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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Koen.1327 said:

    @DanAlcedo.3281 said:How exactly was warrior buffed?

    Warrior has to drop essencial traitlines to get tactic.

    And what does tactic offer for it to be worth it?

    the insane ramp up in might and heals via shouts and might

    mind you, the #1 on the leaderboard is playing it, so if you have doubts about the viability go check his stream how he stomps everybody

    Can you please post a build? Ive heard so many ppl cry about tactics being op, but absolutely nobody has provided a build so far.

  2. @zaid.2308 said:@sephiroth.4217

    I tested trooper runes on tempest and tested it on warrior support and know how strong it is. It's even a lot stronger on warrior. They can either change how the rune works or rework the cleansing ability on warrior and tempest. Tempest is the top cleanser now as scrapper isn't carried by anti-toxin anyore but even before, tempest was only a bit behind scrapper. We shouldn't be bias around balance, all classes/elite-specs/builds needs balancing need to be balanced.

    The rune has a VERY high chance of becoming the new anti-toxin rune and it's already slowly becoming it on warrior.We shoudn't repeat a mistake we just fixed after so long finally...

    Supports cleansing ability need to be on par with how much ca. corruption/condi spikes can be put out, one of either shouldn't top the other.

    Trooper rune only adds one more cleanse on shouts, antitoxin doubled EVERY source of cleanse basically. Thats a major difference and is alot less potent.

    Most warriors are using 3 shouts, 2 have ammunition, so thats basically 5 additional cleanses. Wowsers, sure is alot in zergfights were condis are thrown around everywhere.

  3. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @"Exzen.2976" said:It’s unhealthy for the game. As you all can clearly see. That is all. I am not that upset about it. I just don’t understand why you are all defending it!

    The game needs more balance, not more gimmick one shot builds. Sure they will be easier to kill in open field... But we all know they will be standing on walls of towers and keeps.

    It will be irritating. Like mosquitoes. Nobody wants more mosquitoes.

    Maybe im just expecting more intelligence from players. Nobody who has a brain will play this trait in an actual good build. I never understood ppl who play a gimmick build just to win 1 matchup and lose to everybody else

    So you don't see any use for this in a Zerg even?

    for tactics, yes, not for warriors cunning.im definately not a fan of "dmg warriors" in zergs, since they cant even do stuff while casting winds of disenchantment, and enemies are dropping anyways.ranged dmg is alot more reliable.a shoutwarri for example is can still atleast use his shouts.

    I get you, to each there own. We all have our preferences. I know that I've wanted warrior support for a long time.

    A rifle Tactics Zerker though would be reliable range damage, and can still use shouts while Gunflaming the Scourges.

    Meh, the low unblockable uptimes and all of the rifle skills being projectiles makes it unreliable imo

  4. @alain.1659 said:Does this bonus apply when you have provided a barrier by another person? If it does, than it is terrible. I cannot control other peoples skills and there are so many trolls in the game. If not, then its fine and dandy.

    It applies to every barrier, but as stated above, it just doesnt fit into any competent build.

  5. @babazhook.6805 said:I had been using a shout warrior build prior to these changes designed to take advantage of stun breaks for heals via Tempest runes and Rousing resilience. Shouts were running 2000 per at minimum and generally much higher with a Tempest rune trigger+ rousing added together adding a fat heal with regularity. Adrenal running in conjunction with regeneration did a per second add of heals that was all but equal to healing signet+ adrenal so I had dropped signet for menders.

    This was a condition build relying on fire/bleeds.

    Now I have tested with these changes and this build even more resilient. the barrier he throws up is over 3k and the heals he can dish out to a party are very significant. I never used warhorn before (was sword/torch and then Longbow) but have been testing it as well. I like the changes. While I am using in a Condition build (settlers gear), the line looks to have plenty to offer power.

