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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I'm going to start a new thread with just the drop rate question, since the other is answered. Thank you!
  2. So, lance doesn't count either? That makes it three months, and that time period included Wintersday and New Year, hardly the time for new stuff. And isn't PvP getting something RIGHT NOW? I wouldn't know myself, but I keep seeing threads about something to do with Swiss.
  3. The Flame Legion Battles meta sequence of events is broken. It was also broken two weeks ago. That time, it went for many days before getting fixed. The same thing is happening now: the event "Recover the scattered pieces of scrap metal for Savor Foulnight" is not starting. There doesn't seem to be any in-game way to start it. I reported this in-game both times, and once via the support web pages. I don't know if the in-game report led to it getting fixed last time or not, but the support ticket was totally useless. They claimed they couldn't do anything about it. But, I let them close the ticket since it appeared to have been corrected. This is a huge problem. Two collections are directly impacted by this: Ad Infinitum and Treasure Hunter. Neither can be progressed unless you happen to find a mesmer who is already inside and is willing to port you, or someone willing to party with you so you can use a teleport to friend. Please check into this ASAP. Both into fixing this iteration of the problem, and also why it keeps happening. They both need to be fixed.
  4. I think almost all of the posters in this thread are focusing much too favorably on their own point of view. Financially, only one thing makes sense: focus the resources where they will lead to an optimized revenue stream. We can't see that data. And, neither ANet nor NCSoft is likely to tell us (although they should -- the game's life is at stake). IF they are managing things correctly, they are finding which players spend the most money on the game. Then, how MUCH money do they spend vs. the rest of the population? Once they know those, it is trivial to place resources into the right areas. It's simple math. The problem is that putting resources into game elements takes quite a bit of time to generate more revenue. They don't have that kind of time. Unless they start openly communicating that this is their intent, and what that intent is and how much they hope to make (in percentages, not raw money), the business will fail. There's not enough time left to hope they can produce well enough. They MUST tell the players what they're trying to do, and how they intend to do it. And then, hope that the players funnel enough money into the game to make this strategy pay off. The past history of communicating only the barest minimum of information will almost certainly kill the game. Even if they DO start communicating, they will need to rely on the goodwill of the players. But, without it, it's hopeless.
  5. So, warclaw doesn't count as an update to WvW (no matter how small)?
  6. I found the Pendant page (after I posted this). But, I still don't have a wiki entry for the looting cap rate. I know you can loot the Rhendak chest many times a day, because I've done it. But, what I don't know is if the signet only has a chance of coming up, say, once a day. Also, I would still like "best guesses" as to how rare the pendant and signet are. (1 in 100?, 1 in 1000?, etc.) One guy wrote on the wiki that he took about 60 tries.
  7. I thought about just farming gold for them, but that's a LOT of gold. I'm not that good at earning gold. Besides, aesthetically, it seems better to "hunt" for them, since the collection is Treasure Hunter. :) But, thanks for the other tip. Keep 'em comin' folks!
  8. I'm currently hunting a handful of treasures for the Treasure Hunter collection. For this post, I'm looking for Rhendak's Signet and Pendant of Arah. What I would like to know are: What is the chance of getting one when looting? (Does anybody know, or even have a good guess?)zis there a daily limit as to how often you can loot the chest at the end of the events? (Once a day? Infinitely often? Several times a day, but nobody knows how many? etc.)In both cases, it's a pain to get to the right place at the right time. So, I have a character camped out at each location. But, I want to know how often I should bother logging into that character to try the event. Thanks!
  9. OK, so I must have just come across some people who were louder than the average. Thank you!
  10. ANet, the meta event rush and boss rush were both brilliant ideas. There's only one problem: they took people away from other areas, but didn't really help the population of ALL maps with metas or bosses. I recommend doing many more meta/boss rush events, but focus them. Focus the rushes on specific regions or zones. One week, HoT meta rush. Next week, PoF bounty rush. Third week, LW Season X rush. Etc. There are tons of possibilities. If this were done, and there was some kind of schedule (like with dailies), it would help people complete metas and bosses needed for certain pieces of loot and achievements. NOTE: For a revenue increase: You could also create a gizmo that pops you to whatever rush is going on at the time, similar to the world boss portal device.
