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Hybrid Theory.7361

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Everything posted by Hybrid Theory.7361

  1. Another L weapon, what’s that, like 3 L weapons in a row for thief
  2. “wE wANt SUpOrt THieF, nOT anOtHEr DpS sPEc” now look at y’all, a mid support spec that gets out supported by everything else turned into a dps, tried to warn these people this was going to happen
  3. Don’t forget, gw2 players seem to be more sensitive than most games, call them a doo doo head and they make forum post about it
  4. Nah another useless thief spec, 3rd dps spec wouldn’t been more useful than this crap
  5. Since they said the e specs will be cantha inspired, my bet would be one of the envoys as a legend or go with vizu maybe
  6. keep it simple https://imgur.com/a/ijEjX
  7. Pretty happy the way this turned outhttps://imgur.com/fHnD6jW
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