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Everything posted by Raizel.8175

  1. Not really. Expecting people to do at least 7k DPS with several buffs during DE while decent celestial open world builds can easily do 10k minimum isn't unreasonable.
  2. This. My brain litereally shuts down during ranged Deimos since it's just spamming skills. Sadly, ranged Deimos is the standard in training, PUG and weaker statics. I'm at ~600 LI and ~100 Deimos KP now and never did Deimos melee because people tend to choose the easy option.
  3. Funny how people are already derailing the discussion with ad hominems and non-arguments. I dare say that it's a fact that there is a very loud (and toxic) minority on the forums that will criticise anything that threatens what you could call the status quo gameplay experience. The amount of hatred - and unreasonable drama - DE generated was baffling. Certain people in the GW2 community are very prone to drama in the first place and tend to exaggerate and generalize to an unreasoable extent. DE is one map yet its main meta event apparently signals the death of the game. There's a reason why the GW2 community is infamous for its drama-affinity in the wider MMORPG community. It's very difficult to find a decent compromise here without having people derail discussions on purpose. In the latest DE discussions, there were actually a lot of hardcore players that wanted to find a reasonable compromise between the different sub-communities. There were several suggestions people made which were implemented and made the event easier yet the loud (and toxic) minority we're speaking about here still wants the event deleted entirely and continues to use the few "git gud"-arguments that were made as "proof" that "all" hardcore-players are toxic elitists. I'm very happy that Arena Net seems to have matured and didn't nerf DE into oblivion since Arena Net does have a track record of overcorrecting. A few notable examples of the past would be Eater of Souls (PoF story) or Serpent's Ire. As the OP stated, this isn't limited to open world or story content. sPvP and WvW are also affected. Probably one of the most noteworthy examples of going from hero to zero would be Scourge which - arguably - needed some nerfs, but not to this extent. sPvP is in dire need of some new game modes apart from Conquest. If Conquest wouldn't be the only sPvP game mode, Scourge would never have received such amount of hatred.
  4. No idea why this hasn't made its way into the forum yet. We had a lot of complaints lately about how difficult it is to achieve high DPS numbers during DE and other content. This video will prove otherwise. I do hope that people will be open-minded and appreciate this content instead of hating on Teapot like usual. Edit: Part 2:
  5. Gameplay-wise, EoD is an improvement though? There are several people here who want the game to improve - into a game with more involved and active gameplay. Just because you apparently won't like that direction doesn't mean that there aren't any people who want the game to improve. It's an action combat game. Not using mechanics that require dodging would essentially mean to abandon a part of GW2s core identity. I mean, really... Where are you even playing that your ping is that bad? The thing is: These people are anything but casual. These people have hundreds if not thousands of posts and are hardcore too - just not in the classic way.
  6. I'm not and it's still a nope from me. Calling 7k DPS on average - a number which is probably even lower after the adjustments Arena Net made - a DPS check is quite a stretch. kitten? DE is basically the same as DS back in its prime. You weren't able to get into a decent map if you weren't there early and used LFG. What's wrong with using LFG in a MMORPG? If you don't even want to put that much effort into teaming up with other players, then maybe you shouldn't play a MMORPG. Yeah, they should.
  7. Sorry, but just nope. You can just use full DPS squads and still win with ~5 minutes left. 7k DPS on average isn't a lot with jade bot buffs and DE event buffs. The way Arena Net changed the event is perfectly fine. I'd rather have them fine-tune instead of - and they often displayed that behaviour - overcorrecting and thus nerfing the event into oblivion. DE in its current iteration is perfectly fine. This. Sometimes, people should just play the game.
  8. Could be a NA/EU-thing. EU ist actually pretty healthy. NA is supposedly really weird. Don't know where s/he's playing though.
  9. Aion was fun until and including 4.6. Afterwards, the game went downhill really fast with an ever increasing gear treadmill and ever increasing P2W monetization. Starting from 6.0, NCSoft predominantly released recycled and dumbed down content. I'm certainly not looking forward to Aion 2 - especially since it will probably be a mobile game anyway. If not that, it will most likely fail as spectacularly as Blade & Soul 2 - even their home market was mad about how aggressively monetized that game was. Aion didn't have underwater swimming. Aions schtick was flying.
  10. lol. Will never happen. Who'd believe a scammer saying he won't scam people?
  11. Questionable at best as it always depends on how rewarding an open world map is. If it weren't for Aurora/Vision and "Return to" Achievements, several living world maps would be throwaway content. One major complaint about living world has always been that you play the map for a few days for achievements and then abandon that map. S3 maps are basically useless at this point - especially after Arena Net streamlined trinket stat combination distribution and introduced Eternal Ice Shard exchange - which even made S4 kind of pointless. You can only split up players to a certain number of maps until the playerbase becomes too fragmented. I'm actually happy that IBS focussed on developing decent maps with BM and DC.
