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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Lich King.1524 said:

    @Lich King.1524 said:Dear Arenanet, the buf 50% damage to Warrior against targets with a barrier is unhealthy idea.

    Look how Warrior hits weaver with protection today. And you want to increase it by 50%?

    May suggest to apply 50% of damage increase to the size of barrier only if you still want to buff Warrior

    That screen doesnt say anything, we dont even know what stats you were using, probably something glassy aswell.

    If you know Weaver, then you know that he has 1000 toughness in both main builds (Fire Sage and Mender), so what you mean glassy?It was Fire Weaver, 1000 toughness + protection buff. One-shot from Warrior after the stun, and this may be "glassy" warrior has twice more toughness and HP without any investments to stats, so I see not need to buff Warrior even more.

    1000 toughness is the standart value, 0 toughness added from amulet, the only thing sage gives is vita.So yea, i call that glassy. Sure, youve got healingpower from that, but healing wont save you from burst, its good to heal back up, but doesnt lower the dmg

    That warrior with full zerker amulet has 1000 toughness aswell, and even loses 300 armor when going into berserker mode

    So they have about same the amount of armor, when hes in berserk mode and 2k more hp.Definately not twice as much armor and hp, those are blatant exaggerations.

    Edit: i dont see protection on that screen, so yea, i say you didnt have it at the moment of those hits :)

  2. @Leeco.6705 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:This whole thread is just one big kitten lolIts so fun seeing ppl cry about scrappers, necros whine about their shades, ppl bashing on warrior, eles saying that they get oneshot by everything and their grandma.

    And the patch isnt even out yet, thats the funniest part, why cant you just wait for it to roll out?

    @"Asum.4960" said:

    In my experience, having played both and many other's, Scourge takes a lot more skill than Holo and such.Not in terms of skill activations, but because Necro just doesn't have many good tools there aside from damage, so just in terms of positioning in which regard it's probably the most tactics intensive thing to play.

    While other classes get plentiful get out of jail free cards, be it full directional blocks, Invulnerability, burst movement, blocks, stealth and on and on, coupled with ridiculous resustain, when you get focused/stunlocked as Necro, you are dead.So rather than being able to rather brainlessly charge in with those tools and spam CC while nuking everything down, you already needed to position yourself incredibly carefully and kite around to not get deleted instantly.

    Shade around Scourge was the bare minimum of counter pressure available should let's say a Thief shadowstep on you to start tearing you apart, along with pretty much everything else having vastly superior mobility to catch you off guard.

    To say Scourges need to use their brain just now is both ignorant and wrong.They had to before, but now there isn't really anything to use their brain on left, as when they get jumped, they are just straight up dead with no counterplay.

    To suggest the Scourge could just "tactically" place down a Shade to stand in while attacking from range with how much a Scourge needs to kite around terrain and be in constant movement is a joke too. And by the time someone jumps on a Scourge, they will be CC'ed and dead before they can even think about placing a Shade.

    Seeing Necros on the enemy team was already satisfying to me, knowing I could just easily tear them apart as long as I baited them to waste the Shroud around them. Now Scourge is just a genuine free kill.

    I have to agree here. I have played all of the classes and I quit playing Scourge because there are no re-positioning tools, if you screw up even once you are dead and useless. I have more deaths on my scourge than on all of my other toons combined. So I just stopped playing scourge and moved to classes where I could re-position quickly. It is absolutely not a face roll class in WvW. In fact I would argue that because of it's lack of mobility it is the least "face roll" of the classes that I've played. I agree that the condi spam and absolute zone control provided by Scourge was a real pain especially in close quarters but it was a harder class to play.

