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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @lare.5129 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:I dont duel to check dmg numbers, i duel to have fun and become better at playing my class.so if you not check numbers - guild arena perfect choose.

    I dont have fun, nor will i rly become better when dueling in a pve balanced zone, because dmg numbers are so whack in pve.this is only philological and philosophy aspect, you should say for yourself that this is ok few times per minute, and after some time you will get fun!

    No, you clearly have no understanding of pvp whatsoever. There is a reason balancing is split between gamemodes, you do realize that?

    This has nothing to do with my philosophy, are you serious, or am i being trolled?

    The dmg in pve is way higher than in pvp, making it completely unbalanced, thus unfair and unfun to fight in there.

  2. @"Jakkun.4561" said:I used to be a meta monkey, spamming CoR and such, but then they broke CoR and i playedsoulbeast for the first time. I legit outdps'ed every single weaver and herald in a recent 50v50 rvr. I legit did more supporting by Rapid Fire'ing their best weaver than my "meta" firebrand supports. People than say Boonbeast is bad but they just all sit on my Maul and Worldly Impact. These people that yell you that ranger is bad, have never played ranger before or don't understand anything about the game mode.

    Lel. This post is full of salt.Also, you prolly didnt even kill the weaver, downed him from max range, he vapors away and gets rezzed. Great support wow. Stating that you supported your zerg like that more than support firebrands do... Has to be a troll.

  3. @lare.5129 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Full coumter for example hits there for 6k+ and in pvp for max 2k

    so you need 1 vs 1 or check new class/new build/skills?for check something unknow and real dueling I us unranked.

    What? I dont understand what you are trying to say.

    I dont duel to check dmg numbers, i duel to have fun and become better at playing my class.

    I dont have fun, nor will i rly become better when dueling in a pve balanced zone, because dmg numbers are so whack in pve.

  4. @Sobx.1758 said:

    That or just stun the thief and sneeze on him to down him.

    As if any competent thief lets himself get stunned, or gets stunned without any stunbreak rdy, nice jokeAs if any competent warrior lets himself get bursted by a thief, that's a better joke.

    Sooner or later he will land one, since he can easily reset the fight over and over again, also sword thiefs dont even need to burst you down, they can wear you down slowly, poison and not landing bursts will prevent most of the warriors healing

    By your own logic, thief will get stunned without a stunbreak rdy "sooner or later". Or is this another one of those imaginary situations in which my opponent can play perfectly and I can't just so I can pretend I have a point, so warrior will make a mistake "sooner or later" (while not landing bursts btw), but his opponent won't?

    Seriously, either I'm missing something here or I really don't understand your way of thinking, where the only misplays that happen are the ones I WANT to happen.

    If he gets stunned he has a stunbreak rdy, if he has none rdy, he wont reengage. He is the one who can decide to reset the fight, if its going in his favor, because the warrior made a mistake, he keeps pressuring, if he makes a mistake he resets the fight and waits for cooldowns. The warriir kittens up and gets hunted down by the thief because of superior mobility and no access to stealth. Whats not to understand about that?

    So all your claims are based on thief holding his resources back just so he can back out in the first place and you still can't win against him?

    Because thief has to hold back oh so much to back out of a fight, okey, goodbye.

  5. @"draxynnic.3719" said:I don't think the examples you cite are really comparable. Those splits happened because a substantive split occurred in methodology between psychology (mostly based on studying people and their behaviours) and neuroscience (directly studying the brain structure using advanced technology), let along between cutting hair and increasingly advanced modern medicine.

    Elite specialisations are something that I'd consider to be more aligned with considering things like quantum mechanics, relativity, and fluid dynamics, which are all branches of physics. They're different, but they still all fall under the same general umbrella.

    What's more likely to erode the distinctions is that the Bloodstones are no longer forcing distinct splits between the schools, allowing the lines between them to fade and blur. Thus far, the professions have survived as distinct entities due to a mix of tradition and a certain element of danger in experimentation, but sooner or later people are going to start finding their own combinations. What's likely to kill, say, mesmer is a profession isn't going to be subdivision into specialisations, but somebody coming up with a hybrid of mesmer and some other profession(s) that leads people to start going "Do we call this thing a mesmer? Or the other profession name? Kitten it we'll just give it a new name". Especially if this new hybrid profession proves to be more popular than traditional mesmerism.