  12. Nice. One of those thread where people are complaining that they want item X from content Y, but don't want to play content Y. Classic. And complaining about doing HoT events? Seriously? Why are Chak Eggs such a problem? Just do the TD Meta a few times and you're done with that.
  13. Big Oof. Semantics, really? You aren't cooperating with your team mates in sPvP and WvW? Shared participation als has negative aspects: it kills the need for proper socialization in GW2, which brings us to the following: The degree of cooperation in GW2s open world content is very, very low - apart from some events like Triple Trouble or DE. 99% of GW2 consists of - even if it may sound weird - people playing "alone together" with other people because the content is - design-wise - too easy to force more involved cooperative gameplay. That's also why there's next to zero community building in open world content. If you really want cooperative gameplay in GW2, you probably want to look at organized zerging in WvW.
  14. Is he a bad person then, an evil person even? Why so? Are you not able to reason and discuss his arguments? Or are you just able to use ad hominems? It always baffles me how people get away with directly insulting people whereas I always get warnings for asking people if they think that their imaginary average player is mentally challenged - adult people should have a certain amount of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility and the soft skills to get by is this game without the games holding their hands. If he's that old, he should be mature enough to know that you won't get through life without conflict. There are always bad apples. Being miffed that severely after a single bad experience is kinda childish to be honest - especially since there are a lot of friendly squads out there who will explain mechanics and won't mind having one or two weaker players on board. I agree that younger players think more economically since society raised them that way through stuff like precarious employment etc. Rewards are a major driving force for fun nonetheless. Gold is very powerful in GW2 since you can almost buy everthing with it. There aren't that many exclusive rewards and even legendaries can be bought with gold too. That's why - contrary to most other MMORPGs - gold per hour has such a high importance in GW2. That's the problem with GW2 - open world content simply isn't cooperative. The game only starts getting cooperative in instanced PvE or sPvP or WvW. The cooperative aspect of open world PvE has almost been entirely killed off through shared participation meaning proper cooperation in open world content doesn't matter to begin with - apart from a select few events. That's also why people don't learn to properly interact with other players in GW2 which is a problem in itself.
  15. I won't deny that there were such reactions. There were also reactions though - the majority I'd say - that advocated for less RNG (less chain biting etc. pp.), reduced defiance bars on whirlpools or other improvements. Adult people. Adult people... No. Just look at release cadences for instanced content and sPvP or - even worse - WvW. We're talking about basics here and not rocket science.
  16. No. Reading your own skills and traits, thus knowing what you actually do, is fundamental to the game. Dodging is fundamental to the game - GW2 is an action combat MMORPG after all. Or do you seriously want to tell me that you get through story and open world content by standing "in the bad" all the time? CC and defiance bars are also a fundamental part of the game. You will literally fail certain open world events - even the proverbial loot-pinata in Amnoon - if you don't use CC. Because said group is a kitten to the overall GW2 community? They don't want to compromise. They insult anyone they regard as "toxic hardcore raider" - no matter how reasonable and compromising that person is - instead of arguing with said person. Just look at all these DE-threads. Even hardcore players have seen that DE needs changes and tried to find a decent compromise. The group I'm talking about though simply wanted the event deleted entirely. They don't want to compromise, they simply want to be "anti" and they constantly derail discussions. It's not working out because Arena Net was far to generous and folded on every occasion where stuff was a little more difficult. Teaching people that enough outrage will fix the problem by getting it nerfed into oblivion won't make people try to fix problems on their own.
  17. I know that social anxiety is an issue - but probably only for a minority of the playerbase. People are playing a MMORPG which should be inherently social. You aren't an island. You can ask people or - if you don't want to - at least ask "uncle Google". Some of the more hardcore farming communities which do meta trains also do instanced content. People can - and do, btw - ask people about game mechanics on these occasions. People just have to ask - even if that means that the mere act of asking is going out of their comfort zone. It's not what I deem fundamental. CC, reading traits and skills, dodging pp. is fundamental. I'm not talking about the general "casual" playerbase. I'm talking about these toxic forum people who claim to be casual and refuse any compromise between hardcore and casual. The people who downright insult people like Teapot instead of having a constructive discussion. Real casual people don't even read this forum to begin with and just play the game. The community already does - and quite excessively so with projects like the wiki, several builds sites like metabattle, guides and content on youtube or tools like arcdps, gw2efficiency etc. pp.
