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Julischka Bean.7491

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Everything posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. I my problem is in a fight of 10 people everyone has to pull their weight or get kicked...I would never recover emotionally from that...maybe...never got kicked so I don't know for sure. In RL I am strong, but having a commander tell me to get the pancake out of his team would be...not sure what the word for the emotion would be. Sad, devastating are close. I do a lot of the world bosses as I am not in a team for that. I also have been known to tag along with the Dragon's Stand meta...not one commander has asked me what I was doing there, so that is good. ...Yes. A solo player in full ascended. I admit I am strange, but by golly, I want to play 🙂
  2. Hello all. I have been on the fence about writing this, but here I go. I am a solo player who plays every day with great gusto. Unfortunately, I am uncoordinated and would never want to inflict myself on others. These new dailies...will they have some solo friendly things to do? Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that they will. I am not asking for all of it to be solo friendy. Just enough to be able to earn enough to purchase things. Lisa-hoping the devs do not forget about people like me. Edit-I got a confused face on my post. I would hate for all the dailies to be filled with things like "Go do strike missions" I would be kicked from the group so fast...
  3. I just bought the presell, and can confirm that you do get another slot. So happy 😇
  4. I truly hope so. That would be a bright spot in this expansion.
  5. I am doing the presell thing despite being full of terror that I will not have a 6th bonus/relic because I am a terrabad player who would bring down a squad...which means no fracs or strikes for meee. I am also maxed out on character slots, and every character has been through HOT, POF, and Cantha for Hero Points...Please devs, I am happy with what I have...please don't rip it all away. Having to farm to get back what I have on so many characters....BRRR I also have ascended armor for many loved characters. How is this relic system going to work with ascended? So many questions. But, I am going to take the plunge and hope that it will all work out 🙂
  6. If I am not made to quit because I do not do Fracs and Strikes...I will prebuy in a heartbeat. Devs, are fracs and strikes required for what you put into relics ala what is now known as the 6th bonus of Runes? Or will crafters be able to sell these things on the TP so people like me will not be left out ? That would be fine as frog's hair with me.
  7. I got my Skyscale. I shed tears, met some nice people, did the collections and patted myself on the back when I was actually able to do some of the jumping puzzles. Now, years later, I am ok with the newer people having an easier time of it than I did. Their journey does not make mine less meaningful.
  8. What scares and alarms me is I think it said you have to do fracs and strikes to unlock the 6th stat bonus What if you are a mostly solo player? Does this mean we will have no way to get the rune bonus we already have and enjoy? I don't want to be forced to quit this game. It is my happy place. But I don't know how I can stay if I cannot get the relic I need which is speed increase. Deep unhappy sigh. Oops..wrong thread. Please move. I was so upset I did not read properly.
  9. Hmmm....why are high level players in low level areas? The biggest reason I can think of is map completion. Normally, when I see low level players, I go to another heart and return after. But, on the topic of level 80s playing without curtesy in low level zones, as much as it absolutely pains me to say this, there are two hearts that turn me into the type of player OP is describing. (1) Help Guard Barnaby-Queensdale. (2) I am not sure what this heart from the darkside is called, but it is found at the Nolan Waypoint in Diessa. These two hearts can turn me into a SUPER BRAT! I grit my teeth and proceed to get done as fast as possible no matter who is in the area...hating myself the whole time. There are three others I dislike intensely , but don't make me transform into the player OP described. So, OP and others who have the bad fortune to encounter me on these hearts, I truly apologize.
  10. As well as taking a pic with my phone, but as Andifulated said, recreating the sliders takes time, and, sometimes I cannot get them exact.
  11. As someone who is maxed out on Character slots, I would love this randomizer added to Total Makeover Kits and/or the Aesthetician. I deleted a character last night, and played around for many happy hours with this Randomizer. There was one sample I would have loved to have on a character, but sadly, my memory for facial settings was lacking...I was quite tired at the time. Had it been in a Total Makover Kit, it would have been mine 🙂 All mine 🤗
  12. I agree. This morning I fought each of the Three Bosses in Escape from Lion's Arch with my Mech. With having to keep alive, I saw that I was constantly losing sight of my mech, which made me wonder how far away she, my mech, was from me. When the changes go live, would I find myself doing 50 percent less damage? Then I realized that I do not know how encompassing the radia of 360 is. How will I know if I am still within the sweet zone? I see bad things arising 😞 Hopefully, I am just being a drama queen 🙂 We shall see...but I am serious. How will we know we are within 360 from our green friend?