    And to you i can just say that you are blatantly lying, take a look at fleshwurm, spectral walk, sand swell and finally trail of anguish, those are all repositioning tools, 3 of them being teleports

    .... You return back to your "initial position" not to a different position ie: the direction your entire zerg went to vs say when I play ele and I just mist form directly to where my team went or as a firebrand where I use merciful intervention to shadowstep to my closest ally and provide "healing". Spectral walk is a tether, it takes me precisely back to where I started from when I initially cast it. While I suppose on a "technicality" you could call it a re positioning tool, and under some circumstances it could be useful.. IE: I cast it before the zerg starts the fight and then I use it's ability because my zerg ran towards the exact location I was when I cast it. Because it only takes you to the precise place you were when you cast it, in reality it's not a particularly useful one. Fleshwurm is the same skill as spectral walk, I guess it could be used if you're doing jumping puzzles? In WvW though, spectral walk and fleshwurm are super telegraphed and easy to counter. So why you'd recommend that? Not sure, also why Necro has 2 of the exact same mechanic I have no idea either, but there ya go. Sand swell, is a short range portal that doesn't even compare to any other portal, I could see a basic argument for using it but due to the short range of it and the whole "condi-spam" problem of other classes plus the massive aoe's (which scourges contribute to) again, it's not really as viable except when you're running to somewhere. Yes, it allows short "re positioning" but it has to be within a certain range and when you're in a zerg you're rarely running it, you use trail of anguish instead because it offers stab and speed. Out of all the skills mentioned only trail of anguish is really useful.

    But yeah sure, I guess on a technicality you could remotely call the other two "teleports". Do I use them? Did I use them? Not really because I was usually dead before then but again that boils down to my lack of skill at proper positioning when playing a necro vs being able to do the same as my firebrand or ele. I have better skills and more leeway with those two classes. I spent a lot of time dead as a necro. My experience of course isn't the only experience out there and I'm 100% sure there are necro's out there who did not have the problems I did but, saying a class is a "faceroll" class because it has AOE spam ignores the skill of the people who had to focus on their rotations and positioning. Scourge isn't an "easy beginner class" to play in wvw unless perhaps you've already played classes that had even more tricky rotations and positioning issues... I suppose if that's your experience then perhaps I could see it being "easy" or "faceroll".

    yikes dude, ill just leave this here (even with timestamp), see for yourself how to use those things, this guy has more videos were he showcases ityour answer shows that you did not put alot of time into the class, or rly tried, you just gave up.spectral walk and fleshwurm are completely different, this just shows that you never even tried fleshwurm, i assume you think its cast on the position where you are standing ? WRONG, it can be cast anywhere in a 1200 range

    (edit: timestamp for some reason doesnt work, go to 3:44min)

    great video indeed ...even if it showcases none of the original poster's arguments since it is a roaming video and the OP describes BvB situations ...in Blob fights Spectral walk acts as a stun break you can't teleport back because you teleport back to the enemy bomb and teleport away from your commander ...fleshwurm is not a stun break and is 1,5 sec cast and this is a lot in a blob fight ,if you survive the heralds' phase smashes and cast(even harder now without the self barrier) your commander will be 1,5 sec away from your port so you are still out of position ...sand swell is also completely unreliable since you need to SIT STILL for 1,5 sec not to mention accidental ports of teammates away from your commander's position....you can't compare these skills to blink,lightning flash and merciful intervention because these skills teleport you TO your commander ...

    in blob fights there is only 1 position and that's you commander's position .if for any reason as a necro you miss your position you're dead because you can't go back to your commander where your Firebrand is ...

    You can use sand swell and wurm oo teleport to your commander aswell...

    Also the original poster was claiming that necro has no movememt skills at all, which is simply not true

    And because he was talking about getting outplayed when using those skills i was assuming he also meant smallscale, because in a zergfight nobody cares about a single fleshwurm

    Anyways, since he didnt even know how wurm Works there is no real point about arguing about that, because clearly he didnt put alot of time and effort into the class and claims, to know how hard to play it is

  3. @"Justine.6351" said:This is what I would run if someone told me I had to play healing shout warrior,


    Main changes,Spellbreaker so you can do more than just shout healCull the Weak trait for both more damage in hammer and damage reductionLast Stand for obvious reasonsswapped "on my mark" for balanced stancesword/warhorn as minstrels and hammer as berserkers, full zealots otherwisemonk runes, more healing and you don't need soldier rune condi removalrice ball foodsword/warhorn focused as heal sethammer as damage and interrupt centricwinds of disenchantment

    Thats basically what i posted, mine just had more defensive gear, and more healing (with the optional rune etc i posted)

    Traits are pretty much the same

  4. @Nimon.7840 said:

    @"RoxasUchiha.7584" said:Although it seems as war can be a support now, let's not forget, that it will still be bad. Like what are those warhorn changes? You still won't use warhorn if you want condi cleanse, much better to use a fb, especially if the past cooldowns are kept. You won't even use it for boons, cause well, they are a bit useless. Nice to see some love for tactics, but they still seem a bit useless, maybe only the cd reduction, but still discipline much better. Can mostly speak about PvE, but even in WvW or PvP I can't find any usefulness than we already have on a much better form from other classes. Necro is just "Oh, there is a problem there, here is how we are going to fix it. We will just remake a traitline that makes no sense to something that makes sense but it's useless"... Nerfing scepter on guardian? Like why? It's not even the thing that does most of the damage. Buffing ranger at 1500 range, like just give all the people who play that more reason to not use their brain. Won't even talk about the rest. Overall, personally speaking, just delay the patch 1-2 more weeks and actually think better about everything, now it's just wasted all your work...

    I don't think warrior changes are bad. I think someone told me that you can get up to 60cleanses per minute per person with these changes. That's up to 600cleanses in one minute, which is absolutely insane.

    I like the warrior changes aswell, but i dont see how you manage to get 60cleanses on a single person in one minute.

    Warrior has good cleanses for big condi overloads, they can easily clear such things completely almost instantly from their group, they are not that good at cleansing single condis over longer periods of time

  5. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

    so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

    if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

    also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

    one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

    sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

    I was talking about wvw altho i'm sure it will see use in pvp as well. i'm guessing people will drop discipline.

    Im talking about wvw aswell.Dropping Disci is not worth is. Sure some memers will do it, but they will be less sufficient than warriors with disci overall)Disci has reliable dmg modifiers in warriors sprint, burst mastery, even destruction of the empowered if you like that over brawlers recovery and finally it offers fast hands (using more weaponskills because you can swap weapons faster results in more dmg and pressure)

    Sure its good against scrapper, because they cant controll that barrier, but thiefs, mesmer, ranger, and other warriors dont even have barrier, its a dead trait against classes like that.

    And in zergs its basically the same, just that you randomly get barriers, which are usually pretty big, and not those small numbers scrapper is talkind about.And in zergs, not having fast hands is a sad thing aswell as a full glass warrior, because you might be able to get 1 or 2 (with full counter reset) burst skills off, not to mention that you cant even cast dmg skills while casting your bubble, and usually the enemies die in the bubble without warrior dmg, other classes have better, more reliable dmg that isnt melee

  6. @"Lich King.1524" said:Dear Arenanet, the buf 50% damage to Warrior against targets with a barrier is unhealthy idea.

    Look how Warrior hits weaver with protection today. And you want to increase it by 50%?


    May suggest to apply 50% of damage increase to the size of barrier only if you still want to buff Warrior

    That screen doesnt say anything, we dont even know what stats you were using, probably something glassy aswell.

    That warrior was definately full glassHe was running berserker traitline ofcArms for signet mastery and 100%crit on burstAnd id say discipline for faster weaponswaps, some other dmg multipliers and probably burst mastery

    Now tell me which traitline he should sacrifice for tactics, just to get that unreliable dmg increase?? One which does nothing to ppl who dont have barrier.The dmg multipliers in other traitlines are much more reliable than that.

    Also that guy is running signet of might and probably precision too, to get his adrenalin up. If you dodge his burst he basically has nothing left, and not even defensive utilities equipped.

  7. @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

    so instead of getting 2 shotted by arc divider, it will now only require 1 hit. brilliant!

    if you get 2 shot by arc divider, you might want to look at your build again.

    also, please tell me which traitline the warrior is going to swap out for tactics.

    one is berserkersecond is discipline (who would want to play a glass warrior without that?)for third id still take defense, or strengththose are much more reliable than tactics, which is only good when the enemy has barrier

    sure you will see "epic" youtube montages of ppl doing sicccc dmg with that trait, but those are youtube MONTAGES in the end, that dont show how many times they failed miserably

  8. @"Exzen.2976" said:You suggesting that you never use dual attacks against a tactics warrior? Wow. That’s plain stupid.

