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Everything posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. I don't see a purpose of adding a new class, especially the way you did in your hypothetical mean of estimating them. I think GW2 does a great job in: 1) Creating the 9 professions. Each profession has a distinct archetype theme and does a good job being an umbrella to the array of classes found in Fantasy RPGs. Each profession has the essence of a type of hero or villain in a fantasy story. 2) Defining the Traits. Each trait category, "Specializations", really captures terms used to describe each profession and to have traits that reflect the Specializations, really adds the sense you definition to your character. The fact that were picking 3 of 5 Specializations feels like we're picking subclass or variation of the classes. 3) The Elite Specializations is a really nice touch. Instead of trying to create a new themed class, the found a way of drawling the similarities between other fantasy rpg class with the professions and made them another spoke to the umbrella. For them to slightly change the playstyle, add options that buffed some core traits, skilks similar to other professions, and captures what the prof. was missing, make them feel like secondary profession from GW1. I truly can't think of a class that couldn't fit under one of the current 9 professions and suitable in this rpg genre. With the core traits and skills, I can find 4 types of significant builds and playstyles that that would have been whole classes in other games. Creating a new profession, at this point is totally unnecessary. They'd be better off creating new races, new specializations outside of professional, or creating more masterys. I would love to see alignment based masteries that helps with diplomacy and requires you to select the correct responses in conversation, plus bonuses from particular personalities types, to get aid in PVP or WvW.
  2. I hope for the same except, maybe giving Mesmer a Short Bow, Elementalist Long Bow.
  3. The lack of skills are clearly intentional. The missing 2 elites and missing healing skill would be nice if added, but I really think the intention is having utility skills you can't choose from.
  4. I actually like that the game isn't just pushing out more professions just for the sake of it, and if they did come out with new professions, I hope they would include each elite specialization with them. I'm having a hard time thinking of a profession theme that's missing. So far every theme is covered and what ever class is not present, I'm sure they could easily fit in an elite specialization.
  5. I thought Firebrand was the "Monk" in GW2. They have a lot of Protection, Healing, and Smiting Spells.
  6. I think your wrong about Elites being a flawed attempt. I think it's great. The only thing I wish they did better was coming up with better names for the elites. GW2 does a great job with giving a "secondary class feel" to each elite specialization. This way, they can better balance the professions, stick with the over arching theme of the class, and have better quality skills, instead of quantity, like I seen with other games where certain skills are like other and makes no since to even select.
  7. I always imagined GW2 getting a total of 5 elite spec. I guess I expected that they would allow each class to double down on each core specialization.
  8. If you watch the play through for the new expansion you'll see the armor they use, looks mighty Tengu'ish!
  9. Did ESO just throw shade at GW2. They're allowing players to play a Tengu in their next expansion, unlike GW2
  10. There could be some explanation to avoid adding Tengu, it just has to be better than doing these elites and the poor reasons in this post for me to accept.
  11. Wow, your interpretation of my words are definitely not how I intended. Being "real" typically means honest or sincere, not factual. This all is a matter of opinion. If I think that these elites were given the best concepts or the best structural designs, but were just weak implications I would say that, and they would simply need buffs. I feel that they were not given the attention needed and seems like they were halfheartedly done. That's my genuine opinion. It's not a fact. They could have bust their butts making these, but with all the suggestions for years in these forums, I feel players could have created a better experience. I'm glad they took some feedback and made some tweaks.
  12. I think, with them putting out these weak elite specializations, they should have made time to put Tengu into the game. Let's be real. There's only 3, maybe 4 elites that people are liking. That's Mechanist, Bladesworn, Vindicator, and Spector. Maybe Virtuoso, Harbinger, and Willbender are tolerable, but the rest need to go back to the drawing board.
  13. That's just what I'm referring to. I believe GW2 lost a lot of GW players because of their lack of commitment to GW players. I know a couple players that were die hard GW fans that started GW2, but didn't continue with the game because they "lost their character".
  14. "GW2 is not GW1 part 2"? It's not? So what is it? I swore they created GW2 once they realized they weren't creating any newer expansions for Guild Wars. In fact, they promised GW players that they could continue their progression from GW to GW2. I understand that this game takes place years after GW, but I do think this is the sequel to GW, not simply a game that takes place in the same world. This might not be a direct sequel or Guild Wars part 2 as you stated, but this also isn't "Guild Wars, too" which they could have called it if they wanted a game in the same world and not a sequel. So yes, this is Guild Wars 2.
  15. I would think all the Core Specializations do.
  16. Here's my feedback about the Elites- 1) Elementalist's Catalyst should change it's F5 from Jade Sphere to an Arcane Attunement, and make it's "Augmented Skills" Well Skills instead. Arcane Attunement would not change all the weapon skill for each weapon, but operate more like Celestial or a Shroud, where it just give you 5 new weapon skills, but when in this Attunement, you get Augmented Abilities when standing in a Well. You can also get different Augmented Abilities when standing in a corresponding Well of the same element. I think this is similar, but better for what they currently have. 2) Necromancer's Harbinger should have it's Elixirs be thrown to the ground, not swallowed, giving a poisonous area effects to enemies and the player's gains blight, another condition, and a boon. Each Elixir should interact with another, giving an additional boon based on the conditions you have, which could have been granted by another Elixir. 3) Mesmer's Virtuoso should have an off-hand Dagger, too. 4) Engineer's Machinist should have an F5 skill that one, brings the Mech to you, two let's you pilot the Mech, changing your Weapon skills while inside, and three, dismount the mech. I think this could make up for a lack of a Toolbelt and brings some control to positioning the Mech. 5) Thief's Specter could get rid of that sound effects on the weapon. 6) Ranger's Untamed should allow players to have new weapon skills available when they become unleashed for every weapon. Some people recommended just the Weapon 5 skills, almost like how stealth changes the Weapon 1 skills for the Thief. They should also make the Pet skills while Unleashed correspond to the Pet Archetypes and replace the pet swap for another ability. I would like to see the F4 be the Pet Archetype's "unleashed" skill when their unleashed, but when the player is unleashed you merge into the pet and the weapon skills are now the pets' abilities 1,2,3, Beast Ability, and the Archetype Ability. 7) Warrior's Bladesworn is a great idea. 8 ) Guardian's Willbender should be more fliud. 9) Revenant's Vindicator should do more than just give energy when the Alliance Stance is not selected.
  17. After the release of PoF, ANet stated that each Elite Specialization would have a penalty from it's Core State to keep the Core State viable and avoid the Elite from being "the better version". So what are the trade offs for each elite? Shouldn't it be stated in the minor adapt trait for the trait line? If you know what they are or have an idea of what it should be, please let me know.
  18. After watching the live stream, I think to fit in with the theme, the best thing they should have the Untamed Minor Adapt trait do is Increase the Power and reduce the cool down and condition damage of all weapons skills when the player is unleashed. I think this would make players feel the benefit of being unleashed with other weapons than the Hammer.
  19. I think they should make each elixir be able to interact with another where they can give you a bigger bonus based on a condition you have, and each one grants a different condition other than blight. Therefore it would encourage you to have more than one elixir skill, but you can't, clearly have them all.
  20. I thought Willbender was the elite spec representing monk...🤷🏼‍♂️
  21. I think WP is right in YouTube review. Catalyst should have a Shoud-shade like professional mechanic where they could put 1-3 wells down. They could still have to get built up like adrenaline to use, but having one just seems pointless. Plus that whole thing about Jade stone, or whatever, just looks and sounds stupid.
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