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Everything posted by Heika.5403

  1. ahh, we found the FB main Pepegabrand*. Thief's tears ---- why so salty? Funny how I have only met 1 FB in 10 games - the rest were either tempest/core guard or condi herald /engi. Again - L2P lpease Do you have any resentment pending? This is a game, they are likely to come back from their ashes and fly over you at some point. You, like any other mortal, will not be able to revive once you are in your final grave. Without acrimony. Have fun until you'll be there too.
  2. It doesn't matter how hard you try to push in your profession. If stacking firebrands is what give you advantage, that will be preferred because the final objetive is win and defeat your enemy. If stacking quaggans is dominant, then people will all be quaggans. That is. The right proportion is to be seen. And yes, people will try different combinations of professions/specializations/builds but, at the end, will end playing what is more dominant even if that means stack whatever thing. That behavior will never change because the goal is to win. Only if there were different effective combinations in a balanced ideal world, could one see more diversification. But we all know that there is always something that discards by nature and that is why balancing is always eternal in someway or other with countless variables and more when new specializations, skills, traits and new ways of playing are added along the time, so that people do not get bored playing always more of the same throughout years and consequently leave the game. Something that, of course, they should continue adding and doing over time along with the upcoming new content in the future.
  3. Take Mirage, put a Sigil of Stamina on your GS; enjoy the light show, dodges, and Mirage related self boon generation. That Sigil of Stamina will only be as enjoyable against trash mobs that almost die instantly in PvE. If for some reason it outperforms in WvW despite the new lower damage reference there, the single dodge of Mirage and is a mandatory for Mirage, even if only outperforms with Mirage and maybe Daredevil, they'll delete that sigil from WvW ASAP or nerf it a lot avoiding you to chain dodges when some people instant die against blobs, warclaws, etc. That sigil doesn't exist in PvP and is strange that they still did not deleted if from WvW. Maybe they considered it not relevant with the actual high damage and forgot it for this balance patch. But will be their target and be deleted or be nerfed if they detect that it outperforms in WvW with the new lower damage reference. I already can visualize people complaining against it only due to Mirage and maybe also Bound from Daredevil, etc. We will see.
  4. Dont think they care about there not being a tradeoff in PvE They care, as all other specializations that already received their tradeoff, have them GLOBAL. Nobody from Arenanet has mentioned that the single dodge in PvP/WvW is the Mirage's tradeoff. It was only mentioned by players in the forum. So the Mirage tradeoff is still pending. The single dodge is a competitive nerf that will make it undesirable to play in PvP/WvW. The real and GLOBAL tradeoff who knows... Maybe wil make it clunky too in PvE or undesirable to not let the Chronomancer feel lonely as an unplayed specialization outside the niche raid and only by few players where ren/fb are preferred now. We will see when they do the rework.... I believe that Firebrand is still pending too and i can't remember the other ones that are still waiting their tradeoffs too. Imagine that after the "Feel My Wrath!" proposed change, there are already people claiming a change/nerf of quickness in Time Warp, etc.... Yes, in PvE there are people like that too, not only in PvP. And surely that they'll often remind developers that Mirage and others are still pending of a rework with their tradeoff.
  5. But now you have to choose between the flat 15% of our Empowered Illusions, the new Bountiful Blades and this Vicious Expression trait. Before the second berserker added damage while you also had Empowered Illusions. At least, Mirage seems to leave the shave in PvE but, at the end, Chonomancer is clunky in all games modes, Mirage now with a single dodge in PvP/WvW, the lose of the stunbreak, etc, is another dead specialization for us. So all in all, we lose. A return to play core mesmer as consolation? There are more interesting professions and specializations out there to consider that. Some of the changes for other professions are really interesting. Our changes are meh. The only consolation that I have left is not to lose the Mirage in PvE, although surely now I will play more often other professions in PvE after the next balance patch. And well, no more mesmer in PvP/WvW for me as i play Mirage and i refuse to play it with a single dodge, Chronomancer is clunky and for old core mesmer there are better and more funny alternatives. Chaos, interrupts, etc, were also nerfed. It seems that core mesmer and portal bot is what remains, plus the PvE Mirage. That's all.