    In wvw yesterday i was healing myself with for great justice with 4 other ppl around for 8k due to mending might, ofc with lots if healingpower. Each mightstack i was giving out healed myself for 86 hp, fgj gives 60 stacks of might + 3k healing from vigorous shouts

  6. Im more upset that they removed adrenalin gain on shouts AND on warhorn.

    Its a pain to get adrenalin up in a zerg, especially while both zergs are shipping away out of warrior range. And then when the engage comes, i cant use my hammerstun to go in, feelsbadman.

    Id be happy for 0.5 adrenalin for each person affected by warhorn or 1adrenalin for each person affected by shout.That would be 5 adrenalin. I dont even need it on both, but one of those would be great.

  7. Dont run full glass, get some supports, dodge once through shade, cc and bombs on those defenseless necros (they cant even barrier on themselfs, since their shade is infront of them.

    Scourge i a zerg was one of the most braindead classes, lets be real, now that they have to think atleast a tiny bit about where and when to place that shade, its gonna require abit more skill to play it, and many dont even have that amount of skill

  8. ppl scared of warriors using that traitline have never played warrior.damage oriented warrior have almost no synergy with tactic, or rather have traitlines with way better synergies.

    one of you who are oh so scared of that trait, PLEASE post a warrior build with warriors cunning.i will tell you why its bad and why there are better options.only some meme warriors will use that, get 1/10 ppl down and make a montage out of it. and 9/10 ppl will laugh at them for being so useless

  9. so you all know the old shoutbow warrior in pvp ?i think it might be nice with the changes they made to burning arrows and tactics as a whole.

    thats the build ive come up with on the fly (ofc it still uses prepatch traits etc, just think of it as ingame traits)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEwE2osAWI7ihxIxjdyc1D-z5YfIJICiUK0rCQpDA

    obviously havent done lots of testing, but first matches were funim not sure about the rune, still testing, thats also the reason i took endure pain, with its relatively shord cd of 30 seconds, might swap it out for balanced stance and run trooper or something like that

    might also consider destruction of the empowered, instead of brawlers recovery, since that build lacks boonrips, and it already has lots of condi cleanses

  10. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:can't wait to see consecutive 15k gunflames either lol.

    Yea in montages, gj. Posting a video of a selected few videoshots that actually worked.

    This is a gimmick, i dont even care if its nerfed, removed or reworked lol, its just not used by ppl who have a brain, the rest might use it and win 1 out of 10 matchups. Who cares, its already in the game in other classes, why not give warrior one too. Lel

    again, i'm talking about zerging. its really easy to land hits in a zerg. I don't see why you're so reluctant to realize that this damage boost is going to be insanely op.

    im also talking about zerg buddyboy, i also ALREADY told you that winds of disenchantment kills MORE ppl than your kitten gunflame, arc divider setup will ever down. jeez, i dont understand whats so hard to understand about that

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @"Exzen.2976" said:It’s unhealthy for the game. As you all can clearly see. That is all. I am not that upset about it. I just don’t understand why you are all defending it!

    The game needs more balance, not more gimmick one shot builds. Sure they will be easier to kill in open field... But we all know they will be standing on walls of towers and keeps.

    It will be irritating. Like mosquitoes. Nobody wants more mosquitoes.

    Maybe im just expecting more intelligence from players. Nobody who has a brain will play this trait in an actual good build. I never understood ppl who play a gimmick build just to win 1 matchup and lose to everybody else

    So you don't see any use for this in a Zerg even?

    for tactics, yes, not for warriors cunning.im definately not a fan of "dmg warriors" in zergs, since they cant even do stuff while casting winds of disenchantment, and enemies are dropping anyways.ranged dmg is alot more reliable.a shoutwarri for example is can still atleast use his shouts.

  12. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:can't wait to see consecutive 15k gunflames either lol.

    Yea in montages, gj. Posting a video of a selected few videoshots that actually worked.

