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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Vincenzo.3145 said:It worked for Mesmer. Maybe they'll realize how bad these kinds of nerfs are once people start quitting after their mains are basically dead.

    It's not like Anet reads these threads anyway so we can basically get away with ****posting anything we want.

    Because mirage is so dead :^)

    its not dead per say, just under the competition. and even if it was out of controll, it has builds that can be HARD countered if specced against it.condi mirage in its current form, can be made utterly useless by 1 competent firebrand, tell me a build that can do the same against holo ? or warrior ?but unlike warrior or holo we KEEP GETTING NERFED STILL. when Im dueling warrior on my power mirage, i HAVE to outplay him hard. going even means I lose big time.for every ability warrior lands, i have to land 3-4 to make it even. If i goof big time im goners, if they goof big time they press reset button and here we go again.if the fight goes my way war/holo can disengage, they have superior mobility.asuming you mean condi, there is literarly 0 chase potential. you dont get kills on that build. you are more of a stinging mosquito that shoos people away from node. Untill its squished ofc.funny since on my condi i can do around 500-600k dmg and have 4-5kills. yet on warrior i can dish out 300 and have 15 or 20.

    Funny, i play warrior and cant seem to kill mirage, they chain all those dodges and invulns together and as soon as they get low, they just run, stealth and/or blink up a ledge, just to come back again with full hp and spam their condis on me.

    And ive met mirages in wvw that i wasnt able to get away from with sword/shield + greatsword and bullscharge, while they can always disengage because they have stealth and all that mobility

  2. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Yes, disable the only trait that makes mirage playable.And in case you didn't notice chrono is dead since ip nerf.

    So what are the downsides again?

    Downsizes of deleting a profession from game? Players maining it leaving the game as many already did.

    what about players leaving the game because of how unbalanced it is, and having to play against the abomination that condi mirage is?

    @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Yes, disable the only trait that makes mirage playable.And in case you didn't notice chrono is dead since ip nerf.

    So what are the downsides again?

    Downsizes of deleting a profession from game? Players maining it leaving the game as many already did.

    what about players leaving the game because of how unbalanced it is, and having to play against the abomination that condi mirage is?

    At this point qqing about condi mirage is either a meme or l2p issue.Especially considering how broken half of the roaster is.

    Yea, ofc its always a l2p issue, not the fact that its just frustrating that he can mitigate a ton of damage to then, when he still gets pressured just leaving the fight via stealth and ridiculous mobility.

    Pairing those things make the whole class unfun to play against, regardless of how much dmg it does (which isnt even low, unlike many mirage players are wanting to admit)

    (same goes for thief and holo btw, stealth, mobility and dmg mitigation yaaaay)

  3. @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    @Lincolnbeard.1735 said:Yes, disable the only trait that makes mirage playable.And in case you didn't notice chrono is dead since ip nerf.

    So what are the downsides again?

    Downsizes of deleting a profession from game? Players maining it leaving the game as many already did.

    what about players leaving the game because of how unbalanced it is, and having to play against the abomination that condi mirage is?

  4. @Dawdler.8521 said:A warrior at 0/0 toughness/vitality stats has about the same sustain as every other class at 1000/1000 toughness/vitality, that's why.

    Thats some salt right there.You do realize that 1000vita are 10.000 health? Even low hp classes with +1000 vita have 22k hp, while warriors have 19k without any vitaMedium hp would be at 26k hpHigh hp would be on 29k (engi and necro)

    1000 toughness...Cloth armored classes have 1920 armor base (2920 with +1000 toughness)Warriors base is 2211, only ~300 more than cloth baseMedium armor is at 2064 base (3064 with +1000 toughness)

    Those stats are far tankier than warrior base. Great exaggeration you made there.

    To op:Warriors have to build like that to actually have a chance to kill stuff, because they are full melee and thus kiteable (im often running full berserk in roaming and its still almost impossible to kill those tank/condi weaver, that are running around quite alot, while they can indeed kill a warrior), they have active dmg mitigations to make up for the lack of tankstats, otherwise they would just implode on contact(for roaming anyways)

    For zerging in wvw im playing a shoutwarrior with full cleric stats (healingpower, power, toughness)With sword/horn + hammerTactics, spb and defense.Which is fun and actually useful next to being a bubblebot.