    Which is, essentially, what happened to guardians. Guardians mostly came from monks, but have so much stuff from other professions mixed in that they just aren't recognisable as monks any more. They're not a specialisation of monks, they're doing something substantially different from traditional monks, albeit using a similar power source.

    This.Also i believe that guards evolved from the infamous k/möter builds in gw1.In German krieger=warrior and mönch=monk

  6. @Sobx.1758 said:

    That or just stun the thief and sneeze on him to down him.

    As if any competent thief lets himself get stunned, or gets stunned without any stunbreak rdy, nice jokeAs if any competent warrior lets himself get bursted by a thief, that's a better joke.

    Sooner or later he will land one, since he can easily reset the fight over and over again, also sword thiefs dont even need to burst you down, they can wear you down slowly, poison and not landing bursts will prevent most of the warriors healing

    By your own logic, thief will get stunned without a stunbreak rdy "sooner or later". Or is this another one of those imaginary situations in which my opponent can play perfectly and I can't just so I can pretend I have a point, so warrior will make a mistake "sooner or later" (while not landing bursts btw), but his opponent won't?

    Seriously, either I'm missing something here or I really don't understand your way of thinking, where the only misplays that happen are the ones I WANT to happen.

    If he gets stunned he has a stunbreak rdy, if he has none rdy, he wont reengage. He is the one who can decide to reset the fight, if its going in his favor, because the warrior made a mistake, he keeps pressuring, if he makes a mistake he resets the fight and waits for cooldowns. The warriir kittens up and gets hunted down by the thief because of superior mobility and no access to stealth. Whats not to understand about that?

  7. @lare.5129 said:we have dueling arena inside guild hall. You not ?

    You call that a duelling arena? It uses pve balance, so its a nightmare to fight in there, if you know anything about which skill should hit you for what numbers in pvp and suddenly you get hit for twice or thrice the amount. No fun at all to fight in there, ive completey given up to use that kitten.Maaaybe useful for mirrormatchups, because both builds have the same boosted mechanics.

    Full coumter for example hits there for 6k+ and in pvp for max 2k

  8. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    That or just stun the thief and sneeze on him to down him.

    As if any competent thief lets himself get stunned, or gets stunned without any stunbreak rdy, nice jokeAs if any competent warrior lets himself get bursted by a thief, that's a better joke.

    Sooner or later he will land one, since he can easily reset the fight over and over again, also sword thiefs dont even need to burst you down, they can wear you down slowly, poison and not landing bursts will prevent most of the warriors healing

  9. @Arctisavange.7261 said:The ones who comment about having positive experience with linked national servers dont take couple things into account - the linked national server population and bandwagoning.

    First of all you wont feel any impact at all when you get a link with a national server that is on medium population as generally those servers are DEAD. Secondly even national servers bandwagon away to a server where they can be alone and speak their own language without any interference from english speaking community. They just make sure that the server they go to has linking of a very tiny english speak community so they can become the dominant language where ever they go to.

    There are ton of germans who flat out refuse to speak english and want to talk only in their mother tongue. This is something ive experienced first hand in a german dominant language server and casually got the same confirmation from my german friends who have transfered away to international servers for that exact reason.

    Can confirm, im on a german server, have been since release, im just not transfering to a international server, because i dont care enough for the game anymore to pay for a transfer. Also i already know ppl on that server, im too lazy to find new ppl.

    But the amount of ppl on there, that refuse to follow an english speaking commander, is just ridiculous, and their reasoning is aswell.And at the same time those exact same ppl are crying about the fact, that there are so few commanders tagging up. (because there are only a few german commander left, that know how to fight and not just pvd)

  10. @Ferus.3165 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:I got a question to you guys is it me or does core warr defense line look really disappointing? i see a single block.

    Last stand is cool so is defy pain and shield master is nice but where are invulns? where are the protections?

    the line looks barren almost and looks as if you guys don't have much invulns or evades and are about just pure toughness. in fact the toughness thing and the str to toughness looks like one of the lines from reaper. I don't know if thats the only line or if you get a ton of invulns n stuff in your line but i hope to god you guys don't depend on just this line and toughness, because that would be god awful.

