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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. @Coldmail.9672 said:Yes ALL chests.No I'm not in the same instance and it doesn't matter.

    From my extensive knowledge of how AB works. In the past I've landed on 2 different instances that shared the same IP. I could loot from 1 but not the other because I had looted from it 2 hours previously, but on the 3rd time around when I landed on a completely different IP I couldn't loot it. Depending on how many times it was already done, there could quite possibly a hard cap on chests per day no matter big or small (I never ran it enough to find out). Even though you can sometimes loot the big chests more than once a day. After a certain number of chests have been gathered, it could quite possibly cap the rest of them out.

  2. @Ubi.4136 said:The golems walk through walls and attack people inside structures. CC'ing them.They can be given barriers so they live longer. Sure, it takes from players, but the golem itself is a 50k barrier, so /shrug.It's totally broken in it's current iteration.

    Pets and also mesmer clones take up those slots as well, and also go through walls.And chances of golems actually getting barrier is small because the radius (at least with the heal), is only 240.. if attacked just once that golem is off on its own away from barrier.

    The idea behind golems is to mess with targeting. In order to beat the group running them, you have to single target focus down squishy players (revs, necros, core guards), and try to kill them before they can signet rez.

  3. @Heibi.4251 said:Please take a serious look at either banning its use in WvW or changing it's stats massively. 3-4 minute cooldown, 30 second lifespan, 5000 to10,000 health, and no CC(in WvW). Thank you for your time.

    So what you are asking is, extend the respawn by almost 3-4 times longer, and cut the health down by almost 5 to 10x the HP amount. Basically making it 1 shotable, and worthless. No I don't agree with this at all. At the very most the only thing I agree with is the damage reduction from the CC ability. The only other rune that can compare to this is Eagle, which is 10% more damage to targets under 50%. If golem CC is an issue, maybe support classes aren't properly rotating skills? Does anyone ever record their WvW footage for everyone to go through to see how well they played? Any arcdps logs to check stability and aegis uptime?

    Personally I would rather not have it get nerfed based on someone's ability to play properly. And no I am not pointing fingers directly at you, but it could be a handful of people that were playing with you that weren't performing optimal.

    Edit: Also tested. The golems also absorb nearby boons and cleanses. So if people are running them and someone has a 10 target ability (like warrior warhorn). It will first prioritize the 5 people in that warrior's party, and then it spreads randomly.. so golems might get them as well, making is so the people that need them the most might not get them. So at least for 10 target abilities it's hurting those.

    My suggestion: That same guild you were talking about running golemancer runes. You should try fighting against them and ask them to not use the runes and see how things go.

  4. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Vegeta.2563" said:Here is the problem with Throw Mine
    1. It's invisible to enemy players, both the projectile and the aoe effect. So dodging it is very unlikely because you don't see it coming.
    2. Unblockable makes it so aegis can't stop it, and it cannot be reflected so the only thing that you can do to avoid it is dodge.
    3. Being that it removes 3 boons, means it has a very high chance of removing stability and you still get knocked back.
    4. It is more powerful (utility wise) than holo elite
      and has the shortest cooldown for a 5 target CC from any class.
    5. It starts recharging before using detonate, making it basically an even shorter cooldown.
    6. It is the only 5 target skill with unblockable, cc, boon removal with the shortest cooldown.
    7. Bonus: Mine Field toolbelt skill that comes with Throw Mine has the potential to remove 25 boons total if 5 targets in 180 radius are hit by the mines, and has 15s cooldown if running tools traitline.

    The skill is very powerful, and the cooldown needs to be looked at in the very least.

    You are spreading some misinformation here.
    1. As far as I know, the knockback applies first,
      the boon removal. Meaning that dodging is not the only way to avoid the knockback, stability works against it since it doesn't get stripped before the knockback applies.
    2. Mine field does
      potentially remove 25 boons, since every mine just removes 1 boon. Notice: not one boon per target hit, just one boon. Mine field just removes 5 boons in total, regardless of you hitting up to 5 enemies with every mine.

    It is not as powerful as you are claiming.

    I'll have to do some testing later on with a few guildies to see how accurate the knockback & boon removal sequence is.

