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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. When trying to do the Forging Steel mission, there are gathering nodes. I and my daughter tried gathering from a few of them, but they only return ruined ore and ruined logs (we didn't try any harvests). Is this intentional?
  2. I guess we can stop responding to this question, since it's clearly a bug. Thanks, all! (Except for jokes. Feel free to keep posting jokes. :))
  3. Guessing you're both right. Hoping ANet lets us know for sure. Thanks!
  4. I've got a gift icon on the corner of my Black Lion Trading Company (BLTC) icon (9th icon in the top-left row of icons). The hover text says "Free Item Available!", but I've searched every tab of the BLTC window and can't find anything. Is there really supposed to be a free item available for pickup? Or, is this a bug?
  5. Just change the text slightly each time you paste it.
  6. My guess is you are referring to Heart of Thorns (HoT) and its masteries. Yes, they are obnoxious. It (and the difficult mobs) almost killed the game when it came out. But, the game survived and they learned a hard lesson. Path of Fire (PoF) masteries are much more in line with the stories. Very little time-gating. (NOTE: They also toned down the mobs slightly. Still hard, but no longer impossible as it was.) To tolerate the HoT masteries, I recommend taking three characters through it at roughly the same time. You'll get the masteries as they progress, and it's not nearly so boring as blasting random mobs until you get to the next one. I recommend one character of each of the three orders: Priory, Vigil, and Whispers.
  7. If the "neutral" middle man actually works with one or the other party, they can scam someone.
  8. Never retroactively change the droprate for something that is intentionally rare. Easy way to get people to get really mad because they dropped tens of thousands of gold on something just for other people to get it easier than them. When hundreds (or more) people every single day attempt to drop an item, and none of them ever does -- for years at a time, that's just wrong. Sorry, but I don't care about hurting the feelings of people who spent their wealth on something that's rare. It never should have been as rare as it is, period.
  9. OK, that sounds interesting. I'm not sure I would play that way, but I certainly can see the draw, especially if you have an audio/call program like Discord to use. Thank you for the explanation!
  10. Forgive me for asking, but what does "role-playing" mean in this context? I thought that's what we did whenever we play, but it seems to mean more to some.
  11. I have 3 characters of each profession, and I don't regret any of them. (And, yes, they're > 86% geared with ascended equipment.)
  12. Anet has already stated why player to player trading wasn’t made available in this game. I'm curious, was it to kill scamming? Because that clearly did not work :)Actually, killing scamming was the purpose, and it works perfectly. Nobody has been scammed within the trading post system in GW2. That's a what, let me add it up, gosh, a 100% no-scam rate. Yes, it clearly DID work!
  13. Well, it turns out that my password was exactly what I thought it was. It was probably just the glitches that the rest of the support site saw that day. And, my two requests probably went to the same trash can in the ether as those username/pw requests went. I'm happy.
  14. Still no reset email. But, my browser picked up the username and password. when I logged in. So, I'm in now. I still need to figure out how to reset the password, because this obviously isn't the best situation (not knowing one's password). But, for now, I'm good.
  15. RNG in a very literal sense CREATES the economy. In the context of drops, RNG is just shorthand for the chance of getting something specific. If every item in the game had a creature from which it dropped 100% of the time, that creates a massively different economy than one like this where there is a distribution of rarity. There would be no high value items at all - the TP would be a glorified vendor - unless you completely changed game mechanics (e.g. far far fewer drops, no end-usable things could drop, drastically increasing the cost, scope, and complexity of crafting, etc.) Getting the chance percentages right to create a good distribution where regular play feels rewarding and there are enough rare and ultra-rare items in the game to keep players grinding or rolling the dice is pretty much the whole job of the game economists. When people complain about "RNG" they mean that they think that it either shouldn't be random, or that the rarity is too high. But randomness and rarity are completely indispensible to a healthy game economy. What I meant was that the random nature doesn't add or subtract gold from the economy. It's a zero-sum game, except for the tax the TP collects.
  16. I've now sent two requests for a password reset with no response from the automated reset mechanism. What's going on?
  17. The price for both Rhendak's signet and Pendant of Arah are not just based on RNG. They're also based upon the difficulty of getting to the place where you can loot the chest. Regarding RNG and the economy, it's a fallacy to think that RNG helps (or hurts) the economy. The ONLY impact on the economy of the price of these items is the 15% tax taken when they're sold on the Trading Post.
  18. I can get to the home page of the support forums now, but it lost my username and password. I tried my regular game account and my wiki account, but neither worked. I asked for a password reset, but I still haven't received the email. Does anybody know what the account name is for the support site? Is it my game email? Or, the forum account name? Etc.
  19. The forums' font changed very recently. Hard to read. I tried zooming in with the browser, but the font stays the same size, so it must have been set to a fixed value (a cardinal sin in web-page construction). Please look into it.
  20. Everybody (or, everybody who has tried and reported back) is blocked from the support site at this time.
  21. I sent an email to the old support email address. They don't like using it, but .... Can someone who won't get warned or infracted for it please make ANet aware of this ASAP?
  22. I also am getting that same message. Serious outage, but there doesn't seem to be any other way to contact them.
  23. Every day, and not in low-level maps, either. I see this every day in Straits of Devastation during the Eye of Zhaitan meta chain. Yes, it needs a nerf.
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