    Defy pain is 2-5 seconds of invulnerable to physical damage when you are struck below 50% depending on game mode and if last stand is traited. With Endure pain, a shield, and defiant stance you can have between 11-18s of physical damage immunity, block, or incoming damage converted to healing depending on game mode and if last stand is traited.

    Evades for warrior are from GS or rifle. Adrenal Health from Defense aids in the healing during that invulnerability period as does things like Might Makes Right and Menders Might.

    I typically don't run Defense and do just fine, but others feel they need the extra sustain from Defense, and if you do then take it. If you personally do not see any worth in taking Defense, then take a more offensive trait line like Strength or Arms, or a utility line like Discipline or Tactics bearing in mind that Tactics has a set of strong DPS traits in it now.

    lol the few warriors i encounter, that don't run defense traitline, die in 1-2 sec to thief/ranger burst. I always lol when a warrior in wvw does not run this line. In pvp it's another story because the traitline has been nerfed into oblivion, but the dmg in pvp is all around far lower than in wvw and thus stances are not necessary.

    This.Defense is good in wvw, but completely dead in pvp, due to heavy nerfs 2sec of physical dmg immunityevery 90sec? Wow

    Also the higher dmg in wvw.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:

    @Axl.8924 said:I got a question to you guys is it me or does core warr defense line look really disappointing? i see a single block.

    Last stand is cool so is defy pain and shield master is nice but where are invulns? where are the protections?

    the line looks barren almost and looks as if you guys don't have much invulns or evades and are about just pure toughness. in fact the toughness thing and the str to toughness looks like one of the lines from reaper. I don't know if thats the only line or if you get a ton of invulns n stuff in your line but i hope to god you guys don't depend on just this line and toughness, because that would be god awful.

    Defy pain is 2-5 seconds of invulnerable to physical damage when you are struck below 50% depending on game mode and if last stand is traited. With Endure pain, a shield, and defiant stance you can have between 11-18s of physical damage immunity, block, or incoming damage converted to healing depending on game mode and if last stand is traited.

    Evades for warrior are from GS or rifle. Adrenal Health from Defense aids in the healing during that invulnerability period as does things like Might Makes Right and Menders Might.

    I typically don't run Defense and do just fine, but others feel they need the extra sustain from Defense, and if you do then take it. If you personally do not see any worth in taking Defense, then take a more offensive trait line like Strength or Arms, or a utility line like Discipline or Tactics bearing in mind that Tactics has a set of strong DPS traits in it now.

    lol the few warriors i encounter, that don't run defense traitline, die in 1-2 sec to thief/ranger burst. I always lol when a warrior in wvw does not run this line. In pvp it's another story because the traitline has been nerfed into oblivion, but the dmg in pvp is all around far lower than in wvw and thus stances are not necessary.

    Sounds like those warriors need to carry a cc.

    or stunbreak man look at the stunbreak and cc resistance from that same line.

    That or just stun the thief and sneeze on him to down him.

    As if any competent thief lets himself get stunned, or gets stunned without any stunbreak rdy, nice joke

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:How do you think fc will remove boons from up to 25 targets? It doesnt. Enchantment collaps has 1s internal cd, if that is how you think it works?

    Sure you might have lots of heal with that build, but you are way too squishy, one solid cc and burst or just an unexpected burst (as it will happen often when 50+ppl throw kitten at you) and you are instantly downed. You wont be able to heal back up when you go down in 0.5seconds.

    Ya I completely forgot about the ICD, which in that case is 10 total boonstrips from an FC instead of 25 (13 if you count the sigil) Still it gives you 26 endurance which is nearly full.

    I think you’d be surprised as to how resilient the build is. Zerker is the meta anyway so it’s not really any different than what the meta is now. If you really want to you can bring defy pain as a utility if you are really not sure you can survive with the build.

    Once you get us-to the healing while dodging aspect you’ll be able to pull off surviving in the heat of a big Zerg.

    I'll second this, the healing from mending might+might makes right is really absurd. easily enough to survive melee combat with large groups so long as you're getting stability

    Yea, and thats pretty much the problem, you will never always have stab, especially when you want to place aggressive bubbles.Its just too unreliable and depends too much on others.

