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Everything posted by Holykitten.3064

  1. I've done this very recently on my Holosmith, and had no problems whatsoever.
  2. Every source of AP has a cap.That and those pesky AP hunters didn’t want to log in every day for eternity to keep their somewhat meaningless top spot on the leaderboard. Imo, the daily AP cap could be removed if AP wasn’t visible to other players at all.
  3. My end game is the story, Wardrobe content (inc Legendary weapons) and achievement hunting.End game is what you make of it. There’s lots to do on variable time scales. Pick stuff which suits you.
  4. All story content is not as hard as you’re making it out to be.If you can’t observe what happens, and figure out something as simple as timing a cc to break a very easy breakbar, you should probably stick to core Tyria.Story ‘problems’ are solved by simply observing what happens, and figuring out how to overcome it. None of the story instances have been a horrendous puzzle. I don’t want the story dumbed down, because it would be incredibly boring.
  5. My warrior is a female Norn. I love her. She’s my Viking warrior babe. Slight tan, blonde hair with the quiff/central Dutch braid and forehead jewellery. She’s the kitten.I disagree with the above, Norn female can handle the great sword with more grace compared to other humanoid females in game.
  6. I save everything from collections until the precursor/4th collection is 100% done. That way, you won’t be caught out if you destroy stuff you actually needed. Astralaria has a lot of item interconnections in stage 3 and 4 that you need to craft other parts of the collection. So definitely do not destroy them until you’re done.
  7. I am now approaching this cap, at almost 299%, and I am DREADING having nothing to do with this Luck that is rewarded to me via just playing and in the login rewards.I’d be very happy for a forge recipe to create Magic Find boosters.A chef recipe for magic find food.A vendor similar to the Pact Supply Network vendor, which could offer daily limited purchases that rotate for things like Trade Caches, Mapping Materials, etc. Anything. Just give Essences another use which is personal, rather than flooding Guild Decoration storage with lanterns.
  8. There’s only 4 containers, which contain pre selected stats. Raiders, Defenders, Healers and Malicious. These sorts of containers Predominantly drop from Fractals.(Stat Grouping) Chest of (Specific Armor piece.)If it helps, Celestial can be selected from all of these except the Raiders stat grouping selection boxes.
  9. If you're only going for Exotic armor, the armor/weapon choosy boxes are your best bet.WvW and PvP reward tracks that give a choosy box which you can select Celestial from;Crystal Desert Reward track - Desert Armor box.Legacy Armor Reward track - Various unique-skin Exotic Armor.(WvW only) Triumphant Armor Reward track - Triumphant Armor Box (Added bonus is choosing a piece will unlock your ability of purchasing the corresponding Ascended Armor piece from the Skirmish Vendor.)(WvW only) Hero Weapon Reward track - Hero Weapon Box (Added bonus is choosing a piece will unlock your ability of purchasing the corresponding Ascended Weapon piece from the Skirmish Vendor.) There's probably more, but those listed above have the bonus of having unique skins. If you still want to craft it, I got a lot of Charged Quartz from Wintersday Gifts this last festive period, so maybe you could try opening a few.
  10. That’s the point, there is no cheaper alternative to bssbss that gives the same stats.
  11. Why is it ok for Condition builds to have a 25s BiS food item with cheaper variations that only vary by Duration, yet power/ferocity only has this single food item as BiS, with no other option with similar nourishment effect, but shorter duration? Requesting an account bound recipe for a similar nourishment with shorter duration is incredibly reasonable when looking at the wider picture.
  12. I’d be ok with adjusting ingredient quantity (therefore overall cost) of bssbss. As well as introducing more recipes for 30min duration Pow/Ferocity food. Bssbss is the only food with these 2 stats as focus.To craft 1 it costs 1g30s of materials, for 1hr duration. The bulk of which (71s) are the 10 Ghost peppers.Rare Veggie Pizza is 25s for 30min duration. (For comparison, 50s for 1hr)
  13. How does this help every class ? I am a guardian and can't as far as I know wield a bow. If I made another character who could how does that affect my guardian's accomplishment ? Do all characters on an account get credit? Thanks, Madanark the Mad Nice thread necro. This was apparently an issue before it was nerfed a few months ago. If you still can’t break its breakbar you should practice abilities with cc.
  14. Great deduction there, but we are specifically talking about Raids and the impact it has on the Fractal meta, which is Chrono, Druid, Warrior and two DPS. you want to take 5 Necros on your runs, you go for it! I'd much rather not.