  5. Why arent you going full sinister stats?

    2 bloodlust sigils on both sets are not needed, just on one weapon and one on your underwater, to not lose the stacks when taking a swim.For max dps id go berserkers power, but i understand mmr for sustain.Since you only use one rage skill, which is headbutt, i would run savage instinct over last blaze, or switch out the healshout for the berserker heal, for more primal bursts, and more burn)

  6. @Bogoris.4035 said:...at level 1, there is no need to wait for 80 levels in order to use a weapon that for whatever reason, that you thought was valid, was locked behind an elite spec, for an example - hammer and sword for engineers. In fact that profession, can use only 2 weapons - pistol and rifle - for 80 levels! The supposedly smartest profession in this game can't seem to be capable of finding good use for the other weapons.

    What makes you good with weapons is training, not how smart you are, especially stuff like hammers or swords.Less studying, more training :p

  7. @Mil.3562 said:

    @hunkamania.7561 said:Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..

    -damage-healing-boon spam-condi/strips/conversions-stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)-movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)-remove banners

    Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.

    You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D

    Its not contradicting, maybe you should think about stuff like that before you comment about it.

    Lowering dmg leads to less ppl exploding in under a second, resulting in actual movement, meleeclashes regrouping etc. and not just pirateshipping until on side has lost enough members to onepush them, or for them to retreat.

    Now that ppl dont drop instantly you can actually make use of healing abillities to keep them alive, but right now there is so much healing in the game from passives and aoes that nobody would die, so no skilled/dedicated healers needed rly.

    Same goes with boons, nerf amount of corrupts and rips to actually make them meaningfull and use them tactically with cc etc on one place and not just spew them out left and right. Now that you lowered the amount of rips you can also lower boons to make them more meaningful to when they are used etc.

    If you just lower dmg and dont do stuff about healing and boons, ppl will just tank for years and nobody dies. If you nerf everything ppl actually have to play tactically and skillful to not die, and kill the enemy.

  8. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Durzlla.6295 said:Why do it instead of stronghold? Just tack on a permanent 2v2 que in addition to stronghold.

    With more options you divert the declining pvp population even more, resulting in even more unbalanced matches or way longer queue times

    people that play stronghold will most likely not want to play 2v2. the tiny fraction of people that actually play it... more choices isn't a bad thing. different people like different things, you can't have only one choice and expect everyone to like it. with this logic we might as well ban especs in pvp cuz they present too many balance issues. limit conquest to only one point while we're at it since a lot of people have trouble rotating. the way to improving something isn't to limit it.

    There will always be ppl that would play both modes, and its just my own opinion without data to back it up, but id say those are more ppl than those that ONLY play stronghold.Sure youd kitten up the stronghold only players but you would probably have more ppl queue up for 2v2 than you would have with stronghold still around

  9. @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:It's been dead for some time. I will say again, it was a 24/7 ktrain, and everyone defended it as not being one, but WvW players knew better, and only went there when queues were active or had to level something. The rewards were nerfed down to what WvW was at the time and people left almost over night, proving that it was indeed all about the ktrain. The blobs in there were heavy, HEAVY PvE oriented, and going in and fighting was seen as a BAD thing. My guild at the time, would for fun go to EOTM at the end of our WvW raids, our guild was often only half the size of the EOTM ones and we would one push them, every. Single. Time. And we would have people from our own map tell us to LEAVE, because we were "picking on other players" aka, killing them. Within 30mins the other two servers would leave the map, they would rather go back to PvE than actually fight, so in that half hour we would own all of EOTM because the other blobs of larger size left and no one was left to back cap for the ktrain and then our map would be furious, calling out our guild, calling us trash, etc etc. THAT is what EOTM really was.

    It was a PvE map, which is fine by me, however WvW should have the higher rewards, not a "queue map".

    Ahhhh yes, the tears of pve players, delicious.

  10. @LetoII.3782 said:

    @nthmetal.9652 said:Lances as they are, are kinda okay. I don't like them, I think they favor ganking teams overly, while hurting the defenders a lot

    By defenders you mean bypassing the fight to get on the wall. Yet people managed this feat before warclaw made it easy.People got used to the free passclaw awfully quick.

    Yep, it feels like ppl forgot that there were several years without the warclaw and ppl did just fine

  11. @Kylden Ar.3724 said:

    @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:Because you used to get killed by someone running back to your zerg does not mean you were ganked, you were killed in a open world PvP game mode, nothing more.

    I don't know who you're talking about here. I was a roamer/scout. I fought over objectives only (open field duels are a waste of time) and I so rarely run with a zerg as to might as well call it never (I manage to run with [Owls] about once every two months with my work/life schedule).