    Also, why even bother playing a full melee dmg spec in big blobs? You have enough ranged dmg in groups like that to nuke anybody who is in the wrong spot.Even if 50ppl only do 1000 dmg with 1 hit, thats still 50000 dmg, thats more than enough to kill someone (i know target cap exists, but that wont rly make a difference)

    Its so much more efficient to play a melee spec that keeps your zerg alive (so those 50+ppl can all do their 50k dmg reliably) and keep your enemies from moving around with cc and boonrips.

    You wont be able to dmg enemies while you bubble (i know loss aversion and bubble do some dmg, but not that much) but guess what, ppl still drop in masses inside your bubble, if its well placed and in your zergs attack range. So why bother playing such a dmg spec as warrior?

    Because its fun?


  12. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:How do you think fc will remove boons from up to 25 targets? It doesnt. Enchantment collaps has 1s internal cd, if that is how you think it works?

    Sure you might have lots of heal with that build, but you are way too squishy, one solid cc and burst or just an unexpected burst (as it will happen often when 50+ppl throw kitten at you) and you are instantly downed. You wont be able to heal back up when you go down in 0.5seconds.

    Ya I completely forgot about the ICD, which in that case is 10 total boonstrips from an FC instead of 25 (13 if you count the sigil) Still it gives you 26 endurance which is nearly full.

    I think you’d be surprised as to how resilient the build is. Zerker is the meta anyway so it’s not really any different than what the meta is now. If you really want to you can bring defy pain as a utility if you are really not sure you can survive with the build.

    Once you get us-to the healing while dodging aspect you’ll be able to pull off surviving in the heat of a big Zerg.

    I'll second this, the healing from mending might+might makes right is really absurd. easily enough to survive melee combat with large groups so long as you're getting stability

    Yea, and thats pretty much the problem, you will never always have stab, especially when you want to place aggressive bubbles.Its just too unreliable and depends too much on others.

    Also, why even bother playing a full melee dmg spec in big blobs? You have enough ranged dmg in groups like that to nuke anybody who is in the wrong spot.Even if 50ppl only do 1000 dmg with 1 hit, thats still 50000 dmg, thats more than enough to kill someone (i know target cap exists, but that wont rly make a difference)

    Its so much more efficient to play a melee spec that keeps your zerg alive (so those 50+ppl can all do their 50k dmg reliably) and keep your enemies from moving around with cc and boonrips.

    You wont be able to dmg enemies while you bubble (i know loss aversion and bubble do some dmg, but not that much) but guess what, ppl still drop in masses inside your bubble, if its well placed and in your zergs attack range. So why bother playing such a dmg spec as warrior?

  13. How do you think fc will remove boons from up to 25 targets? It doesnt. Enchantment collaps has 1s internal cd, if that is how you think it works?

    Sure you might have lots of heal with that build, but you are way too squishy, one solid cc and burst or just an unexpected burst (as it will happen often when 50+ppl throw kitten at you) and you are instantly downed. You wont be able to heal back up when you go down in 0.5seconds.

  14. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RisenHowl.2419 said:try sword/axe instead of GS, axe 5 makes you immortal and gives everyone near you full might stacks. the sword can then be used to immob 3 people per AA chain.

    Might want to check out pack runes too, they let you run zerker instead of assassins and provide free might/healing. with fgj/pack you can keep fury up too for your party

    Can confirm that Pack runes are awesome with Tactics and FGJ.

    I also really like sanctuary runes. Gives you some nice barrier uptime.

    It’s also a good way to quantify how much the might actually heals you for rather than doing the math everytime

    I had not thought about sanctuary runes. Good idea until a warrior’s cunning gun flame hits you.

    which happens like....never, and if it does, you might as well get hit by any other big bursting abillity

  15. You should pick a class and find somebody to duel, who knows your class reeeally well, and ask that person for tips and then duel him/her over and over and try to improve based on the tips you get

    Edit: on a sidenote, bringing winds of disenchantment for your zerg is the best thing you can bring to a zergfight as warrior, berserker isnt rly helping in zegsfights.

  16. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:I understand the disappointment from op.Warrior especs are boring, they dont change the gameplay alot, like necro specs do for example, warrior epsecs are just the same scheme of smasing your head against a wall until it or the warrior breaks. Spb doesnt change that, the boonremovel is just too weak on its own.

