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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I like the idea of making it more intuitive, but there's also the argument that having to learn things is a good thing, too. But, a feature I would really like to see is some kind of mentoring bonus. If a level 100 does T1s, it's not because he needs the loot. No, it's to help others. Can ANet reward T4 players who do T1s with extra loot (vs. what the T1s by themselves would grant), if (say) there are three people at levels 1-30 or something like that? If that's a good idea, how about the same thing for T2s and T3s?
  2. Why u bad at jumping bro? I'm GOOD at jumping, but can't get the hang of SAB.
  3. No, it kills me every time. That removes a heart, yes, but it also sends me back to the lobby.
  4. If you don't dodge that thing above the cage when it fires, you're dead.
  5. Thanks for the replies! Cyninja, I missed that; I searched for "cap". Thanks!
  6. I seem to recall that there was (is?) a cap on ferocity at 100% (1500 points @ level 80). But, the wiki page doesn't mention a cap anymore. Is there a cap on ferocity? And, is there a cap on expertise? The expertise page also doesn't mention a cap. (And for both questions, is it documented someplace I haven't been able to find?)
  7. Yes, she is currently wearing full viper ascended armor. To all: Chieftan Alex added a hugely valuable graph and explanation to the talk page on the wiki (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Condition_Damage). He also changed the footnote on the table to be clearer, and to have a link to the actual formulas uses. My bottom line is that I should change all my infusions to expertise, because my full viper gear set has "too much" condition damage when compared to expertise. I also changed my runes from soulbeast to afflicted (she does a lot of poison and bleeding damage). I might one day even look into swapping a viper piece or two for bringer, unless I hit a cap on expertise. (It's going to take a while before I can afford all the +5 expertise/+9 agony infusions I need.)
  8. Yeah, I have 1700 condition damage (CD). It appears I should have geared up expertise more than CD, but I'm not sure how I would pull that off. The only way to get higher expertise on gear is Bringer's, which doesn't have anything in CD. So, all the runes, sigils, and infusions should have been expertise-based, if I can find them. Does anybody know how they did the math? The function for CD is straightforward, but I'm not sure how they compared the percentages from expertise without actually including CD into the equation.
  9. Of course it makes sense. The SAB is an Asuran simulation created by Moto. You have a set goal, a path you must follow, secrets to discover on the way and a final reward for each zone, and each world has a final boss you must defeat. There are also achievements, a currency and collections. Perhaps you should watch one of the walkthrough videos, that might enlighten you. ;) http://www.tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/festivals/super-adventure-box I'll try that. Thanks
  10. I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it. There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you? Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra. But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails. You should look it up on the wiki. There's a compete walkthrough for all the rewards, unlocks, and achievements. There is quite a lot to do if you find SAB enjoyable and the rewards worth going for.I'll look again. I didn't find anything remotely useful the first time I read it.
  11. So it's the intersection of the two curves, with duration having stronger effect than damage past this point. So, at 1700, I should have switched to expertise at a much lower threshold. Thank you!
  12. THIS is my point. I have similar numbers, but the armor is completely out of reach right now.
  13. There are enough AP. You just want the full reward without doing all the "work". Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that.
  14. The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree. No, not stale. I've never figured it out. You sound like you need 2 things. (and no, I'm not being condescending.)1) A buddy to laugh with when you go through sab. First, pick someone at or equal to your skill. Otherwise if you are anything like me, you will feel crummy when they merrily skip through to the checkpoints and tell you to just gg. With someone your equal sometimes you'll get to the checkpoint first and sometimes they will. Having two people makes getting the glitches, killing beedogs, bosses and well, just everything else so much more enjoyable. EDIT: forgot, having a buddy also means you can exit, exchange baubles, and re-enter without losing any progress. 2) A guide so you know what to buy and when and where. The two above are for having fun while getting the achievements. If you only want the achievements, find someone better. You can even mostly get carried through trib. I admit I bargained my daughters to help me with trib, since I am awful at jumping, but it was frustrating, not fun. That said, I do adore the mode in regular difficulty.That #2 seems like a good idea. But, I looked on the wiki before asking here, and it also didn't make any sense to me.