    If you're not fighting over the objectives, you're ganking, just like fighting off point in PvP is the easiest way to get yelled at for being useless for your team, it's the same in WvW even if the fight guilds don't want to admit it. Everything ANet has been changing in WvW is to encourage
    fighting over Objectives

    If you don't like the direction ANet is taking WvW, well, you're playing it wrong in their eyes. Might as well move on. I for the most part did.

    Destiny 2 PvP is actually fun, and manages a clean 120 FPS at all times.

    I kill the person infront of the objective i want to take (openfield) so he doesnt challenge me inside of the objective, because there he has a load of guards at his side, is that still ganking, or just tactical thinking?

    Destiny 2 pvp would be fun if there werent those annoying powerweapons and ults

  12. @Kylden Ar.3724 said:

    @Mil.3562 said:The demand never stops. Gave you a metre now you want a kilometre :anguished: What's next? A 3 sec stun when dismounted by lance? Comeon guys, the Warclaw is already totally useless now... oh wait.. yep might as well.

    Totally useless? No it still get you quick enough over the map. You are running through a warzone, you think reallife military can just drive through enemy territory without fear of getting attacked?

    You've heard of Tanks and APCs right?

    You think you are absolutely safe in a tank? Then i have bad news for you, or rather letoll linked you the bad news already.

    You might be safer in a tank (than afoot), thats the mounts dodges and healthpool, but if you dmg its hp (the tanks armor) or lance (the equivalent of an antitank weapon) the mount through the dodges, then you are not safe at all anymore. Infact tanks are even more dangerous than the mount, because usually the moment that a tank gets destroyed, the crew inside dies, and they dont even have a downed state.

  13. @sephiroth.4217 said:

    @KeyOrion.9506 said:You were hit by a full blown glass cannon condi ranger. Congrats. I recently died to a Double-Tap rifle Deadeye in less than .5 seconds. Was unable to activate any defensive or offensive skill.

    First hit your downed, second hit your dead. Roughly between 25k-26k dmg in under 1 second. I kinda hate Anet right now. Because they took away the thieves ability to do that with dagger/dagger quite a while back. And all the sudden now it's back. If I didn't know any better i'd say Anet plays more Fortnite and Overwatch than actually playing any Guildwars 2 what so ever. Because I think that's where they get MOST of their ideas from.

    if you get hit that hard then you must be glass too...

    I was hit with this one shot build only an hour ago and he failed several times... I saw him stealth, I waited 2 seconds and dodged... he missed and stealthed again... I waited 1 second and dodged... he missed again and stealthed again...

    he tried again so I threw up a block, he failed again and stealthed again... I was a bit sick of this poke playstyle so this time I intended to attack back... I let him hit me, 18k opener, then I put pressure on him where he went stealth by dropping AoE and cleaving randomly... he was downed.

    Thief is annoying but thats about it. I can understand why leas experienced players struggle against these one shot builds.

    Imho 18k as an opener is way too much, no matter the class, nor weapon.Especially when being able to reset the fight whenever he wantsAlso, he must have gotten careless after he hit you for 18k, if he played well he would have been able to get away.

    But again 18k from a single hit is not acceptable imo.

  14. @Koen.1327 said:

    @DanAlcedo.3281 said:How exactly was warrior buffed?

    Warrior has to drop essencial traitlines to get tactic.

    And what does tactic offer for it to be worth it?

    the insane ramp up in might and heals via shouts and might

    mind you, the #1 on the leaderboard is playing it, so if you have doubts about the viability go check his stream how he stomps everybody

    Can you please post a build? Ive heard so many ppl cry about tactics being op, but absolutely nobody has provided a build so far.

    tactics 3-3-2 or 3-2-2 instead of spellbreakeraxe+shield / gsfgj instead of bull charge

    @danalcedo, this is eu - this person multi classes though mainly ele/waron na also multi class

    Tactics, strength and dicsi, right?Why exactly would that be better than the spb variant? Spb offers pretty much the same amount of might with magebane tether and adds another defensive skill that also dazes the enemy on hit. With more boonrips. And the possibility to pull your target with tether. Also tether adds another 10% of dmg increase on tethered enemies.

