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Everything posted by Haishao.6851

  1. I killed the Risen Priest during the Mel defense I attended (got the champ box and all that), but I didn't get credit for the achievement. The entire event failed because people insisted on letting it fail by not killing the last few waves of mobs, so I don't know if full success would have counted. But just killing the priest didn't count for me. Yeah, I kinda implied that you kill the priest to complete the event linked to it. Sorry it was unclear.The priest alone is just a mob. But he is key to the event since it wont complete until he's dead. But if the event fails anyway, then I guess there's no achievement.
  2. Instead of bullying people and pretend they're the one ruining your game, you could have just killed the Risen Priest that shows up and get your achievement credit. Because that's what give you credit, not "capturing" The priest shows up in both defense and capture. Only one you need to actually Capture is Balthazar Temple. You need to capture of Altar of Betrayal to get credit. Balthazar temple cannot be defended infinitely though.
  3. Firstborn sylvari are the highborn elves of GW2.
  4. I still don't understand how people can find this fight hard at all.Just spam 1 and dodge back when he jumps and don't stand in the circle. Then repeat. Some open world veteran are a much bigger pain in the kitten than this "boss" ever was.
  5. And the supply is controlled by arenanet.
  6. Exactly. I want to enjoy a story for the story's sake. If I am spending all my time concentrating on the boss battle that is ALL I am paying attention to and the story is meaningless. Just as people say 'a nerfed boss in the story does not convey the import' I say the same thing about one that is artificially high. To me the point of the story is the story and any fights or whatever are just incidental things. If you like the fight that much there are plenty of boss fights in the game to entertain you. Say you are reading a James Bond novel. Do you REALLY want to read a 300-page description of a single fight scene or would you rather that scene was short and they got on to the next part of the story? This is a game, not a book. The story serve no other purpose than to bring us around and make us fight things. But you're lucky. Here's daybreak story without big scary fights.
  7. I think the difficulty in story is fine as it is now.I wouldn't mind if it was made a little bit harder, but not with gimmicks. I prefer fighting the boss than the room. Scruffy would have been nice if the invulnerability phase was reduced to a single one and put at the very end of the fight. They could have made scruffy hit harder and take a bit more damage to make the fight shorter. Warden Amala was fun. I liked fighting a dervish boss who could switch into every avatars. Branded Wyvern was just a low tier introductory boss so there's nothing really to say about it.
  8. https://streamable.com/lhuw4 And even without that, the EoS barely heal at all anymore.He is the definition of nerfed to oblivion.
  9. Swashbuckler's Cove could be skipped with experimental rifle already so being able to skip it with mounts doesn't change that much.
  10. The definition of “gambling,” unless changed by statute, consists of any activitywith three elements: consideration, chance, and prize. If any one or more ofthese elements is missing, the activity is not gambling.Consideration can have many different meanings, as we will discuss shortly.But, in general, there is no “gambling” unless a participant is required to risksomething of value.http://www.liebertpub.com/media/content/IGL_02_p11-52.pdf
  11. like ayumi said, it's bad unless you want them all.It's not as bad as it could have been, but comparing with worst only gets you lower every time.
  12. There was an interesting piece on Gamasutra last week by Ramin Shokrizade about the subject of gambling in games and how ESRB pretend it's not.https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/RaminShokrizade/20171031/308600/How_the_ESRB_is_Promoting_Childrens_Gambling.php
  13. "Joko the inevitable, the last primeval king, Joko the undying, the scourge of vabbi. Joko the feared, Joko the beloved, Joko the eternal monarch of all" -Palawa Joko
  14. uguu My ele on the left, with a friend's necro: https://i.imgur.com/CWJkWtC.pngMy necro: https://i.imgur.com/YxZS9wW.png
  15. Have you tried checking the LFG or announce your group in LFG?
  16. Is it only me or the wardrobe issue isn't fixed ?The patch note said:"Fixed a bug in which some Path of Fire™ reward skins were hidden in the wardrobe until they were earned." But I don't see any of the PoF items except what I already have and also cannot see recent Gemstore items like Abaddon's Mask, Largos Fin Backpack, Swaggering Hat, and Foefire Greaves.I cannot see the new Lunatic armor either. Edit: I just found out I can actually see the lunatic armor in wardrobe, but I still don't see other items. I'm also not sure if lunatics items appeared after I unlocked a first one, I don't remember seeing them yesterday after the patch.
  17. I killed it in one minute with my mesmer no problem. I believe there is even a video somewhere too.There is
  18. I think when people say to go with someone they mean as a follower, so you become the little spirit thing and can stay away from the fight while the other person kill it. At least it's what I meant when I suggested that in other threads. Pretty sure it's what Vayne meant too. I've done it as a little spirit with my friend 2 days ago. At first I was trying to stay away but then he rushed to me and I figured I could just dodge and the fight went fine.My friend very rarely play, if at all but still killed it in 5 minutes or so. I think it helped him a bit that the EoS focused on me so often.I wanted to post the video in that other thread but it was already on page 2 so I didn't. It's most likely fixable, they probably just didn't find what exactly causes the disconnection at that particular place.
  19. I'd love to see it back too but it did look bad in certain armors. I don't think I've ever read why they removed it. I'd prefer if they made a new idle animation instead.Something a bit in this style maybe https://a.pomf.cat/xnmzhv.webm
  20. The griffon CAN fly upward. Stop saying that. You can go upward If you dive downward first. Which mean you have to be at good height already.
  21. I think it was fine. 250 gold isn't expensive.Would be stupid to have pvp achievement for something that is pve only.
  22. I did read the thread and completed that mission 3 times already.I was obviously not implying that you would be the one with the skills. First, they can make efforts to accommodate as many people as possible, currently they aren't doing that with this design iteration. I also love how you skipped analysing the suggestion and went straight into misinformed talking points. Second, as above, any friends you have join are useless spirits that can't help you in the souleater fight. Thirdly, I beat the fight on the first try and I have the mental capacity and empathy to realise many people won't be able to beat the boss at all as is and that needs to change. First, They already do accommodate as many people as possible. You're obviously not the target audience if you think they're not. Second, If you're already useless with all your skills, there's no point pretending you should be the one leading the mission. You join someone able to kill it and watch.Third, I have no empathy for people who constantly ask for everything to be nerfed. I have no problem helping people through stuff they're unable to. There's plenty of stuff I am unable to do myself either. But I hate people who ask everything to be brought down because they refuse to try harder or get help. "muh mental capacity "Many people are illiterate. Lets turn books into toddler image books to accommodate them?
  23. Nothing can be soloable by everyone. There's always some people at the bottom who find everything too hard.Ask someone to help you if you're so completely unable to.
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