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Everything posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. I'm just curious to know what fantasy rpg class themes you guys think are missing and how you think they could implement them. I know people feel there's no need to add a new profession, cause I'm one of those guys, but I'm open to hear ideas and concepts. I would even like to hear about possible new elites. Just curious to hear from you guys what you think is missing.
  2. Every profession should start with 5 Unarmed skills.
  3. I think Blade Renewal will still be a Utility Skill. They're just adding Distortion to F4.
  4. My point is that based on this game, every profession is the essence of several classes and no class is greatly represented. Hence, why we can squeeze like classes under one umbrella, and creating a Bard class would not be the same. That like creating a food pyramid and separating the egg from the protein list since it's not like beef or lamb, an claiming it should be it's own thing. I'm just saying it's either a fish or poultry and is still a protein and you're like, "it doesn't look like a fish or poultry." Lol But, yes, FYI, no profession fully embodies all of a class. Eac profession has multiple remnant of several class types. I don't see why they would create a profession that does, especially when they have one that quite close, and would be spot on if it had musical notes.
  5. I'm not trolling you dude. In all honesty, I thought you were doing the same thing. I guess we just got to agree to disagree. I did make better points then you though. We both are just passionate about this game and what it's capable of.
  6. "What could a Warrior do that a Guardian can't...?" Where to begin... They can naturally take lots of damage without any intervention due to their high health bar. They're adrenaline builds up, then allows them to use a burst ability causing massive damage and cc effects. Most of their abilities are aggressive and they support their allies offensively. See how I answer a question without all the noise beforehand. It creates a smooth conversation. As far as your Bard goes, I see how your interested in how they cast spells but the effects on the game don't seem that important to you. I know that each class has a healing, damage, or support role, but it seem that Bards buffing allies and putting conditions on enemies could be anyone, but the game mechanics is what truely separate each class. What you described as a Bard sounds like a Mesmer. It's like the only thing missing is the music notes, but all the mechanics are there. A Warrior, Guardian, or Tempest with shouts isn't quite the same as a Mesmer with it's Mantras, Glamour, and Shatters. Heck, they even created Virtuoso just to signify "this is as much as a Bard we're going to get". I swear you replace every word that said "Shatter a Clone" with "Sing a Tune", I bet you'd be content. I get it... you're just missing the musical notes. They need to add a feature for you, so when you create a clone, it looks like a melody on a G Scale. Then at the end of every fight, your character yells, "Bars". Lol I see that Bards are a favorite to many, but when it came to creating a great power class in an amazing video game, they didn't make the cut. They had some reference before the game came out, but that was a April Fools joke... That should tell you something All you need is a Minstrel Set and you should be good.
  7. I see why you feel like you're talking to a wall. Instead of just answering a direct question, you spend most of your time talking in a circle or then differing to a past post or a video. Let's continue to have a constructive conversation. Humor me a just reply with something that a Bard can do that's not in the game. If you want to include, how he does it, why he does it, what looks like when he does it... that's all fine. But what he does is oh so important, because it allows us to see if can get through this thick wall superglued to my small ears. If you were a Bard in GW2, what are somethings that you would be able to do and how would you do it? And why is it that you couldn't do that playing a Mesmer?
  8. You said it, but you refuse to accept it... lol. Bards are Mind Alteration Spell Casting Dualist. Even Mesmer's Specializations line spells out Bard. Inspiration, Duelist, Domination or Chaos. They only trait line that might not fit is Illusions. They play a lullaby and put you to sleep. If that's not mind altering I don't know what else is. In your mind, other than put people to sleep, what else would you say a Bard could do?
  9. How I see it, the classes focused on: Strength and Physical Prowess: Warrior Conviction and Altruism: Guardian Possession and Otherworldly Magic: Revenant Nature Magic and Wilderness Master: Ranger Science and Ingenuity: Engineer Shadows and Cunning: Thief Reality and Mind Alteration: Mesmer Matter Creation and Manipulation: Elementalist Occultism and Contamination: Necromancer I guess you don't see how every class you mentioned already has a place in this game. What do you see a Bloodmage doing, that can't do in this game? Same goes for Bard, Paladin, Monk, or Cleric. And if it can't be done, you still don't think the classes you have in mind wouldn't blend well within a current profession if they made it an elite spec? I guess I'll never understand what your getting at besides color schemes and possibly animations. My Blood Mage is a Necromancer that use Dual Daggers and Scepter and War Horn, Well of Blood, Blood is Power, Signet of Spite, Epidemic, and Plaguelands.