    This is a gimmick, i dont even care if its nerfed, removed or reworked lol, its just not used by ppl who have a brain, the rest might use it and win 1 out of 10 matchups. Who cares, its already in the game in other classes, why not give warrior one too. Lel

  13. @Exzen.2976 said:It’s unhealthy for the game. As you all can clearly see. That is all. I am not that upset about it. I just don’t understand why you are all defending it!

    The game needs more balance, not more gimmick one shot builds. Sure they will be easier to kill in open field... But we all know they will be standing on walls of towers and keeps.

    It will be irritating. Like mosquitoes. Nobody wants more mosquitoes.

    Maybe im just expecting more intelligence from players. Nobody who has a brain will play this trait in an actual good build. I never understood ppl who play a gimmick build just to win 1 matchup and lose to everybody else

  14. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Thanks everyone for the help. I'm definitely gonna try running sword/shield next time I'm on as the mobility on sword definitely sounds like it would suit the playstyle I'm used to more than axe which is what I've been running.

    No problem. There is a lot to be said for playing the style that works best for you rather than what the meta-lemmings run.

    Yeah for sure. I find gs whirlwind and gs5 are good to for mobility purposes as well, although ive fell off of a few edges thanks to gs5 lol

    FYI if you use GS5 before a target stealths it will still hit them. GS5, WWA, swap, swd2 is a great way to get some distance. If you like that play style, then consider Bulls Charge for one of your utilities. Runes of Speed are a decent rune set if you have a source of swiftness, they turn swiftness from +33% runspeed to +99% runspeed, and unlike superspeed swiftness affects strafing speed and backpedaling speed. Those should play well into a mobile play style. Would pair well also with the new warhorn changes that hit tomorrow.

    Its 66% not 99%.But yea, rune of speed is a viable option.And yes, bullscharge is great, thats why i put it into the build i posted :)I still think in soloroaming shield has better uses than warhorn, alone the block with shield mastery is kinda necessary

  15. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:GreatSick "spam"

    You also lose winds of disenchantment, which kills waaay more ppl with the help of your zerg than you by yourself, topkek

    Edit: how is that quote from me about other classes having more dmg and that at range even related to fast hands?What i wanted to say was, that im not a fan of the "dmg" zerg warrior build, because its not very efficient imo

    the efficacy of the new tactics line doesn't have anything to do with what you think of arc spam or spb's winds of disenchantmentthe quote was meant to for the first line of my post only. warrior has some of the best and most reliable melee damage in the business.

    And yet all melee dmg is unreliable in a zerg compared to any ranged class.And thats what i compare it to, because if ranged ppl can do the same amount or even more dmg all the time and not just in pushes, why even go for a melee dmg build? There is literally no point.

  16. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

    eh?!you don't need fast hands for zerging since all you're doing is spamming arc divider off cd. biggest loss is probably destruction of the empowered. burst mastery doesn't even work for berserker anymore, not that you need it for zerging. there isn't much point to using discipline.

    You go into berserker, press arc divider once, use the trash heal to reset primal, use arc divider a second time.....GreatSick "spam"

    You also lose winds of disenchantment, which kills waaay more ppl with the help of your zerg than you by yourself, topkek

    Edit: how is that quote from me about other classes having more dmg and that at range even related to fast hands?What i wanted to say was, that im not a fan of the "dmg" zerg warrior build, because its not very efficient imo

  17. @Exzen.2976 said:“This trait is clearly overtuned. I can’t wait to put it on my berserker one shot rifle build and ping 30k gun flames off at people for lols. Quick let’s poke fun of anyone correctly raising concerns about it”.

    Grow up. I have never said I won’t adapt my build. This isn’t a build issue though - it’s part of a core mechanic.

    Why are you that upset about it, if i see a berserker+tactics i already know hes kitten.He either has 0 sustain from running no defense, or isnt running disciplin, which means hes clunky af to play, and can barely use his bursts anyways.

    Sure, he might be able to kill someone with barrier, but everyone else can f him up.And the 25% against 90% hp? Please, there are so many classes that deal 20% more. Dmg Against targets under 50% hp, which is alot longer.

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