  15. I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it. There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you? Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.But there doesn't seem to be any point to hitting things. No XP-equivalent, no loot, not even death wails.
  16. The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree. No, not stale. I've never figured it out. What exactly don't you understand? The routes? how to jump? The hidden rooms? There's nothing to understand when it comes to enjoyment..some like..some don't. You might not like it..and that is fine.. but if its mechanics..ask, I'm sure people will helpI got crickets when I asked in-game. That's why I'm asking here. (The online players may have interpreted the question the same way many on this thread did, though, and weren't interested in a philosophical debate.) What I don't understand is the objective. In PvE where I play, it's to kill things and gather loot while performing tasks the game assigns (events and missions). You gather loot WHILE doing other things. But in SAB, there's nothing to pick up, nothing to defeat, no missions or events, and you only get three lives and no hit points (everything one-shots you, and that's on rookie mode). The graphics are fine. It's nostalgic, and that's OK. The story is supposed to be simple, but THIS simple? There don't seem to be any objectives (as there would be in a meta, for example).
  17. This could be easily done, too: introduce new weapons that are functionally equivalent to already-existing weapons, but for different classes. For example, a sword usable by elementalists might be called "tai chi knife" (or whatever the Chinese word for knife is). A focus used by warriors might be called "brass knuckles". But, under the hood, they would just be swords and foci. The skins would be different, but the actual mechanics of them would be the same.
  18. But in eight years, it should be possible to get them all in any of the three modes.
  19. On the Condition Damage page on the wiki (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition_Damage), in the first table (titled Conditions), there is a column called Breakpoint. The footnote explains that this column "The amount of Condition Damage at which one point of expertise will yield the same increase as one point of condition damage." I do not understand that statement. What does it mean, please?
  20. The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree. No, not stale. I've never figured it out.
  21. What is the Super Adventure Box? Mad Asuran scientist creates virtual world - a game within a game. That's the short version. You should play it if you enjoy silly throwbacks to 90s-era 3D platforming games. It even comes with three difficulty settings, with the hardest featuring all of the technical jumping, blind pitfalls, spike traps, and boiling lava you love to hate from back in the day! But there are also achievements, titles, and rewards, including a set of ridiculous weapon skins in several colors, backpacks, minis, boomboxes that play SAB music (including some hilarious metal versions from tribulation mode!), and more! You might even get lucky and score skins you can flip for a few hundred gold! Thank you! This is the first response that actually answered my question. Thanks! I tried for two days to try to get a daily, but I just couldn't make any headway. Most of the time I got stopped by the first boss. But, I managed to make it through one time, only to find out there was 90% of that part of the game (path1?) left to go before I could get even one daily achievement. That's when I gave up trying and tried asking here.
  22. I didn't say "waste of resources". I just said I don't understand it. I KNOW lots of people like it; I'm trying to understand WHY.
  23. I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.
  24. And what makes SAB any more or less the heart of the game than any other content? Festivals are part of the game, and many players enjoy them. Nothing wrong if you dislike SAB, but it is an amazing part of GW2 that is part of the charm that keeps me and many other players interested in the game. If all you want is achievement points, the wiki shows that at best you can have about 670 achievement points from SAB so far. You can earn 15k achievement points for dailies alone. There is no shortage of achievement points in the game. And if you really only want the achievements, you can earn many of them within an hour or so of gameplay. Just do the normal mode achievements for completing areas, finding hidden rooms/shops, etc. With a guide it would not take long at all to get those, the only challenging ones are tribulation mode. Nobody is going to like every piece of content in the game, that doesn't make that content pointless. I have nearly 29,000 AP. What I need is another 7,000, and there aren't enough available in PvE (which is where I play). And, that statement INCLUDES SAB (which I can't make head-nor-tails of, so I gave up). There are less than 5,000 available to me (i.e. in PvE), and the vast majority of them are beyond my skill level.
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