs skills, bullschatge among other skills that are good gap closers or disengage skills. Yes weird a high sustain class like warrior has less than a squishy class thst uses it as part of their sustain options lol. Though I agree warrior lb could use some love.

    Dude, im running gs and bc and most of the times i wont get away anymore, warrior hasnt gotten any movement skills since release while almost all other classes got more over the years.

    With engi i almost always get away for example, same goes for thief.

    Warri mobillity is mediocre at best nowadays

  13. @Fueki.4753 said:

    @rdigeri.7935 said:I don's think that's an issue with most skills.For players clicking their skills, it can be a rather big issue.

    Ive seen necros in wvw click their skills (staff and wells equipped)Hurts me just watching...Yikes.

    On topic.Id like some nerfs to mobility, as its gotten way out of hand imo. And thats not just because im a warrior and cant run away from 2+ ppl anymore lol.

    Especially the classes that already have access to stealth, why do they also have such superior mobility, it makes no sense at all to me.

  14. @Arklite.4013 said:I'm talking about you 295 mastery players.Who is your go-to?Your old faithful?The first character you log onto after not playing for a few weeks?The one you bring to unfamiliar content?

    One of my favorite things in large in-game events is to click on people and see what profession people chose to get 100% world completion on. I'd love to hear what everyone's choice is. From observation I've seen mostly Guardians and Mesmers with the badge.

    First completion back in the good ol vanilla days as guard, just last week finished a completion on my third warrior.

  15. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Jayden Reese.9542 said:You need to re select everything once you enter wvw. I assume it's so you can run one build in pve and a different one in wvw w/o having to respec everytime

    its a poor mans build templates, lets call it what it is lol.

    Its still better than respeccing everytime.

    Arcdps buildtemplates are so good, everybody with legendaries or multiple sets of gear should try it out.

  16. @Lighter.5631 said:

    @Lighter.5631 said:yes kill magebane please, it's op and single handily carry the entire classand makes berserker pointless

    also remove might give healing power please, i even take magebane in my theory craft support build just because it gives most might so more healing power

    When one trait is carrying a whole class, then something is wrong already, nerfing said trait without compensating for it makes the class become useless.

    Yea, of course there's something wrong, but if you don't remove the single trait that carry an entire class, you won't expose the trashy parts.

    Yeaa... But then it takes months, years or even a whole expansion for arenanet to fix it or introduce some other broken trait that carries the whole class, starting this whole circlejerk of how "OP" warrior is again.

    Imo the simplicity of the class is the whole reason why its either seen as op (especially by low skilled players who dont see what the warrior is going to do from a mile away) or as performing underwhelmingly.

    There is no real depth to it, so anet can only play with dmg numbers rly to tweak it.If you lower the dmg so new ppl dont get roflstomped, you have no way of killing someone who knows what he is doing, if you increase the dmg to be able to kill ppl who know what they are doing you will crush low skilled players (and low skilled players will crush others on different classes with it, because of its simplicity)

  17. @Shao.7236 said:

    @Shao.7236 said:To me it sounds more healthy to the game as well as making the use of skill a bit more valuable and less reckless.

    Just giving it stab would make it far more reckless than dodge, do you know how many times i got blasted with serious dmg while basically being stuck in rush animation, because i had weaponswap still on cd?

    Honestly, you rarely ever BC into a ward skill... You dodge way more dmg than stab would deny cc on you.

    And i agree with what vancho said.

    I also always wonder where all those evadeframes on warriorskills are?Gs3 and bc and fc, all with fairly long cds. Compared to tgief and mesmer evades its nothing really, especially with warrior having no access to stealth or teleports.

  18. @Lighter.5631 said:yes kill magebane please, it's op and single handily carry the entire classand makes berserker pointless

    also remove might give healing power please, i even take magebane in my theory craft support build just because it gives most might so more healing power

    When one trait is carrying a whole class, then something is wrong already, nerfing said trait without compensating for it makes the class become useless.

  19. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @Hadi.6025 said:Add a Cooldown to Warclaws if a player dies and re-spawns. People are coming back from spawn entirely too fast. There needs to be some serious balance changes to this mount if you're going to talk about Class balance as well.

    Cool down is fine. Let them come to bag farm.

    Three dodges, 10+K health? That needs some trimming. Like 2k health, 2 dodges..

    I think this is the more pressing issue, its way too hard to stop ppl on mounts, you cant even dismount someone in a smallscale setting, just awkwardly running next to him on your own mount.

  20. @Eros.6801 said:I miss the old day when EoTM is still a thing and training ground, zergling there sometimes can be pretty fun. Only if Anet consider fixing EoTM, gives it some sort of unique reward i think it would become an old style WvW without mounts, glider(?).

    I never considered eotm real wvw experience, and probably never will.

    Its certainly not what made wvw.

    Stack for speed, blast fires before the fight, HAMMERSTUN!, regroup, blast waterfields, who put that kitten lightfield into the water?!

    Ps. I rarely play these days, but when i do its wvw, or stuff i have to do to get gear for wvw, and a little bit pvp for daily, but i get cancer by just playing one round of ranked.

  21. @Voltekka.2375 said:

    @"BadMed.3846" said:Go play EoTM for an hour. You'll have your data. Good luck.

    It's no longer possible, nearly no one is there since PIPS got added to WvW and not to EotM.

    Usage of EotM was nevertheless interesting.

    1) It got developed to give WvW-player in queue some action2) It developed to the Leveling Karma Train for twinks, as this was the by far fastest way to level from 1 to 80.3) WEXP Ranks got added to WvW and EotM, it developed to the fastest WEXP Rankup train,4) WvW-player started to be upset about EotM, as a lot people preferred EotM over WvW and WvW started to die.5) ANet reduced WEXP in EotM below WvW, still a lot player preferred EotM6) ANet stopped giving (Level)-Exp in EotM and WvW (instead added Tome's from Reward Tracks)7) WvW even more upset as people continued playing EotM and even started fighting in EotM, as EotM appeared to be much better filled than WvW outside primetime8) ANet added Pips to WvW, but not to EotM, and killed EotM by that9) WvW stayed dead, as EotM was not filled because it had many people, but because it had demand driven number of maps.

    We can learn: the current 20 (EU)/16 (NA) maps cannot be filled 24/7, a demand driven allocation of maps as in EotM produces better game-play.

    OR pvers who 95% frequented eotm had no interest whatsoever in wvw, did it for the big rewards they reaped pve style, and promptly left when said rewards (pve rewards) got nerfed, as eotm was supposed to be a wvw mode. I was playing eotm for a while, and I can assure you that fights were scarce and only happened when a skirmish was about to end, as a last troll fight. And eotm frequenters would never step foot in actual WvW cause, guess what, they were gonna be rallybots. And many people dont like pvp elements when they pve. Which is the part exactly they didnt do in eotm. Pvp.

    I can agree with that, whenever i visted eotm ppl just tried to get their pve loot, from time to time you had a commander who wanted to fight, but often none of the pve kittens pushed with him and got wiped and instantly looked for a map were the karmatrain was still going smoothly.

    Never noticed that "phase7" (which btw sounds very much made up, and im on eu servers)

    Eotm with pips would just draw more pve player and some wvw player (who tell themself that its still a wvw mode) into it and split the wvw player even more, so there would be even less ppl on the normal wvw maps.

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