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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. You win the thread. I never would have thought of this but now I want one badly!
  2. Fewer spikes Fewer butt capes Stop with the male-body-part-looking things hanging down in front. Seriously, the obsession with them is juvenile. I can't unsee that thing on Grenth's Outfit. More tight-fitting armor that isn't necessarily skimpy, although.... Skimpier options for male toons Shorter coats/jackets, fewer trenchcoats
  3. Agree about the Electro dyes. Don't forget you can preview ALL dyes on your toon including the ones you don't own, by choosing the "show locked" (I think that's what it's called) in the dye pane. That way you can pick what you like best, not just what's most expensive or what others like. Have fun! p.s. About Permafrost, I really don't see the appeal. It wipes out detail. So I'm perfectly happy with Celestial for white.
  4. I really miss the armor my Thief wore in GW1. It was sort of like a tight Catwoman suit with daggers all over it.
  5. OK, I feel so stupid in this story mission, the part where you're trying to kill the large Mouth of Zhaitan on the plateau after you leave the airship. I've killed all the other enemies on the plateau and only the MoZ is left but I cannot beat him. I've read board comments and watched videos, all to no avail. People say, "Just grab those fire things he drops and throw them at him when he inhales." There is no "just grab" about it for me. When I do grab one he attacks me so fast, knocks me down, and then burns me to death before I can get any damage off. Is he immune to all other damage, or can you get some damage in from a ranged weapon while he's inhaling? I'm playing an Elem and it seems like he's so much faster than me. Thanks very much. Tired of replaying this part a dozen times.
  6. This mini is in GW2 only because of GW1. If you want it that badly, play GW1. No one is forcing you to play it or not play it. But if you want that specific mini, that's the answer.
  7. Please, more complete armor skin sets, more often. There are some I want to get but the same ol' same ol' has been in the gem store for weeks. Thanks!
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