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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. Today this bug killed my character. It randomly stowed my pet when my soulbeast was downed, and of course that removes the #3 skill. So, no way to recover. ANet, you need to fix this NOW!
  2. NOTE: You can only loot the chest that can drop the signet once per day per character. Further, the same character cannot loot it at all if the last thing that character did was loot it, no matter how long you wait. You must perform other in-game activities. ANet doesn't say what kinds of activities, but I've found two that make the chest appear: Go to WvW and capture a camp, killing at least one guard in the process.Go back to the open world and do the Flame Temple Battles meta chain that ends by letting you into the Font of Rhand mini-dungeon.Both of these are reliable ways to reset the chest (but you still have to wait a day).
  3. My main point is that SB (before the change) was on par with the other elite specializations. Druid wasn't. Before SB, rangers were only useful as healer druids in dungeons (etc.) SB finally put them back as a playable class. Taking their second pet away nerfed them down to the level of the other two specs, but what was needed was to correct the other two to make it more in line with all the other professions.
  4. Actually, necros DO lose their minions in certain cases. In the Siren's Reef fractal, if they catch or pick up a treasure, minions are gone immediately. In the Snowblind fractal, if the elite icebrood ellegy's glacial slam attack hits the necromancer, all minions are destroyed instantly. (If just the minions are hit, they are not destroyed unless the damage would normally kill them.) If a necromancer with minions mounts, dismounts, and re-mounts in rapid succession, the minions are destroyed.
  5. Yeah, like cores. Compare it to other professions' elites now.
  6. Are you joking? Ranger didn't get a first elite specialization. Or, more accurately, they didn't get a legitimate one (one that can compete with other professions in open world PvE). And, ranger never was that good to start with.
  7. There is a way around this: go into soulbeast merged mode, and then exit that mode. Your pet will magically be activated. I think.
  8. OK, I sort of understand why soulbeast needed to be differentiated from ranger and druid. But, goodness, not by nerfing soulbeast! Ranger and druid are worthless in open world. Why bring soulbeast down to match, when you could have improved ranger and druid instead?
  9. OK, thank you. That means the dropped the power of some skills by a factor of 20. That seems absurd, but I guess that's the way they want it.
  10. I noted that just about every class and skill had its power coefficient changed, but I don't know what that means. It could be a multiplier or a divisor, which would mean drastically different things at the end. So, what is a power coefficient?
  11. Khisanth, do you remember how many days (roughly) you had to try? Also, did you have to take your character to WvW every day, to reset the DR for that event?
  12. I was just thinking: I do a key farm every week. But, that's not the kind of early-game playing you want to assist. Give me (as a vet) something to entice me to play those weekly characters further into the story. Additionally, give me something that gets me to bring along new players. These two things might have the added benefit of getting me to buy even more character slots. (And, along with that, more bag slots, etc.)
  13. THIS is the kind of communication I've been asking for (in those other threads). And, it's a good idea, too.
  14. That does seem to be the concensus: buying them is easier.
  15. This may not correlate. Lower revenue doesn't necessarily mean the loss of players. It could be that the player base is relatively stable, but just aren't purchasing anything. I still believe that players gravitate toward those events that bring them the most gold per hour and that those players never need to spend real money on anything as they have plenty of gold to convert to gems. I agree, but with provisos. WvW, PvP, and high-end content (hard-core) are the least populated in the game. Best guess based on surveys is a smaller portion of the player base. However, I suspect that the hard-core players average per player spending in the gem store is significantly higher than the spending of the more casual population in open world. So, while I don't think they should focus heavily on those players, they should probably focus more highly than they do on them. (See my post on finances and communication somewhere on page four.) You also have to think about how much effort it is to keep each player happy and spending money. If I were to wager, i would bet that casuals require significantly less effort to please and extract money from and significantly outnumber hardcore players. You could be correct, but I'll bet the hardcores spend more money when they get convinced. ANet would have to tell us the facts. My hope is that they are actually viewing them in a way that helps increase revenue. And most importantly, they need to TELL US!
  16. Well, I like the idea of a glyph for karma. Speed might be valuable, but it's not the only glyph out there.
  17. BTW, I'm not just sitting idly waiting for answers on this. I put three characters into Rhendak's room and two at Zho'qafa yesterday. I intend to leave all five there, and count how often I get these. I may even add a wiki research page for this. (If I can figure out how .... :))
  18. This may not correlate. Lower revenue doesn't necessarily mean the loss of players. It could be that the player base is relatively stable, but just aren't purchasing anything. I still believe that players gravitate toward those events that bring them the most gold per hour and that those players never need to spend real money on anything as they have plenty of gold to convert to gems. I agree, but with provisos. WvW, PvP, and high-end content (hard-core) are the least populated in the game. Best guess based on surveys is a smaller portion of the player base. However, I suspect that the hard-core players average per player spending in the gem store is significantly higher than the spending of the more casual population in open world. So, while I don't think they should focus heavily on those players, they should probably focus more highly than they do on them. (See my post on finances and communication somewhere on page four.)
  19. It may be an unfortunate casualty of the reduced staff, but it's still a bug, and this is where we can report them.
  20. Prices usually indicate relative rarity (and thus, drop rate). But, both of these have extensive hoops to jump through before you can loot the chest, which undoubtedly skews the TP value higher. Not sure about the Boss rushes. I'm more interested in the relative drop rate from the chests. Did people have to try for days, weeks, months, or even years of everyday checks? Thanks for the info, though!
  21. Does anybody remember how many tries it took you to get any of Rhendak's Chalice, Rhendak's Signet, and/or Pendant of Arah? I'm trying to get an approximation for the wiki, so if you know of anybody else who has looked into these rates, please let me know that, also.
  22. Did you miss "That time, it went for many days before getting fixed."? This time was only two daily resets between "fixes". If waiting for the daily reset was the fix, I wouldn't have posted. And, there are TWO fixes needed: the actual event reset (which they did yesterday afternoon, before the daily reset), and the bug that's allowing it to get stuck in the first place.
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