    The tactics line offersA 1 sec imo on cripple, which is nice to setup your burst, and dmg increase to impaired foesLess defensive tools (no fullcounter, no bullscharge evade/cc, i know fgj heals with mmr and mending might but as long as you are alone its rather small)And the trait that everybody was crying about, warriors cunning, that increases you first burst, or hits harder against barrier using foes.This one is either good, or completely wasted, because being below 90% is no big deal and when your oponnent isnt running barrier you wont benefit from any of that 50% dmg increase

    At best this looks like maybe on par with the spb variant, but in no way so much stronger that it needs a nerf. (only ofc you want the spb variant also nerfed, then maybe.)Removing boons like protection, stability and regeneration is alot more reliable as a form of dmg increase

    The spb variant looks like its way better suited to kill anything remotely tanky (when the tankyness is coming from boons)

    The tactics one is probably better at taking down barrier users (obviously)But is alot more susceptible to bursts due to the lack fc and bc

  15. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"FatRaKoon.1782" said:"Nike warrior" is a meta PvE build for raiding designed by Nike (the youtuber Lan Deathrider mentionned). You can check his channel for more info, but it is slightly different than the Snow Crows' one they recommend (but as effective as it can be).Haha if that it then it has double meaning.

    Nike warrior is a greatsword/sword WvW mobility build that can outrun anything while being completely immune to slow/immo CC skills.

    The times of outrunning everything with sword gs are long gone.

    Im playing lots of sword/shield gs warri with bullscharge and i frequently get chased or outrunned by multiple classes.For example thiefs, mirages, assasin revs, ranger.

  16. @Mil.3562 said:The demand never stops. Gave you a metre now you want a kilometre :anguished: What's next? A 3 sec stun when dismounted by lance? Comeon guys, the Warclaw is already totally useless now... oh wait.. yep might as well.

    Totally useless? No it still get you quick enough over the map. You are running through a warzone, you think reallife military can just drive through enemy territory without fear of getting attacked?

  17. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:Off the top of my head,
    - whose version of the apocalypse involved twisting the world into a nightmarish extension of the Realm of Torment, complete with disturbing amounts of fleshy protrusions, milky eyes, and most especially, teeth- and I suppose maybe
    , an old human magic-user that breached a part of the Mists that may have facilitated time travel. Hard emphasis on the

    We might be able to give you better responses if you provide more detail on what you're looking for. Do you just need something vaguely in that territory, or are you looking for something to fill a more specific role?

    Looking for Reality warping, as in ,Change something from one thing into a different reality. Sort of like Scarlet Witch from Xmen.

    I mentioned time manipulation because thats another method to change something from one thing to into another like Flashpoint in DC comics changed Batman from Bruce Wayne into Thomas Wayne instead.

    I assume since the Mist deals with different reality and time works differently, that the lore figure in question would have great influence in Mist energy

    So basically every revenant?

  18. @"Svennis.3852" said:

    @Ports Are Us.4369 said:Weird theory, but what if Taimi uses Zojas body to stay alive? Taimi's body is failing and perhaps zoja's mind is too, making the perfect match. Though i wish Taimi would just get better and not succumb to some sort of Frankenstein plot.

    If Taimi is to survive her disease, I'd like there to be some repercussion. Either the cure is costly in some form (someone aside from Taimi has to die to get it, or is permanently maimed in its pursuit), or Taimi is affected in some substantial way (she becomes a lich, golem, turns into a choya, idk). Barring that, I feel like she should eventually succumb to her disease. Or if they magic it away, there better be one
    of a journey involved to earn it. Really, I just don't want that plot thread to have an easy resolution. I don't like how they've backpedaled in the past on similar hard story moments. I would even say it's fine if she dies and becomes a ghost we can interact with, because at least that tracks with the world-building we've seen recently.

    I don't
    Taimi to die because I think she's a decent character, but if they set up this plot thread I wanna see them explore it fully and satisfactorily.

    Edit: That said, I could see them bringing Zojja back to help Taimi find a cure for her disease, if nothing else. And if Zojja were to pay the price for it somehow, so be it, as long as we can get a definitive end to her story instead of her just having scrambled eggs for brains off screen.

    Just stuff taimis mind into her golem, those 2 are always together anyways, why not give her that (almost) indestructable body.

  19. @rextren.3874 said:

    @"Cyninja.2954" said:In PvE you will run into issues with 1.7k toughness, unless you want to tank, or are running in a static/guild group which accomodates your high toughness. In which case it makes no difference cause statics and guild groups would/should be allowing players to play anything anyway.

    So, this is a support warrior build for WvW?In which case, I am wondering why you felt the need to put in a snowcrows diss when all their builds are raid related and have nothing to do with WvW to begin with...

    i'm testing a new build.. well, works better than with power. check this out.

    final fix, condi version (it's just works)

    There are so many things wrong with this, i dont even know where to start.

    I dont rly want to go deep into this, cyninja said it all basically in his/her followup post.

    Just one question: Why are you running axe in a supposed to be condi build?

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