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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. 2 hours ago, ninja sloth.2658 said:

    Does this mean that the new recipe will be the same as the old one for the slumbering version, or the old one for the awakened version? If it's the old recipe for the slumbering version and just gets upgraded to the awakened version for free, that means that all the hours players like myself spent grinding out our automated tournament wins to upgrade slumbering Transcendence to the awakened version was for nothing, and the visual effect is being devalued.

    So I see it like this..  Right now you get Slumbering Transcendence as the first part, and then you upgrade it to Transcendence.

    After the update.. instead of getting Slumbering Transcendence, you now get Awakened Transcendence as the first part, which then you can upgrade to Transcendence itself.  The vendor they plan to add which will allow you to trade in the Slumbering versions for the Awakened version (so you can toggle the effect).


    I would assume all recipes would remain the same.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

    Why not just make trinkets transmutable skins like armor or weapons? Or give ppl a chance to exchange their pve trinkets with another legendary versions of it 



    Edit PS maybe thats also why communication after feedback should be not a full year break silence before 1 week warning time before publishing a so big feature 



    This would work if trinkets had any "skins" to transmute them to.  Right now it's only the legendary effects that are counted as "skins"  The only exception is Backpieces (if you even count those as a trinket).  On top of that they would need to create a new section in the wardrobe for trinkets alone, and take the time to create these skins.

  3. 2 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

    No after armory you will only be able to make the non slumbering version, they are also removing the unique tag from conflux so you will be able to use 2 of them, just dont finish it before the arnory or you might have to w8 for the vendor.

    Since you will be able to add 2 Conflux to the armory, why not just turn 1 slumbering into Conflux just a few hours before patch, that way when it goes live you can add both instead of waiting for the vendor to upgrade slumbering into Conflux (which who knows how long that will take to release, could be weeks).

    • Like 2
  4. On 7/7/2021 at 3:02 AM, Briadonis.8907 said:

    So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?


    Mesmer portals still work, but the mesmers need to know where to place them to avoid loading screens.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

    People are calling it free because there’s no monetary cost that we’re aware of. The others required you to craft the gift of fortune amongst other things. 



    "Double-click to gain the legendary amulet Prismatic Champion's Regalia"


    Basically says it right on the final item you get for all 24 parts.  It doesn't say anything like gain a piece in order to craft.. it just straight up says you get the amulet.

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/9/2021 at 11:12 PM, Kolzi.5928 said:

    Great post. I have a clarification I am seeking, and a question/suggestion.


    1) Will it still be possible to combine non-bound sunrise and twilight to create eternity, and use that to unlock the skins of sunrise/twilight while recouping the cost of eternity? (I am rather hoping the answer is "no", to be honest, because I have always felt that completely undermined the whole point of eternity, but it does sound like it will be "yes" - I am glad at least that people won't unlock the item in the armory).


    2) On the issue of the raiding legendary trinkets, could you perhaps make "slumbering" versions of those trinkets which are also unlocked? It's not exactly elegant (especially when you've just removed the slumbering workaround for other trinkets), but as long as it's a different item, it seems usable? Obviously I respect your decision on priorities and I think it makes sense, I just thought it worth bringing up as you didn't mention it as an option in the original post and it seems to me something worthwhile to pursue if it isn't too difficult.


    Thank you for the communication!


    I can try to answer 1..


    From what I read.. when you add Eternity to the armory, it unlocks all 3 greatswords.  If the item you have is not account bound and can still be traded, it will not be added to the armory.  So you should still be able to forge sunrise and twilight to make eternity.  If you have sunrise and/or twilight added to the armory, you will get a token that can be used in replacement for the forge recipe to make eternity.


    **Edit:**  I forgot to include, that the tokens you get for sunrise or twilight.  When you craft Eternity from them, Eternity will be account bound.

    • Like 2
  7. 52 minutes ago, Lucien.6395 said:

    Guys, sorry question I'm using google translator. But I have Aurora and Vision made in storage and I really made them because I think their effect is really awesome. But I gave up when I saw that it takes 77 clover + 250 MC. So I decided to finish just the Achiviment, and I'm trying to make the Conflux Achiviment so I would do all 3 at the same time. I think the effect is kitten.

    My question is, already create Aurora and Vision now, or wait until the 13th? Answer me please, 3 days to go.

    You can make them now.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Serpiente.4510 said:

    Stupid question. Don't know if it's been answered yet. I know you will be able to retrieve 7 runes and 8 sigils, but how many do you need to actually own to be able to do that? Would be silly if it's only 1 of each, right? Do you need to own 6 runes and 4 sigils... or?

    You need to own 1 for each slot you plan to use.  You can't clone 1 rune for say 6 pieces of armor.. you need 6 runes for 6 pieces of armor.

  9. 40 minutes ago, El Barto.8947 said:

    Fantastic news for Eternity owners!


    Hope you don't mind me asking about a other edge case, but what happens with Conflux and Slumbering Conflux?


    I would assume it would be treated like any other Legendary separately.  You can use Conflux and Slumbering Conflux both at the same time, and if you want you can disable the effect from Conflux.  As long as you add both of them to the Armory.

  10. 2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Are you using d912pxy? If you are try using dxvk instead. d912pxy breaks often with patches and today there was a patch. One of those patches was to fix a server crash, the other for a story achievement.


    Using 0 addons..


    Got the error message though..


    error: assertion: "..\..\..\Engine\Gr\GrBound.cpp", "(m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.x) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.y) || (m_sphereRadius + TOLERANCE >= m_boxExtent.z)", 94

    • Like 1
  11. 42 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I assume that the Legendary Armory will work in a way that legendary armor, weapons and upgrades (i.e., runes and sigils) will get stored in an account-wide storage so that all characters will have access to them and be able to use them at the same time. (I hope that we will be able to give them different skins per character, but that's a different topic.)


    Now, I was wondering: Will there be a way to salvage leftover weapons, upgrades and armor sets?


    For instance, I have two Bolts, because I needed two legendary swords at one point. Or all the legendary runes and sigils I crafted for use on separate characters that will now likely be shared, which means I will have many spare ones left in this new scenario.


    It would be great if we got a way to dispose of them (apart from the delete option :classic_wink: ) and get some valuable materials back.



    I would assume you would need to contact support if something like this isn't added.  As far as two bolts, I don't think they would help considering two of the same 1 handed weapons gives you twice told legend when carrying both at once and talking to Historian Dozza in DR

  12. So with retal gone.  Support classes that don't actually hit people no longer get bags.  In general the amount of bags that drop is significantly lower.  In a 2 hour period pre-patch in a 30m SMC fight I would end up with maybe 100-150 bags, on a DPS class.  Post-patch, I didn't even make it to 30 fighting the same group within the same time frame.  I can't even imagine how bad the support classes have it with next to no bags..

    • Like 2
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  13. I don't agree with awarding pips for killing people.  This could be abused in so many ways.


    Instead award pips for taking only tier 3 structures that are being defended with even or more people than your team in that territory.  If you are the defender and you fight off even number or more people than your team, you get the pips instead.


    However I'm not asking for something outrageous like 25 pips per take / defend.  Maybe something like 10 pips.  After you reach you pip cap for the week.  Any tier 3 takes or defends will result in 1 skirmish ticket instead with no cap.  So you can still earn tickets if you wish to play beyond Diamond Chest 6/6.

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