  11. PvE I do play WvW daily, but only for the daily rewards. I don't really like the atmosphere there, so putting in a lot of time there would be bad. PvP? It has the worst elements of WvW without any positive value (to me). I never go there, and likely never will. By the way, please note that the forum's population is not indicative of the game's population. The forum tends to skew heavily towards passionate players, which means WvW and PvP.
  12. I keep reading that the last couple of Living World episodes were terrible. However, I can't figure out for the life of me what they're talking about. I thought the story and action have been good. If you didn't like episodes 2 and/or 3, please enlighten me as to why not. I just don't understand.
  13. ANet has always been highly secretive about the game and its future. They are in a new environment. With the huge restructuring last year, they need to make fundamental changes to the game and their business if they want to survive. I believe more open communication is the most important missing element in their plans. Too many times we read "I can't speak about that" or something similar from ANet. Spoilers about story? Sure, keep those under wraps. Spoilers about the direction of the game? Open up and tell us. We're a forgiving bunch. We'll understand if you just can't complete what you thought you would. But, silence will, with 100% certainty, kill the game.
  14. I think we are slowly seeing this ceiling reached among many veteran players, especially those who occasionally spend money on gems. Reason I am saying so is I am in the exact same boat as you (frightening similar btw, I too have exactly 31 characters :o ). My main squad (core 9 classes) have maxed everything (most even equipment and build template slots), maxed shared slots, almost all utility items, maxed bank space, gathering tools,etc. Now granted we are a 2 player metric, but given I know some other longtime players are in similar situations in game, this might not be so far off. The game seems to have reached a spot where veteran players have nothing to actually buy (except for the 20th mount skins which will never see use, or the 30th outfit, I actually enjoy outfits). This would also explain the intent with monetizing gear and build templates, to have something to purchase for longtime players. Unfortunately many did not take to that convenience item (not blaming anyone, every one gets to vote with their wallet how they see fit). Make that three players, including the 31 characters.
  15. Doublecheck if you get two pulses of materials on your first gather - As I wrote in that thread it is not related to the Bounty glyph. Yes, this is it. Two strikes for the first strike on all nodes except lumber. Lumber seems unchanged.
  16. No, sorry, neither of those apply. I'll test again tomorrow and post again.
  17. It seems that the guild hall synthesizers are only giving two strikes per node now, vs. three yesterday. I can't tell if the number of items farmed is less, though. I looked up in the patch notes for the last few days, but there's no mention of it. Is this a real thing? Is it a bug?
  18. I don't think a tutorial would be useful, unless it were HUGE. There are SO many different kinds of break bars that it would take hours to cover them all.
  19. Nice dident know you could combine 4 of the 5x kits into a 20 one in the mystic forge nice tip mate. AND you can combine five 1-charge kits into a 5-charger.
  20. Oooh, how about underwater ... in Orr? Like where the dragon surfaced from (his old home).
  21. I once had 60+ salvages available to me, and no equipment. Other times, I have had to buy kits. They more or less balance over time, but it's pure RNG (random-number generation). Be patient. One thing helps me: when I get 5-charge kits and 1-charge kits, I save them up until I have 20. Then, I go to the merchant who gives you 20-charge kits for 4 5-chargers. At least it saves room in the bank. Oh, and always use your partially-used 20-charge kit until all the charges are used up. You can't use it as a 5-chargerer just because you've used 15 charges.
  22. Ah, the wonders of race conditions in multi-tasking systems. I learned about these in my early 80s computer classes. They were a problem then, and they are still today. This likely cannot be fixed given the way the TP (Trading Post) works. They would have to stop the current order, reset a new order with the partial quantity, and then sell again. But, the same thing could happen again to the now-smaller new sell order. The only way to fix it properly would be to put a lock on the current buy offer until your transaction completes. But, what if your offer isn't the first? They would have to implement a lock/unlock process, and that's REALLY hard to do in an EXISTING multi-tasking database (which the TP is).
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