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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I can live with almost any map type. My problem is when the map is not navigable or very difficult to navigate. For example, Tangled Depths would be a fine map, but the complete uselessness of the mini-map there makes me hate the map. Give me a layered mini-map (i.e. tunnels show as tunnels, and not just more map with different decoration.
  2. No, you won't. Only when all players have logged out will you be out of the instance. I opened a ticket on this, but their response showed they clearly don't understand how bad this is. So you're saying that leaving a public squad will still keep you in the instance? That would be ridiculous indeed. Leaving any party/squad that's in an instance usually kicks you from said instance. If that doesn't happen in a public squad, someone wasn't thinking when they designed this. Thats the thing, public instance wont create party/squad and thats why it wont work like other instanced content. And that is the problem. There's no way out (unless everybody else also logs out or goes to a lounge). Oh, and once you're dead, you can't be revived, either. It really is a black hole and needs to be fixed. Yeah, it could be a squad without a squad leader when you join in a public instance. Then it would work lile every other instance.Except instances normally have a leave instance button. This does not.
  3. Quality of life items. Bag and bank slots, character slots, shared inventory slots, garden plots, that sort of thing.
  4. No, you won't. Only when all players have logged out will you be out of the instance. I opened a ticket on this, but their response showed they clearly don't understand how bad this is. So you're saying that leaving a public squad will still keep you in the instance? That would be ridiculous indeed. Leaving any party/squad that's in an instance usually kicks you from said instance. If that doesn't happen in a public squad, someone wasn't thinking when they designed this. Thats the thing, public instance wont create party/squad and thats why it wont work like other instanced content.And that is the problem. There's no way out (unless everybody else also logs out or goes to a lounge). Oh, and once you're dead, you can't be revived, either. It really is a black hole and needs to be fixed.
  5. No, you won't. Only when all players have logged out will you be out of the instance. I opened a ticket on this, but their response showed they clearly don't understand how bad this is. So you're saying that leaving a public squad will still keep you in the instance? That would be ridiculous indeed. Leaving any party/squad that's in an instance usually kicks you from said instance. If that doesn't happen in a public squad, someone wasn't thinking when they designed this.You CAN'T leave the squad. The leave button is greyed out. And, there's no leave instance button, either.
  6. Please re-read the OP's post: he's already in and dead, and the other members of the team won't quit trying.
  7. No, you won't. Only when all players have logged out will you be out of the instance. I opened a ticket on this, but their response showed they clearly don't understand how bad this is.
  8. I checked my account-wide magic find today, and found it to be 301%. I thought it was capped at 300%. Did the cap get removed? NOTE: This is just the displayed percent in the H display (achievement tab), not the calculated current value for any given character.
  9. Thanks, Cedo. I did look in News & Announcements, but I couldn't find it there. (However, I did NOT do a search, as that may have found it.) Thank you!
  10. I hunted around for a while, but I can't find them. Can somone please point me to them?
  11. Agreed. Despite not responding, you did fix it. Thank you!
  12. Pretty sure it's by design that others can't interact, since they're permanent. It's even hinted in the names of the items - Personal Merchant/Trader Express.(Edit: to be clear, I would absolutely also prefer if they were interactable by everyone! My point here is only that it's not a bug.) As for placement - design oversight isn't a bug. I very much wish "placeables" (like summoned NPCs or thing like Box of Fun) couldn't be placed within a certain radius of static interactable objects (like chests and nodes), but they clearly never created such a block. OK, I see: I thought he was talking about the consumable version. Apologies to OP!
  13. Its designed terribly though. If an event is required to access a space, and that event has bugged out since launch then that should be changed IMO, and this bug has existed since the map came out. I know of no bug. I've completed this event dozens of times, and never had a problem with it. However, it doesn't start at the PoI. It's an event chain that starts up by Arkjok Farmlands.
  14. Many of them can be used in the mystic forge. Not all, but many. That gives you (usually) one regular item for four of the trash ones. Occasionally, you even get one of higher rarity.
  15. I use Naga Chroma, and it's not very good. Responsiveness is excellent, but it randomly loses it's mind or scrolls the wheel for no reason. I recommend against buying one.
  16. I just want them to fix the bug that prevents most of them from being useable by other players. No need to make them invisible other than keeping them away from interactable objects (which is another bug).
  17. I agree. Can someone please flag this issue to ArenaNet?
  18. The Hero panel now defaults to the same page that comes up when you first log in. It no longer remembers where you were. I hope this wasn't intentional, and will be restored. The old functionality wasn't perfect, but it was a whole lot better than having to choose a tab each and every time you go into it.
  19. It's really sad, but it's just an offshoot of the game's death spiral. As Eloc pointed out, they're trying to mitigate it as much as possible.
  20. Set a skill that don't require a target as your auto, like a selfcentred AoE. Then the character will perform it as soon as it's off cooldown. Cool! I didn't know that. (And, that means I've reported some people erroneously, too.) Thank you!
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