  15. Situational. It may be really good on certain bosses/trash but you need that ‘condi bounce’ for it to work. That doesn’t make it meta, because it is situational. Meta in the gw2 sense, means strongest current setup/strategy. If a composition requires something outside of what you are taking (5 epi necros, but you need adds for condi bounce) it ain’t meta.Meta can be used in all situations. That’s the point of meta. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an lfg asking for 5 necros, still are the odd 1druid 4necros. The rest are meta or unclassified.
  16. I felt that pain yesterday too. 1 player in group (a dps) insisted we had to kill them before phasing each time, instead of cleave killing it in add phase if necessary. That decision was 1 against 4 though, so we let him solo the champs while we killed the boss.
  17. Wasn’t take root gutted last year? Pretty sure it was. From 10s to 3s bleeds. It's still 30 ranged stacks(5 turrets, 6 hits/turret) + 3 seconds invuln, that comes with 5 aggro targets. Someone bench marked it on a condi Ranger;Entangle 34.4k - Sylvan Hound 35.3k - Take Root 33.5kYou can watch it here It definitly had it's hay-day. That's very over now, and shouldn't have any influence picking a race for a particular profession.
  18. I kind of disagree here.You can do most T4 with off meta builds. Once the balance patch hits, I'm gonna be trying T4 with HealRev and Quickbrands to see how it is.It's just easier with the current meta group. The problem here being, some people don't like how others play, which is a crap way to think really. We all can play how we like, if you (generalisation) don't like it, don't join other groups with those requirements ^^That being said, anyone can post whatever LFG requirements they like. My usual is 'F+P+Brain and cookies (and whatever professions are lacking in the party, like Chrono/Druid/DPS etc)' I don't use it often because I prefer to not clog the LFG with another group listing, if there's already some with similar requirements. I've found the real problem is people slapping on a Meta build, then not knowing how to use it, or how to modify it on the fly in CMs especially.
  19. Just another example, I joined a group last night that was at Arkk on CM, obviously had people leave because of multiple wipes, I said ‘I have 12kp but I know my shit’, we wiped a few more times.I asked the Mesmer (LNHB/ Legendary armor and 30kAP) if he was running Disenchanter (me being a Spellbreaker knew it was unnecessary). He was... I told him to switch for Well of Precognition, and then we killed Arkk. Amazing. Just goes to show, eh? ^^ I had also drank 5 beers. XDOh, I have 13kp of Arkk now. I’ve not had the best of luck with Cosmic Essences haha
  20. My Necro is a Norn Female and she looks amazing, slightly tanned skin with white tattoos. I’ve gone with blue and dark purple colour schemes to match Nevermore and Ad Infinitum.I deleted my first Human necro for an Asura necro, then she was deleted in favour of Sylvari, then I deleted the Sylvari because it wasn’t quite right either. I made my Norn necro last year and it’s perfect. I’ve always had a necro too since I started playing 5yrs ago, so the previous iterations weren’t young characters either.
  21. The only way I can think of 4 on the first map is if you do the chef (which many gave up in frustration) or utilized the bug for the one in the grotto. Once you get raptor 3 you can do the memory game. Most people had to branch out to other maps to get the points needed to level their raptor to 3. You really do not need to branch out to other maps for the 6 points you need for Raptor 3 at all; The ones that don’t require any other mount (only Raptor if at all);(Achi) Pahans Memory Game (A Trip Down Memory Lane, has a map icon)(Achi)Pot of Soup (Just a Sip, has a map icon)Amnoon Bazaar Insight (has Map Icon)Old Amnoon Insight ( has Map Icon)(Achi) Reins of the Raptor, requires basic raptor and to do the Hearts in COCO Bounty Tour (3 bounties, 1 from each board location) That's 6 right there, all in Crystal Oasis, none requiring more than the basic raptor. You get another 2 MP from doing Blazing a Trail and Night of Fires, which doesn't require more than the Raptor. That brings your total to 8 points.
  22. I think it’s very bold of you saying a player who’s maxed magic find and now stores it on a mule, has exploited somehow. That’s not very fair because you don’t know how other people play, or how efficient they were in farming/salvaging. I’ve probably played less hours than you over 5.5yrs (if your claim of 10+hrs/day is accurate) and I’m at 295%mf. So did I exploit too? Smh. Recently I’ve been going up 1% every 2-3 days, that’s 30,000 luck, or 150 Exotic Essences of Luck. It’s not surprising how quickly it will all stack up once it’s capped.
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