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Everything posted by Holykitten.3064

  1. Talk to him, and go through his dialogue, and look for the Karma icon. No need to do anything.A lot of info is missed if you just click through.
  2. I’d love to only be able to see NPC and my own skill/weapon effects. Options are good.I’d just like to be able to see a boss, and know it’s skill animations for attacks, that would be good!
  3. Oh, that would have been cool if someone mentioned that amidst all the NPC chatter. Anyway, thanks for that. Makes it nice to know i'm not just stuck until who knows when. Pretty sure as a shade spawns Braham yells “Use the Divine Fire!”Since the whole instance is based around using Divine Fire, it was obvious, to me at least, to use it to kill the shades. Quite symbolic of light conquering darkness. Learning encounters by doing, paying attention, will go a long way in HoT/LS3/PoF/LS4 storylines.
  4. Buys RNG Mount adoption Licence, complains he gets a basic skin from it...You knew the risk when you bought it.
  5. It is possible for a solo player. You need to use the Divine Fire to kill the shadows...As you say it is pattern based to finish the instance.
  6. Winter’s Presence always cost about 1000g. First year it was drinks for Masterful Toast, now it’s the Essences of Snowfall/Mischief. You can also finish both Essences outside of Wintersday. Given that you can get 2g per day doing just your daily (730g/year), that’s A-ok for me. I took 2 years to finish this collection.
  7. Sassy human female characters still want their idle animations back!
  8. Only if it was just an Aura infusion (no stat/ar, but open to it being upgrade-able, still remaining account bound in all forms) and I could withdraw it from my achievement panel, since it is an achievement reward. I like that I can spend just a transmute charge and use it on my other characters. I just want to use a real shoulder item.
  9. I just wish the tabs would be all be collapsed when you open the crafting panel as standard, rather than it all be open.
  10. There's a difference in not liking the options, and not having a suitable option. Being that these stones are readily rewarded in Black Lion Goods chests from Daily log-ins and from Fractal chests, on top of Achievement Chests, why should those of us who have bought unlimited salvage kits, no longer have a use for a reward? More to the point, why, do these stones only have the sole use of creating a salvage kit/being a wild card in the toilet? Before the unlimited salvagers, understandable, but now? No, these do need looking at. My Suggestion is to simply make these useful for all players, not just those who craft Mystic Kits.
  11. You can get all the items I suggested Swapping MF Stones for, from the Chest of Black Lion goods, from the daily log in reward. Just because they have a gem value, does not mean you can only get them from the gemstore, hence my suggestion of trading them, for items you can get from the Chest of Black Lion goods (precisely where I keep getting stones from, along with AP chests!). Free items, for free items, but giving some use back to something that for some players, are useless. I know you get all these items for free. However they’ve already have that set up and accounted for in their books as a loss. If they have a new set of free gemstore items that they’re handing out then that also will need to be accounted for as a loss of sales. Not that you personally would be able to determine what would be a loss, but I will bet that Anet doesn't make a lot of dollar on these consumables they put into the Chest of Black Lion Goods (Hence why they have given them out for free for Daily log ins and from Fractal chests), so, why not change the MF Stones to be able to be traded in some sort of ratio for something else from the same pool (Keys excluded), that would actually make them useful to everyone? Even a 5:1 for a Transmutation charge would be better than them being sat in my bank, gathering dust because I bought a Salvag-o-matic, with IRL money...
  12. In short, I think the video is terrible, especially for a new player, or a person who you want to draw in to atleast trial the game. Here's why; The quotes come from unknown, untrusted sources. One of the biggest selling points of the game is hidden behind these quotes. The gameplay and content, should be your full focus. Not what Randomplayer.7890 said.If a person has never played gw2 before, you want to show them the raw beauty of the game (The combat, the story, instil a sense to rise to a challenge, fight against evil, and triumph over darkness.)I know it is an accolade video, but you should not be using that to pull new players in.
  13. You can get all the items I suggested Swapping MF Stones for, from the Chest of Black Lion goods, from the daily log in reward. Just because they have a gem value, does not mean you can only get them from the gemstore, hence my suggestion of trading them, for items you can get from the Chest of Black Lion goods (precisely where I keep getting stones from, along with AP chests!). Free items, for free items, but giving some use back to something that for some players, are useless.
  14. I’ve got better things to spend other currency on than the toilet. I’ve always used rare quality kits for salvage, for me, using different kits for different items is not worth the, even minor, thought process into doing so. The savings between kits are too trivial to even discuss tbh. Regardless, you buy the salvage-o-matics for convenience, and nothing more. Now back to the actual topic, the only use these stones have is a 250 use kit, and 1:1 substitution for gambling. It definitely needs other uses. I’d be happy to trade these for Revive Orbs, utility/food primers or Merchant Accesses. Other things that are worth the similar Gem Value.
  15. As title, I, as someone who has bought a Silver-fed/Copper-Fed salvage-o-matic, no longer have any use out of these stones as someone who hasn't bought an unlimited salvage kit. Not asking for anything profitable, just something else that is useful, and would benefit both players that do and do not have a 'sink' for these stones.
  16. You can also go into your computers clock settings and add another clock for Pacific Time.
  17. As title, Master Griffon adventures do not count towards the Daily Desert Adventurer.They should as they are an adventure after all.
  18. Time to return the Shoulder Scarf to the Gemstore! Winter is Coming, and my characters are getting colder!
  19. Not bugged. You need to free the 4 optional prisoners, and save Emara. You can only save her by defeating Warden Jabari.
  20. Can we have the old female idle animations back, specifically 'the stretch'? I found refugees in Crystal Oasis using this animation, and was thus reminded of the fact these were removed from Player characters. Make it happen! (Thanks for the Stretch on the Griffon but it is not the same!)
  21. You actually get the item for either the retake event or the defend event.
  22. I just gender swapped/renamed my Charr engineer from male to female with one of the newest faces, NO REGRETS! However, a lot of the head pieces centered around the eyes do not line up with the face! Some pics to see (not shown is bloodstone visage where the attach points for the glow is on her eyebrows, so any others with attach points there will also display above the eyes.)Please adjust these attach points Anet, I love my new Holokitty, but can't use these skins as they are. Gemstore item I can#t use on character; Plus lots more helm items, that do not line up with this face! It's a cute face and I want to use it with some skins.
  23. I have a Razer Naga, had it for about 8yrs now still working (sort of, My scroll wheel click is getting bad now, so 7.5yrs of gaming on it until I noticed the wear and tear on just this button). Great for gaming, I'd recommend it. Also heard good things of the Logitech g600, if you can get your hands on one, I heard it was discontinued.
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