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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Go Strength: any mid midDisc: mid bot topSpell: Top Bot Bot

    Run axe/dagger. The other weapon set could be GS, or dagger/shield. Axe/dagger gives high crit damage that heals you for 7% of the damage, and 50% chance to gain might on a crit that also heals you. Don't spam Full Counter, use it when you see an attack coming, or to buy yourself a few moment for another skill to come off CD. That would give you more sustain and DPS, but is just one way of doing it. You could spec Defense instead of Discipline and run Dagger/shield + GS, again with Might Makes Right.

    Another option is to take hammer for the AoE stun + boonrip. I would run Greatsword in the other weapon set then. Spellbreaker isn't a move spamming spec, its all about counter playing your foe. Core you can just go all in and rely on double Endure Pain to keep you alive while you DPS.

    Thanks for taking the time to write that out, I'll definitely try those out. I think the ur right about the core's double endure pain lol I prob got used to that sustain as I unlocked spb.

    You can still do double EP on SpB if you spec Defense. Just tinker around, kill some sentries to figure things out, and then take on some players.

    Yeah definitely gonna mess around in the mists, I like the idea of rolling def on spb.I'm so use to thief's playstyle takes some time getting used to not disengaging so often lol

    For roaming i use gs sword/shield alot.


    Doesnt have as much dmg as axe, but sword 2 can hit on glass for like 5k and final thrust can hit for like 10k on under 50% targets.The added mobility lets you engage and disengage alot better, which might fit your playstyle more.

    For elite you can basically use anything, i swap around rampage and battle standart alot, but the instant stomp effect on banner is just so fun. Rampage is better for pure soloroaming ofc since you lose the rezz effect on banner while solo.

    If you like you can also easily add spb into it, just swap out strength traitline for berserker and get magebane tether. Or for even more dmg swap out defense for spb (wouldnt recomment in wvw, because dmg there is alot higher and auto endure pain and auro balanced stance are actually good in wvw and save lifes)

  2. @Oslaf Beinir.5842 said:Do you guys even know that Scourge exists also in pvp and not just wvw zerg play? In Pvp it already gets decimated versus power bursts both melee and ranged and especially ranged. With the proposed changes to the Sand Shade mechanics and the usability of the F2345 the scourge is DEAD as soon as he places a shade! Anyone with a brain will just go up and melee their faces off as soon as they place a shade anywhere! Just walk up to the sucker and melee em good they cant fear someone off cleanse or shield themselves. If you camp your short lived shades you are asking to be cc'ed there aoe'ed there and swarmed there cuz you are dead without it and can even support anyone besides you.

    You have effectively deleted scourge from pvp. This will have consequences on the meta and now bunker specs will have NO PROBLEMS EXISTING! fights will last longer and boons will be more than abundant. this void scourge leaves cant be filled by reaper and core.

    Have you not learned from your catastrophe with Chronomancer? It is horrible you effectively removed it from competitive play! You do NOT BALANCE, you instead retire out of play until further notice! we have told you since day one scourge saw daylight to change Sand Savant where it was oppressive in WvW zerg play and so strong everywhere else. instead we have gone on a long crusade of nerfs to the class ranging from potency of effects, arm time and delayed activation even to supportive effects not just damage , nerf to torch skills, removal of corrupt on sand shade trait, dhuumfire cooldown nerf , path of corruption nerf , plague sending nerf, punishment skills nerfs, etc.how do you plan on compensating the class at this point where it could only defend it self with damage! This is horrible and mechanic tweeks like this does not change much. if you will go so far then you need to redesign the class and overhaul it completely not just retire it from competitive play like you did with Chronomancer, Druid, scrapper and Renegade.

    Tl;dr: PvP Scourge: RemovedWvW Scourge: Buffed Range BombPvE Scourge: huge nerf on moving bosses plus cluncky af for a dps class

    GG, we only asked you to nerf Sand Savant not butcher the class

    Just use the smaller shades, you hit 5 ppl with those and keep one rdy to put on yourself if an enemy gets too close, or walk into your own shade...

