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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:


    • Rune of the Mirage: This rune set no longer grants 3 seconds of superspeed when using leap finishers, but instead grants 5 seconds of superspeed when using an elite skill. This effect has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

    It never did grant superspeed?


    Did you mean Rune of the Zephyrite???


  2. @"Oxylus.7985" said:I assume this has been covered before at some time, but we know that condi heavy builds cause server lag. We are in a more condi-heavy meta ATM which means more lag. I don't think Anet can just get faster EC2 instances to make it better.

    See this from ancient history for some background on the problem.

    My (only slightly tonue-in-cheek) proposal : nerf all condis in WvW and make it a power meta. Problem solved. :)

    Just to highlight a part that was stated from ANet back in 2013...

    We’ll be going through almost every skill in the game over the coming months and optimizing them one-by-one. This in itself will make an extremely large difference, that when that patch note comes through, expect a very different WvW experience.

    I don't think they ever did this for HoT or PoF skills to fix the issue.

  3. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:That being said, were against a large WvW oriented server and last night (reset ofc) I havent seen skill lag like I had in a while

    How about lagging so bad.. having a 1 single burn stack on you that is blinking like it's going to go away but the timer doesn't actually count down, but yet you still take damage per second.. because the damage is local and not server side :(

  4. @Khisanth.2948 said:Did Amazon ever have a region in New York? They only have Ohio and N. Virginia right now and there is no search results for them closing a New York region which implies there has never been one.

    For EU it is in Frankfurt both before and after moving to AWS.

    I was implying EU players playing on NA servers. You know.. that time of day that comes after SEA.. before early NA.

  5. @"phokus.8934" said:That is not even remotely the problem. The AWS servers can be scaled automatically which I’d bet ANet utilizes. The real limiting factor is that GW2 is on an old game engine which has been discussed before with an ANet server programmer on Reddit.

    The old game engine only factors in fps issues, not network. The problem is.. is that the servers the game are hosted on aren't strong enough to handle the amount of skills being used at one time in a single map when the population is high enough to hide miniatures.

    Also the game engine problem is the actual game itself you install locally on your own PC, not something the servers have physically installed, but since you like reddit so much. Found the quote. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cuikws/this_is_the_sort_of_thing_the_wvw_community_has/exvqaqx/

    Quote with graph: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cuikws/this_is_the_sort_of_thing_the_wvw_community_has/exvuufi/

  6. @Pifil.5193 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:I would prefer to see them move
    all Amazon servers worldwide. Aren't there other providers that are better suited and provide a better server performance?

    I doubt it. The amazon servers are very powerful and they provide an excellent service, otherwise ArenaNet wouldn't have chosen them.

    What do you think is wrong with them?

    The problem is Amazon servers are essentially virtual machines. This is why no actual specs are provided for them, and that the CPU power needed to handle such ping and skill lag issues getting worse and worse, just isn't strong enough. Hopefully once alliances comes out (whenever that is)... they will have figured out the performance issue on this.

    However there still remains that one main problem. Desync issues when engaging on a large group of people without having everyone randomly just run in a straight line past you as you realize you are close to disconnecting (aka desynced).

    1. The network routing for a lot of people to get to the Virginia servers is worse for everyone besides people on East Coast and in EU.
    2. Moving them to the West Coast, people in Australia wouldn't have as many connection issues and wouldn't desync as often as they are now.
    3. Asia regions would have better ping as a result.
    4. Yes ping for East Coast folks would be a bit higher, but it's way more manageable than trying to play on Australia when the servers are in Virginia.

    About the EU folks, they have EU servers for a reason and would have better ping playing on servers closer to their location.

    After GW2 migrated to East Coast (Virginia), the OCX population as a whole in this game has dropped a lot. Moving the game to a more centralized location for everyone involved would help improve ping issues, and make most people happier.

    Your thoughts :grey_question:

  7. @stuffles.6734 said:This happened to me yesterday, seemed to help if i first unequipped the weapon, ,re-equipped then added legendary sigil and selected what i wanted..but a long winded way of doing it

    You can just right click the weapon you have on.. remove the sigil.. right click weapon .. choose customize and choose the blank legendary sigil and choose the sigil type. I find that works faster.

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