    trust me, you wont see that many tactics warriors running around, maybe in the beginning, for the meme, there will also be videos posted of "crazy oneshot tactic warrior montage", but they get those sick damages in 1 out of 10 fights (if its event hat often)

    the majority of ppl that are going to use tactics in wvw are going to play support, so no cunning, and the rest will realize preetty quick that they give up too much to get tactics.

    especially in zergs, spb is mandatory for bubble, thats one slotdefense in zergs, is pretty much a must have, as a full glass warrior in a zerg, because you just explode without the extra endure painand last discipline still has fast hands and other dmg multiplier in it, that are way more consistent, and dont rely on ppl having barrier

    so what are you going to swap out for tactics to go in ?on my shoutwarrior i dont play with tactics, because i dont rely on the dmg modifier and fast hands isnt as much needed as on a dmg warrior, because i can chill way longer on one weapon

  9. @rextren.3874 said:

    @"RedShark.9548" said:Op, you might want to clarify what you want to do with that build.

    Wvw?Zerging, smallscale?

    Pve?Open world, dungeons, raids?

    Right now that build is all over the place and truly a "crier" build, because it makes me want to cry.

    If you want to make a shoutwarrior, you should rly know where you want to take it, the stats and sigils you chose are kind of everything, which is not rly good.

    If you rly want to go for a wvw zerg supportbuild with heavy focus on healing with shouts id go with something like this

    For even more heal you could swap out trooper rune for monk rune and put a transference sigil on the hammer (you want to use shouts while on hammer to clear condis, and while on sword you use the horn, longer weaponswap makes you think twice before swapping weapons)

    With that build you have enough armor, vita and still some power left to crit with hammer for like 4k while your shouts, with monk and transference, heal for about 5-6k per person

    Im not an expert for pve, but i dont rly see why anyone would go for that kind of support warrior, because there are other classes that do the job better

    yeah i make fell changes in-game berserker works better than core.

    ill ask again, what exactly do you want to play ?which gamemode, what type of content do you want to do with that ?

  10. @Ferelwing.8463 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:This whole thread is just one big kitten lolIts so fun seeing ppl cry about scrappers, necros whine about their shades, ppl bashing on warrior, eles saying that they get oneshot by everything and their grandma.

    And the patch isnt even out yet, thats the funniest part, why cant you just wait for it to roll out?

    @"Asum.4960" said:

    In my experience, having played both and many other's, Scourge takes a lot more skill than Holo and such.Not in terms of skill activations, but because Necro just doesn't have many good tools there aside from damage, so just in terms of positioning in which regard it's probably the most tactics intensive thing to play.

    While other classes get plentiful get out of jail free cards, be it full directional blocks, Invulnerability, burst movement, blocks, stealth and on and on, coupled with ridiculous resustain, when you get focused/stunlocked as Necro, you are dead.So rather than being able to rather brainlessly charge in with those tools and spam CC while nuking everything down, you already needed to position yourself incredibly carefully and kite around to not get deleted instantly.

    Shade around Scourge was the bare minimum of counter pressure available should let's say a Thief shadowstep on you to start tearing you apart, along with pretty much everything else having vastly superior mobility to catch you off guard.

    To say Scourges need to use their brain just now is both ignorant and wrong.They had to before, but now there isn't really anything to use their brain on left, as when they get jumped, they are just straight up dead with no counterplay.

    To suggest the Scourge could just "tactically" place down a Shade to stand in while attacking from range with how much a Scourge needs to kite around terrain and be in constant movement is a joke too. And by the time someone jumps on a Scourge, they will be CC'ed and dead before they can even think about placing a Shade.

    Seeing Necros on the enemy team was already satisfying to me, knowing I could just easily tear them apart as long as I baited them to waste the Shroud around them. Now Scourge is just a genuine free kill.

    I have to agree here. I have played all of the classes and I quit playing Scourge because there are no re-positioning tools, if you screw up even once you are dead and useless. I have more deaths on my scourge than on all of my other toons combined. So I just stopped playing scourge and moved to classes where I could re-position quickly. It is absolutely not a face roll class in WvW. In fact I would argue that because of it's lack of mobility it is the least "face roll" of the classes that I've played. I agree that the condi spam and absolute zone control provided by Scourge was a real pain especially in close quarters but it was a harder class to play.