  10. Okay, so Bards first elite could be the Air Guitarist, the second would be the Triangle, and the third would be Beatboxing or synthesizer, and when the player talks they sound like the Michael Winslow or T-pain. Every other instrument would be under core Bard. Is that what you had in mind? I think the reason would add three more classes is because people normally like symmetry and order. I still wish I knew what you thought was missing and how you envisioned the classes. You thought you would have to write a thesis and mis-spent your time debating than explaining in a way others can understand. I think Bard as it's own profession is a bad idea. There's a reason why they got rid of Dervish, Ritualist, Paragon, and Monk from GW1 and came up with the Revenant. Those classes didn't stand strong alone, could be represented in other classes, and were versatile enough for the system they created. I don't think Bard has a better chance fitting under Mesmer, Thief or Ranger, than being it's own class. I don't think it has much to do with money. I just think it's in their plans. If they add another profession, I think most people would be shocked. I think it's more likely for them to add a new playable race or hired NPC, like they did in GW1. We'll see what the future holds, I hope you can exclaim to the world that you told us so.
  11. Let me play into the whole idea of adding more classes. I'd say we should start off with either adding a new armor class or adding a new health level, so either we creating 3 new classes per health bar or 3 classes per armor type. Let's go with armor type. This new armor class will be Unarmored and all they can wear is Outfits. No, that wouldn't do. Okay, how about we start with health pools and we add a new medium health to Heavy Armored we add a new High health to medium armored and we add a medium health to light armored. Yeah... that'll work. Okay, let's now come up with the theme for the class. We'll create the Paladin for Heavy Armored, the Monk for Medium Armored, and the Bard for Light Armored. What's the Professional Mechanics and Specializations for these? The Paladin have the color of White light, and his mechanics will be he'll have something like adrenaline where it builds up when you attack get triggered when you press F1 -F5. Based on your race, it trigger something correlated to a racial skill. It's Specializations will be Prayers, Convictions, Tenets, Faith, Dogma, the Elite would be Cleric, Cavalier, Crusader For the Monk will have a tan color, they have an profession mechanics where they randomly changes fighting Stances and if you press the F1 on a particular stance, it stays in that stance for a brief moment, but then rotates between the other two until the skill select come off cooldown. The Stances alternate from Tai'chi, to Shaolin, to Pacifist. Their Specializations are Counseling, Deep Thoughts, Close Quaters, Pilgrimage, and Higher Purpose. Their Elites are Healer, Teacher, and Vagabond. The Bard will have have a black color effect and a professional mechanic that's like metronome, and F1-F5 are different notes. The different Grandmaster traits unlock different songs you know, so if you play a song correctly it causes different conditions on foes or buff on allies. The Specializations are Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, and Bass. The Elite would be Poet, Mime, and Conductor. I think this is what everyone would be looking for.
  12. I was looking at other video rpg. BDO is simply just more visually stimulating, but I could easily lump them into GW2 currently profession system. Archeage is more like GW1 and actually does less with more classes, where GW2 does more with less. ESO does less then GW2 but, I think, captures the look and feel you are looking for. I been playing RPGs (tabletop and video games) for years, so I'm not basing the game off of other video games that came before it. I'm simply thinking of the classic trope, from movies and books, and putting in perspective of it's own lore. I think they did a phenomenal job creating the class system they have. I'm not going to say I'm not open to any changes. I'm just willing to work within the box, before trying to work outside of it. I think every fantasy archetype can fit within these 9 themed professions. Does adding a 10th really serve a purpose? Can we really not see which of the 9 it's close to? It's so different it needs it's own box? Are there any other classes out there that would fit in it's box or is it an outlier? What Specializations would it have? What Elite Specializations would it have? Right now we have a solid 9. High health to low health. High armor to low armor. From Might to Magic. From Natural to Technological. From Worldly to Otherworldly. They cover the spectrum imo.
  13. It sounds like you're main issue is Color Schemes. You want Guardians to have more of a yellowish skill effect than blue and Necromancers to have a purplish skill effect than green? Okay... if that's what looking for. I thought there was some mechanics missing, but you just want the skills to have a different color. I can agree that the Necromancer Profession should have a name change, but whether it's called Necro or Warlock, it's the same thing. It an Occult class at heart. I guess you'd also rather see skeletons or goblins instead of bone minions. I agree that Mesmers are illusionist, but they also offer more than just illusions. Those other things they do fit quite well with what a Bard can do and if there are things that you could describe that's missing, I'm sure it'll easily fit within a elite spec. They could have a Mesmer elite specialization where instead of creating a clone, you create a musical note instead that flys over to an enemy and causes damage, confusion, dazed them, or distorts thier attacks from hitting you. You're right that they don't cover an entirety of any classic class trope. They touch on multiple ones in one profession. Each profession is an umbrella of a core theme. Each specialization (core and elite) in the game could be a class in it self, but creating a separate class would just be too redundant, which is what they do in other games, and why I love gw2. Since you being more descriptive with what's missing to you would be too much like a thesis, how about trying to create a build that reflects what you're looking for, then tell me what's missing? I understand it might not seem meta or viable to you, but try it out and see how it feels to play. Maybe that would help you be more direct and concise about what your looking for, other than cosmetics.