    Well they could include Burst Attacks into Dispelling Force. FC and bursts that interrupt would rip 2 boons, bursts like Arcing Slice would rip a boon from every target hit, etc. Would that strike your fancy?

    That would be a step, but im not rly for putting even more stuff into burst skills, already there is so much stuff tied to bursts

    Adrenal health, cleansing ire, berserkers power, magebane tether etc. etc.

    Not hitting bursts because of blindspam, aegis and the amount of dodges some classes have would feel even worse than now (would play even more into the scheme that tge op was complaining about)

    I do like the concept of a anti boon debuff, that prevents application of boons, like someone mentioned above. Not sure how exactly that would be implemented.

  17. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:If you used fgj you would, with 1 button, give out 24 stacks for your whole party...And heal for a big chunk.

    That said, id much rather run the full support pack, when using tactics, sword horn + hammer and fgj + shake it off

    Also, why would you not run superior absorption on hammer3 boons on interrupt, without internal cd in wvwIts very unlikely to hit stab with the sigil you are usig

    I get your take on disrupting the enemy with immobs etc, but i think keeping your team alive and clean of condis is the better dmg increase for your zerg.

    Agreeing with this. Absorption is the perfect Sigil for Hammer in WvW. On top of that other spellbreaker trait that removes boons on CC that's just a boon ripping machine

    I also did tried Absorption before this build and the outcome was not as effective as Nul/Ice since the enemy Zerg will 90% have their Stability up. This made Absorption, which good on the book, is bad on execution.And you gonna have to remember this is Frontline (not DPS or Support), your job is to be in the middle of their Zerg and constantly striping boons while
    ; this will put you out of your Zerg party for a quite amount of time as you are
    You will be surprise of how effective this will be. This isn't a playstyle for most people and
    DO NOT
    bring more than 2 of these in a squad. Because the effectiveness is exponential diminishing return.

    You will pretty much always interrupt atleast 1 person in 5 ppl, thats already 3 boons ripped by absorption. That takes nullification 15seconds to accomplish.Are you 15 seconds inside the enemy zerg, hitting stuff? I doubt that, if you are, your enemies are straight up garbage. Just 1 more interrupt and you need to stay inside the enemy for 30 seconds.

    @"Fellwitch.4536" said:After reading this post I have realized I have been playing the wrong class (Necro/Reaper). I would much rather do as this guy does.Its funny.

    Two of us fought one of these immortal warriors the other day (vanilla engineer+revenant vs vanilla warrior) and he was indeed completely unkillable. With this combo we have easily taken down holo+mirage meta combos, take your pick on any roamer but nope that warrior was unkillable. Instant and constant 25 might, immune to condi/cc and tons of healing. We fought him several times to no avail, even extended dueling vs me while my buddy rev came to help and was instantly killed (was a little funny).

    However we did win one fight.

    When a scourge came from the side as we where already engaged, corrupted him and pretty much downed him in 2 seconds.

    Id love to see that warrior build, also, who plays core engi?

    If it was a solo warrior, maybe STR, TACT, SPB with FGJ, EP, BS for utilities? Could be core with STR, TACT, DEF as well with the same utilities. Vigorous Shouts instead of Phalanx Strength if solo roaming?

    He said it was a core warrior, but i dont rly see core war being completely immune to condis, if he was, the condi build was kitten.

    Shake it Off and Defiant Stance would work to nullify condis, Could also have have condi duration decrease food/runes.

    I dont rly see a good roamer dying to a roaming warrior that isnt using fast hands, the pressure is just too low.

    Depends on the damage and the warrior then though doesn't it?

    He also said immune to cc... So double balanced stance?

    Probably, but then Shake it Off also has a short CD between the 2 uses.

    (still not rly immune to cc, but kay)Perma 25 might? Fgj and forceful gs with mmr makes kinda sense


    Running fgj also indicates tactic, because obvious trait choices

    Other than PS vs VS, maybe Shrug it Off for increased condi counter, maybe Soldier's Comfort.

    Where is the condi immunity coming from?

    It it was really immunity, then maybe Healing Sig being used, or Warhorn.

    Now you have a defense, tactic and strength warri? Without discipline, now dawdler will come and say "great argument yOu LoSe A tRaItLiNe"

    Could still be Discipline instead of Defense. With enough healing from Might generation Double EP is nowhere near needed in small scale/dueling. Even a single EP isn't as needed there either if other sustain is high enough.