    You are not forced to play the single big shade.

    Now scourges have to actually think about placing shades and not just spew them out on cd while drooling on their keyboard.

  3. @Jzaku.9765 said:

    @RiyazGuerra.9203 said:I don't know about you guys but as soon as I get home from work I am looking forward to crafting my Zehtuka's armor set with superior runes of the Monk. Weapon sets: Dagger/Axe, Axe/Warhorn. Jewelry: Magi

    Really looking forward to the new warhorn support warrior.

    Can you explain what's making you excited because all I see is them adding more might and fury (you could already do this), a probably ~2k heal on 15s ICD, and more healing power so barely anything is any different.

    Removing dmg condis heals now, you grant barrier, resistance, fury, 10%dmg (in wvw) for 10ppl for the next 2 attacks

    Those changes are more focused on wvw id say, and less about pve

    @Jzaku.9765 said:Burning Arrows merged into Crack Shot was a good change. Rarely has Crack Shot ever been considered but now it's likely the meta pick for condi Warrior who had no choice but to pick the power trait Warrior's Sprint instead.Mending Might doesn't have a proper description, might wanna check that.

    I don't understand the Tactics changes.

    • The Cool Stuff™ they're trying to push with the traitline centers around Soldier's Focus, but it has an ICD of 15s. We live in an era of instant, immediate access to 25 might and on-demand burst healing - what is the Soldier's Focus synergy offered in the line doing to compete?
      1. 3 stacks of might every 15 seconds from Marching Orders? Pointless - Way too slow for group-focused play AND so low stacks that you will still be forced to take Phalanx Strength and associated synergy to stack might, which renders this ability redundant.
      2. An uncontrollable heal that ticks every 15s when the buff refreshes itself from Soldier's Comfort? This better be some kind of massive heal (doubtful) because you can barely control when it triggers.
      3. Skill CD reduction from Martial Cadence? It's a strong effect - but there is absolutely no way you can plan a rotation around the variable timings this trait will trigger, leaving getting value out of the proc incredibly hard to capitalize on.

    Warhorn Changes:

    • I'm really not sure about Charge's damage increasing effect. This kind of effect has historically been too clunky to see use (see: Elementalist's Arcane Power which has never seen play for it's damage bonus effect). Blast Finisher utility is great, but Warrior still only has access to Fire fields so the scope of what they can reliably do is tiny. (Spellbreaker used to have Lightning but now you can't blast while casting Winds of Disenchantment). All I can see it used for is Raid Squads asking you to 10 man buff before engaging a boss and various cheesy 1-shot attempts in wvw/pvp.
    • Call to Arms change sounds fantastic. Nothing to complain about there. I assume we lose weakness on it since it no longer needs the unblockable skill fact, but Barrier fulfills a similar purpose that works more reliably.
    • Roaring Reveille and Soldier's Comfort being in competing slots is mildly frustrating in the context of our current meta of Healer builds that HAVE to offer boons to compete with Druid. I don't see Healer Warrior working at all even with the proposed changes though.

    It looks like Anet is trying to push 2 things with the Tactics rework: Might/Fury Stacking and Healing. I think the fact that Warrior having to pick between the 2 from the changes presented is just going to make it utterly unable to compete with Druid, who fills the same space to 10 people but offers both in 1 package (+spirits). It'll never see play without offering more.Also, Shout healing is still really bad because holding them to heal when you need it is completely contradictory to the skills fulfilling their normal purpose (Can't stack might with FGJ if you want to have healing in your pocket for example) and Warrior still hasn't had a replacement source of Regen that was removed from the banner trait.