    I was told by several people mine field was 5 mines, each mine removing 1 boon on 5 targets (more testing for later of course).

  5. Here is the problem with Throw Mine

    1. It's invisible to enemy players, both the projectile and the aoe effect. So dodging it is very unlikely because you don't see it coming.
    2. Unblockable makes it so aegis can't stop it, and it cannot be reflected so the only thing that you can do to avoid it is dodge.
    3. Being that it removes 3 boons, means it has a very high chance of removing stability and you still get knocked back.
    4. It is more powerful (utility wise) than holo elite https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prime_Light_Beam and has the shortest cooldown for a 5 target CC from any class.
    5. It starts recharging before using detonate, making it basically an even shorter cooldown.
    6. It is the only 5 target skill with unblockable, cc, boon removal with the shortest cooldown.
    7. Bonus: Mine Field toolbelt skill that comes with Throw Mine has the potential to remove 25 boons total if 5 targets in 180 radius are hit by the mines, and has 15s cooldown if running tools traitline.

    The skill is very powerful, and the cooldown needs to be looked at in the very least.

  6. DPS meters help improve overall group dps and show you what you are doing wrong. DPS meters aren't the reason why some raid groups are toxic. That is just their own stupidity in thinking you can get exact dps in a raid vs the training golem. So what if you are behind by like 4k dps. If the boss still dies that's all that matters.

    Btw people that usually get kicked from a raid group are the people that fail the mechanics more than 5 times in a row.

  7. @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:How much of a discount? Because the 32 slot bags cost around 125-180g to craft. You're going to kitten off a hell of a lot of people if you suddenly make them significantly cheaper in WvW.

    Well considering if you add in skirmish tickets, let's say 50 tickets for 24 slot, 100 tickets for 28 slot, and 150 tickets for 32 slot, at maybe 30% gold cost reduction of the normal 32 slot bags (not reinforced boreal). The same cost reduction from crafting the 20 slot bag in PvE vs don't some WvW and buying it for 7g and 350 badges of honor. Which would be around 184g to make the 32-Slot Courier's Locker, so the cost for the 32 slot bag in WvW would be estimated around 125g. Reinforced Boreal Trunk is only 116g to craft if you farm the Eitrite Ingots instead of crafting them, but you need the achievement done and recipes unlocked to do that, and a full time WvW player isn't going to bother with that stuff.

  8. @aaron.7850 said:Necros have been topping the damage meters in wvw for years. In many cases, by 300% to 400% the amount, dwarfing all other classes considerably with their god-tier Scourge build.

    Welcome to being balanced, enjoy your stay.

    Hammer Herald????????

  9. So for those that don't know.. The target cap was 5 before the first patch hit. It was reduced to 3 targets.. and now even nerfed to 2 per shade.. And why greater shades have a target cap of 2 (meaning max u hit is 4 with shade on yourself)? There's no point in running scourge at all anymore and just replace them with heralds, and let spellbreakers do the boon removal.

  10. @Kodama.6453 said:

    Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into
    . Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait.

    Abrasive Grit: Granting an ally a barrier removes conditions afflicting them and grants might. This effect only occurs with
    barrier from scourge skills and traits
    .Vampiric Presence: You and your nearby allies siphon health with attacks. This effect increases while in Shroud

    Auto attacking (if at full health) removes conditions?? oh boy :joy:

    Doesn't seem to be how this works.

    Abrasive Grit specifies that it just works with barrier from scourge skills and traits. Blood Bank is neither, it is a
    trait, not a scourge trait.

    This is anet though, it will probably be one in the same.

  11. Blood Bank: This new trait replaces Vampiric Rituals in the Blood Magic grandmaster slot. It causes healing over your maximum health amount to be converted into barrier. Regeneration effects do not trigger this trait.

    Abrasive Grit: Granting an ally a barrier removes conditions afflicting them and grants might. This effect only occurs with barrier from scourge skills and traits.Vampiric Presence: You and your nearby allies siphon health with attacks. This effect increases while in Shroud

    Auto attacking (if at full health) removes conditions?? oh boy :joy:

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