    But yea that actually is a big fat argument for warriors, because losing fast hands is a huuge deal, especially in dueling or smallscale scenariosIts alot more clunky and easy kiteable, less threatening dmg combos etc.This depends on the weapon set, which I don't think was shared yet.

    @RisenHowl.2419 said:Fgj becomes a 10k instant heal, with two casts, and you keep defiant stance. If you can't survive with that... =/

    How does that work? Where does the crazy amount of 10k instant heal come from? is it because the healing on "For Great Justice" (due to mgiht generation) is multiplied by the stacks of might, multiplied by the amount of allies also receiving the healing? What traits are responsible for that? is it due to Might Makes Right, due to Mending Might, the combination of both (so you need to absolutely take strength AND tactics) to achieve that?

    12 might per person from FGJ
    (5 people from base skill + 5 more from Phalanx Strength)
    ~90 hp per might = 10,800 not including healing from MMR which would become something like 2,400, but the 10.8k heal does not require investment into Strength, only for 5 random people to be within 600 units of you.

    So the build originally presented here by @toughidiot.4213 , the changes suggested by @RisenHowl.2419 (
    is there a ready build for these modifications? I am not clear what I would need to replace and what is essential to keep!
    ) and the build I currently run (a variation of @RisenHowl.2419 spellbreaker with sword+axe/hammer for DPS) all sound like fun things to play.

    Most things are fun to play. Several utilities/traits that are considered mandatory truly are not outside of coordinated teams. If you find something that works better for you than what is considered 'optimal' then that is what is optimal for you and you should feel free to play it to your hearts content.

    Immunity to condi and cc implies that he has very high uptimes of stab and resistance... Which just isnt possible for warrior alone, especially when i a 1v2 scenario, after his cds ran out he should drop dead... Or the condi build is kitten (compared to the stronger condi builds running around that definately can kill a warri)

  18. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:If you used fgj you would, with 1 button, give out 24 stacks for your whole party...And heal for a big chunk.

    That said, id much rather run the full support pack, when using tactics, sword horn + hammer and fgj + shake it off

    Also, why would you not run superior absorption on hammer3 boons on interrupt, without internal cd in wvwIts very unlikely to hit stab with the sigil you are usig

    I get your take on disrupting the enemy with immobs etc, but i think keeping your team alive and clean of condis is the better dmg increase for your zerg.

    Agreeing with this. Absorption is the perfect Sigil for Hammer in WvW. On top of that other spellbreaker trait that removes boons on CC that's just a boon ripping machine

    I also did tried Absorption before this build and the outcome was not as effective as Nul/Ice since the enemy Zerg will 90% have their Stability up. This made Absorption, which good on the book, is bad on execution.And you gonna have to remember this is Frontline (not DPS or Support), your job is to be in the middle of their Zerg and constantly striping boons while
    ; this will put you out of your Zerg party for a quite amount of time as you are
    You will be surprise of how effective this will be. This isn't a playstyle for most people and
    DO NOT
    bring more than 2 of these in a squad. Because the effectiveness is exponential diminishing return.

    You will pretty much always interrupt atleast 1 person in 5 ppl, thats already 3 boons ripped by absorption. That takes nullification 15seconds to accomplish.Are you 15 seconds inside the enemy zerg, hitting stuff? I doubt that, if you are, your enemies are straight up garbage. Just 1 more interrupt and you need to stay inside the enemy for 30 seconds.

    @"Fellwitch.4536" said:After reading this post I have realized I have been playing the wrong class (Necro/Reaper). I would much rather do as this guy does.Its funny.

    Two of us fought one of these immortal warriors the other day (vanilla engineer+revenant vs vanilla warrior) and he was indeed completely unkillable. With this combo we have easily taken down holo+mirage meta combos, take your pick on any roamer but nope that warrior was unkillable. Instant and constant 25 might, immune to condi/cc and tons of healing. We fought him several times to no avail, even extended dueling vs me while my buddy rev came to help and was instantly killed (was a little funny).

    However we did win one fight.

    When a scourge came from the side as we where already engaged, corrupted him and pretty much downed him in 2 seconds.

    Id love to see that warrior build, also, who plays core engi?