    And to you i can just say that you are blatantly lying, take a look at fleshwurm, spectral walk, sand swell and finally trail of anguish, those are all repositioning tools, 3 of them being teleports

    .... You return back to your "initial position" not to a different position ie: the direction your entire zerg went to vs say when I play ele and I just mist form directly to where my team went or as a firebrand where I use merciful intervention to shadowstep to my closest ally and provide "healing". Spectral walk is a tether, it takes me precisely back to where I started from when I initially cast it. While I suppose on a "technicality" you could call it a re positioning tool, and under some circumstances it could be useful.. IE: I cast it before the zerg starts the fight and then I use it's ability because my zerg ran towards the exact location I was when I cast it. Because it only takes you to the precise place you were when you cast it, in reality it's not a particularly useful one. Fleshwurm is the same skill as spectral walk, I guess it could be used if you're doing jumping puzzles? In WvW though, spectral walk and fleshwurm are super telegraphed and easy to counter. So why you'd recommend that? Not sure, also why Necro has 2 of the exact same mechanic I have no idea either, but there ya go. Sand swell, is a short range portal that doesn't even compare to any other portal, I could see a basic argument for using it but due to the short range of it and the whole "condi-spam" problem of other classes plus the massive aoe's (which scourges contribute to) again, it's not really as viable except when you're running to somewhere. Yes, it allows short "re positioning" but it has to be within a certain range and when you're in a zerg you're rarely running it, you use trail of anguish instead because it offers stab and speed. Out of all the skills mentioned only trail of anguish is really useful.

    But yeah sure, I guess on a technicality you could remotely call the other two "teleports". Do I use them? Did I use them? Not really because I was usually dead before then but again that boils down to my lack of skill at proper positioning when playing a necro vs being able to do the same as my firebrand or ele. I have better skills and more leeway with those two classes. I spent a lot of time dead as a necro. My experience of course isn't the only experience out there and I'm 100% sure there are necro's out there who did not have the problems I did but, saying a class is a "faceroll" class because it has AOE spam ignores the skill of the people who had to focus on their rotations and positioning. Scourge isn't an "easy beginner class" to play in wvw unless perhaps you've already played classes that had even more tricky rotations and positioning issues... I suppose if that's your experience then perhaps I could see it being "easy" or "faceroll".

    yikes dude, ill just leave this here (even with timestamp), see for yourself how to use those things, this guy has more videos were he showcases ityour answer shows that you did not put alot of time into the class, or rly tried, you just gave up.spectral walk and fleshwurm are completely different, this just shows that you never even tried fleshwurm, i assume you think its cast on the position where you are standing ? WRONG, it can be cast anywhere in a 1200 range

    (edit: timestamp for some reason doesnt work, go to 3:44min)

  11. @"sephiroth.4217" said:for the mount to have 1k health.

    so I'd be the more "attacking" option I guess.

    Put the mount to 1hp, remove all its skillsIt made roaming even more obsolete

    Almost impossible to get ppl off the mount, less fights

    The instantstomp is just unfun in smallscale, either keep the normal downstate or remove it entirely

    Im sick of almost getting away from a heavily outnumbered fight, just to have slow zerg builds get out of combat, mount up and appearing next to me, because their pewpew ranger friends kept me infight.

  12. This whole thread is just one big circlejerk lolIts so fun seeing ppl cry about scrappers, necros whine about their shades, ppl bashing on warrior, eles saying that they get oneshot by everything and their grandma.

    And the patch isnt even out yet, thats the funniest part, why cant you just wait for it to roll out?

    @Ferelwing.8463 said:

    @"Asum.4960" said:

    In my experience, having played both and many other's, Scourge takes a lot more skill than Holo and such.Not in terms of skill activations, but because Necro just doesn't have many good tools there aside from damage, so just in terms of positioning in which regard it's probably the most tactics intensive thing to play.

    While other classes get plentiful get out of jail free cards, be it full directional blocks, Invulnerability, burst movement, blocks, stealth and on and on, coupled with ridiculous resustain, when you get focused/stunlocked as Necro, you are dead.So rather than being able to rather brainlessly charge in with those tools and spam CC while nuking everything down, you already needed to position yourself incredibly carefully and kite around to not get deleted instantly.