  18. True, but - coming back to the main topic of this thread - Teapot also discussed how that onboarding experience could be improved in GW2. Instead of giving feedback though, he gets kitten for being some sort of toxic hardcore elitist. People even outright insult him in this thread. How's that fair? No, they shouldn't. That would fragment the playerbase even further. It's perfectly fine to have some more involved open world content like DE which is - in its current iteration - a well-balanced compromise between casual and hardcore gameplay. The reason why it didn't work well in the past was because Arena Net very quickly gave in into outrage. Eater of Souls (PoF storyline) for example wasn't difficult. It just needed people to read their skills and somewhat get out of their very cozy comfort zone. No offense intended, but posts like these always paint a very dark picture of what people think is the "casual" player. The people playing this game are predominantly able bodied adults. As such, you should be able to expect some kind of self-suffiency and individual responsibility. They wouldn't have gotten through life otherwise. I do admit that the game should be reasonably structured - there indeed is some system clutter/bloat in GW2 that needs to be adressed -, but I don't see any problem with people looking up stuff on their own. We're not in the 90s anymore where you had to buy strategy guides for certain games after all. The game doesn't need to hold a players hand at every step. That's simply not how modern gaming works. I highly doubt that the game will be fine if the more challenging content dies. If every hardcore or semi-hardcore player would leave the game, content creation for GW2 will die. People who didn't want to interact with fundamental game mechanics will fail even the easiest meta events because they aren't being carried anymore. The game will turn from one of the most popular MMORPGs to a niche game. It may survive, but at what cost? Refer to paragraph 3 of this post. This sounds very insulting to me. Like I've said, the majority of the playerbase consists of able bodied adults. It's perfectly reasonable to expect some form of self-suffiency and individual responsibility from these players. You do have your typical RPG stats in GW2 and the build system also isn't all that complex. People also have the internet. It almost sounds like the solution to all problems would be telling people to use the brain they haven't used thus far.
  19. That answer is incredibly selfish. Even though most MMORPGs nowadays are incredibly solo player friendly, MMORPGs are still a multiplayer experience. That means that by being part of the community, just like in every other aspect of life, you sign a social contract with said community. You should be able to pull your own weight or at least try to. That's commonly called "basic human decency". If everyone would just not bother with fundamental game mechanics, we'd probably still fail events like Chak Gerent - or at least would only finish said example on the third and last DPS phase. It's a problem for the overall game and the game developers. If the majority of your players won't bother with fundamental game mechanics, what can you possibly do with the game? You'd have to design every single part of the game in an autopilot friendly way. That in turn would drain the fun out of the game since such gameplay design simply isn't engaging. It would further lead to a fragmentation of the playerbase and dead content - a problem which we already have since we arguably have too many open world maps. Just try doing Return to achievements or Aurora/Vision collection nowadays. Sure, it's okay during prime time, but if you don't play and try to finish these collections/achievements during prime time, these maps don't really feel like you're playing a MMORPG. Which would be? Engine, development team, funding? Is that any excuse why the lowest common denominator should limit Arena Net any further in game design? For a decent gameplay and difficulty progression which is long overdue. I'd say we have a very good difficulty curve for PvE content now starting in core Tyria, growing in the expansions up to EoD, then fractals and strike missions and lastly raids. You apparently still don't want to understand that this isn't about participating in a "race" but about fundamental game mechanics which would enable players to do decently well in open world content and take part in every kind of content the game offers - taking part in raids pp. is their choice, but the game itself should actually force them to be prepared for its content. It can, though? Like I've said: This is a MMORPG - a multiplayer experience. People should have some basic human decency to not be a burden to other players - or at least try to not be a burden by trying to learn fundamental game mechanics. Yes, people should enjoy the game. In a multiplayer experience, that also means that you need to know the games basic rules though if you don't want to grief other players and have fun on their costs. I don't want to convert anyone. I just want people to know about fundamental game mechanics. I admit that I may antagonize a certain part of the community. The thing is though that said part of the community is rather malicious and simply doesn't want to compromise on anything. This isn't about "advanced tactics", it's about fundamental game mechanics. If this is already too much, then people probably don't really want to play the game properly to begin with.
  20. These were actually not that bad if you had people who play the game as an actual MMORPG and talk about the timers so you can easily rotate on the map. Timegates are essential for MMORPGs to limit progress per day/week/month. That's especially important to have a somewhat cohesive community where casual and hardcore players aren't worlds apart from each other.
  21. Some people aren't even able to pull their own weight in (even the easier) open world content - flatout refusing to learn the most basic game mechanics. That's not what you call a "choice", that's what you usually call "leeching". And these people are the biggest problem GW2 has since - if you design everything around them - the game will just suck in the long term because the developer is insanely limited in what he can do. Arena Net finally goes in the right direction again with EoD and some people are hopping mad about it.
  22. Not really. The PvE amulet broke the PvP amulet - thus the PvE amulet shouldn't have been there in the first place. Conflux should've also been unique - just like Coalescence.
  23. Not necessarily if it forces people to play different kinds of content. GW2 is a generalist MMO anyways.
  24. Many people have the faulty conception that Asia = Asia, which is wrong. Aggressive monetization isn't looked well upon in all asian contries - it's more or less regionally limited to countries like KR and CN due to their culture.
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