  6. The trait is no longer a stunbreak.The trait offers increased condition cleansing.The trait still causes exhaustion, at a reduced rate (say, 1 s in PvE and 2 s pin PvP/WvW), and is triggered when a damaging condition is cleansed via dodging. (Or, alternatively, say, 1 s in PvE, and 1 s pin PvP/WvW per damaging condition removed. I understand the developers try not to make this a double-edged sword for the players, though I do consider my proposal reasonbly balanced. It makes the mirage better at handling condition damage, at the cost of its capability of keeping up offensive pressure on their opponents with a defensive maneuver. For the opponents of the Mirage, this means that condition pressure, while now causing less harm to the Mirage, provides a mean to give themselves a break and thus sustain better. At least such push and pull would be the dynamic I'd like to see in combat.I think this also fit the theme well. The class is mean to be elusive, so movement impairing conditions can be removed without further punishsment. On the other hand, damaing conditions will cost something to be dealt with. I think you have forgotten something very important... In competitive modes PvP/WvW Mirage will only have a single dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes" Maintain exhaustion will be an overkill. In fact, i doubt that that trait now can be even called a grandmaster for PvP/WvW. With a single dodge that grandmaster is a bad joke, 2 conditions removed every 10s at the cost of wasting your single dodge. And irrelevant in PVE. The use of mirrors is not viable to compensate as you almost never reach them in the right moment and also distract you of what you should be focused in the fight/combat. In fact, Mirage will be dead in competitive mode like the Chronomancer already is. Nobody is going to play a Mirage in PvP/WvW with a single dodge. That is a super nerf in defense and also in damage due to lose the oportunity of use one ambush/dodge to burst and still have other to defense if you must avoid damage. Mirage Cloak should have being balanced in another way like change the ambushes or change IH. Well, few more weeks and find a mesmer in competitive modes will be a mission impossible. Although sure some will celebrate it... about all those that will dominate the roamer and decap roles. Congrats.
  7. Except that this is way too harsh of a trade off, most trades off aren't as bad as this one. I don't think we're going to see any mirage anymore if this goes through, which is sad because id rather face a mirage than it being replaced by the one shot core mesmer or the condi core bunker mesmer, but it seems like we're heading in that direction A few things to keep in mind: GS had it's damage reduced. They likely won't be able to one shot you unless you've either taken prior damage or face tanked a GS4 without dodging the followup burst.Still unhealthy design imo, but it should be less frustrating to play against. Mirage losing it's dodge hurts, but given that the overall power level of the game is going down, Mirage may not be pressured into dodging defensively as often as before. Considering the dodge can be used while stuned, their dodges have more value. Stunbreaks and stability got nerfed across the board, so Mirage's dodge starts to look a lot better by comparison. We'll have to wait and see how the meta shapes up. It's difficult to make predictions given the sheer scope of the changes. For some reason the Elusive Mind change aren't in PvP/WvW notes, but Global version have a referece to PvP and WvW: "Elusive Mind: This trait no longer stunbreaks or inflicts exhaustion. Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 1 to 3 in PvE, and to 2 in PvP and WvW." So maybe the stunbreak is lost making that trait useless as a grandmaster. Also adding that to the single dodge make the Mirage undesirable to play. And less fun too, like they did with Chronomancer. Dodge is one of the basic mechanics that makes the gw2 desirable to play and unique against other games. Limiting Mirage to a single dodge is too much. There should other ways of balance Mirage Cloak instead of make the specialization undesirable to play and clunky, maybe changing the ambushes or looking in to the IH. When you dodge, you are timing it in the right moment. When you blink, etc. You do the same. As you are almost all time in movement, the use of mirrors in pvp can't replace the lose of a dodge, usually you can't reach them in the right moment and even distracting you of what you should be focusing. Now mesmer will have its two specializations erased from competitive modes as no one will play them. And it'll be even rare find a core mesmer as there is nothing that reward play a core mesmer with the upcoming changes against other professions and specializations. About all with the "improved" chaos skills and traits of this balance patch plus the previous patches. It is a clear example of how not to contribute to having a greater diversity in which to choose to play. Anyways people will play what end dominating as usual. That will not change with this balance patch. Another thing that i watch too is that, for the reason of tune all down, now a lot of traits are absolutely irrelevant and don't worth even consider use them. Perhaps is what it should be and rely only on the skills in competitive mode. But that could produce another problem. If the traits and skills from PvE and PvP/WvW starts to be different as it seems in several of them, then that could end with players making mistakes due to that when playing, as you must remember the effect of the version you are playing in each game mode. And many times, by the habit of playing more than one game mode you could end up making mistakes and losing the combat. Its strange because some of the traits that were not included in this PvP notes are in the Global version and mention PvP/WvW cooldowns, etc, in their changes. Not sure if those trait changes were missed here or if finally we are going to have different behavior and features between game modes.
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