    Shade around Scourge was the bare minimum of counter pressure available should let's say a Thief shadowstep on you to start tearing you apart, along with pretty much everything else having vastly superior mobility to catch you off guard.

    To say Scourges need to use their brain just now is both ignorant and wrong.They had to before, but now there isn't really anything to use their brain on left, as when they get jumped, they are just straight up dead with no counterplay.

    To suggest the Scourge could just "tactically" place down a Shade to stand in while attacking from range with how much a Scourge needs to kite around terrain and be in constant movement is a joke too. And by the time someone jumps on a Scourge, they will be CC'ed and dead before they can even think about placing a Shade.

    Seeing Necros on the enemy team was already satisfying to me, knowing I could just easily tear them apart as long as I baited them to waste the Shroud around them. Now Scourge is just a genuine free kill.

    I have to agree here. I have played all of the classes and I quit playing Scourge because there are no re-positioning tools, if you screw up even once you are dead and useless. I have more deaths on my scourge than on all of my other toons combined. So I just stopped playing scourge and moved to classes where I could re-position quickly. It is absolutely not a face roll class in WvW. In fact I would argue that because of it's lack of mobility it is the least "face roll" of the classes that I've played. I agree that the condi spam and absolute zone control provided by Scourge was a real pain especially in close quarters but it was a harder class to play.

    And to you i can just say that you are blatantly lying, take a look at fleshwurm, spectral walk, sand swell and finally trail of anguish, those are all repositioning tools, 3 of them being teleports

  13. @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    @"Dayra.7405" said:No you will just switch it to unkillable tank-healer :)In my opinion 20% won't so that but maybe slightly less then.

    Currently everybody one shots everybody. People can kill any profession in around 2 to 5 seconds.

    Increasing the effectiveness of toughness so people run more than marauder gear would be a step in the right direction.

    That is not correct.

    On my DH, if specced full glass, still has issues killing a boon beast or other over tuned full support builds. The reason more and more people play DPS builds are to deal with the boon/bunker builds. Which is the main problem with the game, the power creep has been on DPS AND Boon/sustain builds. You used to have both of those in the early days as well, however the delta between them was much much smaller, back then (with few exceptions) a bruiser build could deal with either of them, however now, in most cases, a bruiser can't catch a DPS build long enough to kill and while they might be out of one shot range for the DPs build, it's not by much. Then for the bunker builds, the bruiser doesn't do near enough DPS to get through their healing/boons. And yes, we do already have builds that are more or less unkillable in 1vs1 fights of equal skill. Often times the people being "one shot" are running glass them selves, so they are crying about the very kind of build they are playing.

    We do NOT need more power creep, which this suggestion is, we need defenses toned down along with the amount of damage that is just thrown around these days. We need reductions across the board, not more creep.

    This, tone down dmg, healing and boons.

    Then you can also tone down automated defenses from traits of various classes, because they are not longer needed, since you can actually react to whats happening, and not explode in half a second

  14. Op, you might want to clarify what you want to do with that build.

    Wvw?Zerging, smallscale?

    Pve?Open world, dungeons, raids?

    Right now that build is all over the place and truly a "crier" build, because it makes me want to cry.

    If you want to make a shoutwarrior, you should rly know where you want to take it, the stats and sigils you chose are kind of everything, which is not rly good.

    If you rly want to go for a wvw zerg supportbuild with heavy focus on healing with shouts id go with something like this


    For even more heal you could swap out trooper rune for monk rune and put a transference sigil on the hammer (you want to use shouts while on hammer to clear condis, and while on sword you use the horn, longer weaponswap makes you think twice before swapping weapons)

    With that build you have enough armor, vita and still some power left to crit with hammer for like 4k while your shouts, with monk and transference, heal for about 5-6k per person

    Im not an expert for pve, but i dont rly see why anyone would go for that kind of support warrior, because there are other classes that do the job better

  15. Some good changes i can agree with, some i cant agree at all with.

    The biggest point is the amount of pve you want to bring into wvw. Thats just a big no thanks from me. I already hate the lords in the desert borderland.Lords are supposed to be dmg sponges to stall time to let defenders get there in time, however, the lord should NEVER turn a large scaled fight around, like those on desert can. Mass knockback? Massive aoe fear? A ring that can trap any given amount of players and isnt passable even when having stab?Those are waaay too big of advantages for defenders in zerg vs zerg fights.