    If it was a solo warrior, maybe STR, TACT, SPB with FGJ, EP, BS for utilities? Could be core with STR, TACT, DEF as well with the same utilities. Vigorous Shouts instead of Phalanx Strength if solo roaming?

    He said it was a core warrior, but i dont rly see core war being completely immune to condis, if he was, the condi build was kitten.

    I dont rly see a good roamer dying to a roaming warrior that isnt using fast hands, the pressure is just too low.

    He also said immune to cc... So double balanced stance?(still not rly immune to cc, but kay)Perma 25 might? Fgj and forceful gs with mmr makes kinda senseRunning fgj also indicates tactic, because obvious trait choicesWhere is the condi immunity coming from?

    Now you have a defense, tactic and strength warri? Without discipline, now dawdler will come and say "great argument yOu LoSe A tRaItLiNe"But yea that actually is a big fat argument for warriors, because losing fast hands is a huuge deal, especially in dueling or smallscale scenariosIts alot more clunky and easy kiteable, less threatening dmg combos etc.

  19. @Dawdler.8521 said:Anyone that can block/invouln really. If you want to escape after you then need tp or stealth. I've easily ran through entire zergs on an engie and taken a 50 man bomb, blocking the first attacks, elixir s the next and then when clearing the backline stealthing and running away with zero loss of hp.

    And then of course when you look back your own commander is running sideways back and forth completely ignoring the massive opening you just gave them.

    What massive opening? Why would the big bad blob care about a single engi running through them?

  20. @toughidiot.4213 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:If you used fgj you would, with 1 button, give out 24 stacks for your whole party...And heal for a big chunk.

    That said, id much rather run the full support pack, when using tactics, sword horn + hammer and fgj + shake it off

    Also, why would you not run superior absorption on hammer3 boons on interrupt, without internal cd in wvwIts very unlikely to hit stab with the sigil you are usig

    I get your take on disrupting the enemy with immobs etc, but i think keeping your team alive and clean of condis is the better dmg increase for your zerg.

    Agreeing with this. Absorption is the perfect Sigil for Hammer in WvW. On top of that other spellbreaker trait that removes boons on CC that's just a boon ripping machine

    I also did tried Absorption before this build and the outcome was not as effective as Nul/Ice since the enemy Zerg will 90% have their Stability up. This made Absorption, which good on the book, is bad on execution.And you gonna have to remember this is Frontline (not DPS or Support), your job is to be in the middle of their Zerg and constantly striping boons while
    ; this will put you out of your Zerg party for a quite amount of time as you are
    You will be surprise of how effective this will be. This isn't a playstyle for most people and
    DO NOT
    bring more than 2 of these in a squad. Because the effectiveness is exponential diminishing return.

    You will pretty much always interrupt atleast 1 person in 5 ppl, thats already 3 boons ripped by absorption. That takes nullification 15seconds to accomplish.Are you 15 seconds inside the enemy zerg, hitting stuff? I doubt that, if you are, your enemies are straight up garbage. Just 1 more interrupt and you need to stay inside the enemy for 30 seconds.

    @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Fellwitch.4536 said:After reading this post I have realized I have been playing the wrong class (Necro/Reaper). I would much rather do as this guy does.Its funny.

    Two of us fought one of these immortal warriors the other day (vanilla engineer+revenant vs vanilla warrior) and he was indeed completely unkillable. With this combo we have easily taken down holo+mirage meta combos, take your pick on any roamer but nope that warrior was unkillable. Instant and constant 25 might, immune to condi/cc and tons of healing. We fought him several times to no avail, even extended dueling vs me while my buddy rev came to help and was instantly killed (was a little funny).

    However we did win one fight.

    When a scourge came from the side as we where already engaged, corrupted him and pretty much downed him in 2 seconds.

    Id love to see that warrior build, also, who plays core engi?

  21. If you used fgj you would, with 1 button, give out 24 stacks for your whole party...And heal for a big chunk.

    That said, id much rather run the full support pack, when using tactics, sword horn + hammer and fgj + shake it off

    Also, why would you not run superior absorption on hammer3 boons on interrupt, without internal cd in wvwIts very unlikely to hit stab with the sigil you are usig

    I get your take on disrupting the enemy with immobs etc, but i think keeping your team alive and clean of condis is the better dmg increase for your zerg.

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