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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:I'm really sorry that some of you are unhappy with this change. I'd like to reiterate that the decision was based solely on our concerns for player security. Theories about alternative motivations for the change are completely baseless.

    I notice at least one person state that those who used the system were fully aware it was an "at your own risk" situation, and that every user would be aware of any security risks that they were taking on. I have to dispute that. I don't believe that everyone knew of the risks, nor that every single user willingly accepted them. It would be provably inaccurate to state, "I knew it was risky, therefore every other user knew that, too."

    As stated here, we have no objections to players using multiple accounts, when that use follows the proscribed limitations. The change today was decidedly not a means of trying to limit or halt multi-boxing, nor was it developed as a means of inconveniencing those who play with multiple accounts. If you are inconvenienced, we're sorry. But security > convenience, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.

    Using the option to remember username and Password is great, but the problem is.. when you get the connection error screen.. it erases the Password field so you have to retype it again each time you see that error, this isn't just an inconvenience, this is a headache.

  2. @mtpelion.4562 said:

    @mtpelion.4562 said:May I recommend that you folks obtain a password management tool like KeePass to store your credentials? It will allow you to have insanely complex passwords that do not need to be remembered because it will type your username and password into the login fields for you when you are ready to switch accounts.

    I use something like this, but the problem is copying and pasting for each account, when with LB you could just click multiple accounts and hit launch instead.

    The one I use has a function where I can right click on the entry and it will then put the username and password into the fields for me, so you don't have to manually copy and paste them separately.

    Is that what Keepass does? or do you use something else entirely?

    Yes, I can do that with KeePass.
    1. Open the program/browser I want to log into
    2. Right click on the KeePass entry for the account I want to log in as and select "auto-type"
    3. Watch as KeePass enters my username and password and logs me in

    The only hiccup is when people either use a 2 stage username/password setup, or insert things between the username and password fields in the tab order, but that's not a fault of KeePass but of the inconsiderate incompetents who don't know how to design a proper UI and KeePass does have some options to help you get around those (similar to coding a macro just for that program/site to ensure that your data is being transferred properly).

    The problem is.. you can't right click on the gw2 launcher :(

  3. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:I'm really sorry that some of you are unhappy with this change. I'd like to reiterate that the decision was based solely on our concerns for player security. Theories about alternative motivations for the change are completely baseless.

    I notice at least one person state that those who used the system were fully aware it was an "at your own risk" situation, and that every user would be aware of any security risks that they were taking on. I have to dispute that. I don't believe that everyone knew of the risks, nor that every single user willingly accepted them. It would be provably inaccurate to state, "I knew it was risky, therefore every other user knew that, too."

    As stated here, we have no objections to players using multiple accounts, when that use follows the proscribed limitations. The change today was decidedly not a means of trying to limit or halt multi-boxing, nor was it developed as a means of inconveniencing those who play with multiple accounts. If you are inconvenienced, we're sorry. But security > convenience, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.

    What about a way to store multiple login information inside the client, that you can just click a drop down menu and hit play?

    This would make a lot of people happy, and it would still keep the information secure.

  4. @"Malfrador.3615" said:Add a new command line option "-skipLauncher". This way the account information would be stored safely, but the important part of these two arguments, that the game starts directly without you having to do anything, would be restored. This would of course not help with using multiple accounts, but it would help at least partly

    Isn't that what -nopatchui does already?

  5. @mtpelion.4562 said:

    @mtpelion.4562 said:May I recommend that you folks obtain a password management tool like KeePass to store your credentials? It will allow you to have insanely complex passwords that do not need to be remembered because it will type your username and password into the login fields for you when you are ready to switch accounts.

    I use something like this, but the problem is copying and pasting for each account, when with LB you could just click multiple accounts and hit launch instead.

    The one I use has a function where I can right click on the entry and it will then put the username and password into the fields for me, so you don't have to manually copy and paste them separately.

    Is that what Keepass does? or do you use something else entirely?

  6. @mtpelion.4562 said:May I recommend that you folks obtain a password management tool like KeePass to store your credentials? It will allow you to have insanely complex passwords that do not need to be remembered because it will type your username and password into the login fields for you when you are ready to switch accounts.

    I use something like this, but the problem is copying and pasting for each account, when with LB you could just click multiple accounts and hit launch instead.

  7. @Aeon.4583 said:I did a suggestion to add some form of Black Lion upgrade to existing Rare gathering tools, to promote them to Exotic with two Glyph Slots. But, speaking about Glyphs. Currently there are two types of glyphs: Aditional gathering Results and Improved Gathering Process.Glyph of Industry, Glyph of Flight and Glyph of Bounty can be of same type of Glyph and can't be used together in Tools with two slots.Exotic gathering tools can have one slot for 'Adiitional gathering Results' Glyphs and another for 'Improved Gathering Process' Glyphs.

    Simple ex. You can have Glyph of Tailor + Glyph of Industry or Glyph of Scavenger + Glyph of Bounty. But, you can't have Glyph of Industry + Glyph of Bounty, or Glyph of Tailor + Glyph of Scavenger.

    Glyph of Industry + Glyph of Industry.. lightning speed gathering :grimace:

  8. @Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

    @Vegeta.2563 said:I would even pay for gems if it's per tool upgrade. There could even be a restriction of not allowing the same glyph twice on 1 tool.

    I just feel like 1 glyph slot is lackluster and needs some love <3

    How is it lackluster to have the ability to get some kind of bonus on
    gathering tool, as opposed to only specific ones?

    Once you go Industry, it's hard to use anything else. It feels so slow to gather.

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