  14. I feel core Guardian fits Holy Warrior and Cleric well and Core Necromancer fits the Occultist/Warlock as well. So the question is what are you looking for, since clearly me and the Devs agree? What abilities or mechanics are missing? Everything, including color schemes are traditional to the themes. What does a Paladin, in your mind does that Guardian isn't doing in doing in this game? I feel they already covered Bards with the Mesmer. Are their musical notes flying over the screen? No, but the essence is there with Mantra Skills. Saying a phrase or singing a song are both incantation, causing an effect. It's all the samething to me. I don't need to see an instrument. Plus they have instrument weapon skins if you want to use them. I've been RPGs for years. From table tops to video games. I can tell ya, the essence is there. It's also fits in well with their lore. Everything that's not there can easily be implied with an elite specialization. I'd ask that you clearly explain what you think is missing, because I don't see what you're talking about. We'll go back and forth forever with our opinions without further clarification.
  15. I feel core Guardian fits Holy Warrior and Cleric well and Core Necromancer fits the Occultist/Warlock as well. So the question is what are you looking for, since clearly me and the Devs agree? What abilities or mechanics are missing? Everything, including color schemes are traditional to the themes. What does a Paladin, in your mind does that Guardian isn't doing in doing in this game? I feel they already covered Bards with the Mesmer. Are their musical notes flying over the screen? No, but the essence is there with Mantra Skills. Saying a phrase or singing a song are both incantation, causing an effect. It's all the samething to me. I don't need to see an instrument. Plus they have instrument weapon skins if you want to use them. I've been RPGs for years. From table tops to video games. I can tell ya, the essence is there. It's also fits in well with their lore. Everything that's not there can easily be implied with an elite specialization. I'd ask that you clearly explain what you think is missing, because I don't see what you're talking about. We'll go back and forth forever with our opinions without further clarification.
  16. I disagree. I think the 9 professions are perfect for this game. Adding more professions to this game would not work simply due to the lack of creative space they have with the system that they are working in. This includes the professional mechanics, class theme, armor classes, health level, and the trait lines. If they added a new profession it would have to fill a void and I don't see one. All the suggestions given looks like it would fit with an existing profession. I really don't get your point of the "new elite specs feeling the same as core". I beg to differ. They're similar, but different. What makes professions feel even more different are the professional mechanics. I think they came up with as many variations of mechanics with just enough space to add room for elite specs. Heck they're even slightly sharing prof. mech. among professions. To me, it seems they came up with a solid system. 3 armor class that varies amongst 3 ranges of health pools, where each class has a different playstyle mechanic that compliments a traditional class trope or archetype. Within these professions you can build a subclass that fits thematically using 3 of 5 specializations with 3 traits to choose, or you can add an elite specializations, adding a new spoke to this umbrella for a subclass which slightly alters the playstyle. What's amazing is, without the expansions, I can build 4 solid classic class tropes with just the core traits for each profession, where each one is drastically different than the other. I think we would have to break this system in order to create a new profession. So instead of thinking we need a new profession, think of how you can make your ideal character in the game that's created or, if they added a new profession, how could they with thi system?
  17. The closest thing to a bard in this game is a Mesmer with a strong Mantra Build. I think it passes as a Bard. I don't need to see musical notes.
  18. I think they have room for one or two more Elite Specializations for each profession. Having 5 elite specializations would not break the game and would truly allow each profession to be as versatile as they intended. I actually hope they have a total of 5 elite specializations and add a racial specialization to the game that boost racial skills and adds new racial skills for those that want to play a bit different and not be under par.
  19. I think they should give warrior a main hand shield and shield skins that looks like fists or cestus. That would work.
  20. I hope they add a new race. At least the Tengu. I also hope they make new racial skills and Racial Elites Specializations.
  21. Ever since HOT was released I was under the impression they would release an Elite Specializations for each core specialization they had per profession. I've gone back and forth on what each elite could be and what abilities thy would have, but since EOD, I'm more confident they would release at least 2 more expansions. The big question is, other than elites, what new features could they add to the game. I was shocked when they added mounts. Would they add a card game, like ESO, or a better rpg system like an alliance system? What's your thoughts?
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