  13. Thank you Anet so much for this outfit! My Asura now have long, luscious hair!!!!!! I am so very happy. For those who don't know what I am yapping about, the helmet of the new Outfit in the Gemstore adds long hair 🙂 Beautiful hair. Lisa-Happy, happy customer
  14. Thank you ShadowCatz and Gibson. I feel a little less worried now. I have soloed all the Canthian HeroPoints with all professions, so I might be not as bad as I am making out to be, but I still feel inferior to everybody 🙂 I am hoping with all my might that when balancing, Anet realizes that we are all not young whippersnappers with young whippersnapper reflexes who can one shot the Target Golems...or whatever they are called 🙂
  15. I am very hesitant to join into this thread, but I do have feedback and worries, so I am joining in. First I solo. I solo because I have poor hand eye coordination and do not want to bring a team down...that and I am shy. Devs say that they are going to reward people who can play their professions well...what if I I can't, no matter how much I try, perform the necessary requirements...will I be unable to kill things because I lack young whippersnapper reflexes???? The Devs also say they want to make things fun. Fun for who??? If they make things fun for those who have young whippersnapper reflexes and love a challenge...well...for me, that does not seem like anything I would have fun with. I am worried. Very worried.
  16. Ashantara !!!!!!! That is it!!!!!! I maxed out fishing for that vest and I wear it on a lot of my characters. I don't usually play human males and have/had not seen the bug reports so when I decided I was going to turn one of my human females to male...that is when I noticed the bug in all of it's glory. By my aunt fanny's undergarments that bug is bad.!!!!! If I may, can I ask a question... When I saw your answer, I pelted downstairs, logged into the human male, transmuted his vest into something else and the difference was night and day...my other characters of other races don't seem to have this problem with the vest...is that correct?? Is the bug a human thing, or is just not as noticeable on other races. I will look for myself with new eyes when I can log back into the game...but in the meantime, I would really like to know. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you again. Lisa-shoving her caretaker hat back on 🙂
  17. A fun idea would be for Anet to give all players a new character slot. This way, when the floodgates open to all the new steam players, the vets could be leveling along with the new players. Just an idea I had.
  18. Ok. Trying this quote thing for a second time. Yoni, I sallied forth into PVP/WvW...forgot which to get my wolf pet. I got insulted!!!! I got killed!!!! All I wanted was the wolf... Tell me again, why I should go somewhere where I get insulted, demoralized, and murdered? PVP players going into PVE, might find it boring but they will not be jeered at as I was, and they will never, ever be killed by a fellow player. Not the same.
  19. Yoni. I left my comfort zone to sally forth to get a wolf in PVP or WvW...forgot which. I was insulted, and killed. Brrrrrr. Armor is nice, but it is not meant for me to have.
  20. Yoni. I left my comfort zone to sally forth to get a wolf in PVP or WvW...forgot which. I was insulted, and killed. Brrrrrr. Armor is nice, but it is not meant for me to have. Please ignore this particular response of mine. I have never done quotes and did not think it was working...it was and posted twice..yikes !
  21. Hello all I was looking for a new face and hairstyle for my male human when I saw something simply horrible. The head and neck are different shades, and, the head truly looks like it was pasted on to the neck without any blending. Am I crazy? Has it always been this bad??? I went around trying to peer at other character's head neck, but, after trying for a bit, I felt like I had a bit of a fetish, so I came here. I am hoping, with all that I am, that this can be fixed. Lisa-sad
  22. I would love to see chonky kitty all the time. One man's trash, is another mans treasure 🤗
  23. Hmm...right now I am crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and anything else that can be crossed that they fix Warrior so that my guildy will return to the game. He is protesting the changes to Banners by not logging in 😟 Reverting the hurt done to warrior banners, and, maybe adding a fairy dusting of buffs for Warrior is what I would love, love, love to see next in Guildwars2 Ohhh...I would also love it if we could change stats on our ascended trinkets. Since discovering Marauder, I no longer use Berserker, and so, I have a lot of Berserker trinkets just growing dust.
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