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Everything posted by Holykitten.3064

  1. I don’t get it when players drop all 3 double buff banners and a Hero banner, plus, when this does happen, you can’t spawn a Spirit banner, because there’s too many spawns up.
  2. look at the old and the new picture that I just posted. it's almost 1 key per day. and that translates to 43 gold per day @125 gems. by ONLY/MOSTLY doing WvWvW. Which is like different scenarios everyday. But, you’re missing other people’s point. You stated this is 9-10hrs x 3 in WvW, for 43g to buy 125gems for one (ONE!) BL key. That’s less than 2 gold per hour ie not worth it to farm. Play WvW for fun and variety, sure, but if you want Black Lion Keys for gold, you’re better off finding a better farm, and playing the game modes you like for the fun of them, divvy up your game time. Give yourself variety.
  3. I've requested this a couple times over the years, and I'm still waiting for them!I just don't think it's going to happen. =/
  4. If you need other people to give you a reason to continue playing the game regularly, you should stop playing. Even if only temporarily.Have fun on your break, whether in a new game or just enjoying real life.
  5. You used the wardrobe system to skin it as the slumbering version.Use the wardrobe system to select the normal Mistforged version for the Aura.Obtaining the Mistforged Glorious chests unlocks two skins.
  6. The remains of the fire elemental are needed to charge the key with fire. Absolutely.It's a little weird to state the two (Steam Ogre and Fire Elemental) have no connection, when the death of one is needed to (legitimately) access the other.There just needs to be an invisible bowl shaped, or even a cubed room barrier placed around the platform of the Steam Ogre spawn. Or increase the height of his platform by 5,000 units
  7. You can buy Exotics with Skirmish Tickets. It’s 100% not worth it though.
  8. What would you keep the WvW tickets for? Ascended and the Legendary Armor/ backitem. It’s not worth wasting the resource on just Exotics (Especially since you can’t purchase a Triumphant Hero/Glorious armor/weapon piece in Exotic or Ascended variant from the Skirmish/PvP vendor without having obtained the Exotic Triumphant/Glorious equivalent from the reward tracks in the first place!)
  9. She’s helped me when I’ve been alone. Not even doing an event and she’s landed to help me out. It’s a totally random occurrence on the map, as I’ve seen her when I’ve been near other players too.
  10. As Scholar Wikki would call you, The Wikki Krewe.
  11. Like, same.I’m at 23 completes and I’m not touching the map once I’ve got my guaranteed box. I actually really like this idea, and I’m baffled as to why it didn’t work this way from inception. This could also be how Tequatls weapons could be handled with a new currency that would drop from the world boss.
  12. As someone who used to idle hovering in WoW many many many many moons ago, I love the Skyscale and I love seeing others flying over me while I myself stay at barely anything above ground. It’s an adjustment. We’ve not had idle movement in the top portion of the screen like this before. If it bothers you, you can move your Character elsewhere. There’s plenty of room for everyone, Skyscales and all.
  13. No need to necro a 15 month old thread for, the thread isn't even about the length of the chapter...
  14. The first three are ok. You’ll never get Luck to Laurels.A suggestion that is always brought up is to add a recipe to craft a 1hr 50% Magic Find Booster, that doesn’t stack with the others preferably.
  15. Black Lion Statuette stock rotates regularly.Viper armor skin set also rotates in the Gemstore and isn't exclusive to the Statuette vendor, so it’s not locked behind Black Lion keys.In both scenarios, it’s a waiting game.
  16. Just adding in to the WoW/Gw2 comparison, World of Warcraft was a solid 10 years old when Blizzard decided to name purge accounts. (Released 2004, name purge announced to happen 2014 when WoD dropped that November, with the notion that affected accounts would be ones that hadn’t logged in since December 2010 or before, would be released.). Given that World of Warcraft has less flexibility by not allowing spaces, that’s still a long time.I think, we’ve got many many years before Anet would even contemplate a name purge of inactive accounts, if they ever would. Which I doubt they will.
  17. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 Hence my last sentence.
  18. Well, it may just be me, but I don’t tip, or accept tips and always send back. You don’t know if the account that has tipped you RMT’d their gold from an unsavoury outside source. So, it may be far fetched, but you kind of put your account at risk each time you accept gold from anyone you don’t know. Anet has banned players who accept payment for buying fractal/raid runs because the gold was RMT’d, and of course the culprit account.Maybe my mind is overdrive with my account, but I won’t take that chance to make a quick buck.
  19. Not going to happen. You can google-fu this info from devs for yourself.
  20. There’s a weird, almost indescribable sound that occurs frequently during the Death Branded Shatterer. It’s quite a low pitched whirring sound. So irritating. Any repetitive dialogues too (I won’t quote the usual complaints, you’ll know if you know)
  21. @"Kallan.4593"One would think, out of 9 characters, you'd select 1 of the 3 story alignments atleast once. :confused:Story rewards have always been awarded once per character. I don't see this changing because of this folly.One would also think that using the achievement panel for checking on these sorts of things would be common sense.Your only option would be to make a new character to get the remaining collection done. (Please do read the notes on that Wiki page.)
  22. Most often “forgotten” hearts/poi’s etc are usually the ones added after initial launch, these commonly are in each starter zone and Lions Arch. Commonly overlooked maps when checking what you’re missing are Fields of Ruin, Fireheart Rise, Frostgorge Sound, Iron Marches, Mount Maelstrom. Most of the “outskirts” maps really. I always overlooked Snowden Drifts though in my 10 world completes. You can hover over all map Names in World Map to get a breakdown of the Map legend to see if it’s 100% complete. Maps that don’t count towards Been There, Done That are;DrytopSilverwastesSouthsun Cove Explorer achievements are not a representation of Been There, Done That. You can unfog maps and get Explorer achievements and not get Been There, Done That. And vice versa
  23. The sword part of Equipment Tracker drops from a Fire Djinn. Not a water Djinn.
  24. Had you have read this topic, or the wiki, (or quickly google searched because your following post in this thread shows you 'don't have time' to read much) you would have found this particular Story boss was nerfed. It's even easier than pre-nerf, just more mindless 1-1-1 now."The difficulty of the Eater of Souls fight was reduced in a October 5, 2017 patch: "Drastically decreased the amount of health the Eater of Souls can steal. Increased the duration the defiance bar is vulnerable on the Eater of Souls's leap attack. Removed the Eater of Souls's ability to steal health from pets and minions.""
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