    Also big strong pve encounter will make it impossible for small scale sneaky attackers to do anything on a map, further increasing the need to run around in a zerg. (which has already become more of a problem since mounts were introduced)

  16. @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    @DemonSeed.3528 said:After balance patch comes in, I might play more warrior rifle tbh lol

    this guy knows

    I'm wondering what kind of burst warrior builds will show up with the new tactics line, get a few rifle berserkers with the 50% extra damage to enemies with barrier and pretend you're Sharpe's chosen men.

    Honestly i dont think there will be many richards out there, in the beginning maybe for the meme, but soon will they realize that they are less effective than the bubblebots and have to give up too much for tactic

    @DeadlySynz.3471 said:Retaliation is a direct counter to any and all ranged/aoe damage. In fact, retaliation is the reason we don't tend to see a lot of Ele's or Dragonhunters anymore as their capability to output a lot of damage instantly usually means a very quick death on their part.

    For example, take dragonhunter traps. You can drop your traps then move however far away you're allowed to move to still cause damage. A big group comes along with retaliation, hits the traps, and the dragonhunter is basically instantly dead. So saying ranged/aoe damage is too much isn't a correct statement, because retaliation basically deletes these players faster than you can blink. A correct statement would be, retaliation damage does too much, needs to be scaled down AND needs to work in a small aoe around the person with the buff.

    Any and all ranged aoe dmg... Uh no, hammer rev might want to talk about that, lel.Imo reta isnt even strong enough and should do alot more dmg, the thing i would do is turning up the dmg and make it so that you can only take dmg from reta every 0.5 seconds to not punish many small hits too much

    I agree with op, some of anet choices are very questionable and make not alit of sense to me.

    @Sandzibar.5134 said:OP is incorrect.

    You might want to elaborate and give counterarguments, instead of just making that statement

  17. @"Dadnir.5038" said:Just imagine the uproar if there was a trait that make unblockable hits deal 50% more damage when going throught a block or invuln, that's basically what this trait does. It's difficult to understand the reasoning behind such a trait but, as long as it only work when the target health is above 90% (whether there is barrier or not) it should be "fine".

    Honnestly, if the trait proc when the health isn't above 90% it will be a broken trait, whether it stand in a useless traitline or not.

    uh, ill just leave this herehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Malicious_Reprisal

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @DKRathalos.9625 said:Should we discuss here too about potential strength and weakness from certain spec combination?Usually people use Defense/Disc/Spellbreaker, let's say we swap tactic what will be the Strength and Weakness from Tactic/Disc/Spellbreaker vs Tactic/Defense/Spellbreaker? Or maybe for Zerker which usually Arm/Disc/Zerk change into Tactic/Disc/Zerk vs Tactic/Arm/Zerk?

    I think that is a great suggestion, although it will be limited until we see the update on the 1st.

    We do know that if a warrior swaps out Defense that they'' most likely be giving up Ardrenal Health, Defy Pain, and Last Stand. Defy Pain and Last Stand are two traits that a large number of warriors need to even live long enough to DPS, and Adrenal Health is fairly good sustained healing over time. Now if you take Tactics instead you get Mender's Might, which we do not know how much it heals for nor if it counts the might you give yourself, but I suspect that Mender's Might will end up being greater sustain than Adrenal Health so long as a certain number of allies are nearby to receive your might. So I'd call swapping Adrenal Health for Mender's Might an even trade. The question is though if Warrior's Cunning and Martial Cadence create enough extra DPS to justify the lack of DP and LS.

    For Discipline obviously to dropped goodies are Fast Hands, Warrior's Sprint, and Brawler's Recovery. Shrug It Off or Warhorn may negate the need for Brawler's Recovery, and Martial Cadence may alleviate several reasons to take Fast Hands, but how it plays out in practice will matter. The extra swiftness uptime from Warhorn may justify not having Warrior's Sprint, and the new damage modifier on Leg Specialist may replace the damage modifier on Warrior's Sprint.