    You can controll when to trigger the heal and when to get the 3sec weapons cdrThose effects trigger after landing a burst skill, which means you can hold your burst for when you need them (which isnt rly a good thing, since you want to burst alot, BUT you can controll them :p

  4. @LetoII.3782 said:

    Visuals should be enough to play the game, that would even help ppl who cant even choose to turn on sounds, because they have some sort of hearing impairment or are completely deaf.

    The deaf can type fine if it's an issue.You're willfully handicapping yourself, why would anyone accommodate that?

    So you are saying that im not allowed to speak up for deaf ppl, because im not deaf?


    At the same time you admit, that its a handicap to not hear ingame sound? I definately see a problem there.

    You've chosen to be deaf, you can also choose to hear. No Anet required.

    And yes, i guess im handicapping myself, but i dont see why that has to be a thing, to be forced to listen to ingame sound and again, it would be 2 flies with one stone. Not forcing ppl to listen to sound and also making it more fair to player with a hearing impairment.

    I'm colorblind, in a world of unlimited resources I'd think a color selection option would be great. We're 10% of the male population, yet so few games accommodate us...

    But that's not you, you're unequipping your weapons and demanding a damage buff. You're turning your monitor off and demanding text support. You're shooting yourself in the foot and demanding the Olympic committee make the other racers hop.

    Enjoy your music.

    Yikes, why are you defending the sound queue so much? Whats so good about it? It doesnt have anything to do with "skill" to hear an attack.

    Yet some of us don't find thieves much of a threat any more somehow. You're championing bad gameplay as a balance factor.

    And please tell me why i cant speak up for deaf ppl? If everyone thought like this the world would go down the drain even faster than it is already.

    I'll apologize right after you speak up for the interests of quadriplegic and blind folks too.

    Id also say that they chould introduce a colorblind mode (league of legends has it for example, and it shouldnt be hard to add it) for the game if that helps you play the game, it wouldnt change the game in any way for "normal" players, like making it easier.lla

    Just like a shortage of left handed scissors in school, we learn to adapt
    and make use of the tools we
    have to hand

    Im not demanding big changes to fit everyones desires, that would completely change the game or make it basically play itself.

    Just a change to accommodate you personal whims.

    I will enjoy my music, and keep on hating on thiefs for such a bs mechanics that require sound to play against (especially since no other class requires sounds)

    Play thief for a month.You'll find it's the most unforgiving class in the game. That the constant calls for a nerf have left it really weak and difficult to be effective as other classes with. That maybe it's not design losing your fights.

    Ok you clearly didnt get it.The change to make it not a handicap for deaf ppl is easy, just change a single skill. I said i didnt want big changes that change the whole game, because i knew youd come with the "then we also have help the blind ppl and all the other ppl too"

    Ive played thief, i know its one of the hardest classes to play good, but even i, who hates this class and has no real Interest in rly learning it (because its absolutely not my playstyle) can escape from more situations than with other classes, because its whole stealth/mobility concept is overtuned, it should have to pick one of those, not get both (same with mesmer and some ranger builds btw)Anyways, this goes way off topic.

    I see no reason why one single skill in thegame should exist that forces player to hear ingame sound (especially one with such a big impact of being able to deal massive dmg)Ifnitnwas a common thing that sounds are the tell of a skill, id have no real problem with it, but this is just kitten.

  5. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:Power based DD warrior zerg builds need fast hand to rly function and not feel awkward af, they also kind of need defense for last stand and auto endure pain, to not explode like my brain reading some of these comments.


    So no one will bring tactics just to do 50% dmg to barrier users. Except some gimmick warriors that would rly impact the way you play, because gimmicks usually dont work often as intended, sure they might SOMETIMES see insane numbers, but most of the time they are useless compared to other speccs.

    Well warriors cunning is one of three slots in a trait line, so it is possible to roll it and Vigorous Shouts still so that wouldn't be much of a gimmick. Bringing 50% vs barrier will help sway a fight, and if there is no barrier you at least garuantee a heavy opening hit with the 25% vs 90% health portion of the trait.