    I certainly see the potential for Str/Tact/Def, Tact/Def/SpB, and Tact/Def/Zerk bunker builds. I can also see Roamer builds with Arms/Tact/Zerk, these wouldn't be entirely glass since like Defense Tactics has a built in source of sustain.

    I think the kicker here is that Warrior is generally a jack of all trades, and the new Tactics is itself a jack of all trades trait line, much like Discipline is. So for the individual warriors choice will come down to if they feel then need more dps without sacrificing too much sustain, or if they want more group support without sacrificing too much of their own DPS.

    a tactic/defense/berserker bunker build ?? how is that supposed to work, berserk is everything but a bunker specc imoi also dont think that the might you give yourself works with that trait, it would be basically the same trait as mmr, just that affected allies are part of it aswell.

  18. @Ceryxobitus.3012 said:Loving the focus on warhorn for a support-warrior! However, I'm not sure about the idea of rushing into a melee fight with a horn, lol.

    Any chance, Anet is gearing up to finally give warrior a mid-range main hand weapon like a javelin?? In GW1, paragon was my main, so I'd love to see a javelin-warhorn, power-concentration-healing, shouting-banners heavy armor class :)

    Let me throw scepters at my Opponent while blasting the horn and shouting stuff, also, give me an elite shout

  19. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Without barrier it's 25% while the target is above 90% health, so still good for opening shots.

    Regardless, is the 50% while they have any amount of barrier itself justified, or will there be too few tactics warriors for it to be a problem?

    Its only 10% above 90% in pvp and wvw.

    I might try out tactics for roaming, in zerg ill use it instead of disciplin as purely support, im not a fan of the dmg zerg warrior, because imo its not efficient, there are way better dmg dealers in the game that dont have to go full melee, also you cant deal dmg while bubbling anyways.

  20. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

    I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

    Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

    Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

    @Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

    They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

    ^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

    @"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

    I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

    And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

    @RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

    Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

    Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

    Don't know, but you did state it. At this point they having 1 Phalanx Strength warrior in the subgroup accelerates the might gain though. It will end up being the case that just having the warrior there playing at minimum level is all that is required. Banner Slave in PvE, and Phalanx Slave/barrier clearer in WvW.

    Granted there is a lot now and in tactics so there will be more support than just phalanx strength.

    I wouldnt play phalanx as support, if i go support i go all the way, meaning vigorous shouts.

    Shoutwarrior is so much fun imo.Talking zergs in wvw ofc.You can even cast shouts while casting bubble, which is a huge advantage over the meta bubble zerker warrior

  21. @Virtuality.8351 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.

    I think it still could serve as the secondary source when your group is pressured and allied Revenant are swapped out of Leg. Dragon Stance for group sustain, and the short duration and combat only restriction could also imply the intended usage, so maybe not totally meaningless.

    Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

    Yeah I was looking forward so much to possible Shouts revised. 'On My Mark!' really needs to become an on-target AoE with small radius, and 'Fear Me!' with its CD reduced and probably functions enhanced.

    @Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

    They might fall out of favor as the primary source of damage at range, as people are already speculating potential application of Warrior's Cunning with Rifle. Though I do not think they'd ever be completely replaced. They still provides awesome utility (just Phase Smash alone is irreplaceable in confined spaces to proc AoEs preemptively), Boon support, damage reduction (Rite of the Great Dwarf) etc, and even CoR after the nerf would not be all too shabby at all.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

    ^ Imaging pin sniping with this.

    @"Katary.7096" said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

    I think the '7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition' on Leg Specialist is a bit excessive. Since the cooldown now is calculated per target, the original effect would be dangerous enough.

    And Warrior's Cunning...I like how it provides a new, 'tactical' option in WvW, but not quite so seeing it implemented as personal damage buff. As for the universality of access to specific functions, there seems to be a shift in design thinking now, on which I wrote a

    @RedShark.9548 said:Those effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

    Well, if you melee in a zerg fight, chances are that you need the healing and CD reduction as you burst anyway :P So probably not holding it.

    Hu, when did i say the first part about might being wasted because of revs?

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