    Cunning directly competes with shrug it off, which, depending on its healing numbers might play a big roll in a support oriented build since you can remove a ton of condis as warrior for your group and even 5 more ppl with horn (i know only damaging condis)

  6. Power based DD warrior zerg builds need fast hand to rly function and not feel awkward af, they also kind of need defense for last stand and auto endure pain, to not explode like my brain reading some of these comments.Spellbreaker in a zerg is pretty much mandatory, because bubble is still the most important thing a warri can bring for the zerg.So no one will bring tactics just to do 50% dmg to barrier users. Except some gimmick warriors that would rly impact the way you play, because gimmicks usually dont work often as intended, sure they might SOMETIMES see insane numbers, but most of the time they are useless compared to other speccs.

    Im going to use tactics on my shoutwarrior, but that one doesnt rly require fast hands to function (it would be great tho) and also obviously isnt going to use that trait, because there is actually a support option contesting that trait and its geared to be tankier, with more heal, thus not as much dmg to begin with.

  7. @LetoII.3782 said:

    Visuals should be enough to play the game, that would even help ppl who cant even choose to turn on sounds, because they have some sort of hearing impairment or are completely deaf.

    The deaf can type fine if it's an issue.You're willfully handicapping yourself, why would anyone accommodate that?

    So you are saying that im not allowed to speak up for deaf ppl, because im not deaf?


    At the same time you admit, that its a handicap to not hear ingame sound? I definately see a problem there.

    You've chosen to be deaf, you can also choose to hear. No Anet required.

    And yes, i guess im handicapping myself, but i dont see why that has to be a thing, to be forced to listen to ingame sound and again, it would be 2 flies with one stone. Not forcing ppl to listen to sound and also making it more fair to player with a hearing impairment.

    I'm colorblind, in a world of unlimited resources I'd think a color selection option would be great. We're 10% of the male population, yet so few games accommodate us...

    But that's not you, you're unequipping your weapons and demanding a damage buff. You're turning your monitor off and demanding text support. You're shooting yourself in the foot and demanding the Olympic committee make the other racers hop.

    Enjoy your music.

    Yikes, why are you defending the sound queue so much? Whats so good about it? It doesnt have anything to do with "skill" to hear an attack.

    And please tell me why i cant speak up for deaf ppl? If everyone thought like this the world would go down the drain even faster than it is already.Id also say that they chould introduce a colorblind mode (league of legends has it for example, and it shouldnt be hard to add it) for the game if that helps you play the game, it wouldnt change the game in any way for "normal" players, like making it easier.lla

    Im not demanding big changes to fit everyones desires, that would completely change the game or make it basically play itself.

    I will enjoy my music, and keep on hating on thiefs for such a bs mechanics that require sound to play against (especially since no other class requires sounds)

  8. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

    im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

    Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

    Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

    The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

    Well there are several ways to gain adrenaline quickly, pick and choose your favorite one(s). Zerker stance is always an option. That way last stand gives you more adrenaline from it.

    Zerker stance is always an option? No, its not. The adrenalin on warhorn fit perfectly into the worker build. No weird skill choices needed, to make it not awkward to engage, or lose other important skills for it.

  9. @LetoII.3782 said:

    Visuals should be enough to play the game, that would even help ppl who cant even choose to turn on sounds, because they have some sort of hearing impairment or are completely deaf.

    The deaf can type fine if it's an issue.You're willfully handicapping yourself, why would anyone accommodate that?

    So you are saying that im not allowed to speak up for deaf ppl, because im not deaf?At the same time you admit, that its a handicap to not hear ingame sound? I definately see a problem there.

    And yes, i guess im handicapping myself, but i dont see why that has to be a thing, to be forced to listen to ingame sound and again, it would be 2 flies with one stone. Not forcing ppl to listen to sound and also making it more fair to player with a hearing impairment.

  10. Because you think they wouldnt be able to kill anymore?

    It would teach ppl that they have to actually strategically use their boonstrip, cc and damage together to focus out ppl that got caught, not just waltzing over the enemy making the whole zerg go boom into lootbags.

    I think it would actually be fun, but just to be a little bit more balanced (and to not completely kitten up smallscale) also reduce healing to a specific % of hp

  11. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

    im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

    Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

    Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

    The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

  12. @LetoII.3782 said:

    And dont give me that soundqueue DJ argument, who wants to listen to the same ingame sounds for years.

    You play the game without sound?I mean yeah, I muted the music long ago. But the combat audio in this game is a very useful information stream.Maybe I'm biased, I play with my wife at a dual desk and so that information goes doubly as it also gives us clues as to what's going on with the other's character... Yet I still keep it on when I'm solo, maybe it's my job-o-tron. I still get a smile even having heard the snarky comments ten thousand times.

    I play without sound or very low volume because i almost always listen to music on spotify, i dont want to be forced to always listen to those same ingame sounds, instead of my favourite music, just because some bs build can oneshot me (or get me low enough to not giving me a chance to rly fight back) out of stealth with mostly the audio giving them away

    Visuals should be enough to play the game, that would even help ppl who cant even choose to turn on sounds, because they have some sort of hearing impairment or are completely deaf.

  13. is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

    im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

  14. Love the warrior changes, big buffs to my worker warrior <3

    The only thing im missing is the adrenalin gain from warhorn, since it has been removed from shouts, why also from warhorn?And i still dont like the 120 concentration, id much more prefer the 20% cooldownreduction.

    The rest looks awesome, just need to see actuall numbers for heals and barrier gains etc.

  15. And this is why i almost always assume that the warrior i encounter while roaming is a newb when i see the berserker symbol above his head.

    The specc is just garbage in pvp and wvw. Right after the overhaul it was only considered good by some ppl because the arc divider dmg was ridiculous, and rightfully nerfed.Ppl that know what they are talking about straight up said, that its ONLY carried by arc divider and brings absolutely nothing else, that anet will rightfully nerf arc divider and then berserker will be useless in pvp/wvw.

    Anet nerfed it and didnt make any compensation for it, and now its in that sorry state of a gimmick build.

  16. I think hes talking about the increased cooldown (from 6 to 8 seconds) on the dagger 2 leap, which was implemented shortly after pof release and kinda disrupted the flow of dagger

    To be precise, that change was made on the 27th march of 2018

    Dagger 3 wasnt changed cd wise, tho.They just reduced the cc duration from 1.5 to 1s

  17. @Scoobaniec.9561 said:Remove trait system. Its the main cause of unbalanced stuff. Mobas dont have it for a reason

    Gw2 isnt a moba for a reason, removing traits is the most kitten thing ive heart someone honestly suggest.

    Also in mobas item effects define how exactly your character plays out.

    There would be no build diversity, no choices to make for a player, who would want to play a game like that?

  18. Id call myself a wvw vet, even tho i dont know where to place the best siege, i know some spots sure, but i never rly played the scouting role that sat in his object to defend it.

    Ive spent hours upon hours roaming solo or with 1 or 2 other players attacking camps disrupting caravans and attacking objectives when enemies were distracted somewhere else.

    Ive spent a ton of time running in public zergs or in different organized wvw guilds mostly as a frontliner.

    Ive seen metas come and go and i still blast waterfields when i see them.

  19. @"Magolith.9412" said:Game was much better before all the power creep that allowed these gimmicks to exist. I liked it better pre-HoT when it was "holy kitten that thief just backstabbed me for 12k".. now that's practically just a single autoattack for some. :s

    (I also wish blasting fields was still a major thing instead of healbots, but.. different issue.)

    Cant agree more.

    Also ppl shouting l2p issue all over the forums are just not getting that oneshots shouldnt be a thing in a game like this. Especially not from stealth.And dont give me that soundqueue DJ argument, who wants to listen to